I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 112


Wen Qingling went downstairs with two tall and strong zombies. Among the vehicles downstairs, he chose a military vehicle with no burden.

The experience of the sixth district told Wen Qingling that the military vehicles in the central giant city all had regional signs, and they should have made an article on the license plate number, otherwise they would not recognize at a glance whether they were military vehicles in their own district.

Wen Qingling was driving, and two 2-meter-tall zombies ran on the ground. Their plump belly was about to catch up with the "butcher", which just happened to teach them the importance of losing weight.

In order for the two zombies to keep up, Wen Qingling had to slow down.

Wen Qingling contacted Lu Tianjin, "How is the situation?"

Lu Tianjin was following Dafa when he heard Wen Qingling's voice, so frightened that he almost rolled over on the spot.

"Still, still following, they didn't stop."

Wen Qingling: "Where are they going?"

Lu Tianjin: "I don't know, they are heading east."

Wen Qingling: "To the east? Are they going to Yunjing City to end themselves?"

Lu Tianjin: "..."

Although I don't know what they are doing eastward, they definitely won't be to end themselves.

Wen Qingling shouted to the outside of the car, "Speed up, hurry up, don't delay things!"

Lu Tianjin: "???"

Slowly speed up and try not to delay things.

In Shuangfeng City, the three-way melee continued.

The white Roshan is on one side, the corpse beasts are on the side, and the army in the third region is on the side. There is only one white Roshan, and its vitality is very tenacious. Also fast enough.

On the contrary, the corpse beasts and the human army suffered the most casualties, and the army suffered the most casualties.

They have numbers, weapons, and brains, but the only thing they don't have is antibodies. In front of the white meat mountain and the corpse beasts, all of them are crispy skins. As long as they scratch their skins, they will be infected. It is very unfavorable for the army to fight them at close range.

They knew this, but it was difficult to keep a distance. They originally wanted to hunt the white meat mountain, but they did not expect to kill the corpse beast halfway. The speed of the corpse beast is much higher than that of the white meat mountain. Under the impact, the army completely Falling down, even if there is an energy wooden warehouse energy cannon, they dare not use it. If this wooden warehouse is shot down, it will definitely bring disaster to their own people. They can only fight in close combat.

In the command car, the city sweeping commander Luo Shuang, his face was white, and his hand holding the megaphone was shaking. He never imagined that they were not afraid of zombies, but more afraid of these zombies. The number and speed of the swarms are terrifying, and the infectivity makes the scalp tingling. If their army is all trapped here, it will definitely be a fatal blow to their third region.

Luo Shuang shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, "The first team and the second team are on top! The others retreat! Retreat!!"

Luo's eyes were red, and he knew that such an order would be equivalent to giving up the first and second teams. After they broke, it was impossible to leave alive.

With the efforts of the soldiers, the command vehicle finally broke out of the siege and retreated with the soldiers. The soldiers of the first and second teams formed a line of defense to snipe the chasing corpse beasts. They may not be able to stop the white meat mountain, but the corpse beasts. The group desperately has to stop it!

The soldiers who had retreated, saw the first and second teams fall one after another, and they turned back again, shouting something, and rushed into the first and second teams to fight with the corpse beasts.

These people, without exception, have injuries on their bodies. They know that even if they leave here alive, they will not survive. They are all infected. Instead of waiting for the corpse poison to turn into zombies, it is better to die in battle here and not be injured. comrades-in-arms left alive!

Luo Shuang gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Retreat! Retreat!!!"

Not long after the command vehicle left the battlefield, several off-road vehicles rushed out desperately. The command vehicle dodged the first off-road vehicle, but failed to dodge the second one. After that, several off-road vehicles collided. The collision completely blocked the command car, and it was impossible to move a single step.

The retreating military vehicles hurriedly stopped, and the soldiers rushed down, shouting for the off-road vehicles to back off!

Some people rushed down from the off-road vehicle, all of them disgraced, covered in blood, and kept shouting "help".

The soldiers held up wooden warehouses and ordered them to let go and retreat. The survivors shouted, and the soldiers also shouted. The scene was very chaotic.

The bulletproof glass of the command car was put down, and Lao Xue shouted, "What's going on?!"

The blood-covered survivors shouted in horror, "Beast! An evolved corpse is chasing us! Help! Help us! We are the survivors of the third district! We are the people of the third district. !"

Xiao Jiang's expression changed, "Prepare to fight!"

Before he finished speaking, a thick roar of a tiger came, and everyone watched as a 3-meter-high giant tiger rushed over!

They have never seen the huge corpse beast today. This evolved corpse tiger beast has a very small degree of decay. Its muscles are knotted and its eyes are scarlet. It slaps an off-road vehicle with one paw, and roars into the command car!

Xiao Hen almost turned the military vehicle into a plane. The strong heart palpitations made his body tremble. The military vehicle swayed along with it. He nearly rolled over the road several times, but was forcibly stabilized by Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen knew that something must have happened to his father.

He has been unable to forgive him because of his mother, but no matter how much he resents or hates, he doesn't want to watch him die.

That was his father after all!

Old Xue was covered in blood, and he dragged Xiao Jiang out of the command car with difficulty. The surrounding wooden warehouses made loud noises, and the soldiers covered their retreat.

General Xiao's leg was broken and he couldn't walk, so Lao Xue ran with him on his back.

I don’t know how many bones Luoshuang had broken. He was carried by the soldiers and ran. The survivors ran after them. The evolutionary corpse tiger beasts kept chasing them. The soldiers abandoned the car and kept guarding the three generals, loading energy. The gun's armored vehicle kept moving the muzzle, but never dared to fire the gun. The Evolution Corpse Tiger Beast was too close to the general!

The ability warriors and ordinary soldiers have been obstructing the evolutionary corpse tiger beast's advance route, buying time, the evolution corpse tiger beast is not Roshan, it is fast, flexible, and agile, sweeping away with one paw.

Lao Xue was knocked down by the flying people, got up and dragged General Xiao again, General Xiao grabbed his hand and spoke quickly, "Xue Feng, I will hand over the third district to you and retreat with the soldiers! "

Lao Xue dragged General Xiao on his back, "Don't say this at this time! Go back alive and talk about it!"

Xiao Jiang pushed Lao Xue away and did not let the soldiers around him help, "You can't escape with me, go away!"

If Lao Xue didn't leave, he was going to drag him again.

General Xiao said angrily, "This is an order! Hurry up!"

It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders, but Lao Xue couldn't. He also said angrily: "Special treatment for special circumstances, I refuse to obey!"

"Xue Feng!"

"General!" Lao Xue also shouted, "If you die here, how will I explain to Xiao Hen?!"

General Xiao: "No need to explain! My life or death has nothing to do with him! Obey orders!"

Lao Xue couldn't shout back, and the man had already flown out.

"Old Xue!!!" Xiao Jiang watched Lao Xue roll on the ground, covered in blood, and one shoulder had disappeared.

General Xiao shouted: "Military doctor! Where is the military doctor?!"

The two soldiers dragged General Xiao to retreat quickly, "General! The military doctor is trapped in the corpse beast!"

A soldier fell, and another soldier came to drag people. Xiao Jiang shook them off, stood up staggeringly, and dragged a broken leg to Lao Xue. The severe pain made him pale and sweaty, "Lao Xue Old Xue hold on!"

Lao Xue coughed up blood, still conscious, lying on the ground unable to move, "This time... we can't leave... If, if that stinky boy Xiao Hen is still... He can definitely... cough, cough..."

General Xiao looked icy cold, and suddenly gave an order, "Everyone retreat immediately! Go back to the city! Send someone to Lingcheng to find Xiao Hen and tell him about our death! If he wants to come back, let him inherit the third district! If you don't want to come back, you can choose whether to go to Lingcheng to join him!"

As long as you don't make unnecessary sacrifices, it doesn't matter if the third district is gone. He only wants peace in the world and no more deaths.


All the soldiers who heard this order had red eyes.

Xiao will shout, "Retreat immediately!"

A survivor shouted and rushed towards Xiao Jiang and Lao Xue, and the evolutionary corpse tiger followed behind.

Xiao Jiang's eyes were cold, "Open the wooden warehouse!"

It would be stupid if he couldn't see the problem by now.

The soldiers guarding around him, the survivors who came over from a wooden warehouse, were unable to stop the evolutionary corpse tiger beasts that rushed forward. The tiger's mouth was wide open, and the stench was on his face. The soldiers knew that they would die, but they still did not give up the fight.

Just when the evolutionary corpse tiger beast wanted to swallow the guardian soldier in one bite, its big head seemed to be hit by a meteorite and smashed to the ground.

"Boom", the ground shook, and the guard soldiers were pulled back a few steps by the sudden momentum, all of them looked forward in shock - a person stood on the big head of the evolutionary corpse tiger beast!

The man was wearing a camouflage uniform, a hat and a mask, and a familiar long knife appeared in his hand, stabbed the big head of the evolutionary corpse tiger fiercely, but was thrown out by the evolutionary corpse tiger beast!

Xiao Hen jumped up high, the moment he was still in the air, the next moment he reached the side of the evolutionary corpse tiger beast, and stabbed the evolutionary corpse tiger beast's abdomen with a knife. The evolutionary corpse tiger roared, Xiao Hen drew his knife, the man disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared under the neck of the evolutionary corpse tiger beast. Xiao Hen's long knife was stuck in the neck of the evolutionary corpse tiger beast, unable to disappear immediately, he was hit by a paw and was shot flying out.

There is no father who does not know his son, even if Xiao Hen covers himself tightly, just by his body shape, Xiao will recognize that it is Xiao Hen who is back.

Lao Xue also recognized Xiao Hen, and he almost jumped from the ground when he was slapped by a paw.

Xiao Jiang had frost on his face, his eyes fixed on Xiao Hen, who fell to the ground, his hands on the ground dig deep into the mud.

Without waiting for Xiao Hen to get up, the Evolution Corpse Tiger Beast has already rushed towards Xiao Hen again, Xiao Hen disappeared from the spot, and reappeared in mid-air, spinning in the air, slashing towards the Evolution Corpse Tiger Beast's neck.

The evolutionary corpse tiger suddenly stood upright, bit Xiao Hen's foot, and dragged him to the ground!