I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 119


When Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen rushed back, it was almost dark, and it was completely dark now, and they still couldn't enter the city, Wen Qingling ate the braised pork as much as they could.

Wen Qingling lay on the roof of the car with her arms on her head, and said quietly, "How many people are left in the central giant city after such a night?"

This is exactly what Xiao Hen is worried about. Now almost all the corpses are gathered in the central giant city. It is best to eliminate them in the giant city. If they escape and radiate all directions, it will be troublesome enough. .

Xiao Hen appeared behind the guard, startling the battered guard. Seeing that Colonel Xiao had returned, the guard was overjoyed, "Colonel, after the general asks you to come back, go see him immediately, the situation is urgent."

Xiao Hen glanced at the tightly blocked city gate, how did he get in

Xiao Hen said: "Everyone must not leave the city! All go back!"

The survivors who were about to flee immediately exploded, "Now the city is full of monsters, shall we go back and die?!"

"Do you still have humanity? Do you want to trap us in the city?!"

"If you are really good for us, let us leave, and when you clean up the monsters, we will come back!"

Xiao Hen's face sank, "I'm not discussing with you, this is an order!"

"What are you? We are not soldiers, and you have no right to order us!"

The ground at the city gate suddenly collapsed, and countless thick tentacles appeared out of thin air, blocking the city gate.

Xiao Hen pulled the guards to dodge quickly, the crowd screamed and ran back, watching the thick vines pass by, the crowd was frightened, thinking they were going to die, and ran desperately to the city until they reached the tentacles. out of the attack range.

Everyone looked back in surprise, and saw a few people wearing thick vines, still struggling, the vines danced arrogantly, and let them see the end of their disobedience.

Wen Qingling jumped off the roof of the car, "If you can solve it by force, don't force it."

The frightened crowd suddenly shouted, "Murder! Soldiers in the third district are killing!!!"

"Fight with them! I don't believe they dare to kill us all!"

"Fight them!"

The crowd was in a commotion, clamoring to do their best, but no one dared to rush up.

The city gate guards are very nervous. They have been appeasing them. They dare not use force. They are afraid of backfire. Wen Qingling sneered and jumped into the vine group, with the thickest tentacle holding him up obediently, "I'm worried that you won't fight with me, come, let you kill Wen's father happily."

Everyone: "… "

Guards: "..."

Xiao Hen pointed at the people who were wearing them, and said loudly: "These are corpses, monsters in your mouth! There are more than these among you. Instead of gathering here, it is better to be careful about people around you and be careful of being attacked! "

Hidden in the crowd, the corpse who wanted to get out of the city, saw their identity being discovered, no longer pretended, and bit the people around them one after another, trying to create chaos so that they could rush out of the city.

Without the control of the "corpse mother", they are free individuals. As long as they can leave alive and create a group of corpse monsters and corpse slaves, they are the boss of the party. No one wants such a good day!

The crowd screamed and wanted to escape, but they were blocked at the gate of the city. There was limited space and there was no way to escape. One after another screams sounded from time to time. Man, stabbed one and dragged it back to hang.

Xiao Hen followed and jumped onto the vines, took aim with the wooden warehouse, and shot and killed the corpses mixed in the crowd.

Wen Qingling: "Enter the city!"

Wen Qingling jumped in first, Xiao Hen took the city gate guard and ran in, Kuibao No. 2, who had been left in the car, chased after him screaming, and was almost locked out of the door, the little guy was very angry, He rushed over and kicked Xiao Hen with his little feet, screaming and screaming while kicking: Let you forget this baby, let you hold this baby, and let you not play with this baby!

Xiao Hen had an inexplicable look on his face, wondering what kind of temper Kui Bao No. 2 was throwing.

Wen's father, who understood the little guy's language, glanced at him coldly, and the little guy froze immediately, "My people dare to fight, are you tired of living?"

Kuibao No. 2: "… "

Wronged, he squatted down, touched Xiao Hen's kicked calf, leaned in and blew, and looked at Wen Qingling pitifully.

Wen Qingling snorted coldly and ignored it.

Kuibao No. 2: "… "QAQ

The gate guard's gaze towards Wen Qingling was very complicated. Is it okay for an adult to bully a baby? This little doll looked only seven or eight months old, with only a hat all over her body, and no clothes or shoes. It looked very pitiful.

Xiao Hen picked up the fat baby and hugged it in his arms, and quickly left with Wen Qingling, heading straight to the third regional headquarters.

The third largest district, which was once peaceful, has now turned into a pot of porridge. People are running around on the streets, monsters are running around, and troops hunting monsters are everywhere. The sound of wooden warehouses is heard one after another. accidental injury.

Wen Qingling saw a military vehicle and separated from Xiao Hen. He was going to pick up Mi Yan and Luo Fengjue in the fifth district. Kuibao No. 2 was lost to Xiao Hen. Poisonous fog, beat it up.

The little fat baby is very aggrieved and very well-behaved.

After Wen Qingling left, he started running around in the car again, rolling around, Xiao Hen couldn't hold back this little thing at all.

Wen Qingling opened a straight line and went straight to the location of Lei Yuxiao in the fifth district.

The entire central giant city was in chaos, and the fifth district was no exception. Lei Yuxiao had already been summoned by Lei Jiang to discuss matters. He was not in the villa, but left staff outside the villa to protect the safety of Mi Yan and Luo Fengjue.

When Wen Qingling arrived, he almost didn't get in, because his hat and mask were gone. Now it's the real face. The person protecting him was suspicious of his identity. He took out a blood test to confirm that he was not a corpse. let go.

How precious is Wen Qingling's blood, how could it be contributed to a blood tester

Wen Qingling: "Da Bai, are you still not coming out?"

Dabai, who was lying dozing in the living room, propped his head up abruptly, grabbed Mi Yan's back collar with excitement, and rushed out with him in his mouth. Mi Yan, who was still eating fruit, was carried away with a plate.

When Dabai saw Wen Qingling, he was very excited. After losing Mi Yan, he threw himself on Wen Qingling, but Wen Qingling held down his big head.

Mi Yan threw the plate on the ground, the fruit in it rolled on the ground, he turned over and lay flat on the ground, "I am disabled, I will depend on you for the rest of my life, it is not good to eat and drink to serve. This young master, the young master will not get up today!"

Dabai tilted his head and looked at someone who was lying flat, feeling the danger of touching the porcelain, he turned his head and jumped on Mi Yan, digging the soil while jumping, actually wanting to bury Mi Yan directly.

Mi Yan jumped up like a monkey, spit out the mud in his mouth, and looked at a big cat possessed by Erha in disbelief, "It's not a cat! It's a dog!"

Dabai: "..."

The big white buttocks were right, and the two rears kept digging the soil and raised Mi Yan's face.

Yoneko: "..."

Luo Fengjue, who chased after him: "..."

Wen Qingling: "You are obviously human, but you want to touch a porcelain cat, aren't you looking for abuse?"

Yoneko: "..."

Sorry, I forgot, now is the time when animals are smarter than people.

Wen Qingling received the person and was about to get in the car and leave when he saw two cars speeding towards him. Lei Yuxiao got out of the car and saw Wen Qingling at a glance, then looked at his clothes and figure, and immediately recognized him.

Lei Yuxiao did not expect that the person under the hat and mask would be so young. He doubted whether this person was an adult.

Lei Yuxiao said, "Are you Wen Qingling?"

Wen Qingling raised her eyebrows, "It's me, what?"

The people who followed immediately wanted to act, but were stopped by Lei Yuxiao.

Wen Qingling glanced at them, "I smelled something unfriendly."

Someone couldn't help but said angrily: "Wen Qingling! Your ambition is not small! How dare you..."

Lei Yuxiao glanced coldly, and the man immediately shut up.

When Lei Yuxiao came over, he also had doubts in his heart. When he saw Wen Qingling's clear and penetrating eyes, he believed his intuition. Wen Qingling should not be that kind of scheming person.

It is said that the appearance is born from the heart, and Wen Qingling is not like someone who has a plan and a city.

Lei Yuxiao said: "Now there is news that you caused the chaos in the central giant city, is it true?"

Wen Qingling: "If I insist, I do have my responsibility."

If the "corpse mother" is killed.

"He admitted it himself! Don't talk nonsense with him, grab him directly, and the giant city crisis will naturally be resolved!"

Lei Yuxiao is a gentle person, but he has a strong desire to control. This person has repeatedly robbed him, which has already made him very unhappy, "Which department are you from? What's your name?"

Now the major districts are in chaos, and all the troops are cleaning the corpses. When Lei Yuxiao came over, he ordered a few people at random. He didn't know much about them. How did such an undisciplined person enter the army

Wen Qingling said lightly: "What you should ask is not the department and name, but how many of his accomplices are in the military headquarters of the fifth region."

Lei Yuxiao was stunned for a moment, and in this stunned state, the eloquent soldier had already moved, biting at Lei Yuxiao's neck...

They were too close, let alone Lei Yuxiao, even the person standing beside Lei Yuxiao couldn't react. Just when the sharp serrated teeth were about to touch Lei Yuxiao's skin, the soldier suddenly stopped. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Lei Yuxiao was shoved away by an invisible force, staggered to stand firm, and saw a wooden thorn appeared on the ground at some point, and the man was pierced by the wood and passed through his chest.

"Bite someone in front of me, count as you have a seed."

Everyone was shocked by this change and broke into a cold sweat. They did not expect that among just a few people, a corpse could actually be mixed in.

These monsters are really pervasive.

The corpse laughed wildly, "Wen Qingling, do you think you can kill all the corpses by yourself? If you continue to waste here, your mausoleum... will be over! Hahaha..."

Wen Qingling: "Don't think too much of yourself, you shrimp soldiers and crab generals want to threaten my city, even your 'corpse mother' can't do it, can you?"

After saying this, Wen Qingling suddenly realized that the central giant city should not be able to lock up these corpses, and some people must have escaped, and there are still a lot of them, otherwise, the idea of mausoleum city would not be attacked.

Xu Shengfei was really uneasy even after death. Wen Qingling didn't know what message she passed to these corpse people when she died, and she would never let him live in peace.

Wen Qingling let out a "tsk", feeling very annoyed.

Lei Yuxiao said: "Thank you very much, the kindness of saving your life will definitely be repaid."

Wen Qingling stared at him for two seconds, "It doesn't matter if you repay, you should clean up these things as soon as possible, a group of fleas, it's annoying to look at."

Lei Yuxiao was helpless, why didn't they want to, but these things are too contagious, they are also very annoying if they kill one and come out ten.

Wen Qingling: "Kill the corpse first, the corpse and the corpse are all made by the corpse. Killing all the corpses, the corpse and the corpse are nothing to be afraid of. They have no thinking and are easier to clean up."

Lei Yuxiao: "It's a mess right now, it's impossible to get blood on the side, and it's impossible to investigate the corpse."

Wen Qingling: "Teach you a method. When cleaning up corpses, it's better to destroy the first area."

Lei Yuxiao: "..."

other people:"… "

Wen Qingling: "The first area is the source. You don't destroy them, you just wait for them to destroy you."

Wen Qingling's words became a prophecy. The originally scattered corpses, corpses and corpses began to act in a planned way, causing riots in the major districts, making the major districts overwhelmed, but the army of the first district began to dispatch, The corpse, the corpse, the corpse, and the corpse slave took the lead, and the ambition of the first district was finally put on the table.

The first target of the first district is not the third district, nor the adjacent fifth district, but the second district that intersects with the first district!

The fifth district was fully invaded by corpses, corpses, and corpses, and was unable to stop the first district's borrowing. The second district was still doing its best to clean up corpses, corpses, and corpses. Called.

The fifth district immediately sent people to inform the other districts of the actions of the first district. The telephone line had been cut off, and the person who reported the letter was assassinated by a corpse on the way. The first district was trying to delay as long as possible. The later the districts know about it, the higher their odds of success.