I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 138


The two pilots who parachuted and landed were not far from the ground. They tried their best to control the direction so that they would fall on the roof of the building, so that they would not fall to the ground and become a meal for zombies.

Xu Guang landed steadily on the roof, and was dragged forward by the parachute. He quickly unlocked the lock, and the umbrella was blown away by the wind. Xu Guang was dangerously not taken down the roof.

Benson's luck was not very good. The landing position was close to the edge of the roof. When the wind blew the umbrella, Benson was dragged backwards. He quickly unlocked the lock, but the lock could not be unlocked for a while because of the excessive pulling force. Kai, he cursed angrily, and was dragged and fell off the roof.

Xu Guang wanted to help, but it was too late. The downstairs were crowded with zombies. As long as they fell, there would be no bones left.

Benson's terrified roar came from below, and just when he thought he was going to be eaten by zombies, the umbrella was hung by the broken roof guardrail.

Looking at the roaring zombies below, Benson laughed out loud for the rest of his life.

He raised his head and shouted at the top, "Hey brother, give me a hand!"

Xu Guang didn't like these foreigners who came in with toughness, but he couldn't watch the living people die in front of him until his face was completely torn.

He pulled the paracord and dragged the man up with great effort.

Benson sat on the roof panting, looking at the countless zombies downstairs, and grinning, "This is the 'zombie city' that you are afraid of? Except for a little more zombies, there is no difference here."

Xu Guang ignored him and contacted the Central Giant City with the paging machine he carried.

This technology comes from abroad. For this exploration, they are very generous.

Since the reconnaissance plane returned from the border, foreign helicopters, escorted by fighter jets, have successively arrived at the central giant city.

The behavior of zombies is too abnormal. They all want to know what happened to Huaguo to attract all the zombies. With such a terrifying number, they suspect that Huaguo wants to use zombies to do things. Of course, this Can't be ignored.

Of course, in order to make the big figures in these countries impatiently come over, there may be other purposes besides the problem of zombies.

Antidotes and vaccines have been promoted in China for some time. This is no longer a secret on the land of China. These countries may have also received rumors, so they gathered in the central giant city through the zombie thing.

The anomalies on the land of China, they can see more clearly at high altitude, and attracting so many zombies to gather is definitely not something that humans can do. They temporarily dispelled the speculation that China is doing things, thinking that this should be the real disaster. foreshadowing.

The zombie crisis this time is not just a crisis in China. If it is not handled properly, it is a crisis sweeping the whole world.

All countries have sent representatives to the largest survivor base in China to discuss the matter. All zombies are gathering in Yunjing City. Foreigners are very interested in what exists in Yunjing City. They will immediately send people to Yunjing City to check. The upper management of Jucheng stopped them. They cited previous cases and could not act rashly.

But if you don't investigate, you won't know what happened in Yunjing City, so black eyes, how to solve this matter

Knowing that the plane could not fly over Yunjing City, they still sent two reconnaissance planes. Even if it was sacrificed, they still had to get the news in Yunjing City.

Originally, the two pilots were supposed to be from the Central Giant City, but the Central Giant City did not agree with this investigation. It would definitely not work to send two people to die, so the foreign representative had to send one of his own to follow.

Xu Guang and Benson were the chosen ones.

Xu Guang: "Code 001 called the base, called the base, the reconnaissance plane crashed, we are in the center of Yunjing City, over!"

A voice came from the paging machine, "Report the surrounding situation, it's over!"

Xu Guang: "There are countless zombies gathered here, and there are many evolutionary bodies. So far, no 'special zombies' have been found. It's over!"

What this "special zombie" is, they all have guesses, but they are not sure yet and need to be confirmed.

Caller: "Stay safe, stay connected, done!"

Xu Guang: "001 received!"

Benson got up from the ground, "Hey, do you think it's really possible to be the 'Zombie King'?"

Xu Guang didn't say anything.

Benson said to himself, "If it's really a 'zombie king', then it's impossible for two to appear at once. We have seen it all at a high altitude, and all the zombies are gathering in two directions. I heard that the other side is called Ling?"

Benson laughed and joked: "In terms of nutrition and power, we Westerners absolutely crush the Easterners. If there is a 'Zombie King', it shouldn't appear on the land of China, so I guess it's definitely not a 'Zombie King' ', I'm not sure what evolutionary corpse beast might be."

In order to become stronger, even the "zombie king" has to fight.

"Zombie King" is undoubtedly very strong, and such a strong existence should appear in a strong country, not China.

Xu Guang heard demeaning and arrogance in his tone, he chuckled lightly, "Maybe your nutrition has been absorbed by your limbs. After all, the 'zombie king' evolved his brain."

Benson, who graduated from Chinese kindergarten, obviously didn't understand Xu Guang's words very well.

Xu Guang took out the energy wooden warehouse he carried with him and prepared to cross the building to the opposite side.

Benson disagreed, "If there really is a 'Zombie King' here, he must know of our existence, and it should come over instead of us looking for it. We may not have the chance to see the 'Zombie King', but there is a chance. see God."

The noisy zombie group downstairs suddenly quieted down, Xu Guang was immediately vigilant, and the endless Benson also quieted down.

The two of them clenched their guns and looked down carefully near the edge of the roof. Among the zombies, two big guys appeared, one with dark skin and a height much taller than ordinary zombies, and the other with a turret embedded in its body. It is taller and bigger than the dark zombies, like a giant corpse, but the floor they are on is high enough, and the height of the zombie still can't help them.

Benson cursed, "What the hell is that?"

Xu Guang immediately reported the situation of the two zombies to the base.

From their appearance features, the central giant city gave the answer: the eighth-level evolutionary body "General" and the seventh-level evolutionary body "turret".

They were all looking up at the roof.

Xu Guang replied to Benson's words, "The specialty of China, the eighth-level evolution 'general' and the seventh-level evolution 'turret'."

Benson's eyes almost fell, "Our seventh and eighth-level evolutionary zombies don't grow like this, are your seventh- and eighth-level evolutionary zombies strong?"

They are strong, no doubt about it.

Xu Guang didn't have time to tell Benson how strong his level 7 and 8 evolutionary zombies were. His eyes fell on the edge of the roof opposite. There were two people standing there, one with black hair and black eyes, pale complexion, and wearing a black trench coat. .

Standing beside him was a young man with black hair and red eyes, a snow-white complexion, wearing a simple shirt and black pants, looking innocent and harmless.

Xu Guang's shock was no trivial matter. Apart from not believing that there would be living people here, he was shocked by the appearance of the red-eyed boy.

In the central giant city, he was fortunate enough to have met Wen Qingling, and the young man in front of him was carved out of the same mold as Wen Qingling, except for the tenderness of his eyes and face, there was no difference.

Xu Guang subconsciously held down the caller, "I saw two people, one with black hair and black eyes and a black trench coat, an adult man, with a boy, with black hair and red eyes, he looked fifteen or sixteen years old, his appearance and smell Qingling is exactly the same... They are coming! They jumped directly from the opposite roof... "

Then came the continuous gunshots, Benson's last scolding, and Xu Guang's last words...

"They... are not people..."

There was an explosion, the paging machine was full of noise, and there was no other sound.

There was a long silence in the headquarters.

Everything happened too fast, they didn't have time to think about it, the two people were already killed.

When they reacted, all the high-level officials of the central giant city looked at General Xiao.

Even the foreign representatives looked at General Xiao after translating and reciting, "Who is Wen Qingling?"

No one answered him.

Command fell into a long silence.

A high-level voice was unstable, "Do you remember, there was news a long time ago that Wen Qingling could control the zombies in Nancheng? Is this really because of his spiritual power? Spiritual abilities from other countries Do you have such ability?"

Some high-level officials said with difficulty, "There is also the construction of Civilization City. All the zombies stay outside the city honestly. Where does the Civilization City have the confidence to think that those zombies will not form a corpse tide to attack the Civilization City?"

"It is certain that there is no military force in Lingcheng. How did they move the zombies from Lingcheng and the three major counties? We have cleaned the city, and we all know how much it takes to kill the zombies and corpses that occupy the city. How did Ling do it so easily? If it was because of his spiritual power, it would be too terrifying, how is this different from advanced evolutionary zombies?"

"Don't forget, now the zombies all over the world are gathering towards China, and the torrent of zombies that originally flowed into Yunjing City is now diverted from Mausoleum City. The number of zombies gathered is almost equal to Yunjing City. There really is a 'zombie king', so what will be in the mausoleum city?"

Xia Jiang didn't want to play dumb riddles with them, "You can be more straightforward. Do you suspect that Wen Qingling is not a human being?"

The headquarters fell silent again.

If Wen Qingling is really not a human being, it would be terrifying. What level of zombie can have the appearance of a human...

They all remembered Xu Guang's previous introduction. There were also two people in Yunjing City. Xu Guang was talking about "people", black hair, black eyes, black trench coat, black hair and red eyes.

In the end, Xu Guang said clearly and clearly that they were not human.

This is what everyone in the room heard with their own ears. It looks like a human being, but it is not human...

It is more likely that Wen Qingling is not human.