I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 14


Wen Qingling absorbed all the crystal cores he had recently obtained, and he could clearly feel that his strength had improved a lot.

He stood at the door of the clinic, looking at the renovated streets and buildings, feeling at ease both physically and mentally.

Centered on the clinic, the surrounding streets are cleaned very cleanly, the dilapidated buildings have been renovated by the industrious civilized zombies, the former green belts and flower beds have been shoveled down and become a vegetable garden for the civilized zombies, and nothing else is planted in it. , is the blood sunflower.

However, they are all planted from blood sunflower seeds. They will hunt mutant animals and use their blood to water these blood sunflowers. As long as there is enough blood, even if they do not need wood-type abilities to ripen, blood sunflowers will grow quickly.

Blood sunflower is a rare delicacy for zombies.

This place has become a living area for conscious zombies. Dilapidated zombies are not allowed to set foot here, which is harmful to the appearance. Only zombies who have recovered their bodies and consciousness live here. To this end, they piled all the abandoned vehicles together, formed a circle, and encircled the site.

Wen Zheng came out with the blood sunflower tentacle tea, looked at the crumbling pile of cars, shook his head regretfully, "There are still too few civilized zombies, otherwise we can build a high wall in this area... By the way, you are not talking about the big base outside, Do they all rely on earth-type abilities to build strong city walls? Why don't we hire a few earth-type abilities to build walls for us?"

Wen Qingling has a new understanding of his father, who is committed to developing brain holes, "Why do you have to have a mud city wall? Isn't the wooden wall beautiful? Isn't it strong?"

Just to try how much his strength has increased.

Wen Qingling released the wood-based ability, the flat ground suddenly cracked, and the four wooden city walls rumbled up. The city walls were 10 meters high, 20 meters wide at the bottom, 10 meters wide at the top, and about 7,000 meters in circumference.

Wen Qingling imitated the ancient city wall, and built wooden urns in four directions for defense. If people outside want to enter the city, they must pass through the urn.

The city walls are all made of square and smooth wood, and there is another heaven and earth at the bottom. The intricate thick roots crawling all over the ground are all living roots.

All the civilized zombies in Nancheng were startled, and then they cheered and cheered. The happiness shown by the facial paralysis people was silently hidden in their hearts, and their personalities were more open, which was expressed in words.

They finally have a home in the city of zombies.

My father was stunned, almost scared the teacup away, and it took a long while to make a sound, "My son is still my son!"

Wen Qingling took a moment, using such a huge project, his wood-type abilities have not been used up yet, and his ability pool like a vast ocean does not seem to be exhausted.

The city walls made by Wen Qingling are much bigger than those piled up by civilized zombies in cars. They can finally concentrate on cleaning. This will be their home in the future, and the living environment must be improved.

Civilized zombies came to thank Wen Qingling and gave gifts. Wen Qingling received the pork leg softly.

Feng Tongtong ran over, hugged Wen Qingling's leg, and looked up at him, "Brother, I want to buy a bag of blood sunflower seeds."

Wen Qingling touched her little head, "I think you should call my uncle."

Feng Tongtong blinked, "Brother doesn't look like uncle."

Wen Qingling: "You call my brother, my parents, grandparents, do you think this is the right generation?"

Jiang Lan came out with a bag of blood sunflower seeds, "I'm not even a human being, can I still eat it?"

Wen Qingling: "..."

It seems reasonable to say, but even if you are not human, you cannot give up the pursuit of human beings.

"Thank you grandma."

Feng Tongtong gave 10 ordinary zombie crystal cores to Jiang Lan, took the blood sunflower seeds, and ran away happily.

Every civilized zombie transformed by the blood sunflower will be registered and managed by Jiang Lan.

To date, 119 people have successfully turned into civilized zombies.

They have their own rules. Civilized zombies cannot violate them, otherwise there will be no punishment or drive out, and they will be killed directly, so as not to run out and harm others and bring disaster to the newly built civilization base.

The first article of the regulation is also a column marked in red with a prominent warning: No cannibalism! Don't eat people! Don't eat people!

Saying important things thirty times is not too much.

If you are attacked by humans, you can fight back and kill them, but you cannot eat them. As long as you eat humans, the base will not stay.

They are all people who have died once, and they cherish their hard-won lives. Their greatest wish is to live well in the last days.

The civilization base built inside the southern city is hidden in a high-rise building, and it is difficult to find it from the outside unless it is close.

The emergence of the civilization base has reduced the space for zombies in Nancheng. They have to move around the periphery of Nancheng. The number of zombies that were only seen inside Nancheng can now be seen on the periphery.

In addition, some time ago, zombies in Nancheng would always appear in groups, chasing survivors running all over the place. Many survivors were frightened and dared not set foot on it easily. The danger and strangeness of Nancheng became more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The base near Nancheng has been destroyed. Survivors in other places heard about the danger of Nancheng and stopped coming to Nancheng to collect supplies, but went to the other three directions.