I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 142


"Boom boom boom!!!"

After one round of bombing, the bomber circles back and does another round, until all the ammunition is emptied.

The station at this time has long been blown up, and there is not even a living thing.

The bombers circled aimlessly in the air, and the circling enemy planes suddenly attacked, shooting down the bombers one by one, and then the enemy planes killed each other, all collided, and a large burst of fire broke out in the sky.

The Central Giant City is in chaos. If you have a car, get in the car quickly. If you don't have a car, you can find a car and rub the car. If it's too late, you can't go.

The generals all know that there are too many survivors in the central giant city, and it is not possible to transfer them all in a short time. Except for the survivors who can't wait to leave, there are some survivors who are lucky enough to stay in the giant city and hide. They also didn't want to leave the giant city in the dark. They thought that going out was to die, and they insisted not to leave.

Those who organized the retreat did not have time to wait for them, nor would they spend time to persuade them. It was their choice to go or not to go, and it was their choice whether to live or die. Even if they retreated with the military, they might not be able to leave alive. It is more dangerous to build a giant city, there is no doubt, but it is also full of vitality.

Compared with being stuck in a giant city, eating and wiping, there are more chances to escape outside. Even if you leave the team, find a safe place to hide, and wait until the danger is over, you can come out again.

If some people are unwilling to leave, the military cannot withdraw all of them, leaving them to die. Xiao will stay to hold back the coming corpse tide and buy them time to escape.

Lao Xue firmly disagreed, he asked General Xiao to take people away, and he stayed behind to stop and intercept.

General Xiao also refused to agree. The two became angry and almost quarreled. General Xia said at the right time, "Don't argue, you go, I will bring someone to stay to block and intercept."

Just as Xiao Jiang was about to refuse, he was stopped by Xia Jiang, "Don't argue with me, I have nothing to worry about, my only nephew, Yun Han, is now at Wen Qingling's base, if you can survive, I hope you can Help me take care of him."

Xia Jiang looked at General Xiao with a very complicated expression, "General Xiao, you are more important, your son Xiao Hen is the only person who can talk to Wen Qingling, and the life and death of the survivors of China must be tied to Xiao Hen. alone."

General Xiao is Xiao Hen's father. Only by keeping General Xiao can it be possible to soften Xiao Hen and ease the conflict between human beings and Wen Qingling. It was only now that they understood that if there was no peace with Wen Qingling and Wen Qingling. Tore his face, Xiao Hen will definitely come back to help, as long as Xiao Hen comes back, no matter whether Wen Qingling is a human or a zombie, as long as he has no malice towards humans and can help humans, it is not that humans cannot accept him, but all this is peaceful all ruined.

In front of all the generals and high-level officials, Lao Xue held back his words for a long time, and finally said, "Xiao Hen has already reminded me not to be an enemy of Wen Qingling, he may be the last retreat for mankind..."

In the end, they still embarked on the road of becoming the enemy of Wen Qingling, even if Lao Xue tried his best to stop it, they couldn't stop it, until the situation became today.

Xia Jiang smiled, "Try to relax, the outside is no bigger than a giant city, there are dangers everywhere, I hope you all take care and try your best to survive."

The ground under his feet was shaking, rumbling, as if a giant was coming towards this side, there was no time to delay, everyone got in the car and left, leaving the giant city as quickly as possible, Xia Jiang immediately ordered to close all the city gates, And let the earth-type abilities seal the city gate from the inside to prevent the risk of the corpse tide breaking through the city gate as much as possible.

It was dark outside the city at night, with only the lights of the slow-moving convoys on both sides, and the survivors who were protected in the middle all ran wildly, followed by large trucks. , so take turns trying to help everyone as much as possible.

People with vehicles followed the advance, forming a long convoy, protected by armored convoys and armed helicopters, all the way west.

There are only a few zombies in this direction. It’s not that there are no zombies. The task of the advance team is to clean up the zombies and clear the way for the survivors behind. From time to time, some zombies will sprout from the roadside, rushing towards the crowd, and some will be blocked by the outermost vehicles. Killed on the spot, the zombies that squeezed through the vehicle will be eliminated by the soldiers walking around the survivors.

With such a layer of protection, as soldiers, they are performing their final duties, trying to keep the survivors alive as much as possible, even if they are occasionally dragged out by zombies, the formation has not been messed up.

Injured survivors and soldiers, as long as they can save them, they will try their best to save them, put them in the car, and move forward with them. Even if they know that there is little hope, they still do not want to give up. Antidote and vaccine are available. This is the research of Chinese people. When they came out, even if the Central Giant City and Civilization City had a falling out, they would still be Chinese, and even if they were zombies, they would still be Chinese zombies.

Maybe, maybe their relationship with Civilization City can be eased? In that way, people who are injured and infected can still be saved, and they will still have hope to live.

One after another, huge shadows walked in the dark. Their destination was the central giant city. The soldiers who stayed in the central giant city felt the vibration of the earth, and everyone was nervous and afraid.

In the face of death, no one is not afraid, they only hope that the death will be less painful, try to buy time for the team that leaves, and make their death worthwhile.

The rumbling got closer, and just when they thought they were just outside the walls, the shaking stopped suddenly, and everyone clenched their weapons.

The next moment, there was a bang, and the 100-meter-high city wall was knocked down. A huge "head" came in from the collapsed position and looked hard into the city.

Everyone's hair stood on end, and it was the first time they had seen such a huge zombie.

Xia Jiang gave an order, "Fire!"

All the shells were aimed at the big head, and the big head staggered backwards, let out an angry roar, the banging sound kept coming, and the 100-meter-high city wall was crumbling.

The fighters who stayed were all aware of their ending, and their only belief was to delay as long as possible.

The battle was intense, and two figures suddenly appeared in the gap at the beginning, with the moonlight on their backs, unable to see their faces, only one could be seen tall and the other short, one slender and the other slender.

Xia Jiang's mind began to be stunned, and Xu Guang's words echoed clearly in his mind...

"I saw two people, a black hair, black eyes and a black trench coat, an adult man, with a boy, the boy was black hair and red eyes, fifteen or six years old, his appearance is exactly the same as Wen Qingling..."

"They... are not people..."

Xia Jiang stared at them and murmured, "The Zombie King... This is the Zombie King..."

The man roared, and all the zombies who were blocked outside the city became restless, followed by roaring, and the roar shook the sky.

The man led the young boy and jumped off the high wall, without entering the city, and chasing after the leaving army.

Originally only knew about the giant zombies that hit the city wall, the IQ suddenly went online. It no longer stuck its big head in the gap, but grabbed the zombies and threw them into the city. Zombies fell from the sky, instantly disrupting the defense formation, and the melee soldiers rushed up, and The zombies that were thrown in fought, defended the gunner, and continued to attack from a distance.

In the civilized city, everyone was awakened by the roar of the planes. They thought there would be a fierce battle, but there was no such battle. Those planes came over and dropped a circle of bombs and then left.

Civilized zombies and new humans waited for a long time, did not see the plane and came back, and then went back to sleep in peace.

Wen Qingling knew that those foreigners who were not at ease had been resolved, and there would be no more danger to the Civilized City tonight.

He thought for a while, "Go pick up Kuibao, you can't let it stay outside."

Xiao Hen: "Okay."

Xiao Hen: "Where are you going?"

Wen Qingling: "The Central Giant City."

Xiao Hen was stunned for a moment, he thought Wen Qingling would go directly to Yunjing City, but he didn't expect it to be the giant city.

Wen Qingling said: "Those zombies have left Yunjing City."

Xiao Hen understood, he hugged Wen Qingling, the person had disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in a distant city, he moved again in space, and after a few times, he finally appeared in the central giant city.

At this time, the central giant city has become a ruin. The 100-meter-high city wall was breached by giant zombies. Zombies of various sizes poured in from the gap, and the city was looking for fresh flesh and blood.

Looking at such a central giant city, Xiao Hen frowned, "Wait a minute, I'll come when I go."

Xiao Hen disappeared from the spot.

Wen Qingling didn't follow, he knew what Xiao Hen was going to do, even if he turned into a real zombie, as long as he had wisdom, he would not be indifferent to his blood relatives, even Wen Qingling himself could not be cold-blooded to his relatives , let alone Xiao Hen

Wen Qingling saw the foreknowledge that the bomber took the initiative to bomb Yunjing City, and then the zombies in Yunjing City attacked the central giant city.

The prediction picture is very short, with no beginning and no end, but it can determine the time.

Since his strength has improved again, his grasp of precognition has become better and better. He can take the initiative to predict some things, unlike in the past, he was passively predicted. What to see, although the time is shorter, it is also a lot more convenient than before.

Wen Qingling's spiritual power swept across, this is not a dead city, there are still human beings alive, they are all hiding in the closed space in horror, everyone covers their mouths and noses, trying to make their breathing quieter.

Wen Qingling stood there, and the scurrying zombies respectfully avoided, even if Wen Qingling restrained all his breath, facing the king, these zombies were still instinctively afraid.

Wen Qingling's gaze fell in front of him. There were many zombies in military uniforms wandering the streets. Judging from their wounds and fresh blood, they should all be soldiers from the former Central Giant City who had just turned into zombies.

Among these soldier zombies, there is one zombie that is very different. Half of its belly is missing, and its body is covered in blood. The military uniform cannot see its original color, and half of its face is also bloody. It is very small, and Wen Qingling can recognize it at a glance - Xia Jiang.

Xiao Hen reappeared with a cold glow in his eyes, "Everyone in the third district has disappeared, I can't find General Xiao and Lao Xue."

Although he has weak feelings, he has not yet reached the point of inhumanity. His blood relatives and Lao Xue, who has watched him grow up since childhood, can't just watch them die, even if the relationship between him and his father is not good.

Xiao Hen followed Wen Qingling's gaze and recognized Xia Jiang, who was among a group of soldiers and zombies.

Wen Qingling's eyes still stayed on these soldiers and zombies, and asked Xiao Hen, "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Hen: "Bring it back to Civilization City."

If you want to become a new human, you must first be a zombie. Only in this way can you reorganize after the zombie virus destroys human genes, and get stronger physical quality and strength than humans.

Wen Qingling hooked her lips, "It's the same as what I thought."

Wen Qingling likes to recruit soldiers and zombies the most. These soldiers are extremely rigid and obey orders, and often become victims of power struggles. In the above sentence, if they are sent to death, they can only send them to death. They have to choose, because they are soldiers and have the responsibility to protect the lives and safety of citizens.

Wen Qingling had no opinion on the soldiers, but the selfish high-level people he had an opinion on.

Wen Qingling said: "They have already left, General Xia should have stayed to intercept the zombies, but the whole army was wiped out."

Now there is not a single living soldier in the entire central giant city. They all died in battle, were eaten and transformed, and fought to the end.

Wen Qingling's mental power swept over and gathered all the zombies in the central giant city. Wen Qingling asked Xiao Hen to send these zombies back to Civilization City first, and he went to chase the wild Kuibao.

Xiao Hen can use space replacement to replace these soldiers and zombies, but the distance is too far and needs to be flipped a few times.

Xiao Hen had no objection and left first with the zombies.

Wen Qingling followed the army of zombies, chasing wild Kuibao all the way.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support, tweet~~

PS: Pure Zombie Xiao Hen, referring to Pure Zombie Wen Qingling, although he has weak feelings, it is not that he has no emotions, but he is thin and thin, Wen Qingling is still very protective of his relatives and friends, so is Xiao Hen In the same way, he has become cold and cold, but he will not ignore the dangers of his relatives and friends. He has not lost his memory, but other than love, other emotions are not so fiery.

When he was evolving, what he was most worried about was becoming a pure zombie like Wen Qingling who didn't understand emotions. He didn't want to forget his love for Wen Qingling, so after evolution, the feeling of liking Wen Qingling was far stronger. any other emotion.