I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 25


When Wen Qingling came back, it was already dark, and everyone in Wengcheng had left.

Although the others were not there, his mental power had been paying attention to the situation in Wengcheng.

Some people saw him leaving with the little monster Kuibao, and they thought about it. They discussed with Jiang Lan and the others whether they could stay for one night. No doubt they were rejected. They said that they could live in Wengcheng without entering the city. Lan they still refused.

The survivors only saw Wen Qingling's strength, but did not know the details of the others. They wanted to unite and force Jiang Lan to take them in. As a result, everyone was beaten out of the city.

Wen Qingling's strength has improved, and all the civilized zombies associated with him are stronger than before. Although they have no abilities, their speed and strength are comparable to evolutionary zombies, so they are not easy to mess with.

Xiao Hen and Ji Rong also left.

In a short period of time, two small and medium-sized bases were destroyed one after another, which made all bases near Mausoleum City no longer hopeful. Those who were still hesitating whether to join the Mausoleum City Base no longer hesitated, and went to the fastest speed. Lingcheng base.

Survivors near the mausoleum city got the greatest concentration.

The leader of the Lingcheng base got the news that the zombies that launched the corpse tide are a new type of evolutionary zombies that only have consciousness and can talk. The individual strength is very strong, and the key is very smart, which means that not only the strength, but also the intelligence. .

Almost all the survivors near the mausoleum city moved into the mausoleum city base.

They have no doubt that the corpse tide will flock to the Mausoleum City base sooner or later. What they want is to strengthen the city wall before the corpse tide arrives, organize a good manpower to fight back, and prevent the corpse tide from breaking through the defense line.

All Xiao Hen and Ji Rong can bring to them is the news of the blood corpse, and they can't help with other things.

The leader of the Mausoleum City Base admired them very much, and after having invited them many times, they could not persuade them to join the Mausoleum City Base.

The purpose of Xiao Hen and Ji Rong staying here is to hear Qingling, not to help someone stationed at the base.

Xiao Hen and Ji Rong returned to the civilization base again, and once again proposed the idea of living.

Wen Qingling still refused.

The two retreated and asked for the next best thing. They could live in Wengcheng if they did not live in the city.

Wen Qingling: Wengcheng is not good either.

He is not stupid, let two people come in and stare at him, does he think there are too few secrets in the base

Xiao Hen couldn't, so he could only continue to run on both sides of the Lingcheng base and Nancheng, return to the Lingcheng base at night to live, and come to Nancheng during the day.

The news of the Nancheng Clinic has been completely spread out, and many people have been cured, and they are living signs.

After that, there will be infected people every day, and there are survivors who will not leave. They have to stay at the base. To deal with such people, Jiang Lan has always only spoken with fists.

The more survivors were treated, the more poisonous blood the blood sunflowers sucked, and the other two blood sunflowers also began to change, but they failed to evolve successfully and were eaten by Kuibao halfway through.

It seems to be very resistant to the same kind that appears.

Every time Wen Qingling went out hunting, she would bring Kuibao with her, and leave the matter of Wengcheng Clinic to her parents, Feng Bin and Wenbo.

One day when he was chasing down a mutant cow, Kui Bao was so excited that he sprayed out a poisonous mist, and the sturdy mutant cow instantly turned into a rotten zombie cow, and its body grew bigger, with red eyes and fat guts. Even Wen Qingling dared to attack, and Wen Qingling had to kill him with his own hands.

It was also the first time he knew that Kuibao could actually spray poison mist.

He asked Kuibao to spray at an ordinary zombie, and then the ordinary zombie turned into an evolutionary zombie in situ, with red eyes.

Wen Qingling solemnly educated Kuibao, "We are good zombies of socialism, we can't just spray poison mist, can we do it?"

Kuibao tilted his head to look at him, wondering if he understood.

The poisonous mist is effective on both zombies and mutant animals, not to mention humans, and the effect will only be stronger. If a poisonous mist is sprayed on the survivor base, the picture is too beautiful, and he refuses to think about it.

Early in the morning, Wen Qingling was neatly dressed and carrying a backpack, ready to go out.

Kwai Bao is in the backpack.

As soon as they left the Weng City, they met Xiao Hen and Ji Rong who came over.

Xiao Hen: "Are you going out?"

Wen Qingling: "Go to the Mausoleum City base."

Xiao Hen was even more surprised than hearing that zombies don't eat people, "Don't you want to join the Mausoleum City Base, what are you doing there?"

Wen Qingling glanced at him, "Find someone."

Will he tell him to go to the Mausoleum City Base to find the two lost blood sunflowers? Won't.

Xiao Hen: "We'll take you there."

Wen Qingling was noncommittal.

With a free driver, he doesn't bother to drive anymore.

Ji Rong drove, Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen sat in the back row.

Wen Qingling looked out the window quietly, her eyes flat.

Ji Rong looked at him in the rearview mirror and said tentatively, "City Lord Wen, will the blood corpse attack the Mausoleum City base?"

Wen Qingling's eyes didn't move, "If it was me, I would let the entire Lingcheng base be relocated."

Ji Rong and Xiao Hen both sank.

Xiao Hen: "There are nearly 30,000 survivors in the Mausoleum City base, and there are quite a few people with abilities. If the blood corpse really wants to attack the Mausoleum City base, it is estimated that the entire Mausoleum City's zombies will have to be launched, but it can really control the entire Mausoleum City. Zombies?"

At least the zombies in Nancheng will definitely not listen to the command of the blood corpse.

Because Wen Qingling would not allow it.

Wen Qingling said lightly: "The Mausoleum City Base can still exist stably, and this is the reason. When the blood corpse takes control of the Mausoleum City, the Mausoleum City Base will be in danger."

Xiao Hen looked at him, "You won't allow the bloody corpse to touch your Nancheng."

Xiao Hen said it with certainty.

After so many contacts, he has a certain understanding of Wen Qingling.

Although Wen Qingling is indifferent to human affairs, he will not take the initiative to attack human beings, whether it is himself or the zombie group he controls.

It can be seen that he is just a little indifferent, not a bad person, he does things with his own principles.

Wen Qingling: "Blood corpses won't stain the guide city, and the hungry zombies in Nancheng will take the initiative to seek refuge."

Although Wen Qingling can control zombies, he can't stop zombies from pursuing a better life. Both humans and zombies have the right to choose a better life.

Looking at the convoy of survivors coming and going outside the window, Wen Qingling felt in a trance. After careful calculation, he had only been away from the base for nearly two months. Why did he feel that human life was so far away from him that he felt unfamiliar

The entrance of the Lingcheng base is more lively, there are vehicles and noisy people everywhere. Kuibao in the backpack is not moving. He twists his body and wants to come out. Wen Qingling patted it and made it quiet. Now it is not for the fun. when.

Xiao Hen glanced at his backpack and raised his vigilance.

People who refused to leave Nancheng suddenly took the initiative to come out. There must be a reason why they had to come out.

Moreover, he even brought Kuibao out with him.