I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 32


The off-road vehicle kept driving into the training ground. Wen Qingling thought she was dazzled, so she got out of the car to check. There wasn't a single soldier, let alone a soldier, there wasn't even a zombie in a camouflage uniform. Here are ordinary zombies in ragged clothes.

Wen Qingling had a question mark in his head, and continued to drive forward, looking for the trace of the soldier's zombie. He went all the way from Xicheng to the military headquarters in Beicheng. There was also no soldier's zombie, and he went around to the military compound, but still no suspected soldiers were seen. The trace of the zombies.

Wen Qingling didn't believe that the former large military region didn't even have a single soldier zombie. There must be something wrong, and the soldier's zombies were all taken away!

To be able to do such a thing, there are no other zombies in the entire mausoleum city except for the rebel in Dongcheng!

It's a good plan. It turned out that the hard work of carrying the ammunition in the wooden warehouse was prepared for these soldiers and zombies. The ugly thing seems to really want to dominate the mausoleum city. After cleaning up the mausoleum city base, is it ready to clean up him? Dad

If you want to form a zombie army, dream!

If you want to form, it is also formed by Laozi, and the son is not worthy!

Wen Qingling kicked the accelerator, the off-road vehicle rushed out, and drove from Beicheng to Dongcheng.

Bullying is too much!

Everyone is a zombie, he just wanted to find a few instructors to go back, but he didn't leave any of them, which is outrageous!

Not long after entering Dongcheng, I heard the sound of wooden warehouses one after another from a distance. This professional skill is very skilled at first glance.

Wen Qingling sped up and rushed over, his mental power was already shrouded in the past. Sure enough, there were many soldiers and zombies here, and they all had wooden warehouses in their hands. The sound of the wooden warehouses came from them, and the group of people who were besieged was the one in front of them. Come to send the dead mausoleum base master.

There is no need for the blood corpse to take action in person, and there is no need to bury ordinary zombies. These soldiers alone are enough to make them drink a pot. It is not difficult to see from their expressions that they are all stunned and unconscious zombies at the moment. Will actually open the wooden warehouse! It's still a neat soldier brother zombie!

This configuration is not even comparable to their human bases. The base guards formed are still miscellaneous soldiers, and there is absolutely no formality from these soldiers and zombies!

The masters who rushed in to prepare for the "decapitation plan" were all hiding behind the cover at this moment and did not dare to show their heads. While guarding against being shot in the head by bullets, they also had to be wary of ordinary zombies that rushed up at any time.

Those who have the ability to hide are the living, and the dead are gnawed beyond recognition by the zombies, bleeding all over the place.

Wen Qingling drove an off-road vehicle with a mutant sheep tied to the roof, hula-la rushed to the center of the battlefield, the soldier's zombie automatically stopped, and did not mean to hurt him, the human's eyeball fell to the ground.

Wen Qingling shouted, "Have you seen the bloody corpse?"

He drove all the way, but he didn't even see the shadow of the bloody corpse.

Lingcheng base masters: "..."

Mechanically pointed in one direction, Wen Qingling stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

The sound of the wooden warehouse sounded again, and the masters were beaten so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. ! ! ! ! !

The blood corpse finally appeared in Wen Qingling's mental coverage area. At the same time, several high-level experts appeared. They were fighting with the blood corpse. The high-level experts besieged a blood corpse. a few people.

When Wen Qingling's mental power was covered, Xiao Hen immediately noticed it, but he had no time to take care of him. This blood corpse was very vengeful. He always remembered the knife that Xiao Hen slashed at it, and kept chasing Xiao Hen to kill.

Xiao Hen used his space-based ability, and he was inseparable from the ghosts, and it was inseparable from the killing of the blood corpse.

Wen Qingling braked suddenly and stopped on the battlefield.

He got out of the car and took a quick glance. The announcer was already lying on the ground at the moment, his neck was bitten and he was bleeding a lot. The leader of the Mausoleum base who claimed to have a "perfect plan" could only helplessly. clutching the announcer's neck.

Meng Hua and several other high-level experts on the side were panting and vigilant, for fear that a zombie would suddenly burst out and bite their necks.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Wen Qingling, Fang Shenlong almost didn't cry directly, "Doctor Wen, Dr. Wen save him, save him quickly, he's dying..."

Wen Qingling looked away and looked at Meng Hua, "Where's Luo Fengjue?"

Meng Hua: "He didn't come. Those two outsiders voluntarily took Luo Fengjue's place, and he was replaced."

Wen Qingling looked at Xiao Hen, who was already very tired, and then looked at Meng Hua and the others, "Are you on a halftime break?"

The expressions of several people are a bit unnatural.

Meng Hua said: "We are not the opponents of the blood corpse."

Wen Qingling: "Did you think you were the opponent of the blood corpse before?"

Meng Hua held his breath, "We can't help, we'll die if we go!"

Wen Qingling: "So, you just watched others die for you?"

"They joined voluntarily, no one forced them!" Meng Hua suddenly remembered, "Aren't you friends? If you have time to talk nonsense here, you are going to save them? They will become corpses later!"

Wen Qingling looked at him coldly, "You will become a corpse earlier than them."

Wen Qingling jumped on the hood and roared, "Blood corpse, you son of a turtle! Your dad is here, get your dad over here!"

The black claws of the bloody corpse pressed against Xiao Hen's long knife, and the other paw scratched against Xiao Hen's chin, and suddenly slammed into Xiao Hen sideways. The man's strong body couldn't withstand the collision, Xiao Hen's chest was in severe pain, and at least two ribs were broken.

The blood corpse didn't attack again, jumped up, stood at the window of the building, looked down at Wen Qingling below, and roared at him.

Wen Qingling was also very angry, "Where have all the zombies in Xicheng and Beicheng gone!"

The blood corpse growled at him.

Wen Qingling jumped high and stood taller than it, "Even if you want to form a zombie army, it will be your father and me first!"

The blood corpse glanced at Xiao Hen, and suddenly said, "Are you helping humans?"

Wen Qingling put her arms around her chest, "You can't control who your father likes to help! I'm going to help the zombies now, hand them over!"

The blood corpse roared angrily, "I found that first! Don't deceive people too much!"

Wen Qingling: "You are no longer human, so what's wrong with bullying you?!"

Blood Corpse: "Roar!!!"

Wen Qingling: "Hoo, uncle! Those soldiers aren't in Dongcheng, where did you get them?!"

"Going to a place you can't think of." After the blood corpse said, he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Wen Qingling: "..."

Xiu Xiu jumped to the highest point, squinted to the east, jumped down again, and walked towards his off-road vehicle.

"Wen Qingling." Xiao Hen called him.

Wen Qingling threw him a green energy ball and treated him, "100 crystal cores."

The green energy ball completely melted into Xiao Hen's chest, and the broken ribs grew back.

After his injury recovered, Xiao Hen could finally stretch his body. He threw the crystal nucleus to Wen Qingling, "Are you here to save people?"

"I was just passing by." Wen Qingling interrupted his fantasy.

Fang Shenlong dragged the announcer's body over, "Doctor Wen, save him, I will give you as many crystal cores as you want."

Wen Qingling glanced at him, "100 ordinary crystal nuclei."

Fang Shenlong threw a first-level evolution zombie crystal core.

Wen Qingling: "Kuibao!"

Kuibao, who was sleeping soundly in his backpack, jumped up agitatedly. Seeing that there was something to eat, he jumped over, and his tentacles plunged into the announcer's neck without hesitation.

Fang Shenlong was very frightened, "What the hell is this?!"

"I advise you not to move. If the treatment fails, no refund will be given." Wen Qingling was the first to remind.

Fang Shenlong really didn't dare to move.

Others gathered around, wanting to learn more.

Wen Qingling looked at them strangely, "Do you still have the time to watch here?"

Several people were vigilant again, in case the blood corpse was killed and returned to Mamuchang.

Xiao Hen suddenly reacted, and when he looked around, there was not even a shadow of a zombie.

He Lin obviously found out, "What's going on? Where have all the zombies gone?"

Wen Qingling said lightly: "I went to visit your hometown. You thought that you had ambushed the blood corpse, but you didn't know that it was the blood corpse that had ambushed you. It deliberately dragged you here. How long can the base last without you in charge?"

Fang Shenlong jumped up directly, "I'm the eighteenth generation of his grandmother's ancestors! It's really hard to deal with zombies with brains!"

Wen Qingling: "If you can't make it in time, you can take one last look at the base."

Wen Qingling turned and left, "Kuibao, go."

After the treatment, Kuibao jumped into the car with him.

"Wen Qingling!" Xiao Hen suddenly rushed up and blocked his way, "There is nothing wrong with the Lingcheng base, help me, I owe you this favor, okay?"

Wen Qingling pushed him away, but Xiao Hen grabbed her wrist, "I know you can stop it, you can definitely stop the tide of blood corpses!"

Wen Qingling: "So what?"

Xiao Hen said anxiously: "There is a national treasure-level virus expert in the base. He has just arrived at the Lingcheng base. He is the hope of mankind, and there must be no mistakes! Under the corpse tide, we may not be able to protect him, and we need your help! "

Wen Qingling: "It has nothing to do with me."

"Wen Qingling!" Xiao Hen held him tightly and didn't let go, his eyes were filled with determination.

Wen Qingling looked at him for a long time before he said, "I need an instructor to teach my people to use wooden warehouses and recognize bullets."

"Okay." Xiao Hen did not hesitate.

Wen Qingling: "Get in the car."

Xiao Hen and He Lin quickly got into the car, Wen Qingling flicked his tail, and drove out.

There was no obstruction along the way, no zombies blocked the way, and rushed towards the base of the mausoleum city.

Out of the mausoleum city, you can see dense zombies from a distance, rushing towards the mausoleum city base like a tide.

Fang Shenlong, Meng Hua and their cars followed behind, seeing this scene, they were all desperate.

Wen Qingling galloped all the way, chasing the corpse tide, but met a bloody corpse halfway.

The bloody corpse fell from the sky and hit the hood. The speeding off-road vehicle flipped over in the air and flew up. Wen Qingling grabbed the backpack, hit the door and jumped out. He Lin was dragged out by Xiao Hen.

The off-road vehicle that flew out smashed to the ground and exploded with a bang.

The mutant sheep that had not yet been rushed to make cumin mutton were completely reduced to ashes in the sea of fire.

Wen Qingling: "..."

Wen Qingling tried hard to hold back, but didn't roar, he was afraid of scaring two big living people.

Wen Qingling put the backpack on his back, a hard wooden thorn appeared in his hand, and suddenly disappeared in place, the two turned into black shadows, in the air, on the ground, and in the corpse tide, they were inseparable and rolled into a ball.

Xiao Hen: "…"

Helin: "..."

They all knew that Wen Qingling was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong. His speed was comparable to that of the blood corpse, and the speed of the blood corpse at this time was faster than when he was fighting against Xiao Hen!

The two shadows entered the corpse tide and were quickly drowned by the corpse tide.

Xiao Hen was very nervous, worried that something would happen to Wen Qingling.

At this moment, a roar came from the corpse tide.

This roar instantly grabbed the most fearful place in human hearts. The rushing corpse tide suddenly stopped, and then like a low tide, it galloped away in the same direction as when it came and went.

After the corpse tide passed, no trace of the blood corpse and Wen Qingling was found.

Xiao Hen stood there, watching the retreating corpse tide, without moving for a long time.

He had heard the roar just now.

It is in the base of Mausoleum City.

Outside the underground car park.