I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 33


The battle with the blood corpse this time is completely torn.

The blood corpse launched a corpse tide on the Lingcheng base, but was intercepted by Wen Qingling halfway back, and Wen Qingling was labeled "close to human beings". Wen Qingling didn't care about this at first, and later there were always zombies who wanted to teach him the rules of the zombie world and learn it by head.

Either be a human or be a zombie, you can't have both, you can only choose one.

Wen Qingling: "???"

Wen Qingling: I choose your father!

He was afraid of his father's anger when he heard that, and dared to teach him the rules. He first flipped the rules and made them himself.

The mausoleum city is very large. No matter Wen Qingling or the bloody corpse, they can only move in one direction. They never set foot in the central area. Even they dare not take the initiative to provoke the existence there. No one knows how many evolutionary bodies there are. .

When Wen Qingling came back, he separated the zombies from the corpse tide and brought them back to Nancheng. This was another reason that intensified the conflict between him and the blood corpse. The blood corpse lost the soldier's zombie and also the soldier. The weapons in the hands of the zombies, these were all brought back by the blood corpse controlled by the zombie group, and now more than half of them are in the hands of Wen Qingling, this hatred is settled.

On the second day of stopping the corpse tide, Wen Qingling felt that the number of zombies in Nancheng was decreasing. He thought it was being poached. Nancheng zombies leave!

If it is Dongcheng, he has a grudge against the blood corpse, and he is not surprised that the blood corpse does this, but what happened to Xicheng? Has there also been a "leader" in Xicheng? Never heard of it before.

Wen Qingling, in order to prevent the soldier's zombie that he had finally snatched back from being extradited by the two parties, he built another outer city outside the original wooden city wall. The outer city wall is 10 meters high, and the inner city wall is urged to grow to 15 meters.

Bing brother zombies seem to have a natural preference for wooden warehouse tools. He keeps holding them. Wen Qingling can be like blood corpses. They don't need them to regain consciousness. He doesn't want puppets, he wants people.

Wen Qingling uses his spiritual power to refresh their minds every day. He needs to be a soldier who voluntarily becomes a civilized zombie. He doesn't want to force it. If he is willing, he will help them regain consciousness and body. If they don't want to, he can only let them continue to wander. The blood corpse is rapidly becoming stronger, and Wen Qingling cannot be neglected. The blood corpse evolves by eating humans, and Wen Qingling evolves by the crystal nucleus. Wen Qingling feels that he is much more advanced than the blood corpse, and he can absorb thousands of them at a time. A crystal nucleus, can a blood corpse eat so many people at once? Can't stand it!

It's a bit embarrassing to say it. He is threatened by the things nourished by his own blood. Even if Wen Qingling dies, he will come back to life. Therefore, he needs crystal nuclei, a large number of crystal nuclei, and many, many crystal nuclei.

He wants to race against the blood corpse to see who is the real father.

Wen Qingling decided to go to Xicheng to have a look. He had already torn his face with Dongcheng and didn't want to have any trouble with Xicheng. Everyone is a good neighbor and a good partner. Don't just think about fighting and killing all day long, even if you are a zombie The pursuit of zombies, family and beauty, a stable and smooth life is it not good

Wen Qingling refused to be the worst zombie in the entire mausoleum city, he had to do a good job of diplomacy.

When it comes to inter-corpse relations, Jiang Lan said: I am familiar with this business.

So, when Wen Qingling personally visited Xicheng, he brought his own mother with him. Where there is a biological mother, there must be a biological father.

The first step in visiting someone: bring a gift to the door.

Wen Qingling grabbed two mutant animals as gifts, drove the newly found off-road vehicle, and walked all the way to Xicheng.

In just two days, Xicheng has completely changed. There are many zombies here, which is much more lively than when Wen Qingling came to find the zombies. Judging from the mental outlook of the zombies in Xicheng, there must be a "leader".

Wen Qingling parked the car on the main road of Xicheng and let out a zombie roar.

Soon, two zombie roars responded to him.

Sure enough, a "leader" appeared, but why are there two roars

Wen Qingling shouted again and invited the "leader" to meet.

Two slender figures rushed out of the building complex and landed not far in front of Wen Qingling's family.

Those were two girls. Judging from their height and their remaining appearance, they should be twins. They were only 15 or 6 years old. They should have been wearing beautiful dresses with neat ponytails. Now the skirts are tattered and full of blood. , I can't see the true color, the hair is messy and withered, accompanied by severe hair loss, the bright skull has been seen in many places, and there is no beauty.

As a sixth-level evolutionary body, their bodies and skins are still intact, and they are not rotten enough to be horrible.

Wen Qingling looked at them, and they were all "leaders".

The two girls roared one after another, their mouths full of black blood, and they should have eaten a lot of people.

Wen Qingling asked some questions and got a general idea.

One "leader" is already troublesome enough. I didn't expect two to appear at once. I am really thankful for the corpse in the city center.

Although the "leader" regains some consciousness, most of them will be dominated by the instinct of zombies. Eating people is their top priority. Eating people can make them stronger and evolve, not just to fill their stomachs.

These two sisters, the "leaders", have a high degree of evolution, and they are not rookies who have just become "leaders". They have been in the center of Lingcheng City. After brutal killings to survive, they survived and walked out of the city center. to the West City.

If it is just a "leader", it may be difficult to lead a quarter of the zombies in Lingcheng, but now there are two, or twins, the brain waves are synchronized, and the power is superimposed, so that they control the zombies in the entire Xicheng.

Wen Qingling threw the two gifts she brought over, "I know that you only eat humans, but mutant animals are also delicious. You might as well eat and see. It's very delicious. It's even better when cooked."

The reply Wen Qingling got was two zombie roars.

The sister flower "leader" is very disrespectful and does not even glance at it, obviously not interested in such food at all.

Jiang Lan advised: "Girl, human beings are delicious, but eating more is easy to gain weight. Don't you need to keep your figure? Look at how dirty your floral dress is, and that face and hair, you really can't see it. now…”

"Roar!!!" The sisters played an angry duo.

Jiang Lan was almost coerced by the "leader" and knelt down.

She has the strength of a third-level evolutionary body, but does not have the coercion of a third-level evolutionary body.

It's not just her, all of their civilized zombies are like this, as if they are half-finished products, they obviously have the strength of evolutionary bodies, but there is no zombie coercion, even ordinary zombies can't be deterred, they are all fakes.

Fake zombies, fake humans.

Wen Qingling roared back: Who are you yelling at? You are ugly in the first place, only the ugly will not admit that you are ugly!

The sister flower "leader" was so excited that she almost rushed over and killed Wen Qingling.

Even zombies, they are girls, they have regained part of their consciousness, the pursuit of beauty is engraved in their bones, and they will never tolerate others calling them ugly!

Jiang Lan knew that her roar might be useless, otherwise she would like to roar twice, can she still listen to others? !

Jiang Lan tried hard to hold down her violent temper, "Girl, although you are ugly, my aunt doesn't mean to dislike you. Our family has opened a clinic in Nancheng. You come to our clinic to consume and promise to turn you back into beautiful girls. Why? Like?" If Wen Qingling hadn't pressed her firmly, the sisters might not have heard and would have rushed over at the end.

Their obsessions are all on their appearance, and no one can say they are ugly!

Jiang Lan showed herself to them, "Do you see it? How decent, how clean, how beautiful, look at this old lady's black hair, white to glowing skin, and exquisite figure, don't you envy it? As long as you both Mixing with my son will definitely make you beautiful."

Wen Qingling: "..."

Wen Zheng: "… "

He kept his mouth shut, didn't dare to speak, he could only raise his hands and clapped to show his support.

The sister flower "leader" looked at Jiang Lan, and then looked at herself, comparing the gap between herself and Jiang Lan.

Wen Qingling's eyes lit up, and he already understood his mother's plan. He has always treated ordinary zombies and never treated the evolutionary body. If he can fool the two "leaders" back and the treatment is successful, it will definitely be a big deal. help.

Jiang Lan took two steps forward, "Hey, don't look at it, my son can definitely make you beautiful, we also have little girls in our base, who used to be the same as you, but now they are beautiful, do you want to go back with me to see? "

The inflexible brain of the sister flower "leader" is working hard to think about the feasibility of this matter.

Then the two "leaders" got together to roar and discuss countermeasures.

Wen Qingling silently gave her mother a thumbs up.

Jiang Lan raised her chin proudly, very proud.

The end result is that the "leader" of the sisters is willing to go back to see them, and they have to see the pretty girl first.

Wen Qingling's family drove back, and the sisters "leader" followed them all the way.

The civilized zombies patrolling the city wall thought they were dazzled. They all knew that the city lord went to develop a friendly neighborhood relationship with the "leader" of Xicheng. Who would have thought that it would be so successful and directly bring back the "leader" of Xicheng.

And there are two at once!

"Leader" coercion is also effective for these civilized zombies.

They are still zombies in their genes, and they have an instinctive fear and surrender to high-level zombies.

Wen Qingling took them into the city, and Jiang Lan introduced them all the way, "Look at our base, is it clean? Are our zombies decent? Are our lives rich?"

Wen Qingling released her spiritual power, summoned all the female civilized zombies, and dressed beautifully to show her beauty.

Seeing that they were wearing beautiful dresses, neatly combed hair, and delicate makeup, the sisters, the "leader", their eyes were red with envy and jealousy, and roared at Wen Qingling.

Jiang Lan clapped her hands, this business is done!

Wen Qingling took them to the clinic and took out the two largest blood sunflowers, "After eating, you will be beautiful."

Wen Qingling was afraid that there would be too little blood to hold down the two "leaders", so instead of taking the blood sunflower doped with animal blood, he took two blood sunflowers cultivated with his own pure blood, "This is very expensive and needs to be purchased with crystal cores. A 1000 ordinary zombie crystal core."

The sister flower "leader" directly stretched out his hand, as long as it can become beautiful, what does 1000 crystals count for? !

Wen Qingling watched them eat the two blood sunflowers, the rotten flesh began to grow new flesh, the hay-like hair became black and soft again, and the scalp and new hair grew again where the skull was exposed. Soon, the two A beautiful girl appeared before me.

Jiang Lan has prepared a beautiful skirt, "Come on, take a shower, put on a clean and beautiful skirt, and two little beauties."

Jiang Lan took them to take a bath and change their clothes, and when they came back, they were completely changed.

The sisters are really good-looking, and it's no wonder that they can't tolerate others calling them ugly.

Wen Qingling has been observing them. They are all "leaders", not ordinary zombies, but sixth-level evolutionary bodies. He is also looking forward to what will happen after eating the blood sunflower. The ego also needs to be observed.

The two beautiful girls with facial paralysis regained their ability to speak.

Very good, there is facial paralysis, it means that it has been affected by blood.

"I'm my elder sister, Tiantian, she is my younger sister, Xinxin, thank the city lord Wen for your help, we will send the consultation fee later."

After the sister flower "leader" was about to leave, Wen Qingling said, "Aren't you staying with me?"

The sister-in-law "leader" looked at him, "One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers."

Wen Qingling: "..."

This is just repairing their appearance and curing their brains, isn't it affected by blood at all

No, it's not that it has no effect, at least they are paralyzed, and they are not hostile to Wen Qingling.

Before leaving, the sister flower "leader" reminded Wen Qingling: "The 'General' is about to complete its evolution, and it will liquidate the traitors. You have to be careful and stop interacting with humans. Humans are just food, not our kind."

Surviving in the last days for more than two years, I have heard that the evolutionary body with the highest level is the seventh-level evolutionary body "turret". Something terrible is about to appear in the center of the city.

Was it "General"

Sister flower "leader" said: "'General' can lead all evolutions, otherwise why do you think the evolutions of Mausoleum are gathered in the city center? The evolution of 'General' is more perfect and stronger than ours, and it will rule the entire tomb city."

Wen Qingling: "..."

The real boss of Mausoleum City is about to appear, and the blood corpse is still jumping with a hammer

There is no doubt that the "general" who is about to evolve is higher than the "leader" and "turret", and it is very likely that he is an eighth-level evolutionary body.

Wen Qingling was not sure if there was an eighth-level evolutionary body, whether he would be suppressed. So far, he has not been overwhelmed by the coercion of any zombie, and it is he who suppresses others.

Wen Qingling knew very well that he was different from other zombies, so he was both looking forward to and vigilant towards this "general".

When the "leader" of the sisters left, they promised that they would not divide the zombies in Nancheng again. When they needed a younger brother, they would go to other places to find them.

Wen Qingling was very enthusiastic to show them the way. Don't go to other places to look for them. Go directly to Dongcheng to find them. There are many zombies there, and there are also free weapons. How good, let's divide the zombies in Dongcheng together

The "leaders" of the sisters have the heart but not the conditions. The west city and the east city are separated from the city center. They finally got out of the city center alive and can't go past. Even if they want to go around, the south city is on the right and the north city is on the left.

So, they should go back and develop their West City obediently.

Xiao Hen took some time to settle down the Mausoleum City base and came to Nancheng to report.

He came alone, and he knew that Wen Qingling didn't want others to enter the base.

Before the "beheading plan", they had been to Nancheng, but unfortunately they were not able to enter. Wen Qingling did what he said and really did not let them enter Nancheng again. This time, Wen Qingling offered to ask Xiao Hen to come over and be an instructor. , so he will not refuse.

Sure enough, just as Xiao Hen's car drove to Nancheng, the zombies automatically moved away and let him enter the city.

However, after a few days, the civilization base has changed a lot, from a city to two inner and outer cities. With such a scale, if you change it, you will change it. This is enough to show that Wen Qingling's wood-type ability is also strong. horrible.

Weng Chengmen in the outer city opened, Xiao Hen drove in, the outer city was very empty, there were only a few soldiers and zombies in camouflage uniforms, all of them carrying wooden warehouses in their hands, wandering around unconsciously.

Xiao Hen slowed down the speed of the car, seeing many such zombies, his brows gradually wrinkled.

The car drove into the inner city Wengcheng, then to the inner city gate, and drove all the way to Wen Qingling's clinic.

The inner city has also changed a lot. Suddenly there are many more people, which are several times more than before. People come and go and it is very lively.

Wen Qingling was still standing at the door of the clinic waiting for him.

Xiao Hen got out of the car and looked him up and down, "Aren't you hurt?"

Wen Qingling: "It can't hurt me yet."

Xiao Hen praised, "You are really strong."

Wen Qingling tilted her head, "Should I say thank you?"

Xiao Hen: "I didn't say this to make you say thank you."

Wen Qingling: "Then what do you mean?"

Xiao Hen paused for a long time before he said solemnly, "I hope your strength will not be used on humans."

Wen Qingling looked at him, "You said the opposite, I hope humans don't come to me to show off their power, otherwise, I will fight back."

That is to say, when mankind is at peace with him, he is at peace, and when mankind is at war with him, he is at war.

Wen Qingling turned around and walked ahead to lead the way.

Xiao Hen looked at his back in silence and followed slowly.

Wen Qingling said: "My people can't even tell the size of the bullets. I don't know what happened when the wooden warehouse rang. Can such students still be saved? Instructor Xiao must teach them well."

Xiao Hen sternly said, "Why do you suddenly think of Xue Mucang?"

Wen Qingling took it for granted, "Even rotten zombies can use wooden warehouses, we still don't know how, don't you feel shameless?"

Xiao Hen: "…"

Does that person who doesn't even have a wooden warehouse still have a face

The originally lively base became quiet at this moment. When Xiao Hen followed Wen Qingling to the square, he found that everyone in the base was standing neatly on the square, waiting for the arrival of the instructor.

Xiao Hen: "…"

Originally there were only 100 or 200 people in the base, and there were not many people who really learned from Mucang. Xiao Hen never imagined that the reality had hit him hard, not many? Look at this crowd of people in the square, is this a lot? !

There are men, women and children of all ages. As long as they are people in the base, they can be as young as 6 years old Feng Tongtong, and as old as 70 years old. Can you still carry the wooden warehouse? Does Feng Tongtong have a wooden warehouse height? Isn't the old man afraid that the recoil will break the old bones

Xiao Hen had too many things to say, but seeing Wen Qingling's natural expression, he couldn't say anything.

Xiao Hen said with difficulty: "So much to learn?"

Wen Qingling nodded: "All learn."

Xiao Hen asked again and again: "There are... so many wooden warehouses?"

"Yes!" Everyone held up the wooden warehouse in their hands to show him, and even Feng Tongtong held up the wooden warehouse in his hand, responding to the call of the organization.

Xiao Hen: "!!!"

Xiao Hen looked at Wen Qingling: "Where did you get so many wooden warehouses?"

Wen Qingling: "I grabbed it. The blood corpse next door got a lot of ammunition in wooden warehouses. If it wasn't for us to help consume it, do you think you would still be able to go back alive?"

These are only taken out, and there are many that have not been taken out, which are all stored in the warehouse.

Xiao Hen was silent, this was definitely a robbery of the armory, no doubt about it.

Xiao Hen said: "I think, I need to recruit the other three, I may not be able to do it alone."

Wen Qingling: "No, you don't need to, you can do it alone."

Xiao Hen: "Then teach them in batches, and they all gather together and speak a word that can't be heard clearly."

Wen Qingling said strangely, "Do you think we are as poor as the Mausoleum City Base?"

Hearing a gesture from Qingling, someone brought in two large speakers with a height of one person, and brought a headset to put on for Xiao Hen. Apart from these, there is even a mixer, as well as a tuner!

Xiao Hen had nothing to say except silence.

Wen Qingling: "Don't worry, our tuners are very professional. In addition, our people have good eyes. Don't worry about them being invisible. You can start."

Xiao Hen: "…"

Xiao Hen could only obey the arrangement.

He walked up to the raised platform, demonstrated the disassembly of an automatic wooden warehouse, and then assembled and explained it step by step. He first popularized the theoretical knowledge, and then proceeded with the subsequent teaching.

Wen Qingling stood by and watched and followed.

Xiao Hen is very experienced in teaching the knowledge of wooden warehouse equipment. Each step is explained in an orderly manner. He disassembles and assembles wooden warehouse branches very quickly and is very skilled.

After the knowledge of the decomposition of wooden warehouse machinery, it is the question of how to allocate ammunition to wooden warehouses of different calibers.

When Xiao Hen saw the boxes of bullets being carried out, he could face it calmly.

Wen Qingling's saying is quite right, the Civilization Base is indeed more tyrant than the Lingcheng Base. Just looking at the spirit of this man with a wooden warehouse and boxed bullets, the Lingcheng Base is not comparable.

Lunch is still solved at Wen Qingling's house. Jiang Lan's craftsmanship is very good. She is no longer nervous when she first saw Xiao Hen. She likes Xiao Hen quite a lot. Xiang, plus he is also an instructor at the base, he knows a lot and has strong personal strength.

The lunch was very rich, and the students sent a lot of treasured goods. I couldn’t finish a meal, so I had to put it in the refrigerator and eat it slowly.

Xiao Hen was here, and felt the enthusiasm of the students. Although they were all facial paralysis, he felt their hearts, especially Comrade Jiang Lan. He saw that his eyes were full of like, like, like, and he kept using chopsticks for him. Food, let him eat more, there must be no base for life outside, it is rare to come here, eat more to make up.

What is the enthusiasm of this new daughter-in-law coming to the door

Xiao Hen was flattered and kept watching Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling didn't use public chopsticks, but directly used a clip to pick up a piece of roasted mutant lamb and put it on Xiao Hen's plate.

"Eat more, otherwise you might not be able to keep up with the students when you go out to practice wooden warehouses."

Xiao Hen: "…"

So, the ultimate purpose of entertaining him so warmly is for the students, right

Okay, he's only worth that much in the base.

Xiao Hen watched Wen Qingling use a clip to pick up some dishes, put some of each dish, put them on the plate in front of them, and eat them slowly.

Looking at Wen Zheng and Jiang Lan again, they both have the same habit.

From the first time he came to Wen Qingling's house to eat, he had noticed that their family would not use their own chopsticks to directly pick up food, but use public chopsticks or clips to clip them into their own plates or bowls, and then use their own chopsticks. chopsticks to eat.

At that time, Xiao Hen felt that Wen Qingling's family was really particular about him. As a guest, he could only follow the customs of the countryside and eat vegetables like this.

Now it seems that the truth may not be what he thought.

In the afternoon, I took the students out to practice the wooden warehouse. Xiao Hen finally realized the meaning of Wen Qingling’s words. Each of them jumped very fast, and they were more than ten meters away with a light jump. Xiao Hen had to run after him.

When they go out to practice the wooden warehouse, they can't be dispatched in full. They can only come in batches. The training wooden warehouse venue that Wen Qingling chose for them is Dongcheng. , kill as much as you like.

Xiao Hen: "…"

Xiao Hen followed them all the way. They shuttled through the mausoleum city full of zombies. No zombies attacked them. If they saw them, they would take the initiative to avoid them.

Xiao Hen has been observing them, and the more he sees, the more unable to calm his heart.

All the crystal cores of the zombies killed by Lian Mucang belonged to Wen Qingling, and he was very satisfied.

On the way back, I met a third-level evolutionary body "Hunter" without long eyes. It was thin, fast, and very agile. It ignored everyone and chased Xiao Hen to kill.

Xiao Hen: "…"

How bad is his popularity to let him choose to kill himself in a team of dozens of people

When the people in the base saw that the instructor was attacked, they quit immediately, and they all rolled up their sleeves and beat the third-level evolutionary body.

The third-level evolutionary body: "… "

Blind eyes of the same kind? Do not kill the prey and kill the same kind

If you can't be bothered, you can go first.

The third-level evolutionary body was scared away, and a group of people returned to the city in a mighty manner.

No zombies without eyes were encountered on the road, and they returned to the base safely.

As an instructor at the base, Xiao Hen finally got the qualification to live in the inner city and lived next to Wen Qingling's house. It was a vacant villa for Xiao Hen to live in.

The night at the base is very quiet. People live in all the houses with lights on. Some of them are alone and some of them get together as a family to enjoy dinner. Isolated from the world, they live their peaceful lives without being disturbed.

On Xiao Hen's third day in Nancheng, Lingcheng Base suddenly thought of a slapstick operation, and came to Nancheng to find someone and asked to see Qingling.

They could not enter Nancheng, they could only stand outside Nancheng and shout loudly—this was the method taught to them by those who entered Nancheng.

They were afraid that Wen Qingling would not be able to hear them, so they specially equipped loudspeakers, and the scene was familiar.

Wen Qingling was listening to the class, and was irritated by people outside.

Wen Qingling: "Go ahead, I'll take a look."

Xiao Hen looked at the direction he was leaving, and understood, let the students practice by themselves, and he also went to see.

Wen Qingling appeared on the edge of the southern city. He stood on the top of the container and looked at the group of people outside the city.

In order to prevent people outside from entering Nancheng casually, Wen Qingling asked the zombies to push all the abandoned cars in Nancheng to the periphery of Nancheng, forming an abandoned car yard, leaving only the main road entering Nancheng to pass, but the main road is the world of zombies , if the vehicles outside want to enter without permission, unless they fly over the abandoned parking lot, they can only pass through the zombies on the main road.

Really saw Wen Qingling in Nancheng, and the masters of Lingcheng Base were very excited.

Fang Shenlong said, "Doctor Wen, we have a big business to discuss with you."

Wen Qingling looked at him blankly, without making a sound.

Fang Shenlong: "You stopped the corpse tide that the blood corpse launched that day, right? Since you can stop the corpse tide, you can definitely kill the blood corpse. Our mausoleum base is willing to produce crystal cores, please help to kill the blood corpse. Corpse, what do you think?"

Wen Qingling: "Not much, don't make a noise here, leave quickly."

"Smell Qingling!"

Wen Qingling was about to leave, but was stopped by the announcer Miao Bo, "You are a spiritual power user, you must be a spiritual power user! I didn't feel wrong that day, it was you who were investigating the Mausoleum City Base! You Your mental power has become so strong! You can stop the corpse tide! You can control the zombie group! You have such strength, do you still want to watch our Mausoleum City base be destroyed?!"

Wen Qingling turned back and looked at him coldly, "That's the contest between you and the blood corpse, and it has nothing to do with me."

Fang Shenlong: "We will hire you from the crystal nucleus."

Wen Qingling: "I don't accept employment."

Miao Bo: "Then what do you want? As long as you bring it up, we will definitely satisfy you!"

Wen Qingling glanced at them: "I want you all to shut up and get out of Nancheng quietly."

Meng Hua was angry, "You can stop the corpse tide because of Xiao Hen's words, how come it's our turn, not even the crystal core?! Don't look down on people too much!"

Xiao Hen who just arrived: "..."

Wen Qingling glanced at Xiao Hen, then looked at Meng Hua, and then looked at everyone, "You are too ugly and affect your mood."

Everyone: "… "

Everyone: "… "

Everyone: "… "

Everyone looked at Xiao Hen with the eyes of Xiaobai's face, from top to bottom, from left to right.

Xiao Hen: "…"

Meng Hua grabbed Luo Fengjue who was in the crowd, "What about him? He should always fit your mood, right?"

If you don't match, you can't be a brother.

They thought so.

Luo Fengjue, who was pushed out: "..."

Wen Qingling's eyes were light, "You want to persuade me too?"

Luo Fengjue's eyes swept back and forth on Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen, "No, I won't force you, it depends on your mood..."

"Luo Fengjue! Are you still from our base?! You are so irresponsible for the life and death of the base!" Someone scolded him on the spot.

Luo Fengjue turned a deaf ear, and his eyes still stayed on the two of them, "Qingling, are you a dual-skilled person?"

Wen Qingling nodded, "Yes."

Luo Fengjue smiled bitterly, "When did you awaken the dual elements?"

Wen Qingling: "Double Elements awaken together."

Luo Fengjue couldn't tell what it was like, Wen Qingling concealed his strength from them, Lu Tianjin ruined his brotherhood because of a woman, and finally died.

Luo Fengjue: "Have you never believed in us?"

Wen Qingling: "No."

At that time, although he had awakened the dual elements, the mental abilities were useless in the early stage. Except for being more sensitive than others, they were of no use. Until he died, mental abilities were still useless, and it was not until he became a zombie that his mental abilities were turned off.

He couldn't tell others about this, he just admitted that he was not a human being, that he was not a human being, that he could only be hunted down, and that he would also implicate everyone in the base.

Luo Fengjue: "Then why do you..." Have you been hiding the dual-element ability

Wen Qingling: "Trouble."

He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of the dual-line ability user.

Luo Fengkue didn't know whether to believe it or not, he looked at Wen Qingling, "The last question, can I join your base?"

Wen Qingling: "My base is not suitable for you."

Luo Fengjue nodded, indicating that he understood, "Then where do you want me to go?"

Wen Qingling: "It's very dangerous here, get out of here and leave the Mausoleum City base."

Luo Fengjue: "What about you?"

Wen Qingling: "I'll stay here. If you are bitten by a zombie or become a zombie, you can come back to me. If you can live, try to live."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Luo Fengjue took one last look at Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen, then turned and left.

He did not go back to the base of Mausoleum City, but drove all the way north to an unknown distance.

The owner of the Mausoleum City Base: "..."

I'm afraid this is not stupid, is it? Let him leave and leave. In this day and age, where can he go? There are zombies everywhere, they will be infected and die wherever they go, so it is better to stay safe at the base.

Wen Qingling looked at them, "You can leave too."

Meng Hua said angrily: "You drove Luo Fengjue away because you wanted to watch the Mausoleum City Base be destroyed?"

Wen Qingling: "I'll give you a piece of advice, move the base away as soon as possible, the farther away from here the better, and you won't be able to leave if you want to."

"Advice! Look at what you can, the spiritual system is amazing? The mausoleum base was destroyed, and your base was spared? I'll wait to see that your base is eaten by zombies and there are no bones left!" Meng After Hua roared, he turned around and left.

Wen Qingling said, "Is Xu Shengfei dead?"

Meng Hua's face suddenly became extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth and said: "I forgot, you are the cousin of that stinky woman! Her account is the same with you!"

Meng Hua suddenly took out the wooden warehouse and moved towards Wen Qingling, which was a few wooden warehouses.

Wen Qingling's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Meng Hua. He held the wooden warehouse in Meng Hua's hand with one hand and Meng Hua's head with the other - to probe the past!

Meng Hua roared loudly and started the soil binding, trying to fix Wen Qingling's feet, but unfortunately the soil binding was too weak and was easily kicked away by Wen Qingling. Wen Qingling flew back and landed on the top of the container again.

Wen Qingling: "You slept with your sister's best friend and used it as a threat, promising to give her and her parents shelter at the Mausoleum City Base. She killed your sister, and it was a tit for tat. You continued to offer her a reward. You can't even deal with an infected woman and let her escape, you are such a waste."

"I killed you!!!!" Meng Hua became angry and opened the wooden warehouses one after another.

Wen Qingling stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and all the leaves on the ground floated up. Wen Qingling waved his hand again, and all the leaves turned into sharp blades. After a "puff" sound, Meng Hua had been nailed into a hedgehog by the soft leaves. !

Wood-type ability - Leaf Kill!

Everyone was terrified.

Wen Qingling was too strong, completely beyond their imagination.

A vine stretched out from the ground, dragging Meng Hua, who had not yet completely died, and threw it into the group of zombies waiting to be fed.

Zombies swarmed up, vying for fresh flesh and blood.

Wen Qingling glanced at them, "Go away."

Everyone stumbled and climbed into the car and fled quickly. How could they dare to yell at Wen Qingling again

Wen Qingling turned around and walked all the way back to the base.

Xiao Hen followed silently.

When approaching the base, Xiao Hen finally said, "You keep saying that this place is dangerous, what is the source of the danger?"

"This is very unfortunate news for you. You don't want to hear it." When the power of the human power user was not strong enough to compete with the evolutionary zombies, the eighth-level evolutionary body was about to appear. It is undoubtedly the greatest disaster for mankind.

Xiao Hen: "There has been a lot of unfortunate news, not bad for this one."

Wen Qingling glanced at him, "Is your national treasure expert gone?"

Xiao Hen: "No."

Wen Qingling: "What are you doing here?"

Xiao Hen: "Fang Zhen does carry antibodies, and the zombies in Nancheng are recovering consciousness, which has aroused the interest of experts. He wants to come here to establish a research institute."

Wen Qingling's eyes were very strange.

Xiao Hen didn't wait for him to speak, and said again: "I know it is very dangerous here, but no one can persuade him to go back. He is here for a day, and I will be responsible for his safety for a day."

Wen Qingling looked at him sympathetically, "Thank you for your hard work, work hard."

Xiao Hen: "What is the source of danger?"

Wen Qingling raised her head, looked in the direction of the city center, and asked an unrelated question, "Why did you kill the bloody corpse for Luo Fengjue? You know that if Luo Fengjue goes, he will most likely die in the East City."

Xiao Hen looked at Wen Qingling's handsome face and said softly, "I know, so I can't let him go."

"Why?" Wen Qingling turned to look at him.

"Because..." Xiao Hen stared into his eyes, "I hope you can be tied down so that you won't completely stand on the side of the zombies."

Wen Qingling: "Do you think Luo Fengjue is my tie?"

Xiao Hen: "Besides him, I can't find anyone else."

If Wen Qingling's parents were outside, perhaps that would be the strongest bond, but unfortunately, his parents were by his side, standing on the same front as him.

Wen Qingling took a step forward, stared at Xiao Hen's face for a long time, then leaned closer to Xiao Hen's ear, "How about you let me take a bite, and I will let you become my tie?"

Xiao Hen's pupils shrank, he pushed Wen Qingling away, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "You, are you really not a human?"

Wen Qingling's face was paralyzed, but the corners of his mouth curled up, "What do you think?"

Xiao Hen didn't want to verify or guess!

Xiao Hen: "And the people in the base, are they people? What are they?"

Wen Qingling: "Guess what."

Xiao Hen: "I don't want to guess!"

"Then don't guess, use your eyes to see." Wen Qingling turned around and continued walking.

Xiao Hen stood on the spot, made psychological achievements for a long time, and then walked towards the base.

After hearing Wen Qingling's words, he didn't ask any more questions. He just observed and observed everyone in the base. Except that they couldn't make expressions, they were no different from humans. They were humans!

Xiao Hen eats at Wen Qingling's house every day. He has found the reason why they use public chopsticks and clips to pick up food. It's because of himself, maybe he doesn't want to infect him, and he can't say it clearly, he can only use this way avoid.

Xiao Hen accelerated his teaching to the students. He wanted to return to the Mausoleum City base as soon as possible. He was worried about putting the experts there. If possible, he wanted to persuade the experts to go back. The Mausoleum City side is indeed very dangerous, and there is no research institute at all. necessary.

When he went out for shooting training, Xiao Hen was attacked several times. Whenever this happened, he began to feel that everyone except him was inhuman, so the evolutionary body would chase him and kill him.