I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 36


Xiao Hen galloped all the way back to the Lingcheng base. Seeing the crowd at the entrance of the base, he could not wait to move the speakers of the civilized base and tell them loudly that the tide of corpses is coming, so what are they doing here? !

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Xiao Hen kept honking his horn without reducing his speed.

The people crowded at the entrance avoided one after another, the off-road vehicle rushed in, and the base guards drove to chase.

Xiao Hen shouted all the way, "The corpse tide is coming! Everyone runs east! Go east!"

Pedestrians on the street stopped one after another, not sure if the news was true or not, there were people who had already left their thoughts, and now they didn’t think about anything. Those with family members went home to pick up people, and those without family members drove forward, obeying Xiao Hen’s words, from East Gate to leave.

There was chaos in the base for a while.

Miao Bo, who detected the movement outside, had already reported the matter to Fang Shenlong.

As soon as Xiao Hen's off-road vehicle arrived at the headquarters, it was surrounded by Fang Shenlong's people.

Fang Shenlong's face was ugly, "Colonel Xiao has gone too far! It made the whole base panic, what do you want to do?!"

Xiao Hen's face was even uglier than his, "The corpse tide will arrive soon, I hope you can organize the survivors to evacuate immediately!"

Fang Shenlong said: "Let me give up the Mausoleum base, impossible! Where is Colonel Yin? He promised to defend the Mausoleum base with us!"

Xiao Hen: "He has already led people to evacuate to the south, there is no need to wait for him, even if he comes, it will be of no avail! All the zombies in the entire mausoleum city are dispatched, I don't care what your intentions are, if you want to stay behind, just stay behind, don't let Others will follow you to death! The Lingcheng base can't be held anymore, leave immediately!"

Fang Shen's long eyes are about to crack, his teeth are rattling, and he has worked so hard to build the Mausoleum City Base. How could he be willing to just give up? !

Fang Shenlong was still lucky, "Where's Doctor Wen? Does he really care?"

Xiao Hen said angrily: "I will let you organize to leave immediately!"

Xiao Hen had never heard of the "general" mentioned by Qingling. A sixth-level evolutionary "leader" was already very terrifying, and the seventh-level evolutionary "turret" was even more terrifying. This "general", It is very likely that it is an eighth-level evolutionary body that has just evolved!

What kind of terrifying existence is that, no one knows now, the only thing Xiao Hen can do now is to let the survivors evacuate! Wen Qingling said that there will be no living people within a hundred miles, so they must run a hundred miles away!

Xiao Hen is very worried about Wen Qingling now. He has already realized that Wen Qingling may not be a human being, but he doesn't know Wen Qingling's level, and whether he can survive freely in the mausoleum city under the "general" rule

Fang Shenlong was equally angry, "Impossible! I can't give up my base!"

Xiao Hen glanced at the other captains, "What about you? Do you want to stay behind knowing you will die, or leave here and build a base elsewhere?"

Chang Boheng and Wen Chu were the first to stand up, "I will take my people and evacuate the base immediately."

Xiao Hen: "Going east, you must leave the mausoleum a hundred miles away."

Chang Boheng nodded and took Wen Chu and his squadron leader and squad leader into the car and left.

The other captains are also shaken. If they can survive this time, take people to other places, re-establish the base, and be the boss, isn't it much better than being subservient

Immediately, several more captains left, and they left, and the squadron leaders and squad leaders who followed them all left together.

"Xiao! Mark!" Fang Shenlong was furious and pulled out the wooden warehouse, but before opening the wooden warehouse, his right hand fell to the ground.

Xiao Hen's knife was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Fang Shenlong hugged his right arm and wailed in pain.

Just as Miao Bo was about to start, a long knife was already on his neck, "Start the broadcast, immediately!"

Fang Shenlong roared, "Don't drive! If you die, everyone will die together! No one wants to leave!"

Fang Shenlong was already crazy, and those who were still hesitating, no longer hesitated at this moment, and took people away one after another, even Fang Shenlong's cronies left.

No one wants to die here, the end of the world has struggled until now, just to live.

Miao Bo went to broadcast and announced the news of the impending corpse tide, and asked people to run east. Those with cars drove, and those without cars ran fast.

When the broadcast sounded, the survivors at the entrance of the base had already seen the black tide-like tide of corpses swarming in. Everyone screamed and rushed into the base. The guards closed the gate of the base and rushed towards the east gate of the base at the same time.

Xiao Hen put the knife in the sheath, jumped into his off-road vehicle, and rushed towards the east gate.

There were too many people, and the east gate was blocked, making it difficult to move a single step.

Xiao Hen said loudly, "Are there any earth-type abilities? Demolish the fence!"

Someone finally remembered that there is a way to tear down the wall!

The corpse tide has already arrived, do you want this intact wall to be used for eggs? ! Don't take it apart and keep it for the New Year? !

There were earth-type abilities in the crowd, and they used their abilities to tear down the wall. At the same time, another loud noise came from behind—an explosion!

Xiao Hen was horrified. Do these zombies have grenades in their hands? ! Thinking of the ammunition in the wooden warehouse that Wen Qingling snatched from the bloody corpse, it seems that it is not strange that there are grenades, but it is very strange that the zombies are used to bomb the fence!

"Run, run, run!!! Hurry up!!!" Xiao Hen kept urging.

Everyone screamed and rushed forward, especially when they heard the screams coming from the base, it stimulated them even more.

The survivors started killing people, robbing cars, and for their own lives, they didn't care about letting others die.

A person grabbed the car and grabbed Xiao Hen's head. Xiao Hen broke his wrist and threw it aside. He slammed on the accelerator, rushed over the ruins of the downed fence, and drove to the east!

Wen Qingling stood on the wooden city wall and looked at the far east. The civilized zombies in the base were all standing on the street. Everyone felt very flustered. The suppression of high-level zombies had always enveloped them, making them unable to relax.

Wen Qingling jumped off the city wall, and the "General" had already evolved. What surprised Wen Qing was that the "General" of the eighth-level evolution body could not suppress him either.

Wen Qingling began to doubt his identity again. Is it a zombie? Even the eighth-level evolutionary body can't hold him down. Is this the rhythm that he wants to go to heaven

Although "General" couldn't suppress Wen Qingling, he could suppress all the other zombies, not even Nancheng zombies.

Wen Qingling was very angry, his zombie younger brother was sent out by the "general", and he became a bare commander!

The soldier zombie who was trapped in the outer city and couldn't answer the call was scratching the wall frantically, and he didn't even want the precious wooden warehouse.

Wen Qingling was very angry. He managed to control them back to the base with great difficulty, and was almost abducted by the "general". At this moment, he didn't know how to be grateful, but instead he wanted to go out to eat people. Zombies have no brains. no.

Wen Qingling asked the others to go home and not go out hunting for the time being. He went home and brought a few large baskets of blood sunflowers. He found a few people to move to the outer city together, and began to transform the soldiers and zombies to make them conscious and decent. Good zombies, see if they want to go out to eat people!

Soldiers who have recovered their bodies and consciousness: No, it’s okay to eat people, they answer the call and be a good socialist zombie.

During the period of the "General"'s power, the civilized zombies in the civilization base stayed at home obediently and did not go out, especially in cooperation with work.

After cleaning up the living people within a hundred miles, the zombies all returned to the mausoleum city.

Each went back to his own house, each looking for the boss of each house, but the number of people who came back was far more than when he went out.

After the "General" showed his power, the mausoleum city returned to calm again, as if it was no different from before. The biggest difference was probably that the evolutionary body would not only stay in the city center, as long as it was in the mausoleum city, the evolutionary body could be seen everywhere.

The civilized base has lifted the ban, and the civilized zombies can go out to hunt. Although they can eat some vegetables and grains, they can't eat more, and they can't be the staple food. They have to eat meat.

However, within two days, news of the death of civilization zombies came back.

At that time, when Wen Qingling was cultivating blood sunflower, several people rushed to tell him that Adong and his daughter-in-law were eaten by "ugly monsters".

The first to be attacked was Adong's daughter-in-law. Adong went to rescue people, but the two were eaten together.

In the past, when civilized zombies went out to hunt, there would also be times when they were injured, but civilized zombies have the ability to heal themselves. As long as their heads can be kept, they will not die.

But this time, the base lost two people at a time and was eaten directly.

Wen Qingling couldn't ignore it, he brought people to the scene quickly, the "ugly monster" hadn't left, there were two headless skeletons on the ground, Adong and his wife's heads were thrown aside, and they were dead.

Wen Qingling's eyes were cold, "Kill it!"

The civilization zombies that came over surrounded the "ugly monsters", raised the wooden warehouses in unison, and shot together.

Their wooden warehouse method is indeed not good, but with such a big man, he can hit it with any casual hit.

The heads of the "Ugly Eight Monsters" were exploded one by one, and they would explode again before they grew up. As long as all their heads were destroyed, and then their necks were cut off, they could be destroyed.

The angry roar of the "General" came from the city center. All the civilized zombies were instantly crushed to their knees, and the angry "ugly" raised a wall and smashed towards the civilized zombies on the ground.

A large net made of vines suddenly appeared, caught the "Ugly" and half of the wall, pulled them backwards, and the wall smashed on "Ugly" himself. Wen Qingling jumped high, one wooden warehouse and one wooden warehouse exploded all the heads of the "Ugly Eight Monsters", caught the knife thrown by the civilized zombies, and slashed the "Ugly Eight Monster"'s long neck with one knife, completely eliminating it.

"General" was provoked with majesty, roared angrily, and all the zombies retreated in fear and surrendered.

Wen Qingling was also offended, and responded with an angry roar!

The pressure exerted on the civilized zombies was lifted, and they all raised their heads, stood up, and their spines were straight!

Wen Qingling dug out the crystal cores in each of the "Ugly Eight Eccentrics" and returned to the base with the civilized zombies.

After that, civilized zombies will hunt collectively. They will bring wooden warehouse bombs and grenades, and they will kill them directly when they encounter an evolutionary body.

The evolutionary body is the direct subordinate of the "general". The ordinary zombie is lower than the evolutionary body. The ordinary zombie is controlled by the "leader", and the "leader" is controlled by the "general". Unfortunately, Wen Qingling is an outlier. Zombies of civilization are all heterogeneous.

Civilized zombies all know that the existence of the "general" threatens their lives at all times. They spontaneously take out their own crystal cores, and all the stocks of everyone are taken out and handed over to Wen Qingling to let him advance. Only in this way, They will not be destroyed by the "general".

After Wen Qingling absorbed all the crystal nuclei, his strength really increased to a new level, his blood power was stronger, and the strength of all civilization zombies increased by one level, from the original close to the second-level evolutionary body to the second-level evolutionary body The power of evolution.

The most important change is that the coercion of the "general" can no longer affect civilized zombies.

- They will no longer be suppressed by the coercion of higher zombies!

This breakthrough made all civilized zombies very happy.

This joy made them discover something even more surprising - they could actually make expressions!

It's just that it's still very stiff, like a long-term facial paralysis, and he hasn't learned how to make a vivid expression.

This also gave the civilized zombies hope. As long as Wen Qingling's strength continued to improve, they would move closer to humans.

On the other hand, Wen Qingling himself was still paralyzed. He saved others, but failed to save himself.