I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 39


Xiao Hen drove very steadily and quickly arrived at Rongcheng.

Just after getting off the highway, the road was blocked by an abandoned vehicle ahead.

Xiao Hen had to stop: "The scene is a bit familiar."

Wen Qingling leaned back in the seat, "My zombie brother won't come here to meddle in his own business."

Wen Qingling raised her chin, "Get ready for the toll."

Xiao Hen: "If you want food, I can take it out. If you want a crystal nucleus, there really isn't any."

After the apocalypse, Xiao Hen often went out to perform tasks and saved a lot of crystal cores. In addition to his own use, he also gave a lot to Wen Qingling, and his small treasury was almost bottomed out.

After a while, Xiao Hen saw several men walking out of the grass on the side of the road. They had weapons in their hands, swords and sticks, and it seemed that the conditions were very difficult.

They were standing behind the abandoned car, one of them had a wooden warehouse and had already aimed at Xiao Hen.

Judging from their clothes and the posture of holding the wooden warehouse, they should be ordinary people, not scattered soldiers.

They shouted loudly, "Listen to the people in the car, if you want to enter Rongcheng, you must leave road money, food or crystal cores!"

Xiao Hen didn't even think about it, fished out a box of instant noodles from the space and threw it to them.

Xiao Hen: "Make way!"

Several people saw a complete box of instant noodles, and their eyes were green.

In this era, it is extremely difficult to have a bite to eat. Where can anyone care if it is expired

Immediately someone ran over to take back the instant noodles, opened it for inspection, and it turned out to be a whole box, not less than a packet.

Several people looked at each other and saw greed in each other's eyes.

Wen Qingling said: "Kill it, they want to rob you."

Xiao Hen tilted his head to look at him, "Do you want to go down and push the cart by yourself?"

Wen Qingling looked at him strangely, "Is there anything else I need to do myself?"

Xiao Hen was startled, "Don't call your zombie brother."

There is no zombie brother, but there are a bunch of thick and wild vines, even hard cement and asphalt roads can be directly penetrated, rolling up the cars blocking the road and throwing them into the grass ditch on both sides, scaring a few people to hug their heads and mice, where would they dare to have them? Other thoughts

Wen Qingling raised an eyebrow at Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen gave him a thumbs up, besides admiration, what else could he say

The off-road vehicle drove towards Rongcheng, and the road was empty, with no survivors and no zombies.

Of course, this is in Xiao Hen's eyes, in Wen Qingling's spiritual world, but it is completely different.

Wen Qingling suddenly said: "I have a little suspicion that you are setting me up." Xiao Hen tilted his head to look at him: "I can reject your false accusation against me."

Wen Qingling: "Do you want to explain that this is the unique vision of a soldier?"

Xiao Hen glanced at him, looked at him twice, and then understood, "Ji Rong and the others are here?"

Wen Qingling: "It's not just him."

Xiao Hen knew it, it seemed that they were all here.

Xiao Hen said: "We came to Rongcheng. In order to prevent Fang Shenlong's 'beheading plan', I thought of using a gunship. After coming here, I realized that it was too difficult to get a gunship, so I had to go back again."

It is indeed too difficult to rely on human strength alone. The Air Force training base is now a lair of zombies. There are indeed many zombies, but most of them are zombies from ordinary people in Rongcheng. Although the total population of Rongcheng is less than that of Lingcheng, it is also more than million.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the zombie virus, more than half of the world's population of 6 billion became zombies, and the remaining half of the survivors struggled to survive in a world full of zombies and mutant animals and plants.

Wen Qingling said: "Do they have the same mind?"

Xiao Hen: "Maybe, Yin Chengrui will also drive a gunship."

With Yin Chengrui's strong temperament, he could not be willing to flee, and he would definitely kill Lingcheng again. It is not a secret that Rongcheng is an air force training base. He must know that even if Ji Rong and the others explained the situation to him, he would not believe it, unless He could see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, when meeting them here, Xiao Hen is really not surprised at all.

Wen Qingling had already observed the entire Rongcheng clearly, and Yin Chengrui also had mental powers under him. He sensed the exploration of strange spiritual power and reported it to Yin Chengrui.

The survivors of Rongcheng set up a base of their own. Originally, they could barely survive by relying on the supplies in Rongcheng. However, the sudden arrival of Yin Chengrui and his party completely disrupted the lives of the survivors in Rongcheng.

The leaders of the Rongcheng base were very vigilant against them, but because of their weapons and identities, they did not dare to resist, so they could only swallow their anger and hope they would leave here soon.

The Rongcheng base was built in the place where they must pass through when entering the city. If Xiao Hen and Wen Qingling wanted to enter the city, they must pass through the Rongcheng base.

They saw a group of people guarding the road from a distance, all wearing camouflage uniforms and holding Mucang in their arms. At first glance, it was Yin Chengrui's person.

There was a roadblock ahead, Xiao Hen stopped, glanced at Wen Qingling, Wen Qingling closed his eyes and rested, not intending to get out of the car.

Xiao Hen unfastened his seat belt, "I'll be back soon."

Xiao Hen got out of the car, and several people who greeted him saluted him, calling him "Colonel Xiao".

Xiao Hen: "Where is Yin Chengrui?"

Soldier: "Colonel Yin is at the base."

The Rongcheng base is not large, let alone the Lingcheng base, and even Wen Qingling's civilization base is not large, and there will not be too many survivors, but the base's walls are also mud, and there should be soil-type abilities to stay here.

Ji Rong, He Lin, and Shi Chong walked out quickly. After seeing Xiao Hen, the three of them were very happy.

Ji Rong said with a smile: "I'll just say it, the boss's life is tough, and even the corpse tide can't help him."

Xiao Hen: "Is Mr. Meng okay?"

Ji Rong: "Meng Lao is very good, but we are not very good."

Ji Rong gave Xiao Hen a tacit look. They are Xiao Hen's people, and they will act together with Yin Chengrui's people.

Ji Rong briefly recounted the experience of the past few days.

They fled from Mausoleum City. After they left the city for a hundred miles, the zombies stopped chasing after them. They stopped to discuss where to go next. Yin Chengrui thought of Rongcheng City. He wanted to drive a helicopter gunship to kill Mausoleum City again.

The three of Ji Rong tried their best to dissuade him and explained the situation in Rongcheng to him. It was impossible for them to get a helicopter with such a few people. Yin Chengrui didn't believe it, so he came from the south to the west and arrived in Rongcheng.

After their group arrived in Rongcheng, they lived in the Rongcheng base. The leader of the base dared not speak out, and could only agree to their temporary stay.

Ji Rong said: "Yin Chengrui that bastard, on the grounds that we have been here, let the three of us take the lead and go to the air force training base to investigate. After we rejected it, he rushed to us to pull the wooden warehouse. If it wasn't for Meng Lao, we would definitely To fight."

Xiao Hen's face sank, "Isn't he someone with spiritual abilities?"

He Lin: "Lin Shang claims to have limited strength, so he doesn't know how to investigate. He only knows that there are zombies over there. Someone needs to investigate carefully."

Ji Rong scolded: "Fuck it carefully! This is deliberately trying to kill us! It's so stupid!"

"Considering the overall situation, sacrificing the ego to achieve the great self, I have no consciousness at all, what kind of soldier are you?" A voice came from the rear, and the person who spoke was Yin Chengrui's subordinate, Lin Shang.

"I'm not using my consciousness to make you idiots!" Ji Rong scolded him as soon as he opened his mouth. He really suffocated him these past few days.

Lin Shang sneered, "Sure enough, seeing the master's confidence is enough, you don't believe it if you say you are a dog!"

"Fuck you! Your whole family is a dog!" Ji Rong endured to the extreme, and threw a big fireball directly.

Lin Shang is a spiritual power user, with keen perception, but not strong combat power.

His expression changed, and he stepped back in a hurry. A water shield suddenly appeared in front of him, with a "stab" sound, and a mist of water evaporated.

After the water mist, Yin Chengrui walked out with his team members.

Yin Chengrui didn't smile, "What do you mean? Do you take me too seriously?"

Yin Chengrui stopped in front of Xiao Hen, stared at Xiao Hen and said, "If you want to fight, look for combat-type abilities, and don't bully those with mental abilities. Even if you win, it's not your ability."

Xiao Hen stared at him, "You really, as always, will do anything to achieve your goals."

Yin Chengrui laughed, "whatever we say, we are nothing but each other."

Yin Chengrui looked at Xiao Hen's off-road vehicle, "I heard that you brought a friend back, where are you? Why don't you recommend it?"

Xiao Hen stood still, Ji Rong looked at the off-road vehicle and saw Wen Qingling sitting in the co-pilot.

Ji Rong: "???!!!!!!"

What the hell! The boss was so arrogant that he abducted City Lord Wen!

Ji Rong stayed at the Mausoleum City base with Xiao Hen. He knew more about Wen Qingling than Helin and Shi Chong, so he respected and feared Wen Qingling. At this time, Ji Rong wished that Yin Chengrui could kill him a little more, and it was best to let City Lord Wen take care of him personally and see how he continued to toss.

He Lin and Shi Chong had heard about Wen Qingling's strength. At this time, they were shocked to see him coming back with Xiao Hen. They all looked at Xiao Hen, they needed an explanation.

This is so terrifying, the boss of Nancheng was kidnapped quietly, is this still amazing? The zombie brothers in Nancheng won't chase after them, right

Seeing Xiao Hen ignoring him, Yin Chengrui chuckled, "Isn't this Doctor Wen from Nancheng?"

Lin Shang told him that someone with spiritual power had come over and was investigating Rongcheng. There were only two people who came here. Xiao Hen was sure that he was not a psychic, so there was only one other. The psychic that Xiao Hen knew, Yin Chengrui could only think of Dr. Wen from Nancheng, which was why he asked this question.

Yin Chengrui said loudly, "My friend in the car, you're at the stop, why don't you come down and chat?"

Heartbreaking shouts suddenly came from Rongcheng, as well as screams and calls for help.

Wen Qingling opened the door and got out of the car. In front of everyone, one jump had already reached a hundred meters away, and after several jumps, he had disappeared into the buildings in Rongcheng.

Xiao Hen used the space system power to chase after him immediately. He Lin spread out his wings and rose into the air, rushing to chase after him.

Ji Rong cursed secretly, and Shi Chong and He immediately chased after him.

Yin Chengrui and everyone were dumbfounded the whole time.

Is this still a person? The rabbit can't jump without him, and it disappears with a swish swish.

When he reacted, Yin Chengrui roared, "What are you still doing? Why don't you chase?!"

Yin Chengrui chased after him with his team members, and the others stayed to protect Meng Lao and his assistants.