I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 48


Wen Qingling didn't dare to disobey the words of his father and mother. As soon as the two humans left, he started to deal with the matter of the mausoleum city.

Wen Qingling called Sister Flower and Blood Corpse over to discuss the future development of Lingcheng.

The blood corpse is extraordinarily honest this time. He was really frightened by Wen Qingling. He encouraged Wen Qingling to deal with the "general", but he had bad intentions. It's better that Wen Qingling and the "general" perish together. In the future, Lingcheng will be him. It's a word of mouth, but the bloody corpse never expected that Wen Qingling actually forced the "General" away in the end, so now the biggest boss in Lingcheng has changed from "General" to Wen Qingling.

No matter how you look at it, the mountain on the head of the blood corpse still exists, but it has changed its identity.

Wen Qingling didn't care about the blood corpse's careful thoughts, as long as he didn't die, the blood corpse wouldn't even think about escaping his Wuzhi Mountain.

There are five major urban areas in Lingcheng. There is just one urban area in one direction. The city center is an independent city. Wen Qingling has always occupied Nancheng. This is the Cang District of Lingcheng. In addition, the East City is the Xuan District, which is occupied by the blood corpse, and the West City is the Huai District, which is occupied by the sister flower "leader", and only the adjacent area of the North City is currently blank.

Wen Qingling said: "I now have a lofty ambition to build Mausoleum City into a large-scale civilization base, what do you think?"

The bloody corpse immediately exploded, "That is to say, are you going to take our territory?"

Wen Qingling: "Who said that Mausoleum City will follow my horse's head in the future?"

The blood corpse roared, "Don't you have no ambition? Haven't you been guarding one acre of your Nancheng land? Why are you so fickle, if you have ambition, you have ambition?!"

Wen Qingling: "I want to build a mausoleum now."

The blood corpse said bitterly, "City Lord Wen, we can't do this, think about your civilization base, how beautiful it is, how comfortable the life of civilization zombies is, and how obedient your cute zombie brother is. Isn't this enough? You want the entire mausoleum city. What can you do? Dirty rotten zombies are everywhere, what do you want them for?"

The blood corpse did not persuade himself, but also dragged the sister flowers together, "Sister Sweet, Sister Xin, do you think this is the truth?"

How strong is Wen Qingling now, as long as the sisters are not blind, they all know how to choose.

They gave the bloody corpse a blank look and asked Wen Qingling, "Do you want to turn all the zombies in Lingcheng into civilized zombies?"

Wen Qingling shook his head, "Not all of them, I will choose them. Don't want those that don't meet the standards of civilized zombies. In the future, Mausoleum City will be the city of our civilized zombies, and rotten zombies can only operate in the suburbs of Mausoleum City in the future."

The blood corpse sneered, "It's not enough to drain your blood."

Wen Qingling grabbed it from the air, dragged the bloody corpse over, and threw it away with a punch, "I advise you to speak well."

Blood Corpse: "..."

Can the fuck bear this? !

He is the dignified boss of Dongcheng, and he actually beats him when he says he is beaten. Does he want to lose face? !

The blood corpse said cowardly that in front of Wen's father, his face was worthless.

Sister Hua said, "This is a big project, not to mention how many blood sunflowers need to be supplied, since a large-scale civilization base is to be built, a solid city wall must be needed, don't you want to build the entire mausoleum city wall by yourself? With all due respect, wooden city walls always feel that they are not very fireproof."

Sister Hua has a different opinion. "I think the wooden city wall is very good. Since the city lord Wen builds the city, he will definitely think of the first step in the process of fire prevention."

The two sisters looked at Wen Qingling at the same time.

Wen Qingling nodded, "You don't have to worry about fire prevention, as long as my wood-type abilities are still there, flames can't destroy the wooden city walls, or in other words, as long as the fire-type abilities don't surpass me, they can't destroy the wood. city wall."

The blood corpse muttered: "So, do you still think you can build a large-scale civilization base by yourself?"

Although the mausoleum city is large, Wen Qingling's strength has improved by several grades compared to last night. If he uses all the wood-type abilities, even if he can't complete it at one time, he can complete it in several times. Besides, he has no plans to do so. The entire mausoleum city is included in the base construction, and there must be some living space for the decaying zombies.

The blood corpse said: "We must face a problem. You want to build a large-scale civilization base on the basis of the mausoleum city. What do you plan to do with my east city and their west city? All of them are under your control? We will become your subordinates. ?"

Wen Qingling looked at him, "You can refuse, and I can also kill you."

Blood Corpse: "..."

Wen Qingling's attitude was tough: "Now, I'm the boss of Lingcheng, you either obey or die."

Blood Corpse: "..."

Wen Qingling: "Give you a minute to think about it."

Blood Corpse: "..."

If it was before, Wen Qingling might have to consider the opinions of sister flowers in addition to the attitude of the blood corpse. Now that his strength has been greatly improved, he can completely suppress the "leader" level zombies.

The attitude of the sisters is no longer a problem. They are young and have the influence of Xuekui. They are now very trusting and reliant on Wen Qingling. The biggest problem now is that the blood corpse is always the opposite.

"Smash, if there are zombies who dare to sing against you, kill them directly, so as to avoid endless troubles." Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng came in from outside, holding blueprints in their hands, apparently also planning for the future of Mausoleum City.

The bloody corpse excluded by everyone: "… "

What can he do but surrender? You can't really die here, can you

He is no longer Wen Qingling's opponent, and he can clearly feel the difference between himself and Wen Qingling.

The blood corpse hit a big fork on the mouth, "When I didn't say it, you are the boss, you have the final say."

With unanimous opinions, we can finally start planning the future of Lingcheng.

The original urban construction of Mausoleum City was like a concentric circle. The city center was in the center, then the four major urban areas, and finally the four major suburbs. Wen Qingling decided to follow this plan. The suburbs are the realm of rotting zombies.

The parents agreed with his construction ideas, thinking that the number of zombies in their civilization should not reach as many as ten million in a short period of time, it is useless to have such a large site, and there must be some way for other species to survive.

Even the construction of the five major urban areas will not be accomplished overnight. Wen Qingling suggested that with the city center as the core, the urban area should be constructed in three phases, followed by the core city, the inner city, the middle city, and the outer city. The city walls are separated, and the urn city and the city gate are built in four directions. Outside the outer city is the location of the four major suburbs.

Because the number of civilized zombies is small, there is no need to build such a large scale for the time being. Wen Qingling decided to build the city walls of the core city and the inner city first, and improve the environmental sanitation of these two places first. The dilapidated buildings can be repaired. The value of repairs is directly flattened.

Wen Qingling only needs to build the city wall, and other people are responsible for the planning and arrangements inside. These tasks must be completed faster by everyone working together.

After negotiating properly, Wen Qingling took everyone to the city center and started the construction of the wall.

The problem that the blood corpse was worried about did not appear, but if the wooden city wall was built, although the perimeter was long, it was not difficult for Wen Qingling. After all, the civilization base of Nancheng is Wen Qingling in one go, not to mention that his strength has increased a few times. steps, it is easier to build.

The tall walls of the core city and the inner city rose slowly under the witness of everyone. The core city wall was 20 meters high, and the inner city wall was 18 meters high. Wen Qingling's current civilization base just happened to be surrounded by the inner city.

The gates of the core city and the inner city are wide open, allowing the rotten zombies and mutant animals inside to leave by themselves, to go outside the city, and to be trapped in the city except to starve to sleep or starve to death, there is no other possibility. For the long-term consideration, Wen Qingling can I don't want to kill all the mutant animals in Guangling City, these are all food, and they have to be raised well.

The construction of a large-scale civilization base has already begun. Wen Qingling was the most short-handed time. He had a lot of blood sunflowers in his hands, but if there was one zombie, blood sunflowers were still far from enough.

Wen Zhengdao: "That's not good, you can't let you bleed every time to plant blood sunflowers, you have to think of another way."

Jiang Lan felt sorry for her son, "Why don't we set up a research institute and study how to maximize the value of Xuekui."

The father and son looked at Jiang Lan at the same time, and then gave her a thumbs up.

Wen Qingling: "It's still my mother who has a vision."

Wen Zheng: "My daughter-in-law is so right. Isn't there a research institute in Xicheng? Clean it up and we will do our own research. As for researchers..."

Wen Qingling: "I have someone to choose from. When I'm done here, I'll go get them."

Wen Zheng: "There's nothing to be busy here, hurry up and look for it."

Jiang Lan added, "It's best to develop an antidote for zombie virus, so that you don't have to take blood sunflower for treatment every time. When you see someone who treats someone, you have to show the 'secret recipe' to others. of?"

Wen Qingling: "Mom is right."

Wen Zheng: "What my daughter-in-law said is right."

However, the research results are not guaranteed to exist, it definitely requires a process, and Wen Qingling was the most short-handed time, so Wen Qingling came up with a way, he used wood-type abilities for all blood sunflowers Accelerates growth, grows big, such a tree can be eaten separately, and it can treat a few more zombies.

Wen Qingling currently only chooses among the zombie younger brothers in Nancheng. The first choice is the rotten zombies who voluntarily become civilized zombies. Wen Qingling urged a batch of blood sunflowers to be handed over to their parents, so that they could treat themselves, and then he was ready to leave for Rongcheng.

Wen Qingling's target candidate is none other than the few research assistants brought by Mr. Meng. Since they are assistants, they should be useful. Wen Qingling intends to ask if they would like to become civilized zombies. Work for himself, if he doesn't want it, forget it, and he won't waste the blood sunflower.

It is worth mentioning that after cleaning up the original base, the civilized zombies have already begun to organize the core city and the inner city. Sister Hua and Xue Zombie also control the zombie group to help carry things, and everyone works together to build.

Wen Qingling didn't really deprive the sisters of the flowers and the blood corpse. They were still in charge of the zombies in Xicheng and Dongcheng. It's just that when there is any big move, you need to know Wen Qingling. Of course, even if you don't know how to smell it Qingling will also know.

Wen Qingling is the boss of Mausoleum City, as long as it is something he wants to know, nothing can hide from him.