I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 55


Wen Qingling came over slowly, and Mo Jing handed him the medical fee he had collected. Wen Qingling did not refuse and accepted it.

Teacher Gao said, "I will borrow these crystals from you, and I will pay them back later."

The other infected person was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he was handsome. His injuries were serious, he was bitten several times, and his clothes were covered in blood.

He trembled: "I, I don't have so many crystal cores, only, only so many, can, can you save me?"

The middle-aged man only had a dozen or so crystal nuclei in his hand, and he held it tremblingly in front of Wen Qingling.

Everyone held their breath and wanted to see what Wen Qingling would do. This seemed to be a signal. If Wen Qingling agreed, it meant that there was room for negotiation on the consultation fee. The ruthless man who recognizes the crystal nucleus.

At present, Wen Qingling is a master who only recognizes crystal cores and not people. He even treats his teacher and needs to receive medical fees. Isn't this enough proof

Wen Qingling stared at him for a while, "What's your name?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment before saying, "Luo Zhi."

Wen Qingling: "Do you know Luo Fengjue?"

The middle-aged man got excited and reached out to grab Wen Qingling, but found that his hand was full of blood, so he had to withdraw his hand again, "You, have you seen Fengjue? Is he still alive?"

Wen Qingling: "I have seen it, I was alive before, but I don't know now."

The middle-aged man suddenly covered his face and cried bitterly, "I-I've been looking for him for a long time, I thought, thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to be alive, he's still alive..."

Wen Qingling stretched out his hand, "Give me the crystal nucleus, I will allow you to take credit and supply it to me next time."

Luo Zhi hurriedly gave Wen Qingling all the crystal cores. Now that he knew that his son was still alive, he had to live. If he wanted to live to see his son, he must not die.

Wen Qingling took Luo Zhi to the cab of the big truck and treated him with blood sunflower. When Luo Zhi came back, the injuries on his whole body had recovered.

This is Wen Qingling's offer to acquaintances to treat their wounds without additional charges.

Everyone witnessed the miracle with their own eyes, and they couldn't believe it or not. Some of the classmates who suspected Wen Qingling was pretending were a little embarrassed. Fang Zi asked tentatively, "You are in Mausoleum City, do you really have a base?"

Wen Qingling glanced at him, but did not speak.

Does it make sense to keep saying the same thing over and over again

Feng Tongtong proudly put his hands on his hips, "Of course we have a base. Our base is bigger and better than yours."

Everyone: "… "

Is this the truth from the child's mouth

Fang Zi laughed awkwardly, "How many people are there in your base?"

Feng Tongtong thought for a while, "Many, many people."

Fang Zi: "… "

Ning Ning answered, "Thousands of people."

Fang Zi: "… "

Everyone: "… "

If there are thousands of people, it is really bigger than their base.

Jiang Lan straightened her hair with an elegant posture, "Don't take the words of a child seriously."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now a base with thousands of people can be regarded as a large base.

Jiang Lan said: "In fact, there are only tens of thousands of people, and there may be more in the future."

Everyone: "… "

Everyone: "..."

Everyone: "..."

This is so...

Ji Rong looked at Xiao Hen, and Xiao Hen looked thoughtful.

They all saw the expansion of the civilization base, but only saw a section of the city wall outside the civilization base.

Wen Qingling wouldn't be so crazy and planned the entire mausoleum city as a base, right

Xiao Hen felt that it was very possible!

Now Wen Qingling is the leader of Mausoleum City, the boss of Mausoleum City. If he wants to turn Mausoleum City into a base, no one and no zombies dare to stop him, he can do whatever he wants.

Mo Jing was also shocked, "Is this true?"

Wen Qingling: "Well."

Even if the number of civilized zombies has not yet reached tens of thousands, it is developing in that direction. Many civilized zombies are treated every day, and it is very fast to reach this number.

Mo Jing's lips moved, but he didn't say what was in his heart.

The sound of the car's engine rumbled, several pickup trucks came galloping, and a group of people jumped out of the car.

The tall and strong bald man got out of the car and saw He San with a blossoming head and a few of his men who were taken hostage. Kill, Mo Jing! Don't you want to hang out at Nanyan Base?!"

Wen Qingling: "..."

Wen Qingling was directly ignored, and he said he was a little upset.

Wen Qingling: "Bald, it was me who killed him, not Mo Jing."

Xiong Shu's eyes finally fell on Wen Qingling, looking at his pale and thin appearance, he looked like a typical weak chicken, "Is that you?"

Wen Qingling: "It's me."

Xiong Shu angrily said, "What if it's you? You're not Mo Jing's person? This account is also on Mo Jing's head!"

How could Mo Jing not understand that Xiongshu wanted to take advantage of the topic and thoroughly cleanse them as alien survivors.

Mo Jing pulled Wen Qingling, but it was like pulling a stone pillar and did not pull.

Mo Jing: "…"

Wen Qingling: "I'm not from your base. It's not up to you to fight or kill me, but did you bring 100 crystal cores?"

Xiongshu was furious, "I'll take your ancestors!"

Xiongshu waved his hand, "Bite them to death for me!"

A corpse wolf suddenly came down from the pickup truck. The flesh was rotting and the stench was foul. It roared at a group of people who rushed towards the entrance of the base. The survivors screamed and ran into the community. Mo Jing and others also fled.

Mo Jing shouted: "He is a summoner, he can summon corpse wolves! Run!"

For a while, except for Wen Qingling and his party, everyone ran away.

The corpse wolf rushed forward majestically, smelling Qingling's tightly locked breath, the rushing corpse wolf suddenly softened his knees, turned a few somersaults on the ground, then curled his ears and tucked his tail, instantly turning into a timid puppy. Son, Hem Ha Ha got up and ran away quickly.

Bear Tree: "… "

Brothers: "..."

Xiongshu shouted, "Come back! Come back for Lao Tzu!"

The corpse wolf escaped without looking back, no matter how Xiongshu controlled it with his abilities, it was useless.

Bear tree's killer corpse wolf fled, and the scene was embarrassed for a while.

Everyone: "… "

Xiong Shu forcibly held his respect, "Come together! Hack them to death for Lao Tzu!"

The neat wooden warehouses sounded, and the four automatic walking wooden warehouses and the two-hand wooden warehouses were aimed at them at the same time.

Bear Tree and the younger brothers: "..."

Xiongshu looked at the old wooden warehouse in his own hand, and then looked at the new wooden warehouse in the other party's hand, suddenly sadness came from it, the world is so big, but he has become a frog at the bottom of the well, the ability he has always been proud of, and The intimidating Tekokukura was completely useless in front of these outsiders.

Wen Qingling: "Want to die or live?"

The bear tree snorted, "If you can live, of course it's better to live."

Wen Qingling: "Crystal nucleus."

Xiongshu hurriedly counted the crystal cores and offered them with both hands.

Wen Qingling flipped the crystal core bag in his hand and asked, "Who am I from?"

Xiongshu answered honestly, "You are no one. You will be the boss of my Xiongshu in the future. If you have something to say, I promise to do it properly for you."

Wen Qingling asked the trembling hostage again, "Are all the mutant livestock and poultry in the town and its vicinity the property of your base?"

Several people almost threw their heads away, "No, no, it's not the property of the base!"

Wen Qingling: "Whose property is that?"

Xiongshu patted his bright head, "Your property! All the mutant livestock and poultry here are your property, boss!"

Survivors: "… "

Did you ask our opinion before saying this

Wen Qingling nodded, "Very good, keep your life for now."

Xiong Shu and the younger brothers immediately said, "Thank you boss for not killing."

Wen Qingling reached out to her mother.

Jiang Lan understood, took down the brand new automatic walking wooden warehouse hanging on her body, and handed it to her son.

Wen Qingling threw the automatic walking wooden warehouse to Xiongshu, and Xiongshu caught it with a puzzled face.

Wen Qingling: "Feng Bin, give him a box of bullets."

Feng Bin returned to the car, easily took down a box of bullets and placed them at Wen Qingling's feet.

Xiong Shu realized something and was so excited that he almost didn't kneel down for Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling said: "I want the mutant livestock and poultry here, you can bring someone to prepare it for me. I only need to live, don't kill it, lock it up first, and I will have someone transport it away."

Xiong Shu promised again and again, "Okay, okay, whatever the boss says, I will definitely do it for you."

The corpse wolves that were scared and fled before are back, this time not one, but three!

Not only the people in the base, but even the bear tree was taken aback. He could only control one corpse wolf, and he had to be careful to serve him like his ancestor. Three came, and Xiongshu felt that he might have to run.

Wen Qingling said: "Well done, the wooden warehouse and bullets are yours, as well as the corpse wolf you are proud of, I will add two more for you to keep this piece well."

The three corpse wolves sat obediently at the feet of the bear tree, like three puppies. Even corpse wolves can control, is he also a summoner? It looks very different.

Xiong Shu didn't know whether to be excited or afraid. He just yelled at such a big guy, scolded his ancestors, and called himself "I". Is he really not going to be killed

Wen Qingling: "Don't want?"

Xiongshu hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, I... I will definitely handle it for you, don't worry."

Mo Jing walked over with a few classmates, looked at the wooden warehouse and bullets in Xiongshu's hands, and looked at the three obedient corpse wolves, but did not speak.

Mo Jing couldn't hold back, but it didn't mean that others could hold back, Fang Zi was the first to be upset, "Wen Qingling, what do you mean? You actually armed them because you knew we were at odds with Xiongshu and the others. Did they kill us?"

Wen Qingling said: "People from a base should usually get along well."

Bear Tree: "Yes, boss."

Some classmates sneered, "Who's fist is tough and who decides, Wen Qingling, do you think they have wooden warehouses, bullets, and three corpse wolves, he will listen to you and get along with us?"

No one is a fool who can live to this day in the apocalypse. Xiongshu knows current affairs best. Wen Qingling is not talking about rewarding Xiongshu, but telling Xiongshu that his financial resources and strength are enough to crush him, so Xiongshu has already There are options.

Wen Qingling could see through what Xiong Shu said was true and false, and no one could deceive him.

Wen Qingling: "Xiongshu will get along well with you, but you, not necessarily."

"Wen Qingling! What do you mean?!" Some classmates shouted in dissatisfaction, but Mo Jing stopped him.

Mo Jing said, "You really think Xiongshu will get along well with us."

Wen Qingling: "He will."

Mo Jing: "Are you so sure?"

Wen Qingling stared at him, already seeing through his mind, "You want to be the boss of Nanyan Base, yes, Xiongshu won't argue with you anymore, don't target them, I need them to do things for me."

Xiong Shudao: "As long as you can treat everyone equally, I will not compete with you for the position of the boss, but you should also listen to other people's opinions before you do things. Don't just focus on your classmates in everything. Others are also part of the base. right to participate.”

Mo Jing really wanted to be the boss of Nanyan Base, but he didn't expect that Wen Qingling would see through it at a glance.

Wen Qingling said: "Now is the time of danger, there are many zombies going out in Lingcheng, especially the evolutionary body, they will come here sooner or later, if you want the base to survive, don't fight internally, and agree to the outside world, otherwise it will only be destroyed sooner or later. thing."

Xiao Hen raised his eyebrows. He saw Wen Qingling's "human touch". With Wen Qingling's indifference, whether the human base was alive or dead had nothing to do with him, but he could say a few more words to prove that he was not. Don't miss old love.