I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 6


Wen Qingling stepped forward, looked at the blood that was dripping all over the place, put the two remaining blood sunflowers in the backpack, and then used his wood-type ability to assist. The blood sunflowers absorbed the blood and grew rapidly, very Almost knee high.

Except for these two trees, no new blood sunflowers have grown.

Wen Qingling took out the dagger, cut his wrist, blood flowed out, and fell into the blood of the mutant pig. His blood was like seeds, and the blood sunflowers emerged one after another, absorbing the blood and growing quickly.

Sure enough, it had something to do with his blood.

Wen Qingling didn't know what it meant, but he knew that he wouldn't have to starve in the future.

There is too much blood in the mutant pig. Wen Qingling didn't know where the growth limit of the blood sunflower was. He kept ripening and ripening, and the blood sunflower kept growing and growing. It has grown to the height of a person and has not stopped.

Wen Qingling didn't dare to ripen any more, such a big tree of blood sunflower looked a bit scary, with tentacles dancing in the air, as if it would attack at any time.

"What's on the top of the tentacle?" Jiang Lan found something unusual.

At the top of each thick tentacle, there was a small black ball, only the size of a ping-pong ball.

Wen Qingling tried to continue to ripen, and the little black ball gradually became bigger, and when the adult's fist was big, it fell off automatically and fell to the ground.

Jiang Lan picked up one and opened it, and inside it were black granules like rapeseed.

When it was opened, it fell off a lot, fell into the blood water, and grew new blood sunflowers.

Three zombies: "..."

Is this the seed of the blood sunflower found? !

Looking at the dense black seeds, they were happy in their hearts, and their faces continued to be paralyzed.

The three put away all the black balls and kept them for later planting.

The blood and water of the mutant pigs have been sucked dry, and not a little bit was wasted.

Wen Qingling found that he also used wood-type abilities to ripen, but only the two he brought had grown to a height of one person, and they were planted. No seeding either.

Jiang Lan named the two giant blood sunflowers so promising as "Kwaii Mu", and will rely on them to save seeds in the future.

These blood sunflowers are amazing, give them blood, they can grow, and they won't die without blood and soil.

There was too much food, so they found a truck, loaded the mutant pigs and all the blood sunflowers into the truck, and returned with a full load.

The two female sunflowers were warmly commended by Comrade Jiang Lan, and a ribbon was tied to one of them. The green one was tied to the thick body of the sunflower, which was very ostentatious. As for the other blood sunflowers, they were all rations.

Blood Kui is alive and not bad, they have to eat the mutant pork first.

The mutant pig was too big, they tossed it very late, then separated all the pork and bones, cut the pork into small pieces, put it in the refrigerator, one refrigerator was not enough, they found two more freezers, and then all the meat and The bones are refrigerated.

Fortunately, they found a villa with electricity.

Their dinner was pork bone soup, which wasn't as tasty as blood kwai, but it was delicious.

They really can only eat meat.

The food is solved, they can work hard, but unfortunately the clinic is out of business, the living people can't come, and the zombies don't understand.

Business is bleak.

Wen Qingling absorbed all the zombie crystal cores in his hand, and felt that his strength had improved.

This is his habit as a power user. The power user can directly absorb the energy in the crystal core and improve his own strength.

Mausoleum City is very dangerous. It is not unreasonable to be called "Zombie City". They easily encountered a "Butcher".

The key is that this "butcher" dares to yell at him. This is only a first-level evolutionary body. If he encounters a more powerful evolutionary body, Wen Qingling is worried that their family will become a meal on a plate, so he must. Improve strength.

How to get the nucleus is a big problem.

The three zombies had a heated discussion on this issue, and finally it was decided by the head of the family that the clinic opened, and the consultation fee was the crystal nucleus.

What if there are no patients

Take the initiative to look for it, the business cannot always come to your door.

A family of three stood at the door of the clinic, ready to solicit customers, but all the zombies took a detour.

Jiang Lan looked at her son, "You shouldn't be here."

Wen Qingling had no choice but to go back to the office.

Zombies can finally pass here.

Jiang Lan grabbed a zombie and said, "Beauty, do you want plastic surgery? Your face is too rotten. With only 100 ordinary crystal nuclei, you can restore your youth and beauty. Do you want to try it?"

The beautiful zombie looked sluggish, her eyes were blank, she broke away from Jiang Lan's hand and continued its wandering journey.

Jiang Lan shouted from behind, "10 crystal nuclei will do."

Wen Zheng blocked a zombie's way, "Brother, can you understand me? Do you want to become a decent zombie like me? Our clinic can realize your dream."

The handsome zombie roared at Wen Zheng with a very bad temper.

Wen Zheng: "It has become a zombie, so don't be so irritable."

For several days, no customers came to the door.

Jiang Lan was discouraged, "They need to drink some Bunao Oral Liquid, and they don't even have a brain, how can they communicate?"

Wen Zheng: "Bunao Oral Liquid can't save them either, and they need to be transplanted with their brains."

Jiang Lan suddenly remembered, "Er, can't you control zombies? Can they understand you?"

Wen Qingling suddenly stood up and walked out of the office.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng followed, and then were stunned.

Two zombies, one large and one small, stood at the entrance of the clinic. The big zombie was wearing a white coat, with a lame leg, holding a little girl in his hand. He was only five or six years old, and his eyes were blank.

Wen Qingling remembered that this zombie was the one he controlled to deliver medicine to Luo Fengjue.