I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 66


Wen Qingling explained when she was leaving, and both the sisters and the blood corpse increased their vigilance.

When the son was not at the base, Wen's father and Wen's mother thought of a way to organize civilized zombies to form a patrol team. The soldiers who were included in the team were all the soldiers recovered by Wen Qingling. Their professional skills are excellent, and they have wooden warehouses to support ammunition. In hand, no matter what, it is not easy to sneak attack on them.

Just in case, Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng discussed that a team of 5 people, each with an off-road vehicle, would drive around the Mausoleum City, and each team had their wooden warehouses and ammunition ready. Who would dare to attack them

Without Wen Qingling's spiritual exploration, they could only rely on manual patrols. Fortunately, the base now has more than 10,000 civilized zombies, and the number is increasing every day. Some of them are zombies. Who are they afraid of

Wen Qingling had just left for an hour when the patrol team found a dilapidated truck on the outskirts of Nancheng. A dilapidated truck pulled a car and rushed towards Nancheng, chasing a group of zombies behind. The situation was very critical.

The patrol team stopped and waited at the entrance of Nancheng. The old truck drove until it was near before stopping. The zombies that were chasing also stopped. When they encountered a powerful one, they would instinctively avoid it and would not rush to die, even if the zombies were civilized. won't kill them.

Someone in the cab shouted, "Help! Help! Is Dr. Wen here? Our base was attacked by zombies, and many people were infected. We need Dr. Wen's help! We have a crystal nucleus, and we have brought a crystal nucleus!"

The two zombie soldiers looked at each other, hugged the wooden warehouse and stepped forward to check. There were people in the cab and in the bucket. At a glance, there were 20 or 30 people. Some people were seriously injured, and the wounds were blue and black. , it is indeed the marks from the bite of the zombies. Some people do not know if they are injured or not, and they cannot see the wound.

"Wait here." Brother Bing Zombie walked back and briefly discussed it with the other three. One went back to report, and the remaining four waited here.

They all know that City Lord Wen likes to save people and earn crystal cores. Now that he is not there, these infected people don't know whether to save them or not, so they can only ask Wen's father and Wen's mother first.

When the zombie soldier who reported the letter found Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng, Jiang Lan was lying comfortably on the chair and applying the mask, still thinking in his mouth, "Most of these masks before the end of the world have expired now, and there are too few that have not expired. Don't ruin the young lady's face."

Wen Zheng took a sip of blood sunflower tentacle tea, "It's okay, your ingredients are different. You are not a human now, you are a zombie, immortal, indestructible, rotten, and indestructible, and expired skin care products can't help you."

Jiang Lan glanced at him, "Are you indirectly saying that I am thick-skinned?"

Wen Zheng: "… "

Wen Zheng's desire to live is bursting, "How is it possible, I'm complimenting you, you are naturally beautiful, and you are very beautiful without any maintenance."

Jiang Lan just let him go.

Wen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, his son was not at home, and his daughter-in-law got angry and no one shared the firepower, so the pressure was a bit high.

Brother Bing Zombie stood outside the door and shouted "Report", Jiang Lan jumped up from the chair, "Did something hit me?!"

Wen Zheng: "… "

What are you expecting so swollen and fat four? !

Brother Bing Zombie recounted the discovery outside Nancheng, Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng looked at each other.

Since the "General" made a fuss, they haven't treated the infected anymore. How can there still be infected people who have the courage to come here

Wen Zheng: "How many people are there?"

Brother Bing Zombie: "Two or thirty people."

Jiang Lan: "That's quite a lot, have they brought enough crystal cores? We only give credit to zombies, not humans."

Soldier Zombie: "They claim to have a crystal nucleus."

Wen Zheng nodded, "Since we know that our son can save them, we should also know our fees."

"My son needs a crystal nucleus, and there is business coming, so I have to pick it up." Jiang Lan made a decision, "Kuibao, go, pick up the guest."

Kuibao jumped down from the second floor in children's clothes, and ran to Jiang Lan with short legs. Jiang Lan picked up the little guy and instructed Wen Zheng to bring another blood sunflower. Make Kwai Bao dinner.

Brother Bing Zombie was a little dumbfounded, "Are you going to go there in person?"

Jiang Lan: "Of course, since my son is not at the base, we have to be careful about everything. How can we let outsiders in? Of course, we are going out to meet them. Bring people and leave."

Wen Zheng drove and took his wife and Kuibao all the way to the outskirts of Nancheng. Sure enough, he saw a dilapidated big truck with a lot of people sitting in the bucket, all of whom looked like they were going to die.

Wen Zheng stopped the car, Jiang Lan patted Kui Bao and asked Kui Bao to stay in the car, she and Wen Zheng got out of the car.

The soldiers waiting here, the zombies, were a little confused when they saw these two coming in person. What if something happened

The mask on Jiang Lan's face has been removed. She is well-dressed, has a bumpy figure, and has the aura of a strong woman. "Everyone who wants to be treated will get out of the car first, queue up for crystal nuclei, and then receive treatment."

All the people in the cab and the car body got down, lined up in a proper line, waiting for the crystal nucleus.

Jiang Lan winked at a soldier brother zombie and asked him to collect the crystal nucleus.

Brother Bing Zombie took the order, "100 ordinary zombie crystal cores per person."

Some people are worried, "We want to see Dr. Wen, who is Dr. Wen?"

Wen Zheng stepped forward, "I'm Doctor Wen."

The man stared at Wen Zheng, "No, I heard that Dr. Wen is very young, you are not Dr. Wen."

Wen Zheng received 10,000 critical hits, "I'm Dr. Wen! You said young Dr. Wen, that's my son!"

The man cowardly said: "Then, do you also have the ability of Dr. Xiaowen?"

Wen Zheng raised the cloth bag in his hand, "Don't worry, I promise to cure you."

The man stared at the cloth bag, "We want to treat first, and then pay the crystal nucleus, is that okay?"

"No, love won't cure, anyway, it's not us who died." Jiang Lan spread her hands, "Husband, go home."

The man hurriedly said: "Okay, let's make a crystal nucleus."

Brother Bing collected the zombies one by one, more than 20 people handed in the crystal core, and the rest were accompanied by people who were not injured.

Jiang Lan put all the crystal nuclei into her handbag, and then said, "Line up and come over for treatment one by one."

The soldier's zombie used to maintain order, and the first infected person was put in. Wen Zheng took out the little Xuekui in the cloth bag and sent it to the wound of the infected person. Xiaoxuekui automatically stretched out his tentacles to take drugs.

After treating one, let that person leave and don't stay. By the time the sixth treatment was completed, the people waiting for treatment were already surrounded by them. Fortunately, there were soldiers and zombies blocking them. Otherwise, they would have surrounded Wen Zheng and Jiang. orchid. Onlookers are normal for human beings. They are curious to watch the treatment process of Xuekui, which is not too abrupt.

However, the timing of their arrival was too coincidental, and Wen Zheng and Jiang Lan had to guard against it.

Wen Zhengdao: "Queue up! Don't crowd here, come one by one!"

At this moment, only one person shouted, "Do it!"

The person being treated grabbed the blood sunflower in Wen Zheng's hand, turned around and ran away!

At the same time, the people surrounding them suddenly pounced on Brother Bing Zombie, Wen Zheng, and Jiang Lan. The couple retreated and jumped at the same time, and had already left the battlefield. The "infected" who had not been treated jumped up like locusts.

Wen Zheng and Jiang Lan stood firmly on a low building, Jiang Lan waved, "Kill them all!"

The civilized zombies hiding in the dark all jumped out, and the sound of the wooden warehouse rang out. The five soldiers who were trapped in the enemy's nest hurriedly evacuated the battlefield. You have seen it with your own eyes, the civilized zombie throws out the grenade, hits the fence and bounces back, can you believe it

Fortunately, the grenade forgot to pull the safety ring, if it blew his head off, would it be okay

The zombies escaped extremely embarrassedly, and they did not panic in the face of the enemy's siege. What is called sacrifice when killed by the enemy, and what is it called by mistakenly killed by one's own people? Dying is too suffocating, even the coffin board can't hold them down, they must get up and live again!

As soon as the soldier's zombie landed in the broken truck bucket, he saw a small black spot flying over.

Five Soldiers Zombies: "..."

Turn around and jump!


With the sound of the explosion, the ground shook three times, and the two corpses were instantly blown away.

The civilized zombie that threw the thunder said excitedly: "I blew up! I blew up!"

The civilized zombie next to him slapped and called out, "You also blew up your own people!"

Seeing the civilized zombies in the scene just now, I rushed over to see if the zombies were dead.

Fortunately, there were old trucks blocked, and the five soldiers almost saved their lives. In the face of these warriors, the five were almost crying without tears. ! ! !

No matter how much the attackers can jump, in the end, they all have to lie down.

Kuibao got out of the car and ran over to retrieve the blood sunflower that had been stolen. The person who robbed the blood sunflower was already dead.

Kuibao took Xuekui back to Jiang Lan, and Jiang Lan pinched its little fleshy face, "Kuibao is the best."

Kuibao stared at the blood sunflower with blood-red eyes, afraid that Jiang Lan would not understand, and then stuck out his small tongue and licked his mouth, the meaning was obvious: it wanted to eat.

Jiang Lan picked up Kuibao and taught it, "I can't eat it now, I'll eat it later at night."

Kuibao stretched out his little hand, it wanted to hold Xuekui by himself.

Jiang Lan handed Xue Kui to it, and the little guy happily carried it back to the car.

Jiang Lan put her hands on her hips and stared at the audience, "I want to ambush the old lady, you are still a little tender!"

Since Wen Qingling specially warned them, how could they be careless? When I came here, I brought the civilized zombies with them and hid them nearby without showing their faces. If these people really came to seek help, they could leave after the treatment. If they had other thoughts, they could only explain them here.

Knowing that it might be a trap, Jiang Lan was reluctant to give up so many crystal nuclei, so she decided to plan and get the crystal nuclei first, and then it was time to fight and kill.

Wen Zheng asked the soldier to check the zombies, and if there was no hole in his head, he would supply one. There are zombies in the first place. I don't feel relieved if I don't open a wooden warehouse on my head. I always feel that they will jump up at any time. This is indeed the case. When the corpse inspected and repaired the wooden warehouse, two corpses who were pretending to be dead jumped up and were knocked out again.

As soon as the solution was finished on this side, the sound of the wooden warehouse also sounded on the other side, and I was also attacked.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng didn't stay, hurried back to the base and settled in the base camp.

Shi Chong and Ji Rong, who were still building a house in the city center, were surprised when they heard the sound of the wooden warehouse and the explosion. They decided to go and have a look. The civilized zombies who built the house together stopped them and bluntly said that if they ran around in the mausoleum city, no one could To ensure their safety, after all, Wen Qingling is not here, no one can suppress so many zombies in Lingcheng.

Ji Rong thought about the number of zombies in Lingcheng, and decided to wait for the boss to come back.

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen came back earlier than two large trucks, which were full of mutant animals. As soon as they arrived in Nancheng, they were discovered by the soldiers patrolling the zombies. It was clear that Wen Qingling asked them to take the mutant animals. After the birds were sent over, the way was opened for them, and they were brought in.

When Xiongshu and his younger brother saw such a tall wall, they were stunned.

There is actually a base inside the Mausoleum City!

And it's such a huge base!

There is no end to the wall! so tall! so big! I want to stay!

Although Jiang Lan had seen Xiongshu, for safety reasons, she still let people watch them, and they were not allowed to walk around the base. Waiting for Wen Qingling to come back, the two large vehicles of mutant livestock and poultry had already been sent to the breeding area.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng asked about the situation of Xiong Shu and others, and learned that something had happened at the Nanyan Base, and there were man-eating monsters hiding in the human base. I did it and escaped all the way to Mausoleum City.