I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 67


Xiao Hen deliberately drove the car to the outskirts of Nancheng, Wen Qingling's spiritual power covered it, and asked his parents about the situation in Mausoleum City.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng told Wen Qingling about the attack on Lingcheng.

Wen Qingling leaned back in the chair lazily, "They want to grab the blood sunflower? It's really interesting."

Xiao Hen looked at Wen Qingling alertly, without Xiao Hen speaking, Wen Qingling knew what he wanted to know.

Wen Qingling: "While I was away, Mausoleum City was attacked four times. The first wave of corpses was mixed with the infected, and it may have been the infected who cooperated with them. The infected wanted me to treat them, give The crystal core is very generous, but the ultimate goal is to grab the blood sunflower. The plan failed, and after that, I stopped disguising and wanted to storm in, but it was obviously impossible. The leader may not have evolved his brain well. He thought that if I was not in the mausoleum city, the mausoleum city would be able to do it. Let them be slaughtered, who gave them such an illusion?"

Xiao Hen tapped the steering wheel lightly. He knew that Wen Qingling had the ability to see the past of others, but he could only see the past of the living, not the dead. Xiao Hen was sure, Wen Qingling should have probed Feng Hui and Teacher Gao. In the past, only then did I ask Teacher Gao's son's height.

Xiao Hen: "Have you found something?"

Wen Qingling didn't hide it from him, "The leader of the corpse may be an acquaintance of ours."

Although the man was wrapped in a black robe and didn't even see a piece of his fingernails, Wen Qingling could still see a lot from the height difference between the black robe and Gao Hong.

Instead of looking at the hood, look at the shoulders. The hood has a three-dimensional effect and has a cap tip. It is difficult to visually measure the true height, but it is different from the shoulders. The black robe is attached to the shoulders and sags naturally. The height of the upper head and neck, Wen Qingling could almost judge that the height of the man in black robe is between 168 and 170, which is not the height that a man should have.

Xiao Hen did not have Wen Qingling's ability, nor did he see the black-robed man in Teacher Gao's memory. Otherwise, what he could see would not be less than Wen Qingling, only more. After all, he was a professionally trained person. .

Xiao Hen frowned: "Fang Zhen?"

Fang Zhen took away a blood sunflower, which kept Xiao Hen haunted.

Wen Qingling: "The gender is wrong."

Xiao Hen looked at him suddenly, "You mean... Xu Shengfei?!"

Wen Qingling raised the corner of his mouth, "Things are getting more and more interesting, aren't they?"

Xiao Hen: "I don't find it interesting."

Wen Qingling sighed softly, "Do you think that my cousin is really lucky?"

Xiao Hen nodded, "It's really a bit."

It is not difficult to see that Xu Shengfei, a plant-type power user, and her parents struggled to survive in the apocalypse for two years, she is a woman with scheming and skill. The luck is really good.

After being hunted down by Menghua with a bounty and fleeing from Lingcheng, he met his cousin Wen Qingling. After killing Wen Qingling, he captured Lu Tianjin, a soft-hearted and hesitant man, and was driven out of Nancheng Base by Lu Tianjin. It was trampled by zombies that night.

After going around in circles, it fell into Wen Qingling's hands again. If Wen Qingling insisted on throwing her to feed the zombies at that time, there might be no such thing, but another He Yi popped up and took the bounty for Xu Shengfei. I thought she would die this time. After all, she was infected. Wen Qingling didn't give her any treatment. She had to turn into a zombie. As a result, something went wrong on Meng Hua's side. Instead of killing Xu Shengfei, she let her escape. .

If Xu Shengfei didn't die, the only possibility Xiao Hen could think of was that she met Fang Zhen, and Fang Zhen had a blood sunflower in his hand that could save her. From this point of view, Xu Shengfei's luck was really terrifying.

Wen Qingling's brain hole couldn't be closed, "Did she get the script for the protagonist of the end of the world? She is the heroine in the script? Otherwise, where would such a big aura of the protagonist come from?"

Xiao Hen: "…"

Xiao Hen: "Come on, if you talk about the protagonist of the script, you are the real protagonist."

Wen Qingling nodded in agreement, "I think so too, so don't fight against me, you will be cannon fodder."

Xiao Hen: "…"

The convoy behind them were very curious when they heard that Qingling's car had been parked in the suburbs of Nancheng for a long time. They had always heard that there was a base in Mausoleum City. Just stop and wait.

Wen Qingling has used his mental power to ask Xiongshu and the others to come to the outskirts of Nancheng. Their parents will give them a car and let them drive out. If they want to stuff Xiongshu and his younger brothers, they can only choose a van.

Mo Jing and others, who were waiting in the car, watched a van drive out of Nancheng full of zombies. What shocked them was that all the zombies gave way to the car, and none of the zombies attacked them, like They followed Wen Qingling's car and arrived here safely. There were many zombies nearby, but none of them attacked them.

Yang Mengyu couldn't help but said: "What the hell is going on? Have the zombies in Lingcheng stopped eating people?"

Mo Jing motioned her to look out the window. Those zombies did not attack them, but they followed all the way.

The people who stayed in the first car were all Mo Jing's cronies, and they all realized a problem - Wen Qingling had a way to deter zombies!

So far, they have never imagined that someone can control the zombies, let alone Wen Qingling.

Xiao Hen started the car and turned to Xiangxian County, Xiongshu's van followed, and Mo Jing's motorcade followed.

Xiangxian is one of the three major counties below Mausoleum City. It is relatively close to Nancheng. From Nancheng, it takes about 40 minutes to drive to Xiangxian.

When approaching Xiangxian County, Wen Qingling suddenly said: "Speed up, we have caught up with the excitement."

Xiao Hen: "…"

What the hell could this be? !

Xiao Hen slammed on the accelerator, soared to the fastest speed, and rushed towards Xiangxian.

Wen Qingling: "Give me a wooden warehouse and a box of bullets."

The wooden warehouse and bullets that Wen Qingling took back were placed in Xiao Hen's space.

Xiao Hen took the time to look at him, "Do you want to carry a bullet box to fight? Throw the box and smash it?"

Wen Qingling: "Otherwise?"

Xiao Hen: "Bring a magazine. The detachable magazine has 30 rounds of ammunition. If it is not enough, bring a drum. The detachable drum has 75 rounds. If one is not enough, take two. Bullet box? Even if you carry it, do you have time to reload it? What else can you do when you encounter a strong enemy other than a cheap enemy?"

Just like this time, people were killed, four wooden warehouses were lost, and four boxes of bullets were thrown by the way!

Xiao Hen wanted to talk about civilized zombies going out with a box of bullets per person. Before, he was an outsider and could not control the affairs of the civilized base. Now even Wen Qingling still does not trust him, but after all, half of him are civilized zombies. correct their bad habits.

Xiao Hen said: "I know that the civilization base is very rich, but bullets are consumables. If you can save it, you will save it. There are so many people in trouble. After the disaster is over, where are you going to get the bullets?"

Wen Qingling looked at him strangely, "Is there no armory warehouse elsewhere?"

Xiao Hen: "Yes, but it was basically cleaned up by the central giant city. The armory warehouse in Lancheng is too far away and it is close to the mausoleum city, so it will be leaked by the blood corpse."

The danger level of the mausoleum city, even they know far away in the central giant city, unless necessary, no one is willing to come.

Wen Qingling stared, "The Central Giant City is so greedy, they have used up all the weapons and ammunition, and will they leave a way out for others?"

Xiao Hen said: "The central giant city concentrates weapons to protect human beings. It should be the biggest shelter for our country's survivors. With a large population, security issues are the top priority."

Wen Qingling: "How come the population is so numerous?"

Xiao Hen paused, "The current population exceeds 100 million."

When the apocalypse broke out, 80% of the world's people became zombies, and the remaining 20% struggled to survive in the crisis-ridden apocalypse. After two years of consumption, human survival will only be less, and the number of people in the central giant city is indeed very impressive.

Wen Qingling's eyes widened, very rare, "There are still so many people?"

Since the end of the world, Wen Qingling has seen the most people at the base of Mausoleum City, where there are only nearly 30,000 people, which is far from a population of 100 million.

Wen Qingling secretly calculated that his own civilization base, working hard so far, can be worth more than 10,000, and the disparity is a bit big.

Fortunately, he still has an army of zombies!

Xiao Hen added: "It accommodates elites from all walks of life. Many talents were rescued from the zombie pile after the end of the world, and there are many survivors, which we also rescued. My team is all elite warriors. From the beginning 30 people set off, traveled for two years, traveled to various places, rescued thousands of survivors, and performed many extremely difficult tasks, and now, there are only four of us left."

Xiao Hen glanced at Wen Qingling, "To be honest, the four of us didn't plan to go back alive when we took on the mission of Mausoleum City. Even the central giant city has heard of Mausoleum City's reputation as a 'Zombie City'. If we can really get a blood sample with antibodies and develop a vaccine, we have no regrets.”

Xiao Hen: "Before we set off, none of us thought that things would develop to this point. If we hadn't met you, the four of us might have already died in the siege of zombies."

Xiao Hen was suddenly very eager to talk, and when he spoke the truth, even Luo Zhi, who was sitting in the back seat, had red eyes.

Look at Wen Qingling again...

Dr. Wen is a little busy now, he is thinking about other things, "Why do you say Mucang uses bullets? Why can't it be like the seventh-level evolution body 'turret', which can continuously fire cannonballs without reloading?"

Xiao Hen almost stepped on the accelerator, he said so much about his feelings, but Wen Qingling wasn't listening at all? !

Xiao Hen said helplessly: "I've never seen a 'turret', but since it can fire cannonballs, there must be energy consumption, and it is impossible to conjure cannonballs out of thin air."

Xiao Hen slammed the steering wheel, avoided a group of people rushing over, the off-road vehicle drifted out, and finally stopped.

Xiao Hen threw Wen Qingling an automatic wooden warehouse and two magazines, took out a long knife, and the two opened the door and got out of the car, letting Luo Zhi stay in the car and not get out.

The van stopped, and Xiongshu and the younger brothers hurriedly locked all the doors and windows, intending to stay in the car.

Who would have thought that there is also a fight here! ! ! !

Mo Jing and the others were also very collapsed. They had just escaped from death, but they didn't expect it to be a hell scene again. Seeing the man-eating monsters running around, what else did they not understand? Apparently this place has also been invaded by corpses!

Wen Qingling took a look at the wooden warehouse, jumped on the off-road vehicle, stood on the roof of the off-road vehicle and aimed at the man-eating monsters running around.

When Wen Qingling took aim, a corpse was already in front of him. Wen Qingling opened the wooden warehouse, but missed the head and scratched the corpse's neck... It was not a complete miss.

Xiao Hen wiped his face, okay, let him make it as long as he is happy.

Xiao Hen rushed out with a long knife in hand, and every time he made a knife, he would definitely cut off a head.

Wen Qingling was a bit difficult to use the wooden warehouse. He even opened three wooden warehouses, but failed to kill the corpse. When the corpse came up again, Wen Qingling was angry. He carried the Bumu warehouse and used it as a baseball bat. Smashed the corpse's head.

Wen Qingling jumped out of the car and put another foot on the smashed head. He wiped his shoes and squatted on the ground to check to see if there were crystal nuclei in the corpse's head. He took a twig and looked for it. It was finally determined that there was no crystal nucleus in the corpse's head.

Sure enough, it's not a pure zombie, not even a crystal nucleus, waste.