I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 7


The white coat zombie made a grunting sound in the throat, pushed the little girl in his hand, opened his rotten palm, and there were several crystal nuclei lying in it.

Wen Qingling was surprised that this zombie actually had a trace of human consciousness.

He wanted Wen Qingling to make the little girl like them.

Jiang Lan: "You can give them a treatment first, and then let them return to the crystal nucleus when they are cured."

Wen Qingling brought a small blood sunflower from the office, "Want to eat it?"

The little girl roared and rushed forward, holding the fist-sized Xiaoxuekui to chew, the smell of blood wafted out.

There are zombies gathering outside the door, and they are all attracted by this smell. They dare not go forward and can only watch from a distance.

Wen Qingling didn't know whether his parents became like this because of his blood or because of the blood sunflower, so he could only try it.

The little girl only took a few bites and gave the rest of the blood sunflower to the white coat zombie.

The white coat zombie looked very hungry, so he grabbed a few bites and ate the blood sunflower.

The memory recovered, the chaotic brain gradually became clear, its eyes were no longer cloudy, and they became alive.

Wen Qingling has been observing them, their rotten bodies have not changed for the time being, but their behavior has changed.

After waiting for a while, the zombie in the white coat could suddenly speak, with a hoarse and unpleasant voice, "Thank you, thank you."

The rotten body still hasn't recovered, only consciousness has been recovered.

Wen Qingling brought a bigger blood sunflower and let them eat it.

The repair, the reorganization that happened to the parents, happened to them again.

Looking at the intact body, Feng Bin was very excited, but he couldn't make any extra expressions on his face, "I will definitely make up for the crystal nucleus that I owe."

The face was paralyzed and Tongtong was sealed, and he solemnly thanked, "Thank you brother."

Wen Qingling reminded them, "We look like humans, but we are not humans. If you are hungry, you can hunt mutant animals to eat. Don't eat humans, and don't invite humans to hunt them."

Feng Bin nodded, "I will definitely restrain myself."

The guess has been verified, blood sunflower can really help them restore their bodies and consciousness.

Wen Qingling wanted to know what was the difference between a person who only ate blood Kui to recover, and his parents who drank his blood and then ate Xue Kui.

After comparison, the disparity in power is huge.

The speed and strength of his parents can almost be compared with the third-level evolutionary body. Feng Bin's overall strength is higher than that of ordinary zombies, very close to the first-level evolutionary body, but his strength is weaker than "Butcher", and his speed is much faster than "Butcher".

None of them could absorb zombie cores.

A week later, Feng Bin, who went out to raise money for the diagnosis, came back with 194 crystal nuclei.

Since then, they have not owed each other.

During this week, two more zombies took the initiative to approach the door, and also regained a sense of consciousness. Coincidentally, they were also controlled by Wen Qingling. At that time, they screamed the most fiercely. They wanted to pounce on Luo Fengjue and tear up Luo Fengjue. Wen Qingling had to give them more control.

They also recovered their bodies and consciousness by eating blood sunflower before going to earn medical fees.

This has to make Wen Qingling think a lot, is his mental power helpful for them to regain consciousness

With this guess, Wen Qingling likes to release his mental power when he has nothing to do, wandering in the streets and alleys of Nancheng, brainwashing the zombies in Nancheng, and trying to restore consciousness as soon as possible.

His mental power was floating on the edge of the southern city, and he saw a pair of mother and son crying piercingly, and an off-road vehicle sped away.

It was getting dark, and the mother and son stayed in the wild, never seeing the sun tomorrow.

Wen Qingling looked at the blood sunflower at his hand. He wanted to know whether the blood sunflower was useful to humans, and would it turn into a zombie after eating it

Wen Qingling drove over, and when he arrived, the young woman was going crazy.

"Come and eat me! You monsters! Come! Anyway, I don't want to live anymore, I want to die with you!!"

Wen Qingling stopped the car and looked at them from the window.

The woman's voice stopped abruptly, she ran over with the boy in her arms, and cried, "Save us, where are you going? Can you take us for a ride? We're going to the Mausoleum City Base, these, these are all for you, save us ."

With trembling hands, the woman took out all the crystal nuclei that she had collected, there were dozens of them.

Wen Qingling got out of the car, his eyes fell on the little boy, "He is transforming."

The woman hurriedly hugged the child tightly, looking flustered, "No, he's fine, as long as we return to the Mausoleum City Base, he will be saved."

The Mausoleum City Base is a large base, and because it was built near the Mausoleum City, it was called the Mausoleum City Base.

The Nancheng Base where Wen Qingling was located was just a small base in the south of the Mausoleum City. There were only more than 100 survivors in it, which was incomparable to such a large-scale base as the Mausoleum City Base.

Wen Qingling was surprised, "Is there a vaccine at the Lingcheng base?"

The woman nodded, then shook her head again, very flustered, "Maybe, someone at the Mausoleum base was bitten by a zombie, but he didn't turn into a zombie. He may have antibodies or vaccines, I don't know, just go back to Mausoleum City. We have hope for the base."

Wen Qingling took off the boy's clothes, and the woman grabbed his hand.

A fragment flashed in Wen Qingling's mind - the boy was bitten by a zombie, the team wanted to abandon him, the woman begged bitterly, the team took the weapon from the woman's hand, and drove the woman and the boy out of the car together.

This is an ability of spiritual powers - to detect the past.

By touching, you can see the most emotional or unforgettable moment of the other person.

Wen Qingling: "His corpse poison is about to spread all over his body, and he can't make it back to the base."

The woman broke down and cried, "Impossible, impossible, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will definitely be too late."

Wen Qingling: "Then do you know where the people with antibodies or vaccines are? Can you find them? Is it too late?"

The woman cried even louder, she only saw hope, but she didn't know how slim the hope was.

Wen Qingling took Xue Kui from her backpack and put it on the boy, "Want to eat it?"

The boy's eyes were blank and his body twitched, which were all signs of transformation.

Wen Qingling didn't know if the boy wanted to eat Xue Kui, but he knew that Xue Kui wanted to eat the boy.

The tentacles on the mouth plate suddenly stabbed the boy's neck, and each tentacle made a cooing sound, as if sucking the boy's blood.

The woman screamed in fright and was about to shoot the blood sunflower, but was stopped by Wen Qingling.

"do not move."

The woman screamed, "It's sucking Xiaowen's blood!"

Wen Qingling stared at the boy without blinking, "It's taking corpse poison."

The woman paused, only to discover that the corpse poison that had spread to her body was rapidly decreasing.

When the last bit of corpse poison disappeared, Xuekui took the initiative to pull out the tentacles. Because of the blood, Xuekui grew a little bigger.

The boy woke up and called weakly "Mom".

The woman cried and laughed, hugged her son and kept kissing, tears and snot smeared the child's face.

Wen Qingling couldn't bear to look directly, took the crystal core given to him by Xuekui and the woman, and asked, "Can you drive?"


Wen Qingling threw the car key to her, "I'll give you the car, go back to the base as soon as possible, it's getting dark."

Wen Qingling turned and left, but the direction was to go to Nancheng.

The woman was startled and hurriedly grabbed him, "Where are you going?"

Wen Qingling: "Go home."

The woman looked at Nancheng and said with difficulty: "Your home is in... Nancheng?"

Wen Qingling: "Go back."

Wen Qingling left.

The woman followed and shouted, "Nancheng is full of zombies, and it is very dangerous at night. Would you like to go back to the Mausoleum City base with me?"

Without getting a response, the woman shouted again, "Can I see you next time?"

Wen Qingling: "I open a clinic in Nancheng."

Finally, the advertisement was released, and there should be a steady stream of crystal nuclei in the future.

The woman watched his figure disappear into the Nancheng complex, and then drove away.