I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 72


Xiao Hen thought of a brilliant idea. Since Wen Qingling wanted the research equipment in the Central Giant City Research Laboratory so that it could operate normally, why didn't they find a set of research equipment outside to replace the research equipment in the research laboratory? research equipment? Even if there is something wrong with the equipment, the maintenance staff of the Central Giant City can fix it.

The most important thing is that it's not stealing or borrowing, at most it's just changing it and borrowing it from their maintenance staff.

After listening to Ji Rong and the three, they all felt that it was feasible.

They are not human now. It is not too easy to find a set of research equipment in a big city full of zombies. Maybe they can take away the research equipment peacefully without fighting at all.

The four of them did what they said. They claimed that they were no longer from the Central Giant City. They even returned their weapons to Shangfeng. Of course, the helicopters could not be driven. They went to the car dealership and spent 300 ordinary crystal cores to buy them. Got a modified SUV.

The off-road vehicle is completely black, the body is protected by steel plates, the front of the car is equipped with thrusters, which can shovel away zombies blocking the road, and a row of headlights on the roof looks mighty and domineering. , The chassis is high, this is obviously a car for the survivor team going out for hunting. Xiao Hen and the four do not need the protection of the car, but they like the performance of the car, and the modification is really good.

The four of them drove their newly bought off-road vehicles and left the central giant city to go to Yunjing City, the former economic and political center. The once prosperous metropolis with a large population is now a gathering place for countless zombies.

There is a saying that survivors often pass on: There is Mausoleum City in the south and Yunjing in the north.

These two places are famous "Zombie City". There are a lot of zombies in it. There are a seventh-level evolutionary body "turret" and an eighth-level evolutionary body "general" in the mausoleum city. Yunjingcheng has not heard of which ones appear. A powerful evolutionary body, but no one dared to rush into Yunjing City to find out.

The Central Giant City is not too close to Yunjing City, and it takes several hours to drive without detours. After reaching Yunjing City, they try to enter the city in a low-key manner and go straight to the former research institute.

From the battle between Wen Qingling and the "General", it can be seen that even if they are zombies, they are not a family. There are conflicts of interest between humans.

The Central Giant City has been monitoring the movements of Yunjing City. The strange thing is that there are ordinary zombies on the periphery of Yunjing City, and even evolution zombies are rare. There was a helicopter that passed over Yunjing City, but it crashed for no reason. Helicopters were sent to investigate, but they all crashed, and no one on board survived. Since then, the danger level of Yunjing City has also been raised to the highest level.

Although Xiao Hen has the ability to control the whole corpse as a "general", but he is not arrogant enough to point fingers in Yunjing City, he still looks for research equipment honestly, and it is better to leave quickly, Yunjing City is very evil.

They rushed into Yunjing City, found the research institute, removed all the research equipment they saw, and then rushed out of Yunjing City in less than two hours in total.

It was not until the off-road vehicle left Yunjing City far away that the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Rong patted his chest and gasped, "Damn, this Yunjing City is a hell. After I entered, I always felt that the boulder was pressed against my chest, and it was difficult to even breathe. How do you feel?"

He Lin and Shi Chong said at the same time, "The same."

All three looked at Xiao Hen, Xiao Hen's face was solemn, "There is something in Yunjing City, it is very strong."

Ji Rong: "Is it stronger than 'General'?"

Xiao Hen said solemnly, "Crush the 'General'."

This was his first feeling.

Xiao Hen fought with the "general" before, and he could withstand the pressure of the "general", but the pressure in the Yunjing City, floating around at will, very much like an unconscious behavior, if this is really a conscious suppression, they can't explain it in the here

The car was silent.

After a long while, Ji Rong said "fuck", "Compared to Wen Qingling?"

Wen Qingling has no coercion at all on weekdays. Unless he releases it specially, he will not feel it. However, from the battle between Wen Qingling and the "General", Wen Qingling died several times before forcing the "General" away. No matter what happens in the future, at least the current Wen Qingling is not the opponent of that thing.

Xiao Hen said solemnly, "It's best not to let him come here."

With Wen Qingling's character, he dared to be tough without knowing the strength of the "general" at all. If things in Yunjing City offend him, maybe he can treat Yun like the "general". The capital was blown up.

As long as the four of them thought about the scene, they felt that they were about to suffocate, and they nodded in agreement. They must not let Wen Qingling come to Yunjing City. It was too dangerous, and it was dangerous for both of them.

When they returned to the central giant city, it was completely dark and the city gate was closed. If they wanted to enter the city, they could only wait until tomorrow morning, or Xiao Hen came forward to brush his face, maybe they could be let in.

But Xiao Hen would not do that.

Xiao Hen felt that being locked out of the city was an excellent opportunity. There was a record of them leaving the city. Now Xiao Hen used the space system power to go back, and he did it in the dead of night without knowing it.

This kind of task is indeed difficult for Xiao Hen. After he sneaked into the virus research institute, he first cut off the power supply, and it was pitch black everywhere. Then he picked an empty research room and moved into it by space. No combination lock or fingerprint lock was needed. He took the small flashlight and began to change the equipment according to the list given by Wen Qingling.

His speed must be fast. There are too many werewolves studying all night in the virus research institute. If the power goes out suddenly, they will definitely find someone to repair it. Xiao Hen will be stuck and replace the research equipment before the call.

The researcher’s irritable roars were heard outside the research room. After Xiao Hen changed the research equipment, he left the darkness very calmly. After several flashes, he had left the Virus Research Institute, all the way out of the central giant city, and returned to the off-road vehicle.

Ji Rong patted the steering wheel, "It's so smooth, it doesn't take four days at all."

Xiao Hen glanced at him, "You are wrong, the real trouble will start tomorrow."

Ji Rong didn't react, "How do you say it?"

Xiao Hen looked at Shi Chong, "Is your uncle going to Mausoleum City with us?"

Ji Rong suddenly realized that there were not only four of them. If they were to completely escape from the central giant city, what would Chong's uncle do if he stayed here alone? Without Shi Chong's care, he is an ordinary person who is struggling, and may become a drag on Shi Chong when necessary.

If Shi Chong wanted to get rid of the central giant city completely, he must take his uncle away with him.

Shi Chong was silent for a moment, "If possible, I'd like to take him away with me, but I'm afraid it's difficult for the doctor to do it."

The civilization base only accommodates civilization zombies, and it is absolutely impossible for humans to enter. Shi Chongzhen brought his uncle there. How should we arrange it? Do you want your uncle to become a civilized zombie? According to the rules of civilized zombies, whoever transforms gets married, and who dares to transform human beings casually? What's more, his uncle is a non-marriageist. After being a bachelor for so many years, let him get married in the last days, unless he changes his soul.

Xiao Hen said: "If you decide to take it away, then we will pick you up."

The civilization base does not accept human beings, Xiao Hen understands, but everyone has close relatives and friends, not only Shi Chong, Xiao Hen believes that other people in the civilization base must still have relatives alive, but they do not know that the relatives who have turned into zombies have recovered. He looks like an adult, otherwise he will definitely come over.

Even if they become civilized zombies, their feelings are seriously lacking, but they still give up their close relatives by blood. The Wen Qingling family is the best example.

Xiao Hen: "The problem now is that when we go to pick up Lao Shi's uncle tomorrow, we are likely to meet Lao Xue."

The four of them suddenly applied for retirement and had to leave the Central Giant City together. Xue Feng would definitely not be able to accept it for a while. He couldn't find the four of them, and he would definitely target the only Uncle Shi Chong who was involved with them.

Xue Feng would never stare at Xiao Hen's father. The father and son could not wait to see each other for the rest of their lives. Staring at General Xiao was useless, so he could only go to Uncle Chong's side.

Shi Chong said: "Tomorrow, I will pick up my uncle alone. You guys will wait for me outside the city. If I don't come back, you should go back to the mausoleum city first. The time is limited. Don't waste time because of me and my uncle."

Ji Rong was the first to object, "What did you say? Go with us. If Lao Xue is hard, we can delay for a while. You take your uncle and run first."

Xiao Hen also said: "I was hiding from Lao Xue before because I wanted to find an opportunity to get the equipment. Now that the equipment problem has been solved, we can leave at any time when we receive someone. If we continue to hide from Lao Xue like this, you can guess his temper. , will you chase after the mausoleum city?"

Ji Rong: "..."

Helin: "..."

Shi Chong: "… "

It's very possible!

Before, Xiao Hen and Ji Rong had been staying in Mausoleum City and did not come back. When they came back, they would retire and leave the Central Giant City. The fool also knew where they would go. If they wanted to find someone, they had to go to Mausoleum City.

When the four of them add up, they have to go to their own nets. Their affairs are best solved here, and they can't take the problem to the mausoleum city.

Early the next morning, the four of them drove into the city in an off-road vehicle and went straight to Uncle Shi Chong's residence.

Xiao Hen guessed right, there are indeed people waiting for them here, and Lao Xue himself is waiting.

Xue Feng's face was already angry, and if they didn't come over today, he would definitely bring someone to Lingcheng, and he must catch these four bastards back.

Shi Chong's uncle Fortune also had a bad face and dark circles under his eyes. At first glance, he didn't rest well. He was probably shocked by Lao Xue's tyrannical aura. Under such pressure, normal people couldn't sleep well, not to mention Old Xue kept asking questions, but Fortune ripped off Shi Chong's underpants, and even said that he couldn't fight with children when he was a child, and he used his butt legs to slap his feet.

After asking all night, he didn't get any useful information. Xue Feng almost exploded with anger. Shi Chong's mouth was too strict. He only told Shi Yun that he was out to perform a mission. know nothing.

Xue Feng looked at the four of them, wishing for one of them to snort, "Lock up Xiao Hen!"

Xue Feng knew the strength of the four of them, and he must be prepared to come to arrest people. Immediately, two people stepped forward, cut Xiao Hen's hands, and locked him.

Xiao Hen is their boss, as long as they hold Xiao Hen, the other three will not be able to make waves.

Xue Feng stared at the four of them, "Take it away!"

Xiao Hen was pushed out and did not resist the whole process. He gave Ji Rong a wink and asked them to find a chance to leave with fortune. He would go outside the city to join them later.

When it comes to escaping, no one has an advantage over Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen was pushed into the car and shared with Xue Feng, Xue Feng said angrily, "I can't control you, but someone can control you!"

Xiao Hen: "He can't control me anymore."

Xue Feng stared, "If Xiao will agree to let you go, I won't say anything else, you guys love it!"

Xiao Hen didn't speak, he knew that Lao Xue would definitely take him to see General Xiao, and Lao Xue couldn't decide if he went or left.

When approaching the headquarters, Lao Xue finally couldn't hold back, "Why on earth are you leaving? If you can convince me, I may be able to stop you before General Xiao breaks your legs."

Xiao Hen looked at his upper peak, "Where do you think the future of mankind is?"

Lao Xue was silent for a moment before saying, "Did you see the danger of Mausoleum City and make you lose confidence in the future of mankind?"

Xiao Hen shook his head, "I can't see the future of mankind."

Old Xue said: "Is your belief destroyed so easily?! You have been a soldier for so many years! How come there is no future for mankind? As long as a vaccine is developed, mankind will not be afraid of zombie viruses. We already have energy weapons. Breakthrough progress, then we will be able to kill, destroy the zombies, and retake the territory that belongs to us, this is the future of mankind!"

Xiao Hen laughed, "I used to think so too, and I firmly believed that human beings would one day win, but now, I don't think so anymore."

Lao Xue asked Xiao Hen to let go, and he saw that Xiao Hen didn't want to escape at all.

Old Xue said: "How can you not think so? You must think so!"

Xiao Hen looked at him: "Is it self-hypnosis? Can humans survive by hypnosis?"

Old Xue firmly said: "Humanity will win, and it will definitely win! How many disasters have mankind experienced, how can they be defeated by a mere zombie virus?!"

Xiao Hen said: "Is this really just a zombie virus? This virus not only infects humans, but also animals and plants. It evolves and mutates all the time. We can't predict that the virus will evolve and mutate in the next moment. what's coming."

Xiao Hen: "Energy weapons are powerful, but don't forget, humans first had supernatural abilities, and then zombies began to evolve. This virus is obviously stronger when it is stronger, and the direction of evolution and mutation cannot be controlled, nor can it be imagined. , Humans now have energy weapons, if they are put into use, have you ever thought about what will evolve and mutate in the outside world?"