I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 88


Wen Qingling returned to Mausoleum City, it was already dark, he went out for a circle, he already had a general outline of the construction of Mausoleum City, after returning, he did not continue to salt fish, but built the wall of the middle city Up, the middle city wall is 15 meters high and its perimeter is longer than that of the inner city and the core city.

After a night's rest, by noon the next day, the wood-based abilities consumed returned to the peak. Wen Qingling also built the outer city wall in one go. The urn cities in the four directions of the city wall were built more carefully and solidly. These four urn cities can protect the main fortresses of the entire civilized city, and must not be careless.

Wen Qingling spent almost all the wood-based abilities on the construction of the outer city wall. The scale and grandeur of the building made all the civilization zombies amazed.

Not only the outer city wall, Wen Qingling also used the cross inner city wall to divide the civilized city into four directions: east, west, south and north. The core city is a whole, regardless of the direction of the city. The city is divided into four directions. For example, the inner city is divided into: east inner city, west inner city, south inner city, and north inner city. Each direction city has a city gate and a small urn city to prevent residents from all directions from living together. .

Four directions, each direction has three direction sub-city lords and one direction city lord, the direction sub-city lord takes care of all the affairs in his own city, and then reports to the four-way city lord. Inside the civilized city, and outside the civilized city, the directional affairs belonging to the four-way city lord are also managed by them.

Important decisions will be sent to Wen Qingling, the chief city owner of the core city. Whether Wen Qingling handles these matters in the Civilized City is another matter. The overall plan is like this.

All architectural planning of the civilized city is carried out on the basis of the existing buildings in the mausoleum city. The dirty buildings should be cleaned, and the damaged and collapsed buildings should be renovated. The civilized city that Wen Qingling wants should not only be civilized in spirit, but also in appearance. .

The zombies gathered in the mausoleum city were blocked by the tall city wall, and they had to continue to migrate outward. The outer city wall of the civilized city was wider than Wen Qingling's original plan. The Qingling Circle entered the outer city and became a part of the outer city.

There are many villas and houses in the four major suburbs, and there are many open spaces and wilderness. Wen Qingling wants these open spaces and wilderness. It is more convenient to plant in the city than outside the city. In addition, Wen Qingling also plans to circle it as a planting area. In this way, the entire Civilized City will cover a larger area than the original Mausoleum City, and can accommodate more people. If it develops, it will definitely be a prosperous super city. Ayutthaya.

In the planning of the planting area, Wen Qingling intends to tilt towards the south, and there is Xiangxian County in the south. The distance from Lingcheng to Xiangxian County can be developed into a planting area.

The best way is to build a wall, not too high, as long as it can stop ordinary zombies, build a wall from Lingcheng to Xiangxian, this is a big project, not Wen Qingling alone, since Xiangxian wants If they are attached to Mausoleum City, then they have to find a way by themselves, otherwise Wen Qingling can't guarantee the casualties coming to Mausoleum City. He is not someone's bodyguard and can protect everyone 24 hours a day.

Xiao Hen and the four completed their escort mission and returned to Lingcheng from the Xiangxian base. Halfway through the car, they saw many zombies wandering in the wilderness. The four were very curious. In the suburbs of Nancheng, looking at the tall city wall standing in front of them, the four of them were dumbfounded.

They just didn't come back for a day and a night, and the mausoleum city has changed a lot. It really is Wen Qingling's style.

The tall and sturdy urn gate has the words "South Gate", and the main gate has the words "Civilization City". The urn gate and the main gate are all open and unguarded, and zombies occasionally wander out.

Xiao Hen knew that the city wall should have just been built by Wen Qingling, and the zombies inside have not been expelled. The most important thing is that there are not so many civilized zombies living in the civilized city. Wen Qingling just built the planning framework.

As soon as the four of Xiao Hen came back, they were arrested by Wen Qingling for a meeting. The meeting discussed the construction of Civilization City and the surrounding area, as well as Wen Qingling's general plan for Civilization City. The meeting was attended by the four Xiao Hens and their parents. In addition, the "leader" of the sisters and the blood corpse are all there, and there are some capable and civilized zombies promoted by Wen Qingling through observation.

They have no opinion on Wen Qingling's plan. The only one who has an opinion is the blood corpse. He wants a four-way city lord Dangdang.

There are four city lords in Sixiang City, and they are in charge of four directions.

No matter how Wen Qingling looked at the blood corpse, it was not the material for Sixiang City Lord. Besides him, the sister flower "leader" also felt that the blood corpse was not suitable.

The blood corpse was dissatisfied, "You are racist! Why can't others be me?"

Xiao Hen said ruthlessly: "Being the Lord of Sixiang City requires brains, do you have this?"

The blood corpse jumped in anger and shouted that he wanted to fight Xiao Hen one-on-one, "Dongcheng is my territory, you privately plan my Dongcheng to Civilization City, even if you don't even give me a four-way city owner, don't deceive people. Too much!"

Wen Qingling said: "Wenzhi and martial arts, you can't do Wenzhi, and martial arts... It's also a bit worrying."

The blood corpse shouted: "Wen Qingling!"

Wen Qingling stopped him from yelling, "In this way, in addition to the four-way city lord, the four-way general, and the deputy commander, each direction city also has the city's master, the commander, the deputy general, and the civil and military. The deputy general of the East of the East is good, you are the output of force."

This is the highest position Wen Qingling can give him. With the bloody corpse's temper, Wen Qingling is afraid that he will cause trouble, and that the general Dongxiang will not be able to hold him down.

The blood corpse paused, "Why am I not the main general of the east?"

Wen Qingling squinted at him, "You can only be a lieutenant, the main general is not enough only with strength, but also with brains."

Blood Corpse: "???"

I always felt that Wen Qingling was scolding him, but he had no evidence.

Xiao Hen frowned slightly. In his opinion, the blood corpse does not have the ability to be the deputy commander of Dongxiang. He is not a management talent. Putting him in an important but inappropriate position will cause problems sooner or later. The deputy commander of the heart, how tired is the eastward commander

The blood corpse turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Hen, "What position is he?"

Wen Qingling: "The commander-in-chief is in charge of all the military forces in Civilization City."

The blood corpse was stunned, and then jumped like thunder, "Then why am I still under him? Why?! When I was in the mausoleum city, he didn't know where he was, why did he press me?!"

Wen Qingling was so annoyed by him that he clenched his fists and wanted to teach him to be a man again.

Xiao Hen suddenly said: "With the four-way city lord and the four-way main and deputy generals, it is better to set up four-way corpse generals to specialize in the four directions of zombies. Leaders' serve."

Xiao Hen glanced at the blood corpse, "Although the blood corpse is not a 'leader', but the strength is equivalent to a 'leader', you can be the corpse general in the east, and Tiantian and Xinxin can be the corpse general in the west, how?"

After Xiao Hen finished speaking, he asked Wen Qingling what he meant.

There are so many zombies wandering in Lingcheng, and there is no "leader" to lead them. In this way, the whereabouts of the sisters and the bloody corpses can be solved, and they can also have something to do.

Rather than dealing with civilized zombies and humans, the blood corpse prefers to stay with the zombies, and then I heard that the position of the four-way corpse is equal to the four-way master. It sounds like a high status, and the blood corpse is very satisfied.

The noisy bloody corpse was finally satisfied, Wen Qingling looked at the sisters again, "What do you think?"

Sweet: "We follow the arrangement."

Xinxin: "We are indeed more suitable to get along with zombies."

In this case, Wen Qingling immediately decided to increase the position of the four-way corpse general. Now there are corpse generals in the west and east, and there are still corpses in the south and north. Wen Qingling quickly remembered staying in Rongcheng to watch the airport. The little girl, then shook her head quickly, don't torture each other, let her look at the airport honestly, the "leader" will never be harder to find than the "general".

Wen Qingling did not have a candidate for the city lord of Sixiang for the time being, but there was a candidate for the commander of Sixiang. Wen Qingling asked Ji Rong to be the commander of Dongxiang. The commander of Dongxiang and the corpse of Dongxiang had to contact each other. Ji Rong's strength was not a blood corpse. Let the two of them torture each other.

The three members of Xiao Hen's team have all the strengths and minds, and they are all top talents in the human army. Of course Wen Qingling will not let talents go unused, he said: "Shi Chong, you are the main general of the west direction."

Shi Chong responded: "Yes."

Wen Qingling said again: "Helin, you are the commander of the south."

He Lin was stunned for a moment, he knew his strength, and he was simply unable to take the position of the main general of Nanxiang.

Wen Qingling: "Your ability is competent enough, don't worry about your strength, I will let the research institute speed up the research and see if there is any way to help you improve."

He Lin nodded in response.

Wen Qingling looked at Xiao Hen: "You will temporarily hold the position of the main general of Beixiang, and then you will split it out when you find a suitable person."

What else could Xiao Hen do other than nod his head? He is very doubtful now that the little zombie didn't let him leave the mausoleum city, just to squeeze him and use him as an old scalper.

Wen Qingling has not many manpower available. For the time being, we will first arrange the positions of the south and the east, and take care of the west and the north respectively. The officers who are promoted from the soldiers and zombies are all assigned to the positions of the sub-generals and deputy generals of the south and east. The three city lords in the south and the three in the east are held by the civilized zombies brought up by Wen Qingling. They are all old people in the civilization base, and their human identities are not simple. They helped to manage the newly built civilization city. It could not be better.

Whether it is the four-way city lord, the sub-city lord, or the four-way general or sub-general, the identity of the candidate must be a civilized zombie. Human beings are too complicated, and there is no zombie as simple.

Needless to say, the four-way corpse will not be able to do it.

Once the positions are properly arranged, it is the turn of the construction between Nancheng and the Xiangxian base.

This issue is not something that Wen Qingling can talk about behind closed doors. He has to meet and talk with Xiangxian. Thinking that Xiangxian should be at the most chaotic time, Wen Qingling decided to go to Changxian after a while. Bo Heng, it is still the most important thing to clean up the civilized city.

After the position was arranged, Wen Qingling became more relaxed. He ran to the research room every day, urging the progress, visiting the suburbs of the outer city, thinking about how to develop the planting area.

The planting area is now half-height weeds, and there are many landscape trees. Except for the necessary landscape trees, all others have to be cleaned up. Wen Qingling is a wood-type power user. He can promote the growth of plants, and he can also drain the vitality of plants and make them wither. It is not enough for these weeds and landscape trees to wither. Law planting.

At this time, Wen Qingling missed the ploughing machine very much. Without the ploughing machine, Shi Chong was taken to the human form to plough the field. Shi Chong was devastated and wandered in the Nancheng planting area every day. After turning it over, Wen Qingling asked civilized zombies to help sow seeds.

Wheat, corn, upland rice, soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans, etc. are all planted, regardless of habit, regardless of season, until the Nancheng planting area is full. When the civilization zombies thought they could finally rest, Wen Qingling a tree The big move of the system was released, and the entire Nancheng planting area was full of fruits, golden and golden, and the crops were ripe and ready to be harvested.

All civilization zombies: "… "

Can you still rest? No one can withstand such devastation by the city lord!

Fortunately, they were no longer human, otherwise they would have died of exhaustion.

When Xiao Hen and the others were busy rectifying the civilization city, the Nancheng planting area had already ushered in a bumper harvest. The civilization zombies had to hold various knives and bend over to harvest the crops. Each one of them had awkward postures and slow movements. specialized.

Wen Qingling faced the golden ground and the hard-working reapers, thinking that they still need agricultural machinery. Relying on manpower alone is too slow, consuming physical strength and a waste of time.

I don’t know if it was due to the environment or due to Wen Qingling’s supernatural power. The ears of wheat and rice were two or three times larger than before the end of the world. The size of the corn cobs was even more amazing. There are 5 or 6 corn cobs growing on it, the corn kernels are full and juicy, and Wen Qingling deliberately left some to not ripen.

Standing in the cornfield and looking up, he was sad and indignant to find that he was not as tall as the cornstalk, but the cornstalks were tall and sturdy. , He hasn't eaten fresh corn for a long time, and he almost forgot the taste of fresh corn. This time, he must eat enough at a time.

The roof of the car was green, attracting a lot of attention along the way. They were very curious. The city owner wanted corn on the cob, why did he uproot it? Wouldn't it be easier to take the corn on the cob back

Jiang Lan was preparing lunch when she saw Wen Qingling dragging in a few green corn stalks. Jiang Lan came out of the kitchen in surprise, "Shi, what are you doing?"

Wen Qingling's face was paralyzed, but her eyes were shining, "I want to eat corn."

Kuibao jumped down from the second floor wearing small clothes, circled the corn stalk a few times, and then leaned on the leaves to smell it. His big scarlet eyes were full of disgust, which obviously did not meet his dietary needs.

Jiang Lan's face was full of words, "Isn't the son I gave birth to is a fool?" "You can just break the cob back. Why did the rods come back together? Do you want the rods to eat together?"

Wen Qingling pondered, "Can the pole be eaten?"

Jiang Lan instantly turned into a lion's roar, "Of course not! The farm activities you participated in when you were young were all fake, right? Don't you even have this little common sense? Corn eats corn, not corn stalks!"

They all grew up in the city. If Wen Qingling hadn't often participated in farm activities when he was a child, he might not even be able to tell the difference between leeks and wheat seedlings. It is precisely because his parents often take him to these activities to let him know how strawberries grow and how food is grown. Where does it come from? He has seen and participated in these processes, so he knows the steps.

Wen Qingling looked serious: "You really can't eat it?"

Jiang Lan choked for a moment, thinking that the living conditions today are not before the end of the world. After the end of the world, too many people have nothing to eat. They are so hungry that they can even eat the bark, not to mention fresh cornstalks.

Jiang Lan turned around and said, "How about you try it?"

Wen Qingling nodded, brought a knife, chopped off the roots, took off the leaves, and peeled off the leaves on the stalk to reveal the smooth corn stalk. He peeled off the epidermis like eating sugar cane, and took a bite of the inner flesh. With a sound, the sound was quite crisp, Wen Qingling chewed it and spat out the residue, and took a second bite.

Jiang Lan has been waiting for his evaluation, but he just ate it, "How is it? What does it taste like?"

Wen Qingling chopped off a piece of it with a knife and handed it to her mother, "It's sweet, with a lot of water."

Jiang Lan imitated Wen Qingling, took a bite, and was immediately shocked. She carefully identified with suspicion, she was eating corn stalks instead of sugar cane

Jiang Lan: "This is corn stalk, why is it so sweet? There is so much juice? This is sugar cane, right?"

Wen Qingling shook her head, "It should be a mutation."

When Wen Zheng and Xiao Hen came back, they saw Wen Qingling and Jiang Lan sitting on the sofa eating, and there was a lot of scum on the coffee table. .

Wen Zheng said dryly: "Our family is not poor enough for you to eat corn stalks, right?"

Jiang Lan didn't care to speak, she raised her chin, "It's delicious, eat and see."

Wen Zheng and Xiao Hen both took a bite and took a bite. They were immediately amazed by the sweet juice. The juice was very sweet. The taste was different from the sweetness of sugar cane. It tasted really good.

Xiao Hen was very busy during this time. He was in charge of the entire civilized city. Wen Zheng helped, but Wen Qingling, the city owner, was very leisurely. Because he often worked together, Wen Zheng always brought Xiao Hen back for dinner, and his family was used to it. There are more bowls and chopsticks of Xiao Hen.

After eating a piece, Xiao Hen was full of praise, "It's really delicious. After the corn matures, the water in the corn stalk should be seriously lost, but it's a waste of this delicious food."

Wen Qingling shook her head, "It won't be lost."

Wen Qingling has seen it personally, after the corn matures, the leaves wither, but the corn stalk is dark blue, and there is still a lot of water in it.

In order to confirm, the four of them hurriedly finished their lunch and drove to the planting area of Nanwaicheng, intending to personally taste the mature corn stalks. The fresh corn was very delicious, tender and sweet, and despite the size, the four of them ate it alone. One, I ate a big corn. I didn't eat much of the other meals. I was too full.

When the three followed Wen Qingling to the Nanwaicheng planting area, they were all shocked by the sight in front of them. Their eyes were golden, and there were many civilization zombies harvesting in the field. Compared with such a large crop, the population was really small.

During this time, except Wen Qingling, everyone was very busy, and Xiao Hen was so busy that he could not touch the ground. Wen Zheng followed Xiao Hen to help share some work, and Jiang Lan was responsible for changing the identity of the ideal rotten zombie alone. , Everyone is very busy, but they don't know that Wen Qingling quietly created such a large piece of farmland on the outskirts of Nanwai City.

Wen Zheng's eyes were straight, and the look in Wen Qingling's eyes was wrong, "You ripen them all at once, have you ever thought about harvesting?"

Wen Qingling: "..."

He really didn't think about it at the time, but he didn't dare to say it, so as not to expose his lack of agricultural knowledge.

Wen Zheng sighed, "Fortunately, it rarely rains after the end of the world. If it rains, all crops will be completely destroyed."

Wen Qingling forcibly held her respect, "Well, I didn't expect it to rain."

Wen Zheng glared at him, "Did you think it would be over if it didn't rain? Go and see the beans yourself."

Wen Zheng took Wen Qingling to the soybean field for him to see. The soybeans were bigger than normal beans, with taller bean stalks and full of plump bean stalks. Because it's fully cooked, the bean plants are crispy, and the beans are also crispy.

In order to make Wen Qingling realize the problem, Wen Zheng reached out and wanted to pick a bean, but as soon as his finger touched, the bean split automatically and the soybean fell to the ground.

Wen Zheng: "Did you see it? Beans will be like this when they are too ripe, and they cannot be touched. If you touch the beans, they will fall off. How do you harvest them?"

The harvested bean plants are all empty shells, and the real beans fall to the ground. Is it difficult to pick them out one by one

There are still a lot of beans that do not need to be touched, they have already split, and the beans inside are long gone.

Wen Qingling watched silently, fully realizing her mistake.

Wen Qingling said: "Let's harvest it like this first. You don't need to pick up the fallen beans, just dig them into the soil. I will ripen them again. This time I will pay attention to proportions."

Wen Zheng taught him, "It can be stopped after ripening until the leaves fall and the bean stalks turn yellow."

Wen Qingling responded and took them to chop a mature corn, peeled off the skin, and ate it among the four of them. Sure enough, as Wen Qingling said, the juice was still rich. Cornstalks taste a little sweeter.

With this discovery, when the corn is harvested, the corn stalks can be left behind, and the corn leaves can be given to mutant cattle and sheep as rations. The mutant poultry and livestock raised in captivity must return to their nature, and do not eat things that should not be eaten. , Since it's cattle and sheep, it's better to eat grass, and stop meat or something.

Looking at the figure busy harvesting, Xiao Hen said: "It's still not possible without agricultural machinery, and the efficiency of manpower alone can't be improved."

Wen Qingling has also been thinking about this issue, "I will find some agricultural machinery and come back."

If you go to the villages and towns below to find agricultural machinery, you may not be able to find it. However, after agricultural machinery is available, the supply of diesel required is a big problem. Since the end of the world, all gas stations are basically empty.

In this era when human life is a must, no one expects someone to mine crude oil and then deliver oil to various gas stations. Haven't you seen that the Central Giant City has developed crystal nucleus energy