I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 91


Wen Qingling said: "According to what you said, the strength of civilized zombies cannot continue to improve, is it because the energy obtained from the blood sunflower is not enough?"

Wen Qingling has found that the faster his advancement speed, the higher the level, and the greater the distance between the civilization zombies, they cannot keep up with his pace as before, and the strength of the civilization zombies is comparable to the third level. After the evolution of zombies, it seems to have encountered a bottleneck, and it cannot continue to improve no matter what.

Wen Qingling couldn't figure out the reason for it all the time. After a thorough analysis by Zhu Lao, he suddenly thought of the possibility of "insufficient cellular energy", otherwise he couldn't explain why he couldn't improve his strength through blood connection.

Zhu Lao said: "This may be the reason. I have to study the specific situation before I know it, but it is most likely that there is a problem with the energy of the cells. Your blood energy is very powerful. A drop of blood grows a blood sunflower, and the blood sunflower is growing. In the process, it absorbs substances that are powerful to it from the outside world, so that the power in your blood becomes mild. If you directly eat the civilization zombies transformed by the blood sunflower, their strength will be stronger, but there will be a peak, when your drop When the blood energy is exhausted, their strength will no longer increase, and the cells will stay at this peak after being strengthened by energy."

Wen Qingling: "Is it still possible to continue strengthening? Or use my blood directly?"

"You must not," Zhu Lao hurriedly interrupted him, "your blood is very dangerous, powerful and unstable, and it is very easy to mutate. You can use the blood sunflower to transform into a humanoid, but it has not been transformed into a monster. Thank goodness, don't take any chances."

Wen Qingling: "..."

In fact, the blood corpse is a monster that was transformed by mistake, and Xu Shengfei...

Wen Qingling thought of a possibility. If his blood is really so unstable and easy to mutate, is Xu Shengfei's situation the result of another mutation of his blood

Zhu Lao repeatedly urged, "Remember, your blood is very special, it's best not to let yourself bleed. Your flesh and blood can save or destroy the world, and you must have an idea in your heart."

Wen Qingling said, you are an expert who can produce three results at one time. Can't I cure my mutation-loving problem

Zhu Lao returned to him and produced three results at a time, but it was "one sunflower and three meals". The antidote can be extracted from the secretion of the tentacles, the vaccine can be extracted from the surface of the tentacles and the blood sunflower, and the blood sunflower can be made into a transforming agent. As long as there is blood sunflower , these are not challenging.

Wen Qingling nodded, indicating that he understood, and let Zhu Lao take the time to make a transformation agent to add to the civilization city, even if the transformed "new human" he recognized, whoever called them also has a faint blood with him What about association? Now that he is a father, even if the child doesn't look like himself, he can only recognize it, and can he lose it

Wen Qingling left the laboratory with the antidote and vaccine at the experimental stage, intending to go out to find human trials.

"I'm with you." Xiao Hen followed and got into the car.

"Aren't you busy?" Wen Qingling looked at him with the look of "the employee planning to skip work in front of the boss".

Xiao Hen was very helpless. "It stands to reason that the busiest person should be you. Now everyone is busy, but you are the most leisurely. Do you think it is appropriate to ask me if I am busy?"

Wen Qingling started the car, "Very suitable, who called me the city owner?"

Xiao Hen was convinced, and he was willing to give up. "I will be your humanoid refrigerator. The temperature outside is too high, which will affect the activity of the vaccine. The space and time are constant. I will help you store it."

Wen Qingling raised her eyebrows, he gave full marks to this answer, and handed the box containing the medicine to the humanoid freezer.

The two drove all the way out of the city, looking for someone to test the medicine, of course, they can't be cheap to outsiders, and the Xiangxian base is the best place to go.

Xiao Hen said: "If you want a person to be transformed to have a high level, you must let the high-level person transform with blood. After Ji Rong and Shi Chong are transformed, their personal strength can compete with the fourth-level evolutionary body 'ugly', even if they encounter five Level evolution body 'corpse mountain', it is estimated that it can also retreat."

Xiao Hen didn't mention Helin, because Helin's strength is really not high. Like other civilization zombies, he can only fight a third-level evolutionary zombie at most.

Wen Qingling: "I almost forgot, your blood composition is more complicated than mine. If you have time, let Zhu Lao draw some blood for you and study it carefully. Maybe there will be unexpected breakthroughs."

The car fell into silence again, and after a long time, Xiao Hen said: "I now think that people who become zombies are also lucky."

Wen Qingling: "You think it's a blessing for them to hunt brainlessly and to be counter-hunted, then you are really serious."

Xiao Hen looked at him with soft eyes, "Because you are their salvation."

The news of the "New Humanity" may have no effect on ordinary zombies who are unconscious, but it will definitely have a huge impact on human survivors. The human lifespan problem that human scientists have been unable to overcome has been solved like this. The "new humans" have long lifespans, great bodies, and each and every one of them can beat a first-level evolutionary body. The key point is that these are still ordinary "new humans". If Zhu Lao can develop an evolutionary zombie transformation agent, their strength will only be stronger.

Not only that, the antidote, vaccine, and transformation agent, any one of the results, people will be crazy about it.

These are their dawn in the last days, the hope of mankind, and they estimate that they will get antidote and vaccine at any cost.

Wen Qingling did not refute Xiao Hen this time, he was willing to be the redemption of the zombies.

Wen Qingling did not go to the Xiangxian base, but drove the car directly to the Xiangxian county seat. There are indeed no zombies in the county. If Xiang County cannot be surrounded as soon as possible, there may be zombies and dangerous things from other places running over.

The closer you get to the center of the county, the more people you find. They are cleaning up abandoned vehicles, cleaning streets, and cleaning houses. Everyone is beaming, but the numbness and sadness of the past are no longer on their faces. There is hope in their eyes, and life has a head start. No matter how tired you are, you will be happy.

Wen Qingling's spiritual power dissipated, and he heard conversations everywhere.

"Before the end of the world, I couldn't afford to buy a house, but now I can choose any house in the entire county, haha!"

"Fortunately, we were originally from the Xiangxian base. The rent is not expensive, and we can choose a house first. I heard that there will be survivors coming in later, and the rent will be this amount." The speaker compared the number to his companion.

"I don't know when the land was divided. The food that the leader brought back is very gratifying. In the future, our base will be a big base with housing and food, and finally we don't have to wander anymore."

"It's not me who said that being able to become a subsidiary base of Civilization City is the most correct thing the leader has done. In the future, with the protection of Civilization City, what are we afraid of?"

"Civilization City is really so powerful?" Someone asked in confusion.

"Are you new to the base?"

The person who asked the question repeatedly said yes, it had just been a while since he had escaped.

"You may not believe it, the City Lord of Civilization City has the ability to control zombies. All the zombies in Xiangxian County were taken away by City Lord Wen, otherwise how could we move to the county seat? Moreover, I also heard that City Lord Wen can treat infected people. "

"Bullshit? I haven't heard that there is a zombie virus vaccine. How to treat the infected?"

"Don't believe it, our deputy leader Wen was bitten by a zombie and almost turned into a zombie. It was the leader who brought deputy leader Wen to beg to Lord Wen before he was rescued. This is the real thing, you don't believe it. You can ask Deputy Chief Wen yourself."

"... The leader has already brought people over, and told others not to go there, there are corpses and beasts, it is very dangerous, and someone has been eaten, go and inform."

Corpse beast

Wen Qingling expanded the scope of his mental power and found Chang Boheng and the others in the west of the county. At the same time, he also found a huge corpse beast with a badly rotted body. There were many petite little corpse beasts scattered around the corpse beast. From the appearance, it should be a corpse dog.

An evolved corpse dog beast brought a group of corpse dog little brothers to Xiang County to fight the autumn wind.

Wen Qingling let out a "tsk", if it was a normal corpse dog, he might be able to be brainwashed by his mental power. By the way, he would be obedient and obedient if he threatened him with his tyrannical aura, but with the evolutionary corpse dog beast leader , Inter-species communication is inherently difficult, and now the communication channel is completely blocked, and there is no talk.

Evolutionary corpse beasts are more terrifying than evolutionary zombies when they are crazy. They will also feed on evolutionary zombies to gain power. They are especially cruel and unreasonable. However, the emergence of evolutionary corpse beasts is even more difficult than evolutionary zombies. A piece of good news.

"What?" Xiao Hen immediately looked at Wen Qingling alertly.

Wen Qingling accelerated the car and drove towards Xicheng, "There are corpse dogs and beasts infested."

Xiao Hen was also surprised. The evolution of corpse beasts is more difficult than that of zombies. They can often see evolutionary zombies, but they can't often see evolutionary corpse beasts. These beasts were fierce before the end of the world, and they evolved after the end of the world. A virus is a big killer wherever it goes, and corpses eat everything. Humans, zombies, and corpses of the same kind will not let them go as long as they can eat them.

Wen Qingling was immediately caught by Miao Bo when he was investigating. This was the fiercest battle. He only dared to hide in the car. Fang Shenlong and Chang Boheng were all killed outside. Corpse dog.

Knowing that Wen Qingling was coming, Miao Bo opened the car window and shouted, "City Lord Wen is here... FUCK!"

Before he could finish shouting, he was almost bitten on the nose by the corpse dog that rushed over, and the long black tongue that was dragged out was thrown on the car window, covering the black saliva from the car window.

As soon as the people outside heard that the city lord was coming, they all killed even harder. The bear tree, who was hiding in the car and commanding the corpse wolf from a distance, heard that the boss was coming, and jumped out of the car in a hurry. to the boss.

Several powerful abilities of Chang Boheng are besieging the evolutionary corpse dog beast. As long as this big guy is killed, those corpse dogs will be easier to clean up without a head.

The evolutionary corpse dog is huge, scurrying all over the place, covered with rotten blood and rotten flesh, and has no sense of its infection level. The besieged people dare not approach, and beware of a lump of rotten blood flying anytime, anywhere. Rotten meat, beaten up, and a group of people were slipped into a very embarrassed state.

People with wooden warehouses shoot from a distance, and the bullets penetrate into the carrion, which will not have any effect on the evolution of the corpse dog. As long as the head is still there, it can continue to wave.