I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 97


After arranging things in Civilization City, Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen set off.

The mutant zombies were only followed by Lu Tianjin. The three of them traveled lightly, and one car was enough. Xiao Hen emptied the space and left all the food in Civilization City. Wen Qingling stuffed a lot of weapons into his space for emergencies.

None of the three were human, all the way to the north, no zombies without long eyes came to show their existence in front of them, the journey was smooth, the further forward, the more uncertain Xiao Hen became, "Are you sure we didn't go wrong?"

Lu Tianjin's gray-white eyes exposed outside, staring at the front with cold air, "Yes, this is the direction, keep moving forward."

Wen Qingling looked at the roadside scenery, Wen Yan looked at Xiao Hen, "What's in front of this?"

Xiao Hen doesn't want this to be true, but if Lu Tianjin is right, then things are really bad.

"Going forward in this direction, it is the Central Giant City." If Xu Shengfei really went to the Central Giant City, Xiao Hen dared not think about the current situation of the Central Giant City.

"That's really good." Wen Qingling's voice was faint, and the pictures he saw when he advanced were clearly imprinted in his mind. If Xu Shengfei was really in the central giant city, then her harm was really too small, otherwise human beings Why do you still have the leisure to kill zombies? Shouldn't you be wholeheartedly engaged in infighting

Wen Qingling had already confirmed with Xiao Hen that the giant city he saw when he advanced was the legendary central giant city, with more than 100 million survivors living in it...

I don't know if Luo Fengjue is there, I really don't know where the kid went.

Wen Qingling leaned in the seat, closed her eyes, and her mental power began to float around again, that hazy feeling reappeared...

Wen Qing Lingxin wanted to suffer, and his spiritual power went out to wander again, but don't come back after more than a month? It is estimated that Xiao Hen will go crazy.

Wen Qingling thought in his heart that the advanced step had been completed. He only went out to wander for a while, and then came back soon to find Luo Fengjue's whereabouts along the way.

His mental power was exactly as he thought, the car was moving forward, and his mental power was like watching the scenery from a high altitude, swept all the bases along the way, and there was no one to look for.

The vision suddenly became foggy, the mist was torn apart, and a clear picture appeared in front of me...

In the dimly lit basement, only one lamp was persistently lit, various parts were thrown on the long wooden table, black zombie crystal nuclei were scattered on the table, and there were assembled wooden warehouses and semi-finished products on the table.

There is a two-seater sofa beside the long table, the sofa is stained with large dark stains, and there is a man on it, who is sleeping, the man is full of stubble, his hair is messy, and the length can be tied into small braids. He is very thin and has a silhouette. Deep and clear, Wen Qingling recognized this person's identity at a glance, isn't it the Luo Fengjue he was looking for

Wen Qingling didn't understand, how could Luo Fengjue, who used to be high-spirited, pay great attention to his appearance, and would rather get hurt in order not to run naked, how could it become like this

The dimly lit basement should be his residence, and the finished and semi-finished products on the table should be his masterpieces. Luo Fengjue used to like to modify wooden warehouse equipment, which has become a good craft in the last days.

At this moment, the metal door was kicked open, the sleeping Luo Fengjue suddenly bounced, and two strong men dragged a man in, the man was dripping with blood on both wrists, only his wrists, no hands, he was thrown On the ground, ignorant, unaware of life and death.

"For the sake of your knowledge, someone sent it back to you, but don't let him die. This is Brother Hui's energy bank, be careful!" The two strong men left with indifferent expressions, and the metal door opened again. locked.

Luo Fengjue walked over quickly to check the situation. Seeing that he was still angry, he struggled to pick up the person, walked to the only two-seater sofa, and put the person on the sofa. The blood from the broken hand infected the sofa, leaving a large dark area. trace.

Luo Fengjue brought the medical box, found an injection from it, injected it into the injured person, and quickly stopped the bleeding at the severed hand. Luo Fengjue took out the medicine powder, silently sprinkled it on the wound, and then tied the severed hand with a bandage. place.

It's all done very skillfully, and obviously it's not the first time.

The unconscious wounded groaned in pain. His long hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his face. He couldn't see his face clearly.

Luo Fengjue gritted his teeth, "As long as he is not beaten to death on the spot, there is still hope."

"There is no hope, in this huge city, we can't fight..." The hoarse voice was full of pain, "You escape, your supernatural ability can escape, don't be trapped here because of me... Escape... Go to the spirit child..."

Wen Qingling's heart trembled, he woke up suddenly, and he gasped violently.

"Are you awake?" Xiao Hen's worried voice came, "What happened?"

Wen Qingling gasped, "How long has it been?"

Xiao Hen said: "More than two hours."

Wen Qingling closed his eyes and breathed calmly.

He knew who that person was, his only friend during college - Mi Yan.

Back then, Feng Yi spread about his liking for boys at school, and encouraged his roommates to isolate him and exclude him. Those who were homophobic, envious of him, and those who disliked him were full of malice towards him. At that time, Wen Qingling was greatly hurt, and he would hear voices discussing him wherever he went. He was alone, he had no friends, only Mi Yan, he publicly supported him without heart, and took the initiative to approach him and help him. Every day pestering him to be friends.

Mi Yan's family is in very good condition. He is a pampered young master with a sense of justice. The three roommates who bullied Wen Qingling were beaten by Mi Yan. It wasn't because Mi Yan's force was high, but because Mi Yan's family was rich. I can only admit that I don't dare to touch Mi Yan.

Mi Yan claimed to protect Wen Qingling, shouting "Lingzi Lingzi" all day, dragging Wen Qingling with him wherever he went, telling everyone that they were good friends and brothers.

The apocalypse broke out, Wen Qingling hurried home, and Mi Yan also went home, so far there is no news of him, Wen Qingling did not expect to get news of him in this way, and is still with Luo Fengjue, their situation depends It looks very bad.

"How long does it take to get to the Central Giant City?" Wen Qingling was a little anxious, and the tragic situation of Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan kept lingering in his mind.

"It's almost there." Xiao Hen knew that Wen Qingling should have seen something again, but because Lu Tianjin was in the car, he didn't ask more.

"Speed up." Wen Qingling urged, this ability should be the ability to "predict the future" in the spiritual system.

Spiritual ability users are indeed very strong. This ability has just appeared, and Wen Qingling can't control it freely. He doesn't know how long this prediction can be advanced, and whether he can catch up to rescue Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan.

If it is really the ability to predict the future, it would be too strong. Wen Qingling wanted to try it, whether this "prediction" could be controlled artificially. Like when he discovered Luo Fengjue, he tried hard to think about Xu Shengfei. He wanted to predict Xu Shengfei's future. thing.

Facts have proved that the ability to defy the sky has the conditions to defy the sky. This ability to predict is completely uncontrollable. What can be predicted depends on luck. At least he wanted to predict Xu Shengfei, but he failed.

There was a smooth road ahead, and a huge base was faintly seen in front.

Wen Qingling suddenly said: "Do you know a man named 'Brother Hui' in the Central Giant City?"

Xiao Hen frowned, "This name is too common. Just two or three of the soldiers I sacrificed were called Brother Hui/Brother Hui."

"I see." Since I can't find out, I can only use mental power to search as a whole.

Xiao Hen was sure, Wen Qingling must have seen something again, this time he even had a title.

Without waiting for Xiao Hen to ask, Wen Qingling took the initiative to speak, "I saw Luo Fengjue, he was locked in a basement, right in the central giant city, I don't know where that is, the person who locked him was a man named ' Brother Hui's people."

"Fengjue is still alive?!" Lu Tianjin exclaimed in shock. He had always thought Luo Fengjue was dead, and he felt guilty to this day.

Wen Qingling glanced at the back seat, "In my Nancheng, do you think I will let him die?"

Lu Tianjin was dumbfounded. Thinking of the situation at that time, he felt even more ashamed. If he had known that Wen Qingling existed like this, how could he not have thought that Luo Fengjue might not be dead

Lu Tianjin made a sound after a long while, "It's good if you don't die."

This way his guilt can be alleviated a bit.

Wen Qingling had already seen through his mind and didn't break it. From the time he chose the latter between avenging himself and Xu Shengfei because of Xu Shengfei's actions against him, he knew that the friendship between them had already been broken. If it wasn't for him After finding Xu Shengfei, Wen Qingling would never see him again.

"Is Xu Shengfei in the city?" Wen Qingling said coldly.

Lu Tianjin felt it carefully, "In the city."

Xiao Hen said: "Where is the exact location?"

Lu Tianjin hesitated, "It should be in the innermost part of the giant city."

Xiao Hen: "Where is the innermost? Is it the central area or the northernmost?"

Lu Tianjin tried her best to locate her, but finally said unsure: "It's better to go to the city, otherwise the location will be inaccurate. I only know that she is in the city and is far away from me. I'm not sure where she is."

Such a giant city can be regarded as the last safe haven for survivors. Inside, there is a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon. Wen Qingling did not rashly use his mental power to investigate. His mental power only stopped at the gate of the city.

"It's not easy for you to enter the city. The entrance to the city is strictly inspected, and there is a blood test." According to Lu Tianjin's appearance, no blood test is required, and anything exposed can prove that he is not a human being.

Xiao Hen knows that the existence of "corpse people" has already attracted the attention of the central giants. Otherwise, there will be no blood test. With the strength of the research institute, if you want to develop a quick test, it should not be difficult.

"Have you seen the detection method?" Xiao Hen asked.

Of course Wen Qingling saw it, "A small instrument, like a stapler, takes blood from your fingertips, orders one to go in, and does not look at the blood test results, there should be an automatic alarm device."

If it detects that the blood components are wrong, the small instrument will automatically alarm, which saves the time to check the components, and the speed is faster, and anyone who gets the small instrument can use it, which is very convenient.

Wen Qingling touched her chin, "This little instrument is good, we can bring some back."

In this way, there is no need to manually check the "corpse", and it is very convenient to just pin a finger.

Xiao Hen: "…"

Xiao Hen: "We came here this time, not to buy goods."

Wen Qingling: "Yes, if there is such a device, with Xu Shengfei's ghostly appearance, how did she enter the city safely?"

This is really a good question, Xiao Hen can't even think about it.