I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 98


No matter how Xu Shengfei entered the city, none of the three of them could go in openly.

Not to mention the blood of Xiao Hen and Lu Tianjin, the blood of Wen Qingling alone is a bomb. Zombies can't bear the power of a drop of blood. If this is obtained by humans, the consequences cannot be imagined, especially its instability and ease. The characteristics of mutation make people feel bald and bald, and no one knows what the next moment Wen Qingling's blood can make creatures mutate.

Since you can't walk through the front door openly, you can only climb the wall.

Wen Qingling felt that he had come up with a good idea, and he was ready to implement a plan to climb the wall under Xiao Hen's indescribable expression. Xiao Hen doesn't need to climb the wall, he can be sent in by space movement, Wen Qingling and Lu Tianjin both need to climb the wall.

Xiao Hen found a secluded place for them, Wen Qingling used the wood-type ability, a thick vine drilled out from the corner of the wall, and quickly climbed high like a snake.

With Wen Qingling's bouncing ability, he had to smash his halberd in front of the smooth 100-meter-high wall. He couldn't climb up by stepping on the wall. He could only jump with the help of vines. He didn't hesitate and jumped straight down.

He can't climb up, but he can jump down.

Lu Tianjin's speed was far inferior to Wen Qingling's, but fortunately, he also climbed over without any danger. Wen Qingling received the wood-type ability, and the thick vines instantly turned into ashes and fell on the ground.

People in the central giant city would not be able to think of it if they wanted to break their heads, and the 100-meter-high city wall would not be able to stop the wall-climbing party.

There was nothing under the wall, and there was not even a place to hide. Before the patrolling soldiers came over, Xiao Hen took them away from the place and flew towards the slum area closest to the city wall.

The slums have low buildings, narrow alleys, and a large population.

Xiao Hen and Wen Qingling were both very fast, only Lu Tianjin, he couldn't keep up with the speed of the two of them, the black robe was stirring in the wind, and occasionally the hideous appearance could scare the child to tears... No, it was to frighten the child.

There were two children standing in the alley. They looked like they were only three or four years old. They were scrawny and dirty as if they had crawled out of a rubbish heap. Looking at the man in black robe, he was obviously frightened.

After the older child was stunned, he cried out with a "wow", turned around and ran away, leaving the younger child standing dumbfounded.

Lu Tianjin also froze in place, the hideous face under the hood was changing, he was trembling, he was trying his best to endure, his reason was finally unable to resist his instinct, he roared at the child, Xiao Hen dodged to block, grabbed Lu Tianjin On the wall, the cross arm is pressed.

Xiao Hen has become accustomed to the identity of zombies, and is also used to civilization zombies not eating people, but he forgot the zombie in front of him, he just ate the zombies who mutated and regained consciousness. Influenced by the blood of the spirit, it is a pure zombie that can eat people, and it has already eaten a lot of corpses!

The frightened child started to cry, Wen Qingling stared at the child for a few seconds, and ordered him, "Don't cry."

"Whoa whoa-" The child cried louder.

Wen Qingling: "..."

Worrying that the cry would attract people, Wen Qingling reluctantly took down the backpack and took out a piece of mutant beef from it—this is a mum's road snack. Before departure, Jiang Lan made a lot of this kind of lo mei, and put a large portion in In Xiao Hen's space, only a small portion was left in Wen Qingling's backpack. The temperature outside was high and it was easy to deteriorate.

"Here, don't cry." Wen Qingling handed him the mutated braised beef with a big fist.

The child smelled the strong aroma of meat, and immediately stopped crying, reaching out to grab it.

"Give him a third." Xiao Hen reminded him in time.

A child who has been starving for a long time will definitely die if he eats such a large piece of meat at once.

Wen Qingling raised his hand and let the child jump around wanting the mutant beef in his hand. He took out a dagger from his backpack and cut a small piece of mutant beef for the child. The child took the meat and stuffed it into his mouth, eating while he was eating. Look at the rest of the meat.

Wen Qingling was indifferent and ruthless, and ate the remaining two-thirds of the braised pork in front of the child.

Child:"… "

Xiao Hen: "…"

The child's mouth was full of flesh, and seeing that he was about to cry again, Wen Qingling said, "Cry again and beat you."

The child knew that crying would bring no more flesh, but only in exchange for being beaten, and immediately held back the tears.

Xiao Hen threw Lu Tianjin away and walked over, looking cold and frightening, "Leave here, don't tell anyone about us when you see us, or my brother will beat the child."

The child was frightened, holding the dirty ball of mud, turned and ran away.

Xiao Hen tapped Wen Qingling's forehead, "Don't be deceived by children, don't look at his small size, he is at least six or seven years old, he is fine, your piece of meat will soon attract more children. "

Wen Qingling: "???"

It is not easy for children to survive in the last days. Because of long-term starvation, they are all thin and small. Children without parents and relatives have their own small organizations. Otherwise, they cannot survive alone. Without such children, many people are not wary of these thin and small children. Because of this, they can also play a role that adults cannot.

Xiao Hen said: "If they come back, you can ask them about 'Brother Hui'."

Wen Qingling was surprised, "I'm going to ask how old the child is if I leave you alone in the former central giant city?"

Xiao Hen: "…"

He didn't know, so he had to find another way.

Xiao Hen is indeed a person from the Central Giant City, but he doesn't spend much time in the city, and most of them perform tasks outside. He knows the power distribution and overall structure of the Central Giant City, so it is a bit difficult to let him know the news of a person, unless this He was famous, so famous that Xiao Hen knew his name, but obviously that person didn't do it.

Xiao Hen gave Wen Qingling a general explanation of the division of power in the central giant city.

The central giant city is managed by seven generals. The seven generals belong to seven major forces. Each general has a different size of jurisdiction based on their comprehensive strength. The seven major regions are in order of size, population, and military strength: Yin, Mo, Xiao, Hua, Lei, Nie, Xia.

The first four generals are in charge of the first to fourth districts. The districts are in North City, West City, East City and South City. The four districts occupy the four gates of the central giant city respectively. If the remaining three districts want to leave the city, You can only borrow from other regions.

The fifth region is between the first and second regions, the sixth region is between the third and fourth regions, and the seventh region is between the second and fourth regions The only thing that has no gap between the districts is the first district and the third district. This is also the main reason for the frequent friction between the Yin faction and the Xiao faction. The Yin faction is very ambitious and has always wanted to annex adjacent forces. The Xiao faction is not weak. , dared to fight against the Yin faction, but the Lei faction was not as good as the Yin faction.

Wen Qingling and the three came from the south. In order to avoid the South City Gate and facilitate climbing the wall, Xiao Hen turned and drove eastward, leaving the Huapai area in the fourth district and arriving at the Niepai site in the sixth district. The city gate, inaccessible, they hid their cars and entered the central giant city from the sixth district.

Wen Qingling said: "If a force guards a city gate, then it is not impossible to sneak a non-human into the city. Could it be that Xu Shengfei colluded with the four major forces guarding the city gate?"

Xiao Hen has always had a guess in his heart, and now he is more certain, "Excluding the third district, the last time I came here, I have reminded Old Xue to beware of 'corpse people', he will not knowingly commit crimes, then only the first district, The second and fourth districts are the Yin faction, the Mo faction, and the Chinese faction, choose one of the three, which one do you think is the most likely?"

"Why do you need to ask? Of course it's Yin Pai." Wen Qingling gave this answer without thinking.

Xiao Hen nodded, he was the answer.

Unlike Wen Qingling's blind guess, Xiao Hen had a basis. First, the armored convoy was attacked, and an armored vehicle fled, and Yin Chengrui disappeared.

Then it was determined that the poisonous mist was caused by the evolutionary blood sunflower, and the evolutionary blood sunflower was always in the hands of Xu Shengfei. If the attack on the armored convoy was really the evolutionary blood sunflower’s private act, it could not be ruled out that Xu Shengfei could not control the evolutionary blood sunflower to let it run away, and Xu Shengfei was in the process of chasing , is likely to encounter Yin Chengrui who was attacked.

In the end, Yin was going to send someone to investigate the matter. No one was seen. The most likely reason was that he didn't send someone to Lingcheng. So why would an old man who doted on his grandchildren give up sending someone to Lingcheng

There may be only one answer - Yin Chengrui went back alive.

If it can be confirmed that Yin Chengrui is back alive, then Xiao Hen's guess is almost the truth.

Xiao Hen told Wen Qingling of his inference, and asked Wen Qingling to ask the group of children for a while. He took Lu Tianjin to hide in the alley on the other side. Lu Tianjin couldn't suppress his instinct, so Xiao Hen could only replace it. suppress.

A group of dirty children came over quickly, the child holding the ball saw that Wen Qingling was still there, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said to a young boy who was also dirty: "Brother Yu, it is this brother, others Very good, and give me meat."

If there was no reminder from Xiao Hen, Wen Qingling really thought it was a childish talk. Now it seems that he was used as a meal ticket by these little ghosts

Wen Qingling was playing with a shiny dagger in his hand, "I'm not a good person. After eating my food, I have to do things for me."

The little boy known as "Brother Yu" came out and clasped his fists very chivalrously, "Just tell me what my brother has ordered, as long as we are paid enough, we can do a lot of things."

Wen Qingling glanced at him, "Are you their boss?"

Brother Yu smiled confidently, "I am the person in charge of this land, what are your orders?"

If it hadn't been heard that this person was well-dressed and fair-skinned, and that the shot was a piece of mutant beef, he wouldn't come over in person. From this point of view, he looked like a person with a background. If he could make his business, the reward would definitely be quite large.

Wen Qingling was 80% sure that Xu Shengfei and Yin Pai were getting mixed up. He came quietly and had to hit him with a single blow. He couldn't let her escape, so he had to keep a low profile and not let her notice.

There are definitely a lot of power users in the central giant city, and there is no shortage of spiritual power users. As long as Wen Qingling uses mental power to probe, he will definitely be discovered. He decided to be cautious.

Xu Shengfei couldn't run away in the central giant city. Wen Qingling was more worried about Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan. Before killing Xu Shengfei, they had to be found.