I Picked Up a Merman

Chapter 1: The mermaid goes ashore


It was the first time to walk on legs, and Nolan felt awkward just standing.

The thick and powerful fish tail was divided into two long legs, and all the fish scales covering the body surface were peeled off, revealing the smooth skin, and the immature soles of the feet were painfully worn when standing on the rough ground.

Nolan knelt down and slowly sat on the rocks by the sea, massaging his uncomfortable legs with a twitching expression. The sorceress was floating on the surface of the sea, with her octopus tentacles flicking the waves. She looked at Nolan who had turned into a human body after drinking the potion with some concern, and asked to stay: "Why don't you go looking for him, your body has become like this. , you won’t be able to bear it when you go ashore.”

Nolan raised his eyes, the sunlight refracted dots of light in his pupils, he showed his white teeth and said firmly: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can find that person, this pain is nothing at all. I escaped with difficulty." Come out, I will not give up this opportunity easily."

Sister Witch sighed a long time, whistled, and summoned a seagull holding a suitcase from under the blue sky. She handed the suitcase to Nolan with restless eyes, and rubbed him distressedly. long hair.

"When you get on the shore, you can only rely on yourself, pay attention to safety."

Downtown H.

"The front of the train is the Huanyu Central Station. There are passengers who get off at the Huanyu Central Station. Please prepare in advance."

Nolan just opened his sleepy eyes when the subway alert sounded. It took him more than an hour to sit here from Xiaoyucun Station, which started from Line 1. Excessive physical exertion made him fall asleep accidentally while the train was shaking.

Nolan touched the small suitcase in his arms, stood up, and the passengers who stood around him and secretly looked at him spontaneously made way for him to walk to the door.

"Thank you." Nolan smiled and thanked the female passenger who gave way in front of him.

"It's okay." The female passenger who was suddenly thanked by the beauty blushed and waved her hands quickly.

After coming out of the subway station, Nolan took an outdated smartphone, and followed the location of the Gaode map to find Chu Muyu's company according to the method taught him by the witch.

This is the largest model agency in H City, which belongs to Mushi Entertainment. The office building in the CBD area in front of Nolan is the head office of Mushi Entertainment. In front of the company, there are many handsome men, beauties and professionals with hasty expressions. Compared with Nolan who is standing still, there is simply a different style of painting.

Seeing the continuous flow of people coming and going, Nolan suddenly became confused. He only knew that Chu Muyu was in a company called Mushi, and he didn't know anything else. As for what a model was and what an agent was, he was even more confused.

"With so many people, where do I start looking?"

Nolan frowned beautifully, stood on the square and looked towards the gate of Mushi Entertainment. Under the scorching sun, Nolan's slightly curly long lake blue hair looked very eye-catching. With his wide shoulders, narrow waist and hips, he just stood there in a casual posture, which attracted the attention of many people coming and going, not to mention As a mermaid, he was already much taller than ordinary humans.

When Edwin twisted his waist and hurried out of the building to get the materials, he saw the eyes of passers-by turning to the outside of the gate, thinking that there were some artistic youths engaged in performance art at the gate of the company. But when he stepped out of the door, he couldn't help but move his gaze to Nolan's first glance, and he couldn't help but let out an exaggerated exclamation.

"Gorgeous! I'm blind." Edwin, who had an occupational disease, covered his mouth exaggeratedly, and his tendency towards beauty prompted him to walk towards Nolan with cat steps. He lightly touched Nolan's sleeve, tried his best to put on a reserved smile, and said hello: "Hi~"

Nolan turned his head to look at this completely unfamiliar and well-dressed man, tilted his head in doubt, and said politely, "Hello."

"It's so sunny outside, why don't you just go to the company and sit down." Edwin spoke to him.

"This building is too big... I haven't figured out how to find someone after I get in." Nolan blinked.

"Yep, I know." Edwin nodded understandingly, thinking that this beauty probably wanted to recommend herself as a model, but he didn't have any experience and didn't know how to start.

He took a closer look at Nolan's appearance, and saw that Nolan's skin was fair and smooth. In addition to his beautiful blue hair, he also had blue and green eyes that matched very well. It looks like the elf style that is very popular in Northern Europe. Nolan wore a pure white shirt with lantern sleeves on his upper body, and a pair of tight black trousers on his lower body. Although the shape was simple, it was eye-catching because of his appearance and personal temperament.

It is like an oriental pearl that is dazzling without polishing.

Edwin felt that he had found a treasure, so he asked Nolan, "Are you interested in becoming a model? I'm Mu Shi's model agent, Edwin."

"Model?" Nolan tried hard to search for the meaning of the word in his mind, he only vaguely remembered that Chu Muyu seemed to be a model agent, "The person I want to find seems to be an agent, you can help me find him?"

"Of course...you can." Edwin rolled his eyes, and said to Nolan in a scheming way, "If you sign a contract with me, I can help you find anyone you want in this building."

Nolan didn't know the gold medal model agent in front of him. He rarely communicated with humans, and he was half-understood by Edwin's words. The vocabulary of signing and model seemed like a foreign language to him, but the last sentence could help Finding someone was exactly what he wanted.

Right now, there is no other way, Nolan nodded with confidence.

"Then I will trouble you."

Edwin, who was in a happy mood, made a phone call to cancel the rest of the itinerary, and led Nolan to take the elevator straight up to the 24th floor of the company.

The 24th floor is mainly the styling area of Mushi. The stylishly dressed staff shuttled between the various functional areas with brand-name clothes in their hands. The color-numbed person earned a lot of attention.

Edwin was very satisfied with Nolan's natural attractiveness, and he explained to Nolan, "Now I'm going to take you to take a simple makeup photo, one is to see your photogenic effect, and the other is to directly sign the contract The whole process of setting makeup and taking photos is very easy, so don't be nervous."

Nolan lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes were like a fan, making his heart itch. He said, "I don't quite understand what you said, but I will learn quickly."

Beauty is indeed a sacred object to resolve all human conflicts. It was the first time that Edwin felt that he was so patient and guiding towards an amateur, and even his old fritters blushed slightly when facing Nolan's face. He pushed open the door of the innermost dressing room, and greeted no one before he saw anyone, "Come here and help him make a look, I want the kind of makeup that is light and can highlight the facial features."

"Who did you bring?" Cody, the makeup artist who was lying on the sofa in the back rest area and playing with her mobile phone, sat up with interest and looked at Edwin with a weary look.

Edwin pulled Nolan into the dressing room and said to Cody, "Here, my new little prince."

Even Cody, who has seen countless big names, couldn't help being taken aback when she saw Nolan. She stepped forward to let Nolan sit on the seat, turned on the light on the vanity mirror, and looked at Nolan's face carefully.

"Oh my god, this skin." Cody let out a howl of envy and hatred. Nolan's skin that lived deep in the water without sunlight was as smooth as a layer of white glaze, and the pores on the skin that had not been exposed to wind and rain were fine. Invisible.

Nolan was a little unaccustomed to receiving too much attention along the way, and he moved uneasily on the seat. When Cody opened the makeup case and pinned up his long hair, he couldn't help wincing and asked,

"What is this for?" Why are there so many brushes in the box that look like seasoning for barbecue.

"I'll do the styling for you. Don't worry, my technique is very good." Cody comforted Nolan, and the movements in his hands didn't slow down at all. After the preparations were completed, when she wanted Nolan to take off the colored contact lenses, she discovered that Nolan was born with heterochromatic pupils.

"My mother, you look too delicate!" Cody covered his heart, and suffered another beauty attack.

Nolan didn't feel much about her admiration, after all, mermaids rely on their beauty and singing to confuse and capture their prey. Complimenting the mermaid's exquisite appearance is nothing more than praising his superior predation ability.

Nolan sat there quietly and let Cody play with him. On the contrary, Cody was a little at a loss for his face, not knowing where to start. In the end, he could only sweep the shadow powder to deepen the outline of his facial features.

"Your skin is better than Sun Yiling's." Cody admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Who is Sun Yiling?" Nolan looked confused.

"You want to be a model, but don't you even know who Sun Yiling is? He is the most popular model in our company. Recently, he has cross-border filmed and participated in variety shows, and his popularity is frighteningly high."

Nolan groaned disinterestedly, thinking that the only human being I know is Chu Muyu.

Edwin was very satisfied with the finished film. Although the whole process was staged, Nolan's natural sense of ignorance inspired the photographer's endless desire to capture. Even Nolan held the empty eyes All are transformed into mysterious and ethereal under the rendering of light and shadow. Nolan in the film is like an elf who has just come to the world.

Sighing that his luck is getting better and better, Edwin posted Nolan's makeup photos in the company's high-level group to show off.

[[Picture] Look at the newcomers I discovered~]

The WeChat group, which would usually go nowhere when sending notifications, exploded in an instant. From the vice president down to the various managers, they all sent messages to ask who is sacred in the picture. Even Chu Muyu, who has been diving for thousands of years, couldn't help but ask. he:

[Where did this person come from?]

Edwin raised his chin and snorted, and replied, [I picked it up at the door of the company, oops, sometimes luck can’t stop you from being lucky]

[So you are still in the company now? I hope you haven't signed him yet] replied slowly.

Edwin's face turned blue, and he couldn't wait for Nolan to take off his makeup, so he took his hand and rushed towards the personnel department.

Just kidding, he will always only be second among the company's agents, because Chu Muyu, the bastard, is firmly on his head. Finally, he found a good seed this time, and he can't say anything. Let Chu Muyu grab it again.

Unfortunately, when Edwin was asking HR to print out the signing contract, the bastard he was talking about arrived at the HR department just in time.

Chu Muyu walked into the office of the personnel department with a relaxed expression, every step seemed to be stepping on the tip of Edwin's heart, he loosened the collar of his black shirt, pushed the frame of the glasses between his nose, and the corner of his mouth turned up with a hint of malice With a smile, he pointed at Nolan's back and asked Edwin, "Hey Peacock, is he the one you're talking about?"

Edwin was like a chicken whose tail had been stepped on, he almost jumped up and crowed. He said angrily, "You want to come to my place to rob people again? Isn't it enough to sign Sun Yiling? Be careful not to digest it and stretch yourself to death."

"It may not be digestible for you, but it is not enough for me. You haven't signed the contract yet, we are at best a fair competition." Chu Muyu had a smile on his face, but his eyes were not moving. He glanced at Nolan emotionally, secretly estimating his commercial value in his heart.

Nolan felt that the sound was familiar. When he turned around and saw Chu Muyu, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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