I Picked Up a Merman

Chapter 12: Spoiler Going home to visit relatives


After filming the commercial in Morocco, Chu Muyu and Nolan did not choose to return to City H, but directly flew to Kejia Island, the place where they first met.

The season has entered late autumn, but this small island in the south seems to have broken away from the cycle of seasons, and it is still a sunny and pleasant temperature.

Chu Muyu changed into a white T-shirt and beach shorts, and came to the beach with Nolan, who was wearing the same cool clothes. Nolan led him to a rock and said enthusiastically, "This is where you caught me."

Chu Muyu vaguely remembered that there was such a place. He walked to the reef and sat down. At a glance, there was a vast and endless sea in front of him.

"Since the accident, I have never been here again." Chu Muyu said condescendingly.

"It's a good thing you told me something about work before, otherwise I wouldn't know where else to find you." Nolan sat down beside him and looked at the sea with him.

Chu Muyu felt a little guilty. He looked at the seagulls in twos and threes in the distance, and put his arms close to Nolan's side, enjoying the high sky, the vastness of the sea, the tranquility and the distance that belonged to them alone at this moment.

"By the way," Chu Muyu suddenly remembered, "Didn't you say you sneaked out, just wandering around the beach like this, what if your parents saw you?"

Nolan blinked and confessed, "Actually... they already know."


"My parents also asked me to take you home to have a look."


Chu Muyu's heart was turbulent, his face was expressionless, and it was the first time he was asked to see his parents at the age of almost thirty, and the partner had eloped and ran away from home... let alone the same-sex issue, they were not even the same species .

If this is placed in human society, it may be the headline of the annual controversy and gossip news.

Seeing that Chu Muyu didn't speak, Nolan thought that his self-assertion made him angry, so he softened his voice and said to Chu Muyu, "If you don't want to, forget it, I'll just tell my parents."

"No reluctance." Chu Muyu said, "It's just... my mother is long gone, and my so-called father never took care of me. I'm a little... afraid of the so-called family."

Nolan lowered his head slightly to touch his forehead, and comforted him, "My parents are very enlightened. As long as we really love each other, they won't make things difficult for us."

Chu Muyu chuckled, "It's useless for them to embarrass me. I have plenty of ways to take you away. How can we meet your parents?"

Nolan straightened up, facing the direction of the sea, curled his fingers between his lips and whistled loudly. But after a while, the sea surface began to swell, and the waves crashed on the reef, making a crashing sound. A sunken vortex formed on the water surface, and a huge black shadow slowly floated up.

A "small island" floated to the surface, revealing a broad and smooth back. This was the first time Chu Muyu had seen a real whale, and its size startled him.

Nolan supported Chu Muyu's receding body, and explained, "Don't be afraid, this is my father's pet, named Aoting."

Odin cooperated and sprayed a powerful jet of water from the air hole.

"We can dive with it and find my parents."

"Wait, did you forget that I can't breathe in water anymore?" Chu Muyu raised his forehead.

"Hey... what should I do then." Nolan looked a little helpless.

"I'm going to rent a diving suit." Chu Muyu sighed.

Fortunately, there are several diving clubs by the beach of Kejia Island that provide diving suit rental business. Half an hour later, Chumuyu was fully armed and went into the water with Nolan who had turned back into a mermaid.

The sea water was a bit cold, and Chu Muyu felt an obvious chill the moment he entered the water. After returning to the sea, Nolan excitedly swam around Chumu Island several times. The lake-blue fish tail swung flexibly, blending with the blue water. He took Chu Muyu's hand, and the two followed Aoting to swim deep.

Swarms of whitebaits accompanied them, the sea anemones on the shoals were bright and beautiful, and there were many small fish and shrimps hiding in the fine sand and coral reefs that cast curious eyes on them.

In the sea, the line of sight seems to be covered with a soft blue filter, and there is silence in the ear except for the sound of the rippling water. Compared with the world on land, this place is simply another world like a fairyland.

Aoting opened his mouth and let out a long cry that humans cannot hear. The small fishes playing around Chumu Island scattered around, and a pure white castle made of shells and coral reefs appeared in front of them.

Chu Muyu was stunned by the fairytale-like beauty in front of him. He slowed down and looked at this gorgeous underwater castle in admiration.

Nolan pulled open a chain next to the gate, and the shell gate of the castle swung open, and Nolan swam in with Chu Muyu.

"This is my home." Nolan's voice reached Chu Muyu's ears through the sea water.

"It's so beautiful." Chu Muyu touched the carved patterns on the pillars. Even through the thick rubber suit, he could still feel the exquisite carved patterns on the pillars.

The further you go in, the clearer your sight becomes. A huge sea pearl is inlaid directly above the hall, illuminating the entire dark space.

After approaching, Chu Muyu discovered that there were two mermaids sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall. The woman on the left had gorgeous red hair, a gentle and beautiful face, and her facial features were seven parts like Nolan's. She folded her hands on her lap , the dark purple fish tail reflects the gradual color under the light of the sea pearl. The man sitting on the right has deep features and a majestic face. Some of them have the same lake blue long hair and fish tail as Nolan. His eyes are looking at the two swimming people.

No need to explain, Chu Muyu also saw the identities of these two people.

"Nolan, you are finally back." The mermaid King Nuo Sen's deep voice sounded.

Nolan lowered his eyes and gave a mermaid salute to him and the mermaid queen, "I'm back, and my partner is with me."

Chu Muyu didn't know much about the etiquette among mermaids. He bowed deeply to Nolan's parents. Although he was a little nervous, he said politely, "It's the first time we meet. My name is Chu Muyu. It's Nuo Lan." Lan's partner."

The mermaid queen showed a gentle smile, she raised a hand and said, "You don't need to be formal, my children."

Nuo Sen snorted coldly and asked, "Did you take forbidden medicine and leave home behind our backs, just for such an ordinary human being?"

"Mu Yu is not an ordinary human being. He is my partner, and I planted all my marks on him." Nolan retorted confidently.

Nuo Sen groaned, his serious eyes softened a little, "Are you sure?"


The mermaid queen patted the back of Nuo Sen's hand, and said softly, "Let the children go, if the mermaid loses love, what's the difference with losing life?"

Nuo Sen looked at his wife's touching pair of heterochromatic pupils, although he didn't answer directly, his expression softened. He stood up, turned to Chu Muyu and drew a vertical stroke on his forehead with his thumb.

Nolan was overjoyed, he pushed Chu Muyu and motioned him to go over.

Chu Muyu took two steps without knowing why, and turned to look at Nolan in doubt.

"Don't worry, we just want to give you the blessing of the sea." The Mermaid Queen swam over gracefully and pushed Chu Muyu to Nuo Sen.

The tall mermaid king looked down at the human in the diving suit, and his appearance was reflected in the emerald pupils. Nuo Sen began to groan, and a strange and beautiful note came out of his mouth, and the light of the sea pearl in the sky gradually became warmer, blending with this melodious chanting.

After singing, Nuo Sen's skin glowed with a faint golden light. He drew the same mark on Chu Muyu's forehead, and a golden trace penetrated into the diving suit and merged into Chu Muyu's body.

An unprecedented lightness lingered in Chu Muyu's body, and the pressure in the deep sea dissipated instantly.

"What is this?" Chu Muyu asked.

"This is the 'gift of the sea' I gave you, and you will be sheltered by the sea from now on." Nuo Sen explained, he waved his hand to Chu Muyu, "you can leave, since he chose to go to land Live with you and I hope you two never regret it."

Coming out of the hall, Nolan said that he would take Chu Muyu to the room where he had lived since he was a child, but he unexpectedly met another person at the corner of the corridor, which made Chu Muyu lose his mind for a while.

It was a mermaid that looked exactly like Nolan's, the only difference was that the man's expression was indifferent, and he didn't have the warm feeling on Nolan's body at all.

"Nolan." Noah called his twin brother, with a hint of joy in his cold voice.

"Noah!" Nolan stepped forward and hugged him tightly, coquettishly saying like a child, "I miss you so much."

Noah hugged him back and touched his head, "How are you doing recently?"

"Yeah." Nolan nodded, he sent Noah away, and introduced Chu Muyu behind him, "This is the man I found when I went ashore. His name is Chu Muyu."

Chu Muyu originally greeted Noah in a friendly manner, but Noah's eyes on him were not friendly—it could even be said to have a little disgust.

Being stared at by someone who looks exactly like his lover made Chu Muyu a little creepy.

Nolan didn't notice the strange situation between the two of them at all, and stood in the middle excitedly, holding Chu Muyu and Noah from left to right, and walked forward with his head buried.

"After half a year away from home, I still think that shell bed is the most comfortable." Nolan sighed, he pushed open the door deep in the corridor, and a warmly furnished room appeared in front of Chu Muyu.

The walls of the room are decorated with starfish and enamel, and there is a huge pure white shell in the middle of the room, which is slightly opened to reveal the soft interior.

Nolan patted the side of the shell, and the shell opened in response. Nolan placed Chu Muyu on the bed, letting him feel the soft touch.

"I'm going to find out the treasures I collected before and show you." Nolan turned around like a child who couldn't wait to offer treasures, and started rummaging through his collections.

Noah stood quietly not far away, staring at Chu Muyu coldly, making the back of Chu Muyu's neck feel cold.

"... Do I have any questions?" Chu Muyu couldn't help asking.

Noah raised his chin, took out a dagger covered in pearls from behind with a disdainful expression, and placed it in front of Chu Muyu.

"Do you know what this is?"

"What is this?" Chu Muyu was puzzled.

"I prepared this for Nolan. I originally planned that if you couldn't undo the curse of the potion for Nolan, I would use this dagger to dig out your heart and use it as a medicine." Noah stroked the shiny dagger body , "It's a pity that I don't have this opportunity."

Chu Muyu's scalp was numb, and goose bumps all over his body, he touched the position of his heart in fear, but luckily he didn't do anything stupid.

Noah warned Chu Muyu coldly, "If you dare to make Nolan sad, I can make this dagger fulfill its obligations at any time."

"...I promise not."

When Nolan came back with a bunch of gems and pearls that he treasured, an awkward atmosphere pervaded the two people in the room.

"Huh? Why do you look weird?" Nolan asked innocently.

Chu Muyu evoked a forced smile, but Noah stepped forward and brushed Nolan's long hair behind his ears. He said softly, "I went to land, will I come back later?"

"Of course, I will definitely come back to see you every year in the future." Nolan promised.

Noah showed a knowing smile, turned his head and gave Chu Muyu a provocative look.

Chu Muyu: ... the younger brother's control is really scary.

Considering that there was not much oxygen left in the Chumuyu oxygen cylinder, Nolan said goodbye to his parents and elder brother and returned to the shore with Chumuyu.

When leaving, Aoting appeared again to guide them, and Chu Muyu, who was blessed by the sea, found that he could feel some simple consciousness of Aoting.

Coming out of the water was like waking up from a dreamy and beautiful dream. When seeing the vast cloudless sky above again, Chu Muyu felt an unreal feeling.

Nolan confessed everything about himself to him, all based on Nolan's cleanest feelings for himself.

Although Chu Muyu still didn't want to tell his simple lover the bad things about his family, he couldn't help but start planning to tell him about his past slowly in the future.

He and Nolan had a long life together, and the rest of his life would be engraved with the name of his beloved little mermaid forever.

After taking off the tight diving suit, Chu Muyu finally felt light again. When he got out of the shower and changed his clothes, he noticed sharply that the mark on his ankle had changed from black to dark gold.

"What's going on here?" Chu Muyu touched the mark and felt nothing strange.

Nolan leaned over curiously, and couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the mark clearly, "So your mark will become like this!"

"What is 'also'." Chu Muyu was at a loss.

Nolan glanced at Chu Muyu's belly shyly, and explained in a low voice, "After receiving the blessing of the sea, the female mermaid's mark will turn golden, which means..."


"They have the qualifications to breed the next generation of mermaids."

"… … goodbye!"


The author has something to say: I finally finished writing the short story of brain hole, thank you little angels for watching!

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