I Picked Up a Merman

Chapter 2: meet again


"May I have your name?"

Chu Muyu and Nolan looked at each other, with one hand in his pocket, and asked cynically.

"My name is Nolan." Nolan spoke slowly, his eyes firmly fixed on the person who made him think about it day and night, but the expression of the person in front of him was not fluctuating, obviously he had forgotten him.

Chu Muyu nodded with satisfaction, remembering the name in his heart. Nolan's appearance and height have met his selection criteria, and it can even be said to have exceeded his expectations. If it is built well, it may be another cash cow.

He asked Nolan: "Our company wants to sign you, do you want to follow me or Edwin?"

Edwin rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Excuse me, I found this little treasure, okay?"

"When will you be able to change your way of speaking with a mix of Chinese and English with a French accent? Listen to your ears." Chu Muyu was not afraid of Edwin's eyes at all. He went straight to Nolan and took Picking up the contract that was just printed out by HR, he signed his name in the Party A column, "Edwin is also a good manager, but at Mushi, I am the trump card."

This arrogant speaking attitude was exactly the same as five years ago. Nolan accepted the contract from him, his eyes full of contented joy.

"I asked to print out this contract, OK?" Edwin was so angry that his nostrils dilated.

"Hmm, it doesn't have your name on it." Chu Muyu looked up at Nolan, who was half a head taller than him, "Sign it?"

"Sign." Nolan replied without even thinking about it, the corners of his mouth were pursed high, and a small dimple was looming.

Edwin couldn't believe it, his eyebrows were half raised, but facing Nolan's harmless face, he couldn't bear to say anything cursing, so he could only remind Nolan in a good voice, "This People are just sex embryos who eat both men and women, they are not good people, if you sign him, what is the difference between it and a rabbit entering a snake hole?"

"Men and women take it all?" Nolan frowned slightly, with a bit of worry on his face.

Chu Muyu laughed out loud, and he lifted a strand of Nolan's long hair and said, "Don't worry, I never attack my money tree."

When Nolan heard this, he couldn't help feeling even more worried.

After finally finding the person who fished him ashore back then, he had been fond of him for five years, but not only did he not remember him, but he also told himself that although he was all men and women, he would never do anything to him. How can this work

If Chu Muyu ran away with others in the end, wouldn't his legs change for nothing

When Nolan twisted and signed his name on the contract with a pen, Edwin left in a rage and slammed the door of the personnel department before leaving.

Chu Muyu submitted the contract to the staff, looked at the watch on his wrist, raised his chin to Nolan and said, "Follow me."

The elevator went down to the second floor, and Chu Muyu drove out a wine-red Maserati from the parking lot, let Nolan sit in the passenger seat, and drove out. He stared at the road ahead, and explained to Nolan without turning his head, "I should take you to the company to familiarize yourself with the situation first, but I still have work to do, so I can only take you with me."

Nolan replied humbly, his tall body seemed a bit cramped sitting in the carriage, his long legs curled up, his wet eyes never left Chumu Island for a moment, like a little boy who had been abandoned for many years and finally found his master. dog.

Chu Muyu was no different from when they met five years ago, with the same sinister smile and the same cynical and joking tone. Finally seeing the person he had been looking for for many years again, Nolan seemed to be in a dream.

"Don't you remember me?" Nolan asked him cautiously, "We met on Kejia Island before."

"Kejia Island? Maybe, I used to go there often for vacation." Chu Muyu thought about it, but he didn't remember it at all. Every year, many young models with the dream of becoming popular come to him to get close to him. He has long been used to the encounters that he learned from those people.

"It was just five years ago... when you were fishing by the sea, we talked." Nolan wanted to tell everything and wake up his memory, but the warning from the witch and nun still hovered in his mind, forcing him to Swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach.

"Hmm." Chu Muyu tapped the steering wheel lightly with his fingers, and frowned, "I don't remember some things clearly. I was injured a little while surfing, and I was in a coma for more than a week. After waking up, some things disappeared. Can't remember exactly."

It seems that Chu Muyu really doesn't remember him. Nolan's heart seemed to be thrown into the deep sea with a thud, and his heart was depressed, most of the joy of meeting again was washed away.

I thought that after drinking the potion and abandoning the tail, as long as I went ashore to find Chu Muyu, I would be able to fulfill my wish, but now it seems that he is performing a funny one-man show. Know.

Did that evening of light rain five years ago really dissipate in Chu Muyu's memory like foam on the sea

The car was parked outside a villa on the outskirts of the city.

This is the photography studio of "X-Art" magazine. When Chu Muyu led Nolan to open the door of the dressing room and walked in, Sun Yiling with a plain face in a bathrobe was sitting on a chair with a cigarette in his hand. , yelling at the photographer assistant standing aside with his head bowed.

"What kind of rubbish is that light you shot? Wasting my whole afternoon, how many pictures can I see?"

Sun Yiling took a deep puff of the cigarette, and the white smoke that came out filled the whole dressing room with an unpleasant smell of smoke. He raised his eyebrows, and the harsh words he scolded completely did not match his cold and arrogant appearance.

Chu Muyu signaled to Nolan, "This is Sun Yiling, my model, who is your fellow apprentice."

From the corner of his eye, Sun Yiling caught sight of the two people who came in. He got up and straightened his bathrobe and walked towards Chu Muyu. His tone was still not very good, but the arrogant and domineering attitude just now eased a lot.

"Why are you here now. Who is this man?"

Chu Muyu pulled out the cigarette in his hand, extinguished it and threw it into the trash can, and said lazily, "Didn't I tell you, put away your young master's temper at work, don't be ok Finding trouble and offending a group of people outside. This is the seedling I signed today, named Nolan, and it's quite aura."

Sun Yiling's eyes changed, and he looked at Nolan with a little hostility. He said to Chu Muyu, "I'm making less money for you? Where did you get these useless vases to soundproof me? "

Nolan had always been polite, and had never been told that. His eyes widened in surprise, but when he was about to speak, Chu Muyu preempted him.

"Aren't you a vase?" Chu Muyu restrained her usual lazy demeanor, and said seriously, "You are my exclusive model, but I am not your exclusive agent. We only have a contractual relationship. Don't think that you treat me well. How important it is, you are just my money-making tool."

Sun Yiling snorted, "Who doesn't know that you, Young Master Chu, are very hard-hearted. Anyway, you don't lack people around you, but I'm too self-righteous."

"It is my principle to maintain a pure and cooperative relationship with my work partners. My physical needs don't bother you."

"Forget it." Sun Yiling didn't bother to dwell on this topic anymore, anyway, every time he talked about these things, he was the only one who retreated. He asked Chu Muyu, "We'll have dinner together after I finish filming?"

"Next time, I'm very busy. I'm just checking on the progress of the work." Chu Muyu rejected him decisively, turned around and told Sun Yiling's assistant to pay attention to some work details.

Sun Yiling felt that he was bored, so he asked his assistant to take the next set of clothes to be photographed, and turned around to enter the dressing room.

The dressing room, which was a little crowded just now, suddenly became empty.

"That Sun Yiling, does he like you?" Although it was a question, Nolan said in a firm tone, his heart was stuffy and numb, and he was extremely unhappy.

"He's just a fresh piece of meat that I can't eat when it reaches my mouth." Chu Muyu returned to the casual attitude that didn't care much. Seeing Nolan's angry expression of having been robbed of candy, he couldn't help feeling amused. After seeing too many coquettish sluts in the circle, he suddenly came with a pure and lovely little white lotus model. interesting.

"Do many people like you?" Nolan was unwilling.

"Many people like my connections and status, not necessarily me." Chu Muyu himself didn't know why he had to explain so much to Nolan, and it seemed a bit hypocritical to talk too much. He patted Nolan on the shoulder, "Let's go, I'll take you to arrange your affairs."

Every time a new model is signed, it means that the agent has to make a new career plan for the newcomer. Whether it is in life or work, from small diet control to the development direction of the career path, Chu Muyu must personally Fencing training.

Nolan only carried a small suitcase with him, which contained the ID card that the Sister Witch gave him, an old smart phone, a city transportation card, and a mobile phone that could keep in touch with Haili. conch.

When Chu Muyu told him that he would arrange work and life matters for him, Nolan looked blank.

"I have no place to live and this is my first time here."

Chu Muyu was at a loss for words, and looked at him speechlessly, "Where did you come from?"

"Sea... a small fishing village by the sea."

Chu Muyu also admires the courage of today's young people, who hastily came to a new place to work hard without any preparation. I don't know whether to call it courageous or too confident in himself. He had no choice but to call the personnel department to ask if the company had any spare staff dormitories, but the answer he got was that the dormitories were already full.

Chu Muyu sighed, "Forget it, you can stay at my house first, there is still a room available anyway."

"Okay." This arrangement made Nolan elated, and a bright smile appeared on his face, so dazzling that Chu Muyu was a little dazed.

"Have you brought your luggage?" Chu Muyu asked him.

"I brought it." Nolan obediently showed him the small suitcase he was holding in his arms.

Chu Muyu was silent for a moment, and said with a little breakdown, "This box can't even fit a suit of clothes? What did you bring out?"

Nolan opened the box to show him, and said condescendingly, "There are documents, mobile phones, and conch shells."

Chu Muyu felt that he had lived in vain for more than 30 years. He couldn't believe his eyes, and his expression collapsed:

"Conch? Are you a hermit crab? Why do you bring conch with you when you move?"