I Picked Up a Merman

Chapter 6: Leisure holiday


The next day, the sunlight fell directly on Nolan's face through the window, directly waking him up who was still struggling in his sleep.

Nolan sat up clutching the back of his head, only to feel that his headache was splitting and his whole body was about to explode. He couldn't remember what happened last night, he just vaguely remembered that he had a wonderful dream, in which he bravely held Chu Muyu's face and kissed his lips.

Stomach growling with hunger, Nolan hurriedly put on home clothes and walked out of the room, just in time to bump into Chu Muyu who was pouring water in the restaurant. Chu Muyu also looked like he had just woken up. He was wearing a cyan sweater and gray cotton trousers. His bangs were scattered on his forehead. After the appearance of frivolity, it seems especially harmless.

Nolan took his mug and walked behind him, saying good morning in his ear.

Chu Muyu shook his hands, and the quilt almost fell off his hands. He hummed unnaturally, and the tips of his ears turned red.

Seeing his strange expression, Nolan asked him with concern, "Is there something wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

"Why do you care so much?" Chu Muyu turned his face to one side, not daring to meet him, "I am in good health."

Nolan scratched his hair resentfully, poured a glass of water to drink, and watched Chu Muyu sit down at the dining table with a baked toast. Although a little embarrassed, Nolan still asked Chu Muyu.

"I...didn't do anything bad last night, did I?"

With a creak, Chu Muyu almost gritted his teeth. The image of Nolan kissing him in the bathroom last night reappeared in front of his eyes again. The image under the dim light was particularly sensational. Chu Muyu took a deep breath, suppressed the disharmonious thoughts that suddenly popped up in his heart, and said angrily, "Just What other bad things can you do to me?"

It seems that nothing happened. Nolan felt relieved, if he really kissed Chu Muyu, he didn't know how to explain it now.

After eating breakfast without taste, Nolan sat on the sofa. The aftereffects of the hangover made him uncomfortable everywhere. He called Chu Muyu who wanted to go back to his room, and asked, "I'm really sick, can I take a day off from class?"

Chu Muyu herself couldn't bear to turn around recently, so she simply gave both of them a day off. It's okay to be idle, he asked Nolan, "Is there any place or thing you want to do, I will give you a day off, you can go out."

"I don't want to go out." As an aquatic creature, Nolan really didn't want to go out to bask in the sun. After thinking for a while, he said to Chu Muyu, "Are you free? I want to learn to cook some simple meals."

"Cooking?" Chu Muyu looked at him suspiciously, "You have to avoid your mouth, and you can't be greedy."

"I know. But I want to cook it for you. The food outside is too oily. Eating too much is bad for your stomach." Nolan said frankly.

That weird throbbing feeling came again, and Chu Muyu felt his heart rate was too fast and uncomfortable. He felt like an innocent girl who was being teased, and he was so shy. He wanted to turn around and leave, but facing Nolan's innocent eyes, he couldn't refuse cruelly. After several rounds of fighting between heaven and man, he sighed.

"Okay, what steps do you want to learn from?"

The menu is set to be scrambled eggs with tomatoes, boiled cabbage heart and twice-cooked pork. Nolan opened the refrigerator door to select the ingredients to be used according to Chu Muyu's instructions.

On the left side of the cooking table are cleaned tomatoes, eggs, green vegetables, garlic, pork belly and tiger skin green peppers, and on the right side are sugar, salt, light soy sauce, starch and bean paste.

Chu Muyu, who hadn't cooked for a long time, put on her apron, rolled up her sleeves, and put on a serious posture. After he explained the general steps of cooking to Nolan, he picked up the knife and prepared to start teaching from cutting vegetables.

"The hand holding the dish should be placed against the back of the knife with your fingers, so that it is not easy to cut your hand. When you are not skilled, cut slowly, not too fast, do you hear me?"

While talking, Chu Muyu lowered his head and concentrated on cutting the pork belly on the cutting board. The cut pieces were placed on the plate next to them. Each piece was about the thickness of the skin, which looked very comfortable.

"But it's hard to see where I'm cutting." Nolan leaned his head over to look.

"So you have to take your time, and cut it after checking the position, otherwise it will be thick and thin, and the taste will not be very good after frying." Chu Muyu slowed down the speed of cutting vegetables, "If you If I don’t see it clearly, I’ll demonstrate it again.”

Nolan rested his chin on Chu Muyu's shoulder, and said, "Well, you can cut it, and I'll take a look."

"..." Chu Muyu only felt his shoulders sink, and the scorching breathing sound was close to his ears, and the soft breath was on his face, and even Nolan's voice turned into a slight vibration. It made him itch.

"You, you are too close." Chu Muyu tried to calm down.

"Is there? But this is the only way to see clearly." Nolan didn't notice his strangeness at all.

Chu Muyu felt his whole body was numb, and the wrist of the hand that cut vegetables was a little weak. He was cutting meat numbly, his thoughts turned from twenty thousand miles under the sea to the Milky Way in space, and he couldn't concentrate on his hands at all.

Just when his soul was about to come out of his body, he felt Nolan put his nose against his neck and sniffed, and let out a sincere sigh.

"Muyu, you smell so good."

Chu Muyu tilted the kitchen knife and accidentally cut a big gash on his finger. Before the pain reached his brain, Nolan raised his head and said in horror, "Oh my god, your hand is bleeding!"

"Huh?" Chu Muyu came back to his senses, only to see bright red blood oozing from the scratch, and Nolan was rummaging through the medicine box like a police dog searching for a target.

… What's wrong with me. Chu Muyu was almost stunned to death by himself. Since Nolan kissed him in a drunken state last night, he has been out of his mind, and he panicked when Nolan approached him.

Thinking back then, I was also a flirtatious young man who lived among thousands of flowers, but now he has become like an innocent fool.

After digging out the medicine box, Nolan hurriedly supported Chu Muyu to sit him down. Nolan took out a cotton swab and moistened it with alcohol, and said to Chu Muyu distressedly, "It will hurt a little, bear with it."

Chu Muyu nodded absently. As soon as the cotton swab was wiped on the wound, a refreshing tingling immediately drew Chu Muyu's attention back, causing his expression to twist slightly.

"Does it hurt?" Nolan frowned.

"It's okay." Chu Muyu let out a breath as he endured the stinging pain.

"Blame me, I shouldn't have distracted you by talking." Nolan repented, he carefully raised Chu Muyu's injured hand, and blew on the wound, "It won't hurt anymore."

The awkward feeling in Chu Muyu's heart disappeared instantly, and he reached out and rubbed Nolan's head.

"Hey, I still have to order takeaway."

After his finger was injured, Chu Muyu didn't bother to go out to take care of work matters. Anyway, there was nothing that he had to show up to deal with in person in the past two days, so he simply stayed at home to deal with some piled up documents.

Nolan, who was guilty, took on the task of cleaning. After Chu Muyu entered the study, he dug out the cleaning tools at home, googled the cleaning steps, and vigorously took the cleaning tools to fight against the dust in the corners.

Chu Muyu was sitting in the study with glasses on, looking at the paper documents, and listening to the rumbling noise outside the room, making it look like some lively joy. Chu Muyu rubbed his temples. Although he felt a little disturbed, he didn't dislike the feeling too much.

This house has been deserted for too long, and since this person came to live in it, it has become a little angry.

Two hours later, Nolan stopped what he was doing profusely with sweat. After finishing a round of sanitation, only Chu Muyu's study is left. Nolan hesitated for a while, then carefully knocked on the study door and asked, "Does the study need cleaning services?"

"Come in." Chu Muyu's voice sounded from inside the door.

Nolan opened the door and saw Chu Muyu sitting on a chair, his bangs were casually pulled aside, revealing a smooth and beautiful forehead. Just as he was about to pick up the cleaning tools in his hand and start cleaning, Chu Muyu waved to him .

"Come here, I'll show you something, we'll talk about hygiene later."

Chu Muyu handed the document he was looking at to Nolan, and said, "This is the information of other models I brought. Before you officially debut, I want to draw up your future career plan for you."

Nolan squatted down, sat on the edge of his seat and looked at these thin papers seriously, and saw that the personal information and resumes of several models were clearly written on them. Nolan restrained his expression, thinking about the amount of information brought by these words with what Chu Muyu said just now.

When Chu Muyu lowered his head, he could see Nolan's hair twirling and his beautiful chin. The still Nolan was like a precious and delicate painting, and his gestures and gestures were full of attractiveness that people couldn't take their eyes off. But such a beautiful person is obedient like a big tamed dog by his side, and Chu Muyu can't help but feel a little lost.

He thought to himself, how come Nolan is so beautiful but is a big man, if he is smaller, maybe he can't help but attack him.

Nolan read the document carefully, raised his head to look at Chu Muyu, and asked him, "Did you do this kind of personal analysis for me?"

"Of course." Chu Muyu turned the pen in his hand, "Although I wrote you a tailor-made plan, I still want to hear your own opinion, after all, we are a cooperative relationship."

"I don't have any ideas. Anyway, I will try my best to complete what you ask me to do. This is the direction of my struggle." Nolan smiled and said to him, "Don't you like money? Take some jobs so you can make money."

Chu Muyu tapped Nolan on the head with a pen with a smile, and said, "You think I'm short of money? I just enjoy the satisfaction that work brings me, and your commercial value is the data used to measure my work achievements." That's all."

Nolan nodded half-understood. Anyway, for him, Chu Muyu was happy when he was happy. He liked Chu Muyu who seriously proved himself in this way, not Chu Muyu who put a mask on himself in front of others.

"Don't worry, I will help you get the sense of accomplishment you want." Nolan swore frankly.

"Heh, you can clean up the study room first."