I Picked Up a Merman

Chapter 9: Night of the full moon


"You really don't need someone to accompany you?" Before going out, Chu Muyu asked Nolan worriedly.

"Don't worry, work is important, so go away." Nolan stood at the door wrapped in a blanket and pushed him out.

The preparation time for the show was coming soon, and Chu Muyu gave the chance to another newcomer to sign the show. Seeing that Nolan insisted not to let him stay at home as a company, he had to go out immediately to the show.

The night fell slowly, and the darkness poured into the room like a tide. Nolan lay on his side on the bed, buried his face in the pillow, unable to turn on the light.

The touch on the skin is extremely sensitive, and it hurts after a little rubbing. The fine and sharp pain made him unable to bear the pain. Under the strong stimulation, his body unconsciously shrank into a ball. It's all cold sweat from the pain.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the round moon is half hidden in the clouds, shining brightly.

The night of the full moon has arrived, and the side effects of the potion have begun to occur. He has not had time to plant the mermaid mark on Chu Muyu, nor can he let Chu Muyu actively kiss himself to relieve the pain. Covering every inch of his skin, for a mermaid who has never been traumatized, this is like the cruelest punishment in the world.

Nolan pulled out the conch hidden under the pillow, and shook it with all his remaining strength until Noah's voice came from inside.

"Nolan?" There was a hint of doubt in Noah's voice, "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

"Brother, I'm in so much pain, I feel like I'm about to die." Nolan's voice began to choke, and he could no longer pretend to be strong in front of his family.

Noah swam to the shallow sea, saw the moon in the night sky through the light of the water, and immediately understood why, he said anxiously, "Do you have a pool over there? Get into the water quickly."

Nolan struggled to get up from the bed, because of the excessive pain, his human figure was not stable, and sporadic scales emerged on the surface of the skin. He staggered to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and soaked himself in the bathtub.

The cool water soaked his body, and the pain was relieved a little. His lower body turned back into a fish's tail, and he leaned feebly on the edge of the bathtub.

The conch that accidentally fell to the ground still made Noah's worried voice.

"Abandon him and come back. If this continues, you will die. Mermaids shouldn't be with humans."

With a sore nose, Nolan said stubbornly, "I don't want it. Give me a little more time, and I will definitely succeed."

Five years ago, when he was entangled in seaweed and could not escape, it was Chumu Island who was fishing by the sea that pulled him ashore. Mermaids and human beings have never met each other, but Chu Muyu who saw Nolan did not panic, nor did he restrain Nolan like those human beings who killed mermaids in the mouth of the witches, but looked at him with interest. Nolan, talk to him.

"Can you understand human language?" Chu Muyu squatted down and asked Nolan, "My name is Chu Muyu, and I won't hurt you."

Nolan trembled and blinked slightly, water droplets slid down his eyelashes, and he replied with a non-standard pronunciation, "I, my name is Nolan."

"Are all mermaids like you, so beautiful?" Chu Muyu gently brushed the seaweed hanging from Nolan's long hair, with a lazy but not frivolous tone.

Nolan blushed and lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

Even though he has been living in the sea, Nolan has seen many humans playing in this sea area. He has always only dared to watch from a distance, because the queen mother and the witches have taught him many bad deeds of humans.

But now the man in front of him looks handsome, has a nice voice, and his tone and movements are so gentle that his heart beats. He is not at all like the vicious human being in the rumors.

Nolan soaked in the shallows, fishing with Chumu Island on the reef, and the human world he heard was in different shapes and forms, completely different from the quiet seabed. The two chatted for a long time, and it was not until it was almost dark that Nolan reluctantly returned to the sea.

His heart was filled with the strange stories that Chu Muyu told him, so that he would always think back to the conversation that day in a daze from time to time. Noah discovered the abnormality of his twin brother. When he asked Nolan, the ignorant Nolan told Noah what happened that day without reservation.

"I want to see him again." Nolan said at the end.

"You shouldn't approach a human being." Noah interrupted his fantasy.

"But he's really nice and interesting." Nolan showed yearning.

Noah was noncommittal, and he coldly warned Nolan not to play in the shallows again.

But Nolan couldn't hold back the thoughts in his heart, and every day when his brother was not paying attention, he swam to the reef where the two met. As long as Chu Muyu was fishing there alone, he would get out of the water and hide from the side to watch secretly. Looking at Chu Muyu.

Chu Muyu had discovered this brave mermaid a long time ago. He put down his fishing rod, sat on the edge of the reef and talked to the mermaid hiding under the sea surface, causing the shy mermaid to show his head, and the two of them stood up and down. Talking about interesting things, the sun fell on Nolan's face, making his fair cheeks slightly hot.

Chu Muyu told him that he would come to this island alone for vacation every year, which was the most leisurely pastime in his busy life.

Nolan asked him if they could meet again in the future.

Chu Muyu hooked his lips and said, "Of course, you are the mermaid I caught, so of course I won't let you go so easily."

Nolan carves every word of his into his heart, nostalgic for the time spent with Chu Muyu.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. When Nolan was sleeping lightly in the sea, he felt a huge storm on the sea surface. When he hurriedly swam to the coast, he happened to bump into the surging waves and overturned the surfing Chumu Island.

The surface of the sea was like a boiling soup pot being stirred. Chu Muyu struggled hard but was still covered by waves one after another. After choking several mouthfuls of seawater, he sank into the sea powerlessly.

Below the surface of the sea, the world was as silent as if it had been cut off by a vacuum, and there was no longer the turbulent waves above the surface of the sea. Bubbles escaped from the mouth of Chu Muyu, and just when he felt as if he was about to suffocate, he saw Nolan swimming towards him from not far away.

The lake blue fish tail swayed like an elegant waltz, and his little mermaid was amazingly beautiful in the water.

Nolan hugged Chu Muyu tightly from behind, and he turned his head to transfer the air in his lungs to Chu Muyu mouth to mouth. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, Nolan bit Chu Muyu's lower lip angrily, and then forcefully lifted him out of the water.

After rescuing Chu Muyu and landing on the shore, Nolan anxiously pressed against his chest and listened to the weak breathing. Chu Muyu's face was pale, as if he would stop breathing at any moment. Nolan didn't know what to do, he hugged Chu Muyu in his arms, and kissed his forehead.

"Please, don't die." Nolan's eyes were red, and tears flowed from his eyes and turned into pearls and fell on the beach.

There were noisy voices behind him, and the rescued humans rushed over. Nolan could only return to the water, watching from a distance the crowd rushing over to take emergency measures for Chumuyu on the beach, carrying people away on a stretcher.

The wind and waves subsided gradually, and the sea was as calm as before. The seabirds skipped over the sea and croaked. There was no one on the beach, leaving only messy footprints.

Since then, Chu Muyu has never appeared on this beach again. What disappeared together with his figure was the memory of Chu Muyu.

Nolan has been waiting on this coast every year, and new faces appear on the beach one after another in winter and summer, but he has never seen the person he can never forget. Nolan didn't know what he was obsessed with, perhaps the ruthless humans had long forgotten his existence, but he just wanted to see that person named Chu Muyu again.

Which is more painful, the pain of longing or the pain of the body

His thoughts were brought back to reality, Nolan was lying in the bathtub numbly looking at the overhead light in the bathroom.

Backstage at the show.

Chu Muyu took his mobile phone and walked to a clean corner. The show behind him was finishing the final preparations.

For some reason, Chu Muyu was always uneasy, and Nolan's smiling but pale face appeared in front of his eyes from time to time, which always made him feel that something was wrong.

Distraughtly, he opened and closed the address book page, repeated several times, completely unable to concentrate on the work in front of him. The worrying feeling made Chu Muyu really uncomfortable. After he informed the newcomer he brought, he drove to the house in a hurry.

When he opened the door, it was pitch black, and the quiet atmosphere gave him the illusion that no one was at home. Fortunately, the light in the bathroom was still on, which made Chu Muyu feel much more at ease.

Chu Muyu stepped lightly and slowly approached the bathroom.

"Nolan, are you okay?" He asked softly.

Nolan, who had exhausted his energy due to resisting the pain, heard Chu Muyu's voice in a half-dream and half-awake state. He opened his eyes and looked towards the closed bathroom door.

"I'm fine, Muyu, is your work over yet?"

When Chu Muyu heard Nolan's weak voice, his heart ached, "Yeah, I'm done with work, come back and see you."

"It's a pity, I can't go to the job you won for me." Nolan regretted, his tail retracted into the water slumped, making the sound of water.

Chu Muyu frowned when he heard the sound, he stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob of the bathroom and said softly, "It's not good to soak in the bathtub for a long time, I'll come in and see how you are."

Nolan was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that he was still a mermaid. When he shouted hoarsely not to open the door, Chu Muyu had already twisted the handle and pushed the door open to come in.

The dim light in the bathroom cast an unreal filter on what he saw. Chu Muyu stared fixedly at the man in the bathtub. His slender legs no longer existed, and the slender waist was connected to a It is a lake blue fish tail, and its scales reflect beautiful colors under the light.

Chu Muyu approached Nolan obsessively, an indescribable sense of familiarity welled up in his heart, as if this scene should appear in his blank memory, as Nolan said before, they Should have seen it. Chu Muyu bent down and gently stroked Nolan's scales, which felt cold and smooth to the touch.

Nolan let out a nervous sob, he stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, not daring to look at Chu Muyu. Nolan once thought about how to tell Chu Muyu the truth, but unexpectedly exposed his identity in this scene.

Chu Muyu gently pushed away Nolan's hand covering his eyes, and asked him in a daze:

"Five years ago, what happened between us?"