I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 15: How can you not?


"Resurrection! Black Magician!"

Cheng Nai and the game were surprised at the same time: "What!?"

It is well known that the Black Magician is the signature of the duel king Muto game, and it is a card that is second only to the blue-eyed white dragon and the red-eyed black dragon in rarity.

Although not to the point of being unique, at least so far, they have never seen anyone outside the game holding a black magician.

The dark red coffin sank into the ground amid the billowing smoke, and a dark vortex rolled up on the ground.

A beam of dark red light flew into the sky from the ground, and the slender body leaped into the air. A huge magic circle opened under his feet, and a turbulent dark air flow was poured out of it. The crystal green staff seemed to be drawn by the airflow and flew out of the magic circle. It swirled in mid-air like a boomerang, and came to the master's hand precisely.

The red figure swept the staff, and a circle of transparent air burst out with him at the center, and the air lifted the dark red hem of his robe, which seemed not to be angry.

[Black Magician, attack power 2500]

The people who eat melons are not calm again, and many people have begun to applaud and cheer.

To actually see this kind of professional-level top match on the streets of the city, and there are also monsters such as True Red Eyed Black Dragon, Meteor Black Dragon and Black Magician that are almost legendary to their ordinary duelists, this trip is bloody. Earn!

"Oops... Oops!" The game watching the battle looked solemn, "The battle has been announced in the city, but now that the Meteor Black Dragon has been released from the fusion, only the Meteor Dragon with low attack power is left on his field! It will be counterattacked by the black magician!"

You Yu: "?"

Shrimp? And such a thing

What about the fight back

No, before that, the Meteor Black Dragon who had just ordered the attack in the city was no longer on the scene! The objects have disappeared, can the battle continue

Then, You Yu opened his eyes to see that the black magician on the field shouted and flew in front of the Meteor Black Dragon. But seeing him slap a single palm in the air, the powerful black magic waves blasted out like a mountain, and the Meteor Dragon screamed and smashed into pieces on the spot.

"Meteor Dragon!" Cheng Nai shouted through gritted teeth.

[Keya in the city, LP 3200→LP 2500]

You Yu was stunned to see his black magician destroy the opponent's monster on his own initiative, and then folded his arms and lightly fell back to his own field, and everyone was stupid for a while.

Woc, so the audience can still talk for me

The Meteor Dragon on the court in the castle was summoned only after his attack declaration, as was the black magician on You Yu's side. All the monsters that were originally fighting on both sides have disappeared, and the battle can still continue!

(Note: According to the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh, if the number or type of monsters on the field changes during the battle step, a "battle rewind" will occur, and players can freely choose to continue attacking or cancel.)

Then You Yu immediately thought of a certain animation scene...

Muto Game: "I will attack the 'XYZ-Dragon Cannon' on your field with 'Osiris' Sky Dragon'! Take the trick, Seahorse, Super Conductive Wave!"

Seto Kaiba: "Hahaha, at this moment I opened the card, 'warp teleporter'! I removed the monsters on my field from the game and transferred them to the warp! In this way, Osiris lost his attack target. , this attack is ineffective!"

Muto Game: "Don't think about talking about my seahorse. If your monster is removed, it will cause the battle to return. Then I will use the sky dragon to attack you directly, and you lose the seahorse!"

Kaiba Seto: "No Road Race (long-winded)! The rules of the duel are set by me, if I say it is invalid, it is invalid!"

Well, DMs probably didn't really have this claim of fighting back in this period.

This further made You Yu determined to go to President Haima to optimize the rules of playing cards, otherwise he would be killed by Kou Hu and he would not know how he died.

Hmm... But forget about it this time. (Anyway, I picked it up for cheap)

"Then it's my turn!" You Yu said, "Fight! Use the black magician to directly attack the city!"

The black magician flew up and pointed his green staff forward. A transparent vortex rolled up on the staff, and the magic wave pierced through the body inside the city like an arrow.

The latter snorted softly and involuntarily bent his knees under the impact, the three-dimensional image of black magic penetrated from the front chest to the back.

[Keya in the city, LP 2500→LP 0]

Necker in the city is also defeated.

Ten minutes later, several people returned to the card shop.

"Ah! I'm so unwilling to lose!" Cheng Naichi stretched his arms and said a little unhappily.

"No way, it's because the opponent is too strong." The game smiled.

"However, I am also the runner-up in the Duel Kingdom. It's a bit embarrassing to only rub off a little blood at the end." Cheng Nai said with a sigh.

Indeed, although the process seems to be very intense, in the end, You Yu only lost 100LP at the beginning, and the whole process is almost full of blood.

You Yu smiled and said, "It's just luck, luck."

It's not that he is modest, there is an element of luck in playing cards. It's not that everyone can start out like a king, and if they have that ability, they must be able to beat the mainstream with any acrobatic deck they play, right

After playing this card, he is in a good mood. The experience gained from winning this game in the city is comparable to the sum of the experience he has abused for half a week of passers-by!

In this way, I can go to the system card pool again tonight.

"Too humble, you are one of the most powerful duelists I have ever met." Cheng Nai said seriously, and then the conversation changed, "But losing this time doesn't mean it will be the same next time! If the duel city match If I meet you in here, I will not show mercy any more!"

"No problem at any time." You Yu readily agreed, but then reminded, "But if you don't have a duel set, you can't participate in the competition, right?"

The city was instantly petrified.

It seems... that's the truth.

He played so high just now that he even forgot why he started playing in the first place...

Miss Xingzi also smiled helplessly: "Yes, because the duelists in the city only have 2 stars, and the evaluation given by Haima is 'mortal bones', so there is no way to participate in the competition..."

"Ahhh Cuso! That bastard Haima!"

Seeing that the city was about to have another attack, good friend Honda quickly grabbed him and dragged him out of the store.

Xingzi and the game also withdrew. However, the game stopped for a while before leaving, and turned around at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt today," he said.

You Yu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, welcome to come again next time!"

If he can, he even wants to grab the experience of playing cards in the city every day...

"Yeah!" The game nodded, "Let's do our best in the Duel City competition!"

It's finally gone.

You Yu turned his head and found that Qian Nai-chan was staring straight at him now, and the look in his eyes that seemed to contain some unknown impulse startled him.

"What... what?"

"It's nothing." Qianna-chan said seriously, "I'm just a little surprised, you're different from what you look like, and it seems that you're a little bit better by accident..."

Hey what does it mean to look different? And you always thought I was an embroidered pillow

And it must be done, how can a man not do it