I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1596: Finale Duel Wang Youyu


[Darkness, LP 0]

The value of life is zero, which means the sentence of death in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh.

And in this duel right now, there may be more than just death.

For Darkness, which was supposed to be immortal and immortal, even losing a duel meant nothing. Although it is his deity who is losing now, the impact on him cannot be just hurting his vitality.

With time, he will recover, come back, and even get stronger.

But the power of the Victory Dragon changed all that.

Darkness's body was torn apart, and his oversized robes were in tatters. His hood was overturned in the impact, and Bai Sensen's goat head was covered with cracks, and the majestic dark mist burst out from the countless cracks like gushing blood.


He raised one of his arms with difficulty, his withered fingers turned towards You Yu's direction, he stumbled forward, his blue eyes flickered with a vicious and fierce light.

He could not accept the result.

Countless reincarnations, countless times and spaces, he should be invincible, and no one can stop him. All duelist dimensions will be consumed by darkness and become part of the realm of Darkness.

It should have been foolproof, and he would have succeeded no matter what...

"Duel Wang Youyu!"

He tried to pounce, like a beast fighting to his death.

But he can't.

The Victory Dragon opened its mouth again, and a hot golden torrent blasted out. Darkness's body was engulfed by Jin Mang again, and his last blow on his deathbed was finally unable to come out, and he was forced back to the ground.

He had to be forced to accept the fact that it was over.

He lost completely. All the preparations, all the plans, the possibility of Darkness in countless time and space, all turned into ashes under the blow of the Victory Dragon at this moment.

With the impact of the light of victory, he tenaciously raised his head. His skull-like head was melting, and his body was gradually disintegrating, but his blue eyes were still staring at You Yu, filled with unwillingness and hatred.

"You won, I admit it, duel Wang Youyu." He said, "Maybe I will be eliminated, maybe I will die. But the darkness of the heart will never be extinguished.

The winner will bear the resentment of the loser and live forever!

Even if I die, as long as the darkness of mankind is still there, there will always be new incarnations of darkness, and other beings will take my place!

It will inherit my resentment, and with my anger, will one day take revenge on you, the abominable Harakti, and this heaven defying one! "

These were the last words he left.

After saying this, his last trace of energy seemed to have finally been exhausted. Darkness's body was shattered by annihilation, and the entire disintegration disappeared.

At the same time, the Darkness in all time and space let out an unwilling scream at almost the same time. The light of victory transcended the shackles of time and space, modified the laws of the world's operation from the root, and erased the existence named "Darkness" forever.


Betting on the world and betting on the future of mankind, You Yu won.

But it's not quite over yet.

Although the duel is over, and even Darkness, the duelist, has been eliminated, but the "Great Evil God Sock" is still there.

He hasn't given up yet.

Suoke roared, the scarlet eyes flashed dark, the huge dragon head was raised high, and the world-destroying blow slammed straight towards You Yu!

This was the closest he felt to defeating Harakty, and he had never felt more confident in his long years than he was today, feeling that he would surely be able to rub his old foe to the ground.

But with the downfall of his most powerful ally, those fantasies faded away.

In fact, Sock's last attack was just a struggle to vent his anger, and he actually faintly realized how it would end in his heart.

Sure enough, as has happened countless times in the past.

Red, yellow, and blue beams flew out from You Yu's duel plate, and the three beams of light merged into one, bursting with brilliance!

The sacred body appeared in the dark space, and the darkness that made up the inner world fell apart. She stands between heaven and earth, as if to purify this dark world!

The creator god of light, Harakti!

History reincarnates again, and the classics are staged again. The darkness that destroyed the world was broken and shattered by the brilliance of creation, the Great Evil God was slammed into the air, the huge dragon head under the crotch was broken again, and the body disintegrated and sank into the endless abyss.

The strong light erupted, as if the entire dark realm was shattered into pieces in an instant!

The collapsed world is filled with huge gravity, and You Yu can feel his body being sucked away. He was like a feather strayed into the center of a storm, drifting with the flow.

The biting coolness hit all over the body, penetrating the layers of darkness, and You Yu felt thrown out from the inner world. He was thrown from the collapsing world, and a strong sense of weightlessness soon caught him, and he felt his body falling.

A voice sounded in my ear.

Although it was a completely unfamiliar voice that he had never heard before, Yu Yu quickly understood something very strangely.

That is the Victory Dragon.

"You won this perhaps the most important ritual in the history of dueling monsters," said Victory Dragon, "This is a milestone victory, congratulations.

This will make you the greatest duelist ever, and your name will be remembered forever. "

After a pause, it changed the subject.

"Thanks to you, my ancient powers have been released once again. The existence called Darkness will be completely wiped out.

But Darkness is an existence born from the origin of the world. He exists in all time and space, and he has been integrated into the history and laws of the world. It is an indispensable part of the law.

To erase his presence means change. "

"Change?" You Yu thought silently in his heart.

"Yes, change. All time and space will meet, history will be rewritten, new laws will rewrite everything. Especially the 'Duel Link' that is connected with the time and space of the heavens, and the connection between it and Darkness will be completely eliminated. , there may be time and space confusion during the period, or... other more accidents.

For example, the influence of world shuffling will expand to other time and space, other parallel worlds.

Maybe something that exists in our time and space will be lost to other worlds, or... people or things from other worlds will come to our world. "

Yu Yu thought about it.

People or things from other worlds will come to this world…

... doesn't this sound like me

Looking back at the very beginning, he created a trumpet in an immersive poker online game called "Link World" in his own world. When he opened his eyes, he came here in a daze.

According to Victory Dragon's words, does it mean that the reason why he can travel through and appear here... is actually related to the time and space shuffling caused by using the power of Victory Dragon to destroy Darkness

So was it the end that led to the destruction of Darkness through the first crossing, or did the destruction of Darkness indirectly lead to the original crossing

Yu Yu was a little confused.

It feels like this is an unsolvable problem, a closed loop.

"You were originally an accident, an unknown variable in this world. But you have reached a height that no one in this world has ever reached, and achieved something no one has ever achieved.

Although it was an accident at first, now, you may have a choice. "

"What choice?" You Yu asked.

"Return to your original trajectory." Victory Dragon said slowly, "Return to the world you should have, and then everything that happens here will become a dream.

You will have the life you should have in the world you should live in, and you can choose the path you want to take with your own hands. My power can help you achieve it. "

You Yu: "..."

You Yu knew that it might be telling the truth.

In the words of Victory Dragon, maybe he really has such ability.

But there's really nothing to think about.

When You Yu opened his eyes again, his feet had already fallen back to the ground.

The air was incomparably fresh, the sun was brighter than any time he could remember, the sky was as blue as wash, and the battle just now seemed like a dream.

"Teacher You Yu!"

"Senior Yu Yu!"

When he turned his head after the sound, a large number of friends with various hairstyles and strange colors had already run towards him. The tenth generation classmates and Yu Xing took the lead, and the game, the castle, Jack, Crow and others also followed.

But in the end, none of them was faster than Qianna-chan.

Qian Nai-chan threw herself into You Yu's arms, bowed her head, and blushed.

"Welcome back," she whispered.

You Yu stood in the sun, looked at the people around him who were irreplaceable for some time, and smiled lightly.

Yes, his decision has already been made.

Now this is his life, the way he should be.

He is dueling king Youyu.

(End of the book)

Finish this testimonial

On January 16, 2022, when I typed the last character to save the document, I still felt a certain unreal feeling—the book was literally finished.

From the release of the first chapter on July 29, 2020, to the official completion in 2022, the story of our duel Wang Youyu has finally come to an end. The whole book has more than 3.8 million words. It is undoubtedly a heavy book and a long journey. I must sincerely thank you for your company so far, especially those readers who accompanied this book to the end.

Without you, You Yusang would not have come this far.

This is the longest book I have written since I entered the pit. To be honest, I never thought that I would one day be able to complete a super-long novel of nearly 4 million words.

This book is a new challenge for me in terms of subject matter, length and achievements, and a milestone of extraordinary significance on my creative path. There are honors and regrets during this period, and there are too many things I want to summarize.

Let's talk about honor first.

As you can see on the work details page of this book, this book has accumulated more than 200,000 collections, won the honor one-star badge, and was included in the Qidian boutique channel. Fengtui, I got the recommendation of the start-up splash screen of the starting point APP...

Oh yes, and of course I received my first Silver League since I entered the pit to create. Here I have to give a special thanks to the CLV orange, the big brother of the Silver League, which means a lot to me.

Then I have to thank my editor-in-chief, Madoka, who has resigned.

After I wrote the beginning of this book and submitted it to her, Madoka took the initiative to privately chat with me on QQ and asked in disbelief, "Yu-Gi-Oh? Seriously?"

She said that at least in her career, she had never seen even a Yu-Gi-Oh fan book at the starting point, and she was not optimistic about the subject matter. She advised me to think carefully, because the prospect of this book is not optimistic.

But despite her suggestion, when I finally insisted on publishing the book, she still filled me with resources throughout the process. Including the best-selling selection of this book, the big homepage tweet, and the APP launch splash screen push, all of which she helped me win.

And the performance of this book was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

At the beginning, books with an average order of more than 3,000 can be included in the boutique channel. At least as far as I can observe, in the past, no game of King of the Game has ever been included in the boutique channel.

In fact, my initial small goal for this book is to be able to order more than 3,000, and get a boutique badge. I never imagined that it would attract so many poker players, and it directly sent me a wave of 10,000 subscriptions. During the peak period of this book, it was a frequent visitor to the top ten best-selling light novels for several months, which is really unexpected.

My gratitude to the duelists is indescribable, so I'll ask the Dark Magician girl to bow to you in a moment.

In short, as of the end of this chapter, this book still holds the record for the highest subscription of Yu-Gi-Oh!, which is a miracle for a rare card-playing article on the Internet. Thank you again!

But of course, there are also many regrets.

For me, the biggest regret of this book is that the rhythm could not be stabilized in the later stage due to personal problems.

From the opening to the end of this book, it took nearly a year and a half to have more than 3.8 million words. Every day, the three changes, including the Spring Festival, were never interrupted—except for the leave in July.

That would really make me a little bit unbearable.

Old readers who have been chasing updates may also find that the rhythm of this book has gotten a little out of control after returning to update from that time off.

Let's talk about the plot first. After all, playing cards is relatively small, and there are limited books that can be referenced and learned during writing. I am also exploring and improving the rhythm of this book.

In general, I am quite satisfied with the rhythm in the early stage of this book, especially in the DM chapter.

When the DM chapter ended and entered the GX chapter, I had already foreseen some problems, mainly the problems caused by the power system of the original Yu-Gi-Oh!

Unlike most other hot-blooded comics-the general power system of other anime works is constantly expanding, and the protagonists and enemies of the next work are often much stronger than the previous one, but Yu-Gi-Oh is not.

Although Yu-Gi-Oh's cards are stronger from generation to generation, in terms of the power system setting in the animation, the first generation is the ceiling. The first-generation dueling king Muto Games, the pharaoh Atum, and the three phantom gods under Atum's command are difficult to surpass in strength and force in future works.

Then I will encounter a very real problem when I write a fan. That is, after the protagonist gets through the DM dungeon, obtains the strength that matches the protagonist group and BOSS in the DM, and even wins the trump card such as the Three Phantom Gods, and then goes to the subsequent dungeons, there is a feeling of abuse.

Overall, though, I'm pretty happy with my handling of the GX chapter—though maybe it could have been better.

In fact, in the initial design of the outline, Yu Yu's journey should have ended in the GX chapter. So everyone will find that the final boss of this book is Darkness, which is obviously the boss of the final chapter of GX.

However, there have always been many people in the book review area who expressed their desire to see the story of 5DS, and many book friends privately asked me if they would write 5DS. In addition, the 5DS is indeed my favorite game in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, so after thinking about it, I added this chapter.

But now that I think about it, I think maybe we should follow the original outline and end it in the GX chapter, for three reasons.

First, I overestimated my ability to handle long-form works. I have never written a long story like this, and the rhythm development of the later story has been a bit out of my control, obviously lack of stamina, and the quality has declined compared to before.

Second, it is also for personal reasons. I haven't recovered since I asked for leave, and the 5DS chapter was not in the original syllabus. While maintaining the update every day, I have to complete the outline of each duel design while supplementing the story outline, which is indeed a little powerless.

So everyone will find that in the end, the story can only be pushed forward by duels one after another, because I only have time to complete the outline of the general direction of the story and the design of the duel, and the details are really incapable of perfecting...

Third, there is the issue of duel design. Although Yu-Gi-Oh's card pool is very large, new cards and new summoning methods can emerge in an endless stream. If I continue to write about excess, pendulum, and links, I may be able to write 10 million words, but aesthetic fatigue is inevitable.

I can keep adding new cards and new systems, but there are only those kinds of routines in duel. The number of duels written in this book is already more than any Yu-Gi-Oh animation, and the frequency of duels and cards is too high, and aesthetic fatigue is inevitable. So that might be one of the reasons why it should have been over long ago.

Then someone may find that there are more and more bugs in the later duel composition.

But the fact is, in fact, the BUG is not that there are more BUGs in the later period, but that there have always been so many BUGs.

Yu-Gi-Oh!'s system is too huge and complicated, and the card pool is bottomless. The animation production team had a whole week to design the finale of only one episode. There are also a lot of duel bugs in the animations of the past dynasties. The author has to update three chapters every day, and it is normal for bugs to appear.

The reason why there are few BUGs in the early stage is that after each chapter is sent out every day, the author will repeatedly review the background of the comments from morning to night, and if someone says that there is a BUG, he will modify it as soon as possible. Often it takes a long time to fix a bug...

But since returning from that leave, the author's physical condition has not allowed him to keep brushing backstage from morning to night. In addition, the outline of the 5DS chapter must be supplemented at the same time as it is written. It is necessary to write a detailed outline while maintaining the update every day, so the BUG can only be checked by the author before sending it out. If you see the comments after sending it out If there is a reminder in the area, it will be revised, and if it is missed, it may pass...

I have regrets, but overall this is a book that means a lot to me. In the past year and a half, I have also learned a lot, even if I regret it, I can learn from it, and I am confident that the next book should be better.

Having said that, let's just mention a new book issue that everyone may be concerned about.

The content of the new book has not been completely decided, only some ideas at present.

But I definitely need to rest and adjust before I publish the book. After all, the current state is obviously not suitable for continuing serialization (laugh and cry). I hope to adjust it as soon as possible, and it is expected that a new book will be released after the year.

The subject of the new book, to be honest, I still want to write about playing cards. But the book that can be written in the words of the same person has basically been written, and then I design a protagonist of the protagonist who travels to DM to start over, and even I feel a little cold rice haha.

And as I have analyzed before, I have basically written all about Yu-Gi-Oh!’s decision-making routines in this book. Even if a new pit is opened and a new deck is replaced, the similar visual sense of the decision-making will also make it 80% easier. People get tired of aesthetics.

In fact, when I saw the big brother of Qingquan Liuxiang transforming from Pokémon to write the original Famous Beasts, I had a bold idea - maybe I can learn from the big brother and open an original game similar to Yu-Gi-Oh

This thought made me very excited, but after the excitement, my reason told me that it was too difficult hahaha. There are not many books about card summoning, but I haven't seen many original card-playing web articles.

If I did decide to write it, I would quote a quote from the famous British drama "Yes, Prime Minister" - it was a bold decision.

Anyway, the new book has not been finalized yet. Personally, I still hope to try something original, but it is definitely not easy to transform.

If you duelists have any ideas and suggestions for the new book, you can also leave a message here for suggestions.

Then the journey of this book is really over here, once again thank you all duelists for your company for a year and a half!

See you next year with our new book!

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