I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 17: Where bones fight


Xuelang was walking on the street full of traffic, looking at the pedestrians, colorful neon lights, and the beautiful young lady in cool clothes (crossed out), she couldn't help but be amazed for a while.

Wow, this detail is too realistic and in place, right? Is this really a card game

A certain unscrupulous consortium who thinks about selling cards all day is willing to spend a lot of money on such a conscience game? I'm afraid it's not crossing, right

He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly and nervously reached out and touched him...

... Phew, it's okay, the tools are still there.

I just don't know what the function is, whether there are restricted-level play items in the game or the like.

But walking all the way from outside the city, he didn't seem to see any other players.

This is not surprising. It is said that there are only less than 1,000 people in the internal beta test, so throwing such a small number of people into such a big city is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is normal to encounter them.

The places for the closed beta were randomly selected from players from many countries around the world. Under such a huge base, less than a thousand people were selected in total. If the black box operation was excluded, those who were selected would be the European Emperors of the European Emperors.

However, although players come from all over the world, language is not a problem.

This is a problem that has long been solved since the development of stealth online games. Players can choose their own familiar language and interface to play the game. Everything the players come into contact with during the game will be translated into words they are familiar with, and the communication and dialogue are also handled by the game's built-in translation system, so there are no obstacles.

In addition, it is quite easy for players to judge their own identity from each other. One is that players have IDs on their heads. In theory, only players can see each other's IDs.

The second is that the players walk differently from normal people. As if the floor in the game is scorching hot magma, players like to jump after a few steps, and occasionally they may even roll in place.

Legend has it that this inexplicable tradition was left before the popularization of dive-in technology. Players in those days could only rely on keyboard and mouse devices to play games. Players in those days had a special liking for the two commands "jump" and "roll".

Later, although the stealth technology became popular and everyone no longer played games with keyboards and mice, this "fine tradition" was still passed down by generations of players like feelings.

Xuelang wandered around the city streets with a face full of novelty, looking around like a countryman entering the city, as if everything he saw was novel.

For a moment he even forgot that he was playing a game of cards...until he wandered aimlessly to a dueling hall in the middle of town.

At this time, Xuelang suddenly realized - wait, I seem to be here to play cards

"The duelist over there."

Xuelang, who had just walked into the door with a confused face, looked at the sound, and at a glance, he saw a man with a square face and a passerby with a mighty physique walking slowly towards him.

"A new face that I haven't seen in the museum, did they come to this area recently?" the man asked.

Is it a drama

Xuelang was puzzled and nodded at the same time: "Yes."

"Are you going to a duel then?"


As a player, of course, there is no reason to refuse the challenge of NPC. He speculates that this could be part of a tutorial for beginners in the game.

The two sides quickly came to the open field and stood at the designated position for each other.

"Duel!" x2

It was not until the duel plate unfolded and five starting cards were drawn from the deck that Xuelang suddenly realized a shocking fact—

- He forgot to confirm what cards were in his initial deck.

When the account was created, the system asked him to select the initial deck, but he glanced at it and felt that every set was similar, so he picked a set at random and started the game directly, and he has forgotten to check it now.

Now let's see what he has drawn in all five cards...

Green worm, thunder eel, earth warrior, angry sea king, mountain fighter...

Isn't this special meow all mortal bones!

They are all mortal bones, and there is no one with an attack power of more than 1,000 for Mao

Looking around, the strongest monster in his hand seems to be the "Angry Sea King". It is also a whiteboard without any special effects. The card description is "The Great Sea King, evokes a never-ending tsunami to engulf the enemy." .

Xuelang wanted to complain at that time—you fucking monster with an attack power of 800, who do you want to engulf

As the great king of the sea, he doesn't even have a monster effect of "talking to fish", but it's too bad, right

In other words, there isn't even a monster with an attack power of more than 1,000 in this broken deck, right

No, no, no, it must be his face is too dark in this round... that's right.

Now let the other side see the bond between the real duelist and the deck!

"I won the first attack, draw cards!"

Adhering to the principle of making miracles with great strength, Xuelang used the greatest strength in his life to draw the sixth card of his miracles from the deck... Then everyone was stupid.

Psychic Kappa, attack power 400, defense power 1000. Card Description: A Kappa who can use a variety of superpowers to evade attacks.

Xuelang: "…"

Forget it, here it is. Anyway, the first one for a novice is to pay tuition.

"I'm on defense, summoning the psychic Kappa, the round is over."

[Kappa of mind power, defense power 1000]

Xuelang was too lazy to struggle. He only hoped that the NPC on the opposite side would quickly knock him down, so that he could confirm what the situation of his initial deck was.

"It's my turn, draw cards!"

Looking at his hand from the opposite side, he actually showed a very tangled expression - Xue Lang couldn't help but wonder why there was only a mortal bone with 1000 defense power on the field that was worth tangled.

Then I saw a card played on the opposite side: "... I call the fighting warrior - Artimit, attack!"

[Fighting Warrior - Artimit, Attack Power 700]

Then the opponent gritted his teeth as if he was unwilling: "Hey, the attack power of the fighting warriors is not as high as Kappa, and my round is over."

Xuelang: "?"

Brother, are you kidding me

You can't solve my whiteboard with a defense of 1000

"My turn," Xue Lang said, "then I call the angry Sea King!"

[Angry Sea King, Attack Power 800]

"Go on, the attack of the angry sea king! Blast!"

The angry Sea King roared and rushed up, without saying a word, he mentioned the harpoon in his hand... Oh no, it was the divine weapon trident, and with one blow, the fighting fighters on the opponent's field were buried under the halberd.

"Ugh!" The NPC duelist raised his hand to protect his face.

[Passers-by, LP 4000→LP 3900]

Xuelang suddenly realized that maybe this one can still be played.

Because of the card on the opposite side... Maybe it's even better than myself!

After 20 rounds of dragon (cai) fighting (ji) tiger (hu) fighting (zhuo), the battle between the two sides has officially entered a white-hot stage! The whole duel situation was extremely thrilling. The duelists on both sides killed Zhengrong, biting each other's LP tightly without letting go...

In the end, Xuelang was superior in skill and won the duel in a thrilling manner.

(Actually, I finally got a great white shark with an attack power of 1600, and then the opponent couldn't get rid of it...)

When the duel was over, Xuelang wiped away his sweat, only to feel that this kind of duel between mortal bones could be fought so fiercely, it seemed like the first time in his life...

He then turned around in the dueling hall for a short time, and found that most of the duelists here seemed to be similar.

The NPCs seem to just keep hitting the white board monsters and slashing them when playing cards. The deck is completely a deck, there is no construction or combo at all, and even magic trap cards don't seem to be seen much.

Those passers-by who are stronger are just monsters with high attack or high star rating. After watching the battle for a while, I can't help but think—

—As long as I have an electronic dragon in my hand...

He soon noticed that a large group of people gathered in the battle area not far away, and the three floors inside and the outside blocked the venue.

what's going on? Are you running a game

Xuelang quickly approached, and casually asked a passerby in the crowd: "Well, what's the situation here?"

The man also explained enthusiastically: "Tonight, someone will challenge the new dueling king in this dueling hall! The fight has already begun!"

Duel King

Xuelang's eyes lit up.

Could it be the protagonist Muto game

He didn't realize that he had automatically ignored the prefix "this dueling hall".

Xuelang squeezed in desperately, barely seeing the duelists on both sides through the gap.

In the left field area is a shirtless, dark-skinned muscular man (why do you have to undress for a card). However, this one with a dragon face can be ignored directly.

As for the duelist standing on the right, Xuelang's first reaction when he saw it was—

—Fuck, so handsome!

He can clearly see that this painting style is different from other NPCs at first glance. At first glance, it is the object that the artist has taken care of, and there is a high probability that he is an important role in the game.

Is it an important plot NPC

"Fight!" The young duelist on the right spoke up, shouting loudly, "Elemental hero Nova Lord, attack directly!"

Xuelang almost fell in shock.

He just said element... what!