I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 72: All discounts!


Sure enough, as expected by the onlookers at the time, the duel video of the female vampires of You Yu VS Gurus Group exploded instantly.

The Link World Online game has its own video recording function, and players can record any video they see in the game in real time as video material.

After recording this video, several people originally planned to drop it directly on the player forum, but after thinking about it, they felt that the effect of directly dropping the forum might not be good enough. After all, several of them are just passers-by and players have little reputation.

After thinking about it, they still contacted a grandma who has a huge number of fans as a basis. It happened that the grandma could polish up the voice in the later stage, and the effect might be better.

This grandma used to be the grandma in the anime Tucao area, and especially loves the Yu-Gi-Oh series series. After the launch of Link World Online, it has also undertaken a variety of exciting game materials, and produced many high-quality videos.

His ID is Doguma Seto. This ID is really simple and rude, and it looks like the old president at a glance.

As a grandma who turned into a half-game commentator in the middle, the style of the grandma's Doma Seto was naturally influenced by a senior in the same division.

No, the video starts with a direct crit.

"I don't have time to explain! Today is Yu Yusang, who is everyone's favorite, to play cards!"

The video starts directly with You Yu and the vampire Quinn standing on both sides of the street, and the duel has just started.

"I know that this newcomer with a name and a novice shop, who looks as handsome as Grandma's, guiding the NPC is the key that everyone is paying attention to. In fact, I don't hide from everyone that I'm also his fan, Grandma. So this time, let's see with our own eyes the style of the rumored middle-aged generation..."

Although the video has only been released for an hour, the number of clicks has already exceeded the one million mark, and there are also a lot of barrages scrolling on the screen.

The video of the great grandma has this advantage. After sending it out for 30 to 50 minutes, it may already be fat and ready to be slaughtered. Unlike the poor little grandma, there may only be three solitary barrages in the video submitted for more than half a month, and two of them may be gangsters.

For example, at this moment, the barrage scrolls all over the screen with words like "I suspect the president is thinking about P Cha", "As long as there is a grain of peanuts" and so on.

"Okay, the duel has already started, and now it's Yuyu's first strike... Wow, Youyu, you said you're not the protagonist? As we all know, Yu-Gi-Oh, who dares to take the lead, is half cold. Generally speaking, only the protagonist is the exception.

Suspecting this You Yusang may be because we still doubt his status as the protagonist in the world, so he showed us a first attack and proved it to us.

And now everyone probably knows that Yu Yu must be playing a 'pure hero card group', so here he shoots a 'Bomb Magician' first - this is a very pure hero. Then he passed a 'Krypton Gold Pot'.

Don't ask me why it's 'Krypton Gold Pot', players who don't understand can log in to the game to find You Yu's personal store and take a look at how many zeros are followed by 'Pot of Desire'. Then you may be surprised to find that directly grabbing money may not be as fast as he made it, here I can only say that there really is your consortium K…”

"… "

As time goes by, the number of clicks on the video is getting higher and higher, the barrage is also increasing, and the comment area is lively.

Of course, such a popular video was also moved to the video submission area of the game forum by the grandma herself, and the discussion thread below is also in full swing.

And the players who happily watch the video and swipe the barrage may never think of it...

… The protagonist in the video, the NPC himself, also watched the video with them in the forum, quietly mixing in.

You Yu nodded slightly when he saw this opening, and thought it was quite interesting.

He also remembered that the grandmother named Dolphin Ma Seto was quite popular in the video area even though he played cards in general. And the launch of Link World Online also allowed him to ride a wave of rides, and his popularity will rise to a higher level later.

Later, if there is a chance, it is better to focus on cultivating this person, and specially produce videos related to him to attract more viewers' attention.

As one of the sand sculpture players, he knows very well that the shelf life of traffic fever is very short.

Audiences in the new era are fond of the new and dislike the old. If you can't keep trying to do things to maintain the popularity, you will soon be forgotten by everyone and gradually become out of breath.

This is why the management methods must be in place, always become the center of new topics, and keep making big news to attract attention. To this end, an excellent microphone is definitely necessary.

Anyway, You Yu's daily experience limit is enough, and there is still a vacancy in the spare tire group...

The duel is coming to an end. You Yu in the video has already photographed the legendary monster "Black Magician", and the barrage army has also entered a wave of climax.

"Fuck there is a black magician!"

"666, isn't You Yu really the protagonist of the world? Both elemental heroes and black magicians?"

"Boldly predict that in the next version, You Yu will take out Zhang Xingchen and come out to scare us..."

"I hope Emperor Hope asks to play!"

"By the way, did anyone notice that this black magician is red, not the same as the king..."

The barrage is still discussing the issue of the black magician enthusiastically, but I didn't expect another bombshell to follow.

"Magic Card - The Bond of Master and Disciple, Special Summons from the Deck... Black Magic Girl!"

The moment the energetic magic girl appeared on the screen, it was like detonating a depth bomb in the barrage. A bunch of the original diving party was blown to the surface.

"Wife! This is my wife!"

"Wife, why don't you stay in the card group?"

"555 is so envious, I want to be that NPC..."

"MD this wand is really big, no, I said the card is really round..."

"My friend asked me to ask how much the 'Dark Magician Girl' cost, and he said he was going to steal a battery car to save money..."

"… "

Totally expected reaction.

Yu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, players' interest in him will be higher.

Undoubtedly, there will be a lot of plot party players trying to discover the connection between Yu Yu and the main line of Link World, and find the reason why he has both elemental heroes and black magicians.

In this regard, Yu Yu just wanted to say...

… dig! You can dig!

What clues can you dig out to count me as a loser!

In fact, these sand sculpture players don't know yet, he not only has a black magician girl, but he is even an elves!

If necessary, you can add more emphasis, it is not only visible but also touchable, and it can even help you warm the bed!

When the time comes to discover this, sand sculpture players are afraid that they will explode in situ.

However, he does not intend to disclose these to the players for the time being.

after all…

… It’s obvious that you can do it in two installments, so why do you have to finish it all in one go

And now he has one more troublesome thing to do.

He wanted to record as much as possible the IDs of the players in this pile of barrages and the "wife" affectionately called in the comments.

These players come to his store to buy cards in the future, and they can all enjoy a 13% discount.