I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 107


Cai Jun immediately summoned the whole family. Su Weiwei and He Donglin went back together. Cai Jun saw He Donglin for a moment and smiled: "Wei Wei, it's not a big deal. Why did you call Donglin back? It delayed his work for no reason. .”

He Donglin smiled and put down the gift in hand.

He Donglin never came to the Ye family empty-handed. Su Weiwei sometimes felt that he was too deliberate. After all, the Ye family were not outsiders, but He Donglin insisted. He bought a lot of things today. Su Weiwei didn't look at them carefully when he was at home. Now he realizes that they are all It is what women love to eat.

He Donglin: "I know my mother likes to eat bird's nest and ginseng, and my colleague's house makes this, so I bought some for you to try."

Cai Yun was stunned for a moment and smiled more sincerely. She naturally had no shortage of things, but He Donglin was thoughtful and could think of her. This was better than anything else. More importantly, if a man values you, he will want to please your family. , in the final analysis, he wanted to make a good impression on the woman, but her silly girl only focused on eating and didn't pay attention to He Donglin at all.

At first, Cai Jun was worried that He Donglin was not good to Su Weiwei, but now... She couldn't help but shake her head. Su Weiwei looked easy to deal with, but in fact he was heartless. He Donglin laid on Su Weiwei, and he didn't know how long it would take to cover her heart. hot.

Ye Chendong on the side narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly. Does his colleague make bird's nest and ginseng at home? What a coincidence. What kind of colleague could attract such attention from a boss? He Donglin met his eyes, and they both looked away at the same time, like machines without emotions.

Su Weiwei smiled and asked: "Mom, how is my second brother? What does the test report say?"

Mentioning this matter, Cai Yun couldn't help but worry, "It's working out, but the result is not optimistic."

Ye Zexi also did a thorough perseverance in foreign hospitals, and the results were similar to those in China. There were no obvious problems. After that, he went to the laboratory recommended by the doctor for allergen testing. Because it was a newly developed machine, the process was quite tortuous. It was good. It worked out well in the end.

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"See for yourself." Cai Jun handed the test report to Su Weiwei. Ye Chendong asked company employees to translate it into Chinese, so Su Weiwei could understand it at a glance.

However, the more she looked, the more surprised she became, and in the end she looked at Ye Zexi with a sympathetic face, "No wonder, no wonder no matter how hard you work on your diet, my second brother's health is not good. It turns out you are allergic to so many things!"

Ye Zexi shook his head with a wry smile. He had always believed in the doctor's statement that the problem was caused by the disease in the womb. He could not recover but would not die. He kept coughing and felt uncomfortable. He had severe bronchial asthma. After going abroad for examination this time, Only then did he realize that it was good that he was not dead in this situation.

"Strawberries, mangoes, seafood, shellfish, wheat, rice, coriander, sesame seeds, eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, dust mites..."

The list was so long that Su Weiwei doubted her life. She folded it again and again in surprise, and finally summarized it for everyone: "In general, my second brother is allergic to almost all fruits, and to our country's staple food of wheat and rice. I am allergic to most wheats and cannot eat eggs. Also, I am allergic to most clothes, severely allergic to dust mites, and allergic to most fabrics. Oh, and what’s even more weird is that my second brother is allergic to iron! So cooking in an iron pot is It must not be used. In addition, he is allergic to inhaled particles. I just want to ask, second brother, how do you survive until now?"

Su Weiwei also had an allergen test in her previous life, and most people could detect a long list of allergens. But the problem is that Ye Zexi’s allergies are different from theirs. For others, the most allergic reactions are an itchy rash, but Ye Zexi is allergic to allergies. Allergies to allergens can be severe enough to cause shock. People in foreign laboratories were frightened by him, and they even conducted experiments on him. Once he avoided all allergens, although Ye Zexi's body was still weak, he was no longer sick. He is so sick that he can even sleep well at night, but if he is not careful, it will be difficult for him to live another day.

Ye Chendong nodded: "The sheets need to be specially made, as do the pots, and most of the ingredients cannot be eaten. Foreign doctors have prescribed special lemonade. I have listed the things that can be eaten. Let the nanny follow them in the future. !”

Su Weiwei glanced at the light food he made. Well, just a few words on a big white paper. She sincerely sympathized with Ye Zexi. While she was eating hot pot and barbecue, Ye Zexi could only watch. He was afraid that others would not eat. Fat, he doesn't eat because he is afraid of death.

"Second brother, you are so pitiful."

Ye Zexi reached out and touched her head with a smile. The top of Su Weiwei's head was soft and comfortable to touch.

He Donglin's eyes on the side gradually deepened, but Su Weiwei didn't notice it at all, and said obediently: "I would have given some to me, and I can bear some of it for you."

Ye Zexi smiled and shook his head, "Rather than two people suffering, it would be better for me to suffer alone. Now that the test results are out and I know where the source is, I can feel at ease."

Su Weiwei was never very warm towards people, but she felt sincerely for Ye Zexi. This brother was so good that she hoped that he could have a normal quality of life.

“Didn’t the doctor give any other advice besides avoiding allergens?”

"The doctor has prescribed medicine that can suppress allergies. However, this medicine is not yet on the market and the quantity is not large. In the future, we will need to go abroad regularly to prepare medicines and adjust the formula."

Su Weiwei nodded. There were only a few like Ye Zexi. No matter how good the doctor was, it would be hard to believe that the food he was allergic to was avoided, but the cooking pot could not be avoided. The cooking pot was avoided, but the cooking pot was avoided. If you can't take off the sheets you sleep on, you can't avoid the clothes on your body.

Although you can live more comfortably by avoiding all allergens, it must be very hard, right? She would really rather help him share some of the burden.

Seeing her sad face, Cai Jun immediately smiled and nodded. She could see that Su Weiwei was really worried about Ye Zexi. Although they had been separated for more than 20 years, fortunately, their family was not too divided after they came back. Su Weiwei didn't care about it. He never asked her for anything, and he didn't want a house for money. No, unlike Su Yuanyuan before, who wanted to hold everything in her hands.

Fortunately, my daughter has such a personality. Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, as long as they were a little bit unclear, they would not be able to get along with their family members without any grudges.

He Donglin pondered: "A colleague of mine invented a non-iron pot that can be used without oil. I will bring some over later."

Cai Jun was stunned and said with a smile: "Is there such a good pot?"

He Donglin immediately said: "Get one for you too."

Cai Jun's smile deepened, "You can cook without oil. What principle does it use?"

"It seems to be air frying, and no oil is needed to cook the food, which is perfect for Jerseys who are allergic to oil."

Cai Yun said happily: "I originally thought I could only eat steamed food, but with this kind of pot, Jersey can still eat fried food, it's just that the frying method has been changed."

He Donglin smiled and acquiesced: "Mom has a strong understanding. It took me a long time to understand it when my colleague explained it to me."

Su Weiwei couldn't stand the flattery and rolled her eyes at He Donglin. He Donglin raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that they both understood. Su Weiwei snorted, not realizing that He Donglin's ability to flatter was not that good. Look at it. Except for Ye Chendong, most of the people in this family are conquered by him. The old man talks to him about old things from the revolutionary era every day, the old lady talks to him about Chinese painting and calligraphy, Ye Xueer often invites him to play chess, and now even Cai Yun They were all conquered, Su Weiwei admired him from the bottom of his heart!

When the door opened, Cai Tiantian looked at the room full of people in surprise. "Auntie, is today a special day? Why is everyone back?"

"Come back", his son made Ye Chendong frown slightly.

Cai Yun smiled and said: "We are talking about the test report in Jersey. Dong Lin said that his colleague made a pot that can fry food without oil. I want him to bring some back."

Cai Tiantian smiled and said, "I'm not used to having so many people at home, but Brother He's pot should be expensive, right?"


Cai Tiantian looked at Cai Jun, "Auntie, several pots must cost a lot of money. Brother He is just an ordinary enterprise worker. Where can you get the money to buy so many pots?"

Cai Yun was stunned and realized this, "I'll give you the money later."

"No need," He Donglin was silent for a moment, "I can afford this."

Cai Jun really thought about He Donglin. Although Cai Tiantian's words were unpleasant, they were true. Before Su Weiwei left, Cai Jun took her and stuffed a stack of money into her. Su Weiwei was stunned, looking at the big unity in his hand and couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom , we are so rich! Although He Donglin is frugal, he is actually... "

Saying that your man is rich is like boasting.

"Anyway, He Donglin has plenty of money! Keep your money to buy food for yourself!"

"Why are you being polite to Mom!" Cai Jun frowned and handed the money to Su Weiwei, "It's not much, so you take it first. It's Mom's wish. If it's not enough, you can take it from me. By the way, you guys Have you been renting a house outside, right? I discussed it with my family that day. You have a big family, so renting a house is not a long-term solution. It is better to buy one outside. There happened to be a real estate development in the city center recently, and it was full of villas. On the fifth floor, after discussing with your father, I ordered a set for you."

A building fell from the sky. Su Weiwei was stunned for a long time, "Villa? Five floors? Give it to me?"

Seeing her like that, Cai Jun couldn't help but chuckle, "Yes, here you go! Who calls you my mother's little princess!"

Will Su Weiwei like the villa? Of course she liked it! But did she accept it with joy? No, she didn't.

Although she really likes the villa, she can afford it if she wants to buy it. Although the Ye family has a lot of money, Ye Chendong and Ye Zexi are both getting married. The Ye family only bought her a villa. If my sister-in-law knew about it in the future, she would probably have some objections, right

After hearing what she said, Cai Jun chuckled: "I want to buy it for your brother, but you don't want it. Your brother is a developer himself. I heard that he also built a high-end community, but his community is in a new district. I think If you don’t want to go there, I’ll buy it for you in the old city. Just accept it!”

It would be pretentious to refuse any more, so Su Weiwei took Cai Jun's arm and accepted it with a smile.

Here, Su Weiwei was about to leave, but was stopped by Ye Chendong again in the yard.

Ye Chendong glanced at the figure standing under the street lamp and said, "Are you really not going to think about it? There are many young talents around me."

Su Weiwei knew that Ye Chendong was just being unforgiving, but in fact, this brother was nicer to her than anyone else.

"It's too troublesome to switch back and forth, but brother, when will you find me a sister-in-law?"

Ye Chendong's eyes softened a little, "You don't have to worry about me. By the way, I came to you today because I want to tell you something."

He took out a key and threw it into Su Weiwei's hand, and said expressionlessly: "This is my newly developed villa. I picked the one with the best location for you."


"I made an agreement with the car dealer. You can come over to look at the car at any time. Just sign the contract in my name. It's a skill for a girl to be able to drive. It's not a bad thing for you if you can learn it." After a moment of silence, Ye Chendong He said to the surprised Su Weiwei, "I just want you to know that our Ye family can be your backing. No matter how rich He Donglin is, it is not the reason for you to be wronged. If you are unhappy one day, just kick him away. Brother will always prepare candidates for you so that you have a way out anytime and anywhere."

"..." Su Weiwei felt inexplicably sour. She always thought of herself as a heartless person who only loved money but not relationships. After listening to Ye Chendong's words, she was inexplicably moved. He was the best brother she had ever seen, bar none. I hope my brother will continue to keep this habit of smashing buildings and cars and not change! "Brother, has anyone ever said that you look like a domineering president?"

This time it was Ye Chendong's turn to be speechless.

He Donglin waited under the streetlight for a long time, and the dim streetlight lengthened his figure.

"Have you been talking for so long?" He Donglin raised his eyebrows. He had every reason to suspect that Ye Chendong was trying to sow discord between him and Su Weiwei, "What did your brother say?"

"My brother bought me a villa and a luxury car. He also told me that I can get divorced at any time without having to wrong myself."

"..." He Donglin was silent for a long time, then he held his forehead and said helplessly, "Wei Wei, I have the bankbook with you. You can buy whatever you want, but don't be easily bribed by luxury cars and villas."

Su Weiwei held the key in her hand, her eyes twinkling. Is this kind of life where someone would give her a bankbook, buy a villa, or give her a luxury car at every turn? Is this the norm for the rest of her life? If so, such happiness can last longer.