I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 122


At noon that day, Su Weiwei suddenly received a page from the old man, asking her to go back. When Su Weiwei got home, she found out that the old man had asked a colleague for help and recommended Chengcheng to the Mensa Club. Su Weiwei had heard of the name of this club, and it seemed that They are all highly intelligent people, and the only criterion for membership is IQ, as long as the test results meet the requirements of the IQ test.

"this… "

"I understand your concerns. You never want your child to be burdened by his IQ. You want him to live an ordinary life and be happy. I have also considered this. The reason why I recommended Qingcheng to this IQ club is that They are all people with high IQs. After Zhengcheng goes in, he may find that there are not many people with high IQs like him. There are many smart people like him around the world. Perhaps he will become more intelligent because of this understanding. For effort.”

The old man’s worry was not without reason. After sending Qingcheng to this gifted class, he discovered that the IQ of other people in the class was far from Qingcheng’s. It can be said that many people in this gifted class are just a little smarter than ordinary people. He cannot be called a genius, but Qingcheng was crushed all the way inside. The child felt that the teaching content was too simple and he was not interested in learning. Mensa has gathered smart people from all over the world, and the members are closely connected. Perhaps these people can give Chengcheng some inspiration on issues that they cannot guide.

Su Weiwei discussed it with He Donglin after returning. He Donglin had no objection. After all, raising a gifted child is not an easy task for parents. They claim to be Chengcheng's parents and understand their children, but they have no idea that Chengcheng is there. Whatever he thinks, there's nothing wrong with letting him try it.

In this way, the old man took Chengcheng to take the Mensa exam. I heard that this exam is only for children over 10 years old, and Chengcheng is an exception.

Over the weekend, Su Weiwei went to Suye Facial Mask to check the sales. Seeing that sales had increased by 19 percent compared with last month, she took the money and went home with a smile.

It happened that Jiang Xin brought her new facial masks and skin care products. Su Weiwei wanted to try them out. She opened the drawer of the dressing table and just took out a facial mask. Suddenly she felt something was wrong. There seemed to be something missing in the drawer. She was stunned for a moment. She suddenly remembered that there used to be a stack of change in this drawer. Every time she got the money back, she would round it up and save it. The remaining change was tied up with rubber bands. He Donglin occasionally used it when buying groceries, but he If there is any change, I will put it in. No one is short of money, so the pile of change is at least five or six hundred, but now the drawer is empty and the money is gone.

He Donglin came in carrying the dishes, and Su Weiwei was confused, "Did you take the change in the drawer?"

He Donglin frowned, "I thought you used it."

"I didn't use the money, so who took the money?"

Both of them realized the seriousness of the matter. Losing money was a small matter, but if the child stole the money, it was related to moral character, and the problem would be bigger. The two called Liang Xiaomei to ask, but she was confused and didn't know what to ask. Su Weiwei called the old man again, and Qingcheng also gave a negative answer.

He Donglin: "Our house is always locked. Little sister and Qingcheng can't get in even if they want to. Besides, nothing like this has ever happened at home before."

If it was taken by his family, he would not cover it up. Zhuangzhuang happened to run upstairs to get something. When he saw Su Weiwei, he looked away with panic on his face.

Su Weiwei stood in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did you run away when you saw me?"

Zhuangzhuang is older than Qingcheng, but not as tall as Qingcheng. He is short and chubby. In addition, he wears very tacky clothes and doesn't bathe often, so he looks very sloppy.

Zhuang Zhuang seemed to be afraid of Su Weiwei and shrank back, "I didn't run away..."

"Didn't run away? That's not what you said on your face. Did you take the money?" Su Weiwei deliberately scared him, "Do you know that taking other people's things is stealing? The police officers have to catch thieves every day. If you steal something Are you afraid that the police will take you back?"

Zhuang Zhuang is afraid of the police. This is something Su Weiwei has always known. When he was in the countryside, Liu Yumei and Jiang Tao would scare him every day. As long as Zhuang Zhuang disobeyed, they would tell him that the police were coming to arrest him, and Zhuang Zhuang would be frightened and hide. Whenever they went to the haystack, Liu Yumei and Jiang Tao would be very proud, feeling that they had shocked their children.

Sure enough, when Su Weiwei said this, Zhuang Zhuang immediately started crying, "I don't want to go to the police station! I don't want the police to arrest me! It's not what I want to steal, it's what others want me to steal."

At this point, Liu Yumei heard the noise and came up. When she saw Zhuang Zhuang crying, she immediately stared at Su Weiwei as if she wanted to eat someone, "Did you beat Zhuang Zhuang?"

Su Weiwei rolled her eyes, "Why should I beat him properly?"

"Why would you cry if you didn't fight Zhuangzhuang!" Liu Yumei gouged out Su Weiwei coldly.

Su Weiwei also turned cold and glanced at Zhuangzhuang, "Then I have to ask what your grandson did."

Liu Yumei glanced at Zhuang Zhuang, who hid behind her with a guilty conscience, but she still protected him, "My Zhuang Zhuang is very well-behaved, what can he do? Don't wrongly accuse a good person!"

"Unjustly accusing a good man? I have five or six hundred dollars missing. I just asked Zhuangzhuang and he admitted it. He also said that someone else asked him to steal it."

Jiang Tao also ran upstairs, hugged Zhuangzhuang behind him, and said anxiously, "You're talking nonsense! How could my son steal money? Why would he steal your money?"

"That's right! You just lost money when you said you lost it? I also said you were talking nonsense and slandering my grandson. Su Weiwei, if you don't want us to live here, just say so. Why use this method to force me to leave? My family has always been strong. How can I steal your money without even taking a needle? Don't slander me!" Liu Yumei said viciously.

Su Weiwei laughed angrily. She glanced at Zhuangzhuang and said, "Say what you just said again. Who do you think asked you to steal the money?"

Zhuang Zhuang was afraid of her just now, but now seeing Liu Yumei and Jiang Tao protecting him, he became bolder, "I didn't steal, I didn't steal your money, you are talking nonsense, you wronged me, I don't know anything!"

Jiang Tao immediately became hardened and said, "Su Weiwei, you are going too far to bully others. Is having money a big deal? My Zhuangzhuang told me that he didn't steal your money, but you still look like you can eat people. Who are you looking down on? Maybe Qian is your son. What was stolen was stolen by Little Sister Liang! Why should you doubt my son?"

Zhuangzhuang pointed at Su Weiwei again, "Mom, it was she who slandered me. She just didn't like me and didn't like me, so she deliberately criticized me. I really didn't steal money. Why would I, a kid, steal money?"

Jiang Tao and Liu Yumei were trembling with anger. Su Weiwei was also shocked by the speed of Zhuang Zhuang's face change. She laughed angrily and just stared at the child with cold eyes. After a long while, she said in a cold voice: "What kind of mother can teach this child?" What kind of kid comes out and you think you've won by stealing my money and then lying about it? Okay, I'll leave it here. I won't pursue this matter. Not only that, I will still keep my family's money like this in the future. You can steal if you want, and I won't stop you. I want to see what happens to you in the end."

When no one was around, Jiang Tao and Liu Yumei pulled Zhuang Zhuang aside. "Tell mom honestly, did you get that money?"

Zhuang Zhuang hesitated for a moment and took out a stack of money from the book, "Mom, don't hit me. I just saw that you and my dad were working too hard and they were so rich, so I took some back. I wanted you not to hit me." So hard.”

Jiang Tao was stunned and clicked on the dime, which was a total of four hundred yuan. She was surprised and happy. She only had 7 yuan in her body. It had been a long time since she had seen so much money. "You just took four hundred yuan." ?”

"Yes." In fact, he took more than 700, but the rest of the money was spent on buying things and toys.

Liu Yumei burst into laughter with joy, "My dear grandson is so smart. You are right. If people like this have money, they should give it to us. Why are they so rich? It's not because they are lucky! If you have money, give it to us." What's wrong? My grandson is so smart!"

Jiang Tao felt vaguely that something was wrong and that children shouldn't be educated like this, but she couldn't refuse the four hundred dollars in front of her, so she smiled and said, "Don't do that next time, after all, it's not good."

Liu Yumei rolled her eyes, "Why not? Besides, we are all members of our own family. Taking some money is not called stealing. My Zhuangzhuang is a clever little kid. Look at how angry Su Weiwei is. Come on, let me buy some chicken drumsticks for you to eat!"

Zhuang Zhuang smiled and nodded.

Su Weiwei was not angry. She had already warned her, but no one took her seriously. She was not a strong biological mother and had no obligation to teach her children. This child was so thoughtful at a young age. Now Jiang Tao and Liu Yumei can If you don't break it off when you break it off, she will regret it when the child grows up! Su Weiwei did whatever she was supposed to do down there. She still kept the money at home everywhere. She didn't say anything about the lack of money. Even when she saw Zhuang Zhuang stealing money, she didn't say anything. Anyway, he wasn't her son and she was scolded for taking care of it. It's better to leave it alone and bear the fruits of whoever sows.

He Donglin comforted her behind her back, saying that it was not easy to interfere with other people's children.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, He Donglin came into the house carrying a basket of vegetables. There was no one at home today. Su Weiwei was lying on the sofa watching TV. In fact, the TV series at this time were quite boring, but she had nothing to do without watching TV. If she had a computer, she would A tablet would be nice.

He Donglin had already rolled up his sleeves and went to work in the kitchen. Su Weiwei suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of happiness. Well, the boss had to go home to buy groceries to cook for her after a tiring day, but she did nothing and lay on the sofa. It's all tiring. Is this going too far? For the first time in his life, Su Weiwei took the initiative to review himself.

She hugged Liang Heming from behind and said, "Why do you think my life is so good? I have a good man like you to pamper me."

He Donglin didn't know that her sweet words could coax him into thinking every time, but no matter how flattering she was, people would always like her.

He curled his lips and said, "Go back to the sofa if you know it. Sit down and wait until the meal is ready. I'll call you."

"I'll accompany you." Anyway, she doesn't need to do anything, and companionship is always necessary, right

"There's a lot of fumes in the kitchen, don't choke you."

Su Weiwei accepted such a strong reason.

After the meal, the two of them drank a glass of red wine. In view of Su Weiwei's drinking capacity, she only tasted it briefly. After the meal, it was rare for the house to be so quiet. He Donglin laid her down on the sofa and pressed her down. The two of them drank some wine. , I was in a tipsy state. Although the weather was still hot at night, there was an air conditioner and a fan in the room, so it was quite cool. The weather was favorable, the place was right, and if something didn't happen, the glass of red wine just now would have been wasted.

As the number of in-depth exchanges with the boss increased, Su Weiwei became more and more aware of the joy. She would often feel weak in her legs with a glance from He Donglin. They said that women in their thirties are as fierce as tigers, but she was not even thirty yet. Well, there are some signs. Su Weiwei hugged He Donglin's arm and chuckled: "Are you trying to get me drunk on purpose?"

He Donglin raised his eyebrows, "Do I need to be intentional? You've been ogling me since we were eating, pretending that I can't see you?"

Su Weiwei pursed her lips, she was wronged, she was obviously born like this, there was nothing he could do if he had to interpret her like this.

The weather was hot, so He Donglin took off his shirt. Su Weiwei looked at his figure hidden by the shirt and her eyes widened. Oh my god, who can stop this? Immediately, he pounced on it and gnawed it like ribs.

"Don't worry, it's all yours, you can't run away." A smile flashed in He Donglin's eyes, and he picked her up and walked upstairs.

The problem of not being normal when drinking alcohol can really happen.

The next day, Liang Minying had something wrong with her expression when she came back. Su Weiwei couldn't see her like this and asked immediately: "What happened?"

Liang Xiaomei muttered on the side: "I saw that Liu Qiang chasing after the eldest sister, and kept talking nonsense to the eldest sister's boyfriend. I was so angry. Later, the eldest sister said she wanted to call the police, so she scared Liu Qiang away, but the eldest sister's boyfriend There’s something wrong with his expression, and it’s not a pleasant scene anyway.”

"Liu Qiang hasn't returned to the countryside yet? He hasn't been looking for you recently. Why did he start again these days?"

Liang Minying shook her head. She went home with her boyfriend today. When she walked near the alley, Liu Qiang suddenly rushed out, pointed at Liang Minying and said she was his wife. Naturally, her boyfriend was startled and asked her what was going on. Liang Minying was usually calm, but she was panicked at the moment. She explained that she had nothing to do with Liu Qiang, that this man was crazy, and she pounced on him and said she wanted to marry him. Fortunately, her boyfriend didn't say anything.

Afterwards, Liu Qiang sneered: "Did you know that Liang Minying was engaged in the countryside? She was abandoned by a man at the wedding. How dare you want such a woman? An engaged woman must have broken shoes, not me. Speaking of you, are you willing to buy second-hand goods like this? Are the men in your city so hungry?"

The boyfriend was very angry and kept defending Liang Minying. Liang Minying was also very moved. But if something like this happened, it was impossible for her boyfriend to have no idea at all. In the end, they broke up on bad terms, and Liu Qiang chased her back.

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"Sister-in-law, Liu Qiang said that no matter who I go to, he will tell them about my engagement. In fact, I didn't want to hide it. I just wanted to wait until I feel more stable before telling him. Besides, I have never had a relationship with Jiang Donglai. He is not Liu Qiang at all. That's what he said. He also said that I can only marry him and be the daughter-in-law of his old Liu family. You said he is pestering me like this, what should I do? "

Su Weiwei was angry, "He just has broken shoes, and the whole Liu family has broken shoes!"

While he was cursing, Liu Yumei came back and said displeasedly after hearing this: "What nonsense are you talking about! Who is the shabby shoe? Tell me clearly!"

"Who else can I say except you and your shameless nephew? I warned you to ask Liu Qiang not to harass Liang Minying. Since you didn't take my warning to heart, don't blame me for being rude to you." Su Weiwei He said coldly.

She protected herself like this, and Liang Minying couldn't help but her eyes got hot. She pulled Su Weiwei and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be like her. This kind of person is really not worth it."

Seeing her like this, Liu Yumei sighed: "Go ahead! I want to see what you can do! If you kill my grandson, you will pay with your life, but don't tell me you are not afraid of death!"

Liu Yumei ate melon seeds confidently and sneered, saying that people who are barefoot are not afraid of people who wear shoes. What should she be afraid of if she has nothing? At first, Liang Fugui didn't dare to come to the city, so she relied on her shamelessly. Although Su Weiwei cursed a few words, he still compromised in the end. Now Liu Qiang goes to find Liang Minying. What can Liang Minying do even though she is unhappy? After she ruined Liang Minying's reputation, allowed Liu Qiang to take advantage, and solidified their relationship, was she still afraid that Liang Minying would not marry his nephew

Liu Yumei laughed hard.

Su Weiwei squinted her eyes, thinking of countermeasures. She had always wanted to take her time before, but this person was in the way.

Liu Qiang never dreamed that Liang Minying would take the initiative to ask him to meet in the grove.