I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 126


Su Weiwei quickly raised her hands to vote, indicating that she would veto the decision to make her the spokesperson. Unfortunately, the minority obeyed the majority, and Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu had already decided for her. In this way, Su Weiwei rushed to the shelf, was dragged to the studio, and cooperated with the photographer to do many actions that were obviously very vulgar, but were said to be the most fashionable at the moment, and said some shocking lines that were said to be the most popular among the audience. Su Weiwei wanted to Since she's not a professional, wouldn't it be easy not to be a spokesperson? As long as she doesn't cooperate with the photographer's request, sooner or later the photographer won't be able to stand her and will have to replace her.

So she was expressionless and put on a world-weary face, as if everyone owed her hundreds of millions.

After the shooting, the photographer came over. Su Weiwei thought that he should communicate with her about her expression. Then she said that she couldn't handle it, couldn't learn it, and didn't know how to do it. She used her perfunctory way to let the photographer understand that she really Not suitable. Unexpectedly, the photographer came over, patted his thigh wildly, and pointed at the camera excitedly, "Absolutely amazing! This world-weary expression, I thought it was not suitable, but who knew that this coldness unexpectedly gave me inspiration, Miss Su, your performance is really great! Come on, let’s shoot another set together. I have endless inspiration now, and I guarantee that this ad will be an instant hit!”


Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu looked relieved, but Su Weiwei was stunned and really didn't want to live anymore.

She is really not a professional model, and she has no golden fingers. It is impossible for her to be able to do anything like the protagonist. But the strange thing is that the photographer actually likes her style and praises her for her expressiveness, personality and idiosyncrasy. Walking alone, God knows she just doesn’t want to take pictures anymore! After filming for a whole day, Su Weiwei was exhausted and paralyzed when she returned. She lay on the bed and complained to He Donglin. He Donglin saw her like this for the first time and couldn't help but laugh, "There are times when I stump you."

"Your sister is going too far, woo woo woo! She actually asked me to be the spokesperson, and unanimously rejected my proposal. I didn't even have a chance to object. Minying often faces the camera and is professional. As for me, facing the camera The camera showed me a coffin face, expressionless throughout the whole process, God knows, I almost froze with my straight face."

He Donglin laughed and pinched her face, "Let me massage it for you."

Su Weiwei snorted, "I suspect you took the opportunity to retaliate."

A few days ago, He Donglin saw that she would pat the toner on every time she washed her face until it was completely absorbed, so he suggested applying it for her. Su Weiwei suspected that he was just waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

"With your appearance and figure, it's perfectly fine for you to be a spokesperson. The spokesperson for my mall is not as good looking as you."

Su Weiwei was stunned, "Do you still have a spokesperson in your mall?"

Is it so fashionable these days? Why is it like the entertainment industry of later generations? Su Weiwei instantly thought of several novels about bosses. The little model who is the spokesperson of the entertainment industry fell in love with He Donglin, the president of the shopping mall. She knew that He Donglin had a family background and still wanted to fly into the flames, and she, as a loser, I am a wife who reads tidbits about her husband in the newspaper every day, holds her child in her arms, eats pickles in silence, and sheds tears.

Su Weiwei was frightened by her imagination. It wasn't He Donglin who reminded her like this, but she had forgotten that He Donglin was now a veritable boss. If nothing else, just take his company as an example. How many companies in the country are listed now? It just so happened that He Donglin's company had not been established for long, and no one took him seriously, but he actually did it without any background!

Su Weiwei squinted her eyes and smiled meaningfully, "Is your company's spokesperson interested in you?"

He Donglin was silent for a moment. The company's spokesperson was a star in the entertainment industry. The star showed kindness to him, but it was not the first day that this happened to him, so he asked his assistant to stop him. She also wanted to save face, knowing that he didn't mean that, so she stopped contacting her after a few times. Of course, he wouldn't let her know about this kind of thing. On the one hand, he didn't want to upset her and wanted her to live happily every day. On the other hand, he didn't want her to be upset. He didn't want her to get suspicious. He knew her temper. After knowing that he was popular, he might be able to wave his sleeves and make her happy.

There was no way he was going to let that happen.

As a man who is popular outside but not taken seriously at home, Mr. He said that he needs to earn some sense of existence by himself.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think celebrities are very idle?"

Su Weiwei pursed her lips. Maybe he was overthinking it. After all, the male protagonist was originally the female protagonist's official partner, so he shouldn't have cheated on her, right? So what if it's just cheating? It’s not like she’s going to lose a piece of meat. She can at most wave her sleeves, bid farewell to this sex partner, and throw herself into the arms of the next sex partner. Why are you a woman, why are you so stubborn? As long as you are rich and beautiful, there will always be sex partners. .

Su Weiwei soon complained about the filming, and He Donglin praised her, saying that she was more beautiful than a celebrity, and her face was three-dimensional and photogenic, so she was more than enough to be a spokesperson. Although she was praised for her beauty and was in a high mood, Su Weiwei still felt that she was on a pirate ship. In the past, she was the only one who cheated others, but now she was cheated by others, and she felt really unhappy.

When she was unhappy, Su Weiwei liked to let others have enough empathy and understand her mood, so that night, He Donglin was forced to comfort her for a long time, and finally blocked her mouth with exercises on the bed.

Early the next morning, Su Weiwei went to Qingcheng's place for a hug. She completely relaxed after smelling the fragrance of her baby milk.

She patted Tingcheng's little butt and urged: "Get up and go to school!"

Qingcheng curled her lips, "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable anymore?"

Su Weiwei was stunned, "When did I say I felt uncomfortable?"

"You think I don't know" looked on Qingcheng's face, "You like to hug people every time you feel uncomfortable."

Su Weiwei paused for a moment. The boss said similar things this morning, saying that she hugged her all night last night. He also said ambiguously: "Wei Wei is so enthusiastic, and my husband almost couldn't resist it."

Thinking of the boss's words, Su Weiwei's face became hot, and he waved his hands, "Nonsense! I don't feel bad! I'm in a good mood! Today is another beautiful day, son, let's do our best together, mother and son!"

Tingcheng was amused and stretched out her fist to cheer her up. Su Weiwei took out the clothes prepared for Tingcheng and put them on for him.

Although he didn't have a daughter, Su Weiwei never felt regretful. His son was also very good, so why did he have to have a daughter? Nowadays, many girls want to have girls, but they dislike boys, and tend to favor girls over boys. Obviously boys are cute and worthy of being loved, and they also look handsome when dressed up. Take Qingcheng for example. Today, Su Weiwei gave her a white T-shirt with letters on the back. The simple T-shirt was paired with loose light-colored casual pants. The trouser legs were rolled up in two rolls. The clothes were baggy and made her feel very handsome. No boundaries! Before going out, Su Weiwei got another hat for Qingcheng to put on. He also didn’t forget to put a fake collar on his T-shirt and paired it with simple sneakers. He looked so handsome!

Su Weiwei's eyes were filled with stars.

You can suggest to Liang Minying another day that she make children's clothing. After all, the children's clothing market is completely blank now. Sometimes it's not that people don't want to dress up their children, but that there are not many good-looking clothes on the market, and parents don't have much to dress up their children. Awareness, many people think that children can just pick up old things and wear them. Although it takes many years for the concept to be formed, you can plan early to seize the market as soon as possible. If you can't sell it domestically, you can first set up counters abroad. There are always ways. .

After watching Qingcheng, Su Weiwei went to Liang Xiaomei's house again to see how Liang Xiaomei was dressed. Liang Xiaomei's clothes were all matched by Su Weiwei. She only needed to wear the same ones. She could comb her hair herself and dress herself up every day. It was so beautiful. When Su Weiwei left, Liang Xiaomei had already gone downstairs carrying her schoolbag.

"Sister-in-law!" Liang Xiaomei threw herself into her arms, "Do I dress beautifully like this?"

Su Weiwei was in a daze for a moment. It had only been a year or two, and the little girl had changed a lot. From the little black girl with a runny nose before, she turned into the fair-skinned, tall and fashionable little girl with a similar temperament and appearance. Everything has changed. It is said that women have changed at the age of 18. It has only been less than two years and there has been such a big change.

"If our little girl is not pretty, who is?" Su Weiwei pinched her little face, "She seems very happy today."

Liang Xiaomei nodded excitedly. Her sister-in-law came back late yesterday and she didn't have time to tell her. She took out a newspaper from her schoolbag and shook excitedly, "Sister-in-law, look! My composition is in the newspaper! The teacher said that the others are junior high school students and high school students, and I am the only elementary school student who has been in the newspaper! Teacher They even read my composition as a model essay in school."

Su Weiwei laughed. In the past few days of school, the little girl has gained quite a lot. It seems that even the little girl is on the right track.

She read the composition carefully. Not to mention, Liang Xiaomei is really talented. She is only in the third grade. The sentences used in the composition are not common sentence patterns, and there is an indescribable aura.

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"What else did your teacher say?"

"He said I was very talented and told me to write more articles in the future. By the way, the teacher said I still have royalties. Sister-in-law, I will keep writing articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. When I make money, I will buy them for my sister-in-law. food!"

Su Weiwei smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed. Her little sister became sensible and knew that she was thinking of something good.

"You little girl, you know how to make my sister-in-law happy!"

Liang Xiaomei grinned, "I don't, I really think so. By the way, sister-in-law, what gift do you want in the future? It needs to be big and hard to achieve. Just tell me and wait for me." When you grow up and make a lot of money, I will definitely fulfill your wish."

Liang Xiaomei leaned on Su Weiwei and smelled the delicious fragrance of Su Weiwei. She couldn't help but think that just like her sister-in-law always fulfilled her wishes, when she grew up, she would also work hard to make money to fulfill her sister-in-law's wishes.

She also wants to be her sister-in-law's fairy godmother and silently protect her.

Su Weiwei was silent for a moment. She knew very well that such words should not be said randomly. Sometimes children can remember a sentence from an adult for many years, and the little sister is not a mortal. She will be a well-known writer in the future, a copyright tycoon, with a net worth of at least billions, and the company is also planning In order not to insult the little sister’s identity, her wish cannot be too vague. If she says her wish is to buy a mobile phone, and Liang Xiaomei gives her an apple in the future, then she will be in trouble, she I don’t want such a tacky gift.

No matter whether it can be realized or not, I would like to say it first!

Su Weiwei smiled and said: "I want a wine estate, well, the kind in France, where I can grow grapes and make wine myself, so that when I get old, I can go to the manor to be a farmer planting grapes and harvesting grapes. Every holiday , if you want, you can come and see me, everyone is barbecuing, fishing, and picking grapes in the open air, well, wouldn’t it be a happy life like this!”

She seemed to say it casually, but Liang Xiaomei listened. She secretly vowed to give her sister-in-law a wine estate so that she could live an ideal life.

On the weekend, as agreed, Su Weiwei took Liang Mingsu to Ye's house.

Liang Mingsu was still nervous, making Su Weiwei laugh, "What's there to be nervous about? My parents don't eat people. You have to remember that it's my brother who likes you more now. My parents can't wait to marry you home right now. You can do that." Hold on tight."

Still holding it? Liang Mingsu smiled bitterly, "If my uncle and aunt ask me to marry Ye Zexi, I'm afraid I'll say yes right away! You're still holding it, you think too highly of me."

Su Weiwei rolled her eyes, why is this girl so stupid.

"Look at me later and act accordingly."

As soon as the two of them entered the yard, they saw the old lady taking off her glasses and looking at Liang Mingsu with an unbelievable and dreamy look. Then Su Weiwei saw that the old lady who was used to the world turned red and shy. He ran to Liang Mingsu and said excitedly:

"Liang Mingsu, I am your elderly fan."