I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 136


Su Weiwei and Cheng Ai looked at each other. Before they could say hello, Cheng Ai suddenly covered his mouth and vomited.

"..." Even though they had a problem, she wasn't so ugly that it would make people want to vomit just by looking at her, right? Su Weiwei was embarrassed. She suddenly had a bold idea. Could Cheng Ai be pregnant? Of course, Cheng Ai is married to someone else, and giving birth to a child is a normal process, but Su Weiwei feels weird. I remember that the book does not mention whether Cheng Ai has given birth to a child. As a person with the aura of a heroine, morning sickness is actually worse than normal. It is really unscientific for people to be more serious.

"you are pregnant?"

Cheng Ai nodded, his expression always calm, "It should be, I haven't checked yet."

"Congratulations then."

"What's there to congratulate? My mother-in-law favors sons over daughters. My husband's status does not allow us to have a second child. If this child gives birth to a girl, my mother-in-law will definitely look down on her. Unlike you, your mother-in-law died without anyone urging her. You give birth to a second child, and the man indulges you."

Su Weiwei was stunned for a moment, things were really turning. He didn't expect that one day she would have the ability to make the heroine envious. However, the heroine's aura was the heroine's halo after all. Since Cheng Ai's mother-in-law favored boys over girls, Cheng Ai would definitely be able to give birth to a child if she wanted to. Boy

"Although my mother-in-law passed away, my step-mother-in-law is not worried. Although she does not have the pressure of having a second child, she still has to fight with her every day." In fact, Su Weiwei has never taken Liu Yumei seriously. People like Liu Yumei People, you suppress her and she jumps, suppress her and jump again, one day she will not be able to jump, and then you can easily get rid of this thorn in your side without you taking any action, but people always have to make themselves miserable. , otherwise it would be suspected of showing off. Could it be that she should tell Cheng Ai that her husband is considerate and her son is smart, but her stepmother-in-law has no fighting ability, and she alone has the final say in the family, and she is not stupid.

Cheng Ai frowned and seemed to be thinking of Liu Yumei. In fact, Liu Yumei also came to the city to look for her in her previous life. At that time, she looked down on these people and kept a cold face. Liu Yumei was domineering at home and forced her relationship with He Donglin. Later, when Liu Yumei saw He Donglin on TV, she realized that He Donglin was rich. In order to get He Donglin to give her money, she went to the media more than once to make trouble, saying that He Donglin was unfilial to her stepmother, and that she had finally managed to bring this family together. Although this incident did not have much impact on He Donglin, it also brought the Liang family's affairs to the forefront for gossip. At that time, each of the eight sons of the Liang family were big bosses in the industry, and Liu Yumei was Seize this and create a fuss, making everyone miserable.

At that time, she couldn't fight against Liu Yumei. She would only look down on Liu Yumei, but she was a talking point for others.

Cheng Ai glanced at Su Weiwei, "How can Liu Yumei be your opponent? You're not a vegetarian, either?"

Su Weiwei was embarrassed again. Is the heroine a compliment or a criticism? I didn’t expect the heroine to have such confidence in her. “Although I don’t take her seriously, if I don’t handle this kind of person well, I will only have endless troubles in the future. After thinking about it, I have to pull out all the firepower and solve the problem.” .”

Cheng Ai snorted coldly, "You are quite powerful, you have a lot of tricks."

"..." Su Weiwei looked at the sky silently and changed the subject, "Take good care of your baby, both boys and girls are treasures."

"Do you even need to say that? The more she favors boys over girls, the more I will give birth to a daughter to make her angry." Although Cheng Ai has always looked down on Su Weiwei, sometimes she always feels that they are more involved than anyone else. After all, They are both reborn, and only they can understand each other's thoughts. Looking at the present world from the perspective of future generations, she and Su Weiwei actually have a lot to talk about. After getting married, her life was not bad, but she could not be called good. Her mother-in-law always looked down on her and wanted to set rules for her. Although the man was nice, he was not often at home. She was good at her career, but not good at dealing with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Recently, my mother-in-law often mentioned having children, saying that if the first child was a girl, she would abort it. She couldn't swallow this, and she wanted to be angry with her because she wanted to have a daughter.

There was nothing left to talk about. Su Weiwei couldn't help but sigh. She understood the heroine very well. If she were her, she would be angry. However, given the conditions of Cheng Ai's mother-in-law's family, confronting her mother-in-law head-on would actually be harmful to her but not beneficial at all. , Furthermore, these days, most mothers-in-law actually favor boys over girls. People like Cai Yun, who have received education and have boys in their family, are the minority who dote on their daughters after all. But regardless of gender, as long as they are born with feelings, the family will It will all hurt the same. In short, there are many ways to solve the problem. Only in the family, there is more than one solution to the problem. It requires multi-party cooperation, rather than making family members look like enemies.

In fact, if the heroine is so capable, her mother-in-law shouldn't let her suffer, right

When she went back in the evening, Liang Xiaomei gave Su Weiwei another big surprise. She actually started to serialize novels in a magazine. Liang Xiaomei's imagination was very good, and the things written by children's words turned out to be very interesting. Su Weiwei finished reading I can't help but want to follow the series.

Liang Xiaomei was very proud, "How's it going? My writing is pretty good, right? My classmates all praised me and told me to write the next chapter sooner."

Su Weiwei pinched her little face in surprise, "Our future great writer Liang Xiaomei has finally figured it out! My sister-in-law will reward you with a chicken drumstick tonight! Give our future great writer some brains!"

Although Liang Xiaomei was a bitch, she blushed at being exaggerated in such a serious manner, "Sister-in-law, I am nothing, there are many people better than me."

Well, the teacher said you should be humble.

"So what if I'm better than you? In my sister-in-law's heart, you are the best. You will definitely be a best-selling author in the future! My sister-in-law will wait for you to grow up quickly and buy your books."

The more Liang Xiaomei listened, the more excited she became. In fact, she had no feeling for writing before, but with the encouragement of her sister-in-law, she wrote several articles and they were accepted by magazines and newspapers. Her classmates often praised her for her good writing, and the teacher also said that her articles were very good. She has aura. Unlike other classmates, she can play many musical instruments, sing and dance. She has no special skills. It seems that only writing can make her stand out. Now her sister-in-law's words seem to have sown a seed in her heart, and a small bud has sprouted. When her son comes, she will take care of her little Ya'er, grow up quickly, and regard being a writer as her dream.

Tingcheng came over, took the magazine and read it for a while. Liang Xiaomei continued to say, "How is it? Auntie is great, isn't she? Little guy, don't think that you are great because you have a good brain. Take a look at the articles written by auntie. You are such a good article No matter how smart you are, you can’t write it.”

Her proud look made Qingcheng frown.

Liang Xiaomei continued to hum: "By the way, I earned 7 yuan in royalties for my article! 7 yuan can buy a lot of things. Is my aunt great? Do you admire me?"

Tingcheng said expressionlessly: "My painting sold for 500,000 yuan."

"..." Liang Xiaomei was startled, as if she didn't understand what 500,000 means. Can 500,000 buy a lot of ham and malted milk? She coughed and said, "It's nothing special. Will my sister-in-law give you that much money? But I'm different. My sister-in-law has already given me these 7 yuan as pocket money. I make money for myself and use it for myself. I'm much better than you." Yes! One day, I will become a great writer, and you have to queue up to get my autograph."

Tingcheng frowned, feeling the fear of being dominated by Liang Xiaomei again. He looked at Liang Xiaomei suspiciously. With Liang Xiaomei's IQ, she could write a book. This shouldn't be a difficult thing. Thinking of the texts and words in the book, With the painting, he walked back to the bedroom, took out the brush and started painting. Soon after, he put the dry drawing paper aside and continued to draw the second page...

Su Weiwei doesn't dare to go to Cai Yun recently. Every time she sees Cai Yun, she is pulled into ideological education. The theme is nothing more than about the importance of studying for exams. Cai Yun thinks that she was replaced by Su Yuanyuan and that's why she didn't study. Normal school, now that she has the opportunity, and the family is not short of food and clothing, she should not give up the opportunity to study, but should choose a good major to be gilded. Even if she goes abroad for further study, the Ye family cannot afford it. In short, I hope she will take the exam Go to college!

Su Weiwei really doesn't want to learn at this age. She has been afraid of Cai Yun recently. She finally handed in the English learning skills required by the professor of the English Department. She really wrote this article seriously. Generally speaking, students of this era They all worked hard, but because of the lack of information, many people didn’t know how to learn English at all. They were always very serious but couldn’t get in. Su Weiwei wrote down learning methods that are worth learning for future generations. Each of them was unheard of for students at that time. Yes, the professor was extremely excited after reading it, and insisted on dragging her along for a 30-cent chat. He asked her what her ideal life was. He praised her talent in every word and asked her to take the college entrance examination. He really couldn't come to the courtyard to observe. Yes, it scared Su Weiwei to death.

On Monday, Su Weiwei took advantage of Cai Jun's absence and went back to see the old man and his wife. After winter, the old man's cold legs kept getting sick. Su Weiwei had people buy ointment and medicinal wine from Thailand and Hong Kong. After using it, the old man's symptoms were much better than before.

The old man was naturally excited when he saw his granddaughter, and pulled Su Weiwei to ask about Qingcheng's situation.

It's been cold recently, and Su Weiwei always sends Qingcheng home regularly for the old man to teach her, because she's afraid that the old man will fall.

"Went to school today."

"You can't learn anything in school, it's just a waste of time," the old man shook his head.

"You have to learn whatever you can't learn. Otherwise, why should such a young child go to junior high school or high school? His mental development can't keep up. I don't want him to be forced to face problems that don't belong to his age. Although I am not an education expert, after all, I It’s his mother, but the educational method is wrong, so I can only ask him to be more tolerant.”

The old man laughed. Su Weiwei took out the newly bought clothes and compared them. The old man looked at the more fashionable clothes in her hand and trembled with fear, "Who are these clothes for?"

"Of course it's for you, grandpa!" Su Weiwei smiled very evilly. Before the old man could run away, he forcefully caught him and forced him to go into the house to change his clothes. The old man was unwilling at all costs, but he couldn't make his granddaughter act coquettishly and be reasonable. , such a cute little granddaughter is acting like a spoiled child, who can handle it? He had no choice but to grit his teeth and enter the house.

Anyway, only family members can see it, so just take it off as soon as possible. The old man changed his clothes awkwardly. After coming out, Su Weiwei stared at him for a long time and couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded: "This is so handsome! Grandpa, I Unilaterally declare that you are the most fashionable old man in China!"

The old man was about to cry. He pointed at this outfit. He said, how old is he and he still wears such unusual clothes? The top is a patterned leather jacket, the bottom is a pair of very trendy cotton trousers, and on the feet is a pair of large leather shoes with metal, paired with sunglasses, a black velvet Lei Feng hat, and what is said to be a sweater chain. This set When paired together, he looks like a 20-year-old young man. He has been steady and dignified all his life. He often appears on TV. Many people know him. If he goes out wearing such clothes, he will be laughed to death!

No, no! "I have to take it off! If your Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Jiang and Grandpa Ke see it, I will be laughed to death!"

Su Weiwei hugged the old man's arm, her eyes were so bright that she wouldn't know it if she didn't dress up. But once she dressed up, she realized that the old man actually had a fashionable gene. With his aura, style, height, and the unique taste of his clothes, he could definitely kill future generations in an instant. Those old men who take street photos.

"Grandpa, he's so handsome!" Su Weiwei said without hesitation.

"This won't work, it won't work! I'm already my age. Whether you're handsome or not is a matter for you young people. Besides, isn't it cold when you go out wearing so little?"

Su Weiwei smiled and said, "Did you feel cold during the time you were changing your clothes?"

The old man was stunned. Although the clothes were thin, no more than his previous three layers, it seemed strange that he didn't feel cold in such thin clothes.

"The clothes are either thick or warm. When you go out like this, who wouldn't say you are young? You say you are old, but what's wrong with your age? Will you ever be younger than you are today in the rest of your life? Since you are all At this age, why not try something new?"

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The old man was so deceived that he was dizzy, but what he wore most in his life was a suit, and he had to work hard for his whole life. This would suddenly change his style. If he wore such fashionable clothes, others would definitely think that he was crazy. Besides, This kind of cutting-edge fashion is incomprehensible to passers-by.

"Just try it on at home."

Of course the old man wanted to refuse, but before he said anything, Su Weiwei looked at him with pleading eyes, making him have to swallow all the words of rejection. When the Ye family came back in the evening, they were all stunned when they saw the old man, especially Ye Zexi and Ye Chendong both stared at him with strange eyes. Ye Xueer was so frightened that he almost hit the bathroom door. Cai Jun thought he had gone to the wrong door. Even the old lady almost didn't recognize him after reading it. he comes.

It has to be said that everyone has bad taste. Although the old man didn't like this dress, but seeing everyone's surprised look, he found another balance. He pointed at the clothes happily and said, "How about it? My granddaughter gave it to me. I dressed up, and she said it was very fashionable.”

Everyone nodded in unison, not recovering from the shock.

"That's OK! My granddaughter has a good taste. She is right. I am already this old, what else can I not dare to wear? From today on, I will change my style and strive to go to the forefront of fashion. Let’s take a stroll around the battlefield, okay, I’m going to go play chess with Lao Ke.”

"..." It wasn't until he left that Ye Tianqing, who had just returned, couldn't believe it and said, "That's my father?"

Ye Zexi chuckled lightly, "Your father is still your father. Looking at my state, he will have no problem living to be a hundred."

"Wei Wei is still awesome. A few days ago, the old man had a bad leg. He sighed every day, had a bad temper, and was not optimistic. After all this trouble, the old man's mentality changed."

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized that this was indeed the case. The old man had often been sick some time ago, and as the weather turned colder, he gradually became depressed. Su Weiwei's "nonsense" made the old man's condition much better.

"Only Weiwei has the dignity to let the old man wear such clothes."

"Did you see it? On the back of the old man's jacket, it says, 'Your uncle is your uncle!' Let me go, it's so fashionable! Brother, get your camera quickly, and I'll take a picture of the old man." Ye Wenxu yelled.

Of course, the old man's outfit slayed the whole audience, and several friends in the yard were shocked by him. They looked at the dusty old cotton-padded jacket on his body, and then looked at the old man's shiny leather jacket, and the clothes on the back of the leather jacket. With one line of words, they suddenly felt weak! Although it is too arrogant to wear it like this, it is inexplicably handsome, especially the words on the back of the leather jacket. Can they be embroidered on their old cotton-padded jackets and military coats

The old man received unprecedented attention, and his heart immediately became balanced. He even had an extra night of dinner, and even called Su Weiwei to ask her to get more clothes like this for him. He also asked her if she could tattoo this line on him. On other clothes.

Su Weiwei specially went to Liang Minying's factory to customize a lot of clothes for the old man for him to wear in the spring. She did not expect that the old man would accept it so quickly. She originally thought that the old man would not appreciate such fashion, but she underestimated the old man. People who have studied abroad a few years ago are very receptive to new things, even more fashionable than young people like He Donglin.

In order to verify, Su Weiwei entered the house holding a set of clothes that were similar to the old man's.

He Donglin had just come out of the shower. In fact, although He Donglin was not as calm as usual when he was not wearing a suit, he had a rare sexiness. Especially when his hair was dry and his collarbone was half exposed, Su Weiwei couldn't help but think about it. , It doesn’t matter if a man is handsome, but if he is handsome and yet so seductive, it really kills people! No wonder she hasn't gotten tired of being a sex partner for so long. This is her rank and her level. If we go out with Mr. He's conditions, even if we are not a domineering president, there will be a bunch of rich women vying for it.

Su Weiwei inexplicably began to think of He Donglin's capable side jobs, which made He Donglin frown, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. I saw a very fashionable outfit today and I think it suits you very well. Husband, can you show me how to wear it?"

He Donglin had a bad premonition for no reason. Sure enough, when Su Weiwei unfolded the line of words on the back of the clothes, He Donglin frowned even more tightly.

"How's it going?" Su Weiwei's face was full of expectations, so He Donglin had to suppress what he was going to say. He seemed to be carefully looking at a piece of art, and after a while he gave a comment, "Trendy and stylish styles, only for those who are interested in fashion." Only a highly sensitive person would choose this style.”

"Really?" Su Weiwei was excited, "Would you like to try it on?"

He Donglin was helpless and was forced to take off his nightgown, exposing his muscular back. Su Weiwei almost had a nosebleed at the sight. She promised that she did not intentionally pull the person to the mirror, nor did she intentionally ask the person to try on clothes in front of the mirror. In short, today He Guige was particularly seductive. He did nothing but made her feel itchy in her heart and lungs. She wanted to pounce on him and devour him. It wasn't until He Donglin put on his clothes that Su Weiwei gradually came back to her senses. When she saw the man in the mirror, she was stunned for a long time. Before, she only knew that He Donglin was handsome in a suit. He was handsome and ascetic, but she didn't expect that he had a unique style in such a trendy outfit. This He Donglin looks like he is going to ride a motorcycle in the next second, he is totally cool.

Su Weiwei's eyes were full of stars, "It would be perfect if there was another motorcycle, it would be cool!"

He Donglin didn't expect that she would like motorcycles, "If you like it, I can take you to experience it."

This time it was Su Weiwei's turn to be surprised. After all, in her heart, He Donglin was the flower of the mountains, a boss-level person who was difficult to get close to. Although she not only watched it from a distance but also played with it, the boss's character was still there. Now the boss actually invited her to experience motorcycles

"Can you drive?" Do you want to be so versatile

"There are many men who can't drive, but there are really not many men who can't ride a motorcycle. Weiwei, are your requirements too low?" After He Donglin said that, he pulled her out. The cold wind blew, and Su Weiwei couldn't help but wrap up. Holding her coat tightly, she didn't sit on it until He Donglin handed over two helmets, filled with unreality.

I don’t know where he found this motorcycle. It turned out to be quite cool. It was big and bulky, but it had a clumsy and wild nature. It was the first time in Su Weiwei’s life to ride a motorcycle. It felt fresh at the moment, but it was different from what she had imagined. Likewise, someone did not act scheming, making her hug her waist when driving, nor did he scream when walking in an S-shape. He Donglin drove like him. Although he was fast, he was also very stable. Of course, his driving skills were the same as his. In bed, it's still far behind.

In Su Weiwei's impression, motorcycles have always been a must-have tool for flirting with girls, but after riding a motorcycle in the winter, she realized that her legs were so cold that she couldn't feel anything, and her hair was blown by the wind like an idiot. Who else could do it? He was thinking about love. Ten minutes later, He Donglin parked his motorcycle in front of a store. Soon he came back with a pack of salt and pepper pig's trotters.

Su Weiwei immediately stopped complaining. Who the hell could tolerate such delicious roasted pig's trotters on a cold day

Seeing that she was enjoying her meal, He Donglin leaned next to the motorcycle and said with a warm smile: "I also have a motorcycle and I can eat the pig's trotters. Is it perfect?"

Su Weiwei understood that he was responding to what she said just now, "It would be perfect if there was another motorcycle."

She couldn't help but smile. She just mentioned it casually, but he seriously found a motorcycle to take her out to eat roasted pig's trotters. Although the old couple was not romantic, under the dark night sky, he was wearing a leather jacket. Standing next to the black airport to protect her from the wind, she trembled while eating pig's trotters and leaned against him. This feeling was like falling in love.

Realizing this, Su Weiwei's heart beat violently. She had to admit that the boss's charm had become stronger and stronger recently, and he always turned her on.

"Whether it's perfect or not depends on your performance," Su Weiwei provoked, giving him a look that made everyone understand. He Donglin raised his eyebrows, hugged her and bit her ear, "Then you'll see how I perform tonight?"

The boss always sticks to his word, and he puts his practice into practice in the evening in order to improve his rating and increase the perfect value. This night, Su Weiwei watched the boss change his clothes, rode a motorcycle, ate pig's trotters, and was served with full marks when he came back. No matter how you think about it, it’s a great value.

The next day, He Donglin returned to his usual clothes. Su Weiwei looked at the serious and uninspired boss and couldn't help but feel a little regretful. She really missed the He Donglin from last night. He was young and handsome, and could flirt with girls. How different from now. , wearing expensive suits, leather shoes, and ties, he looked rich and powerful at first glance, nothing new.

She knelt down on the bed irritably, pouting, "Where did last night's Ku Gai go?"

A smile flashed in He Donglin's eyes, and he pressed a kiss on her begging lips, "Hope he comes back?"


"I promise you that I will let him come back once a month in the future. That time he will take you to do something you have never done before. Like a young man in love, that day he does not belong to anyone but you."