I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 146


As an invited guest again, Su Weiwei accompanied the Nobel laureate to a dinner party. Practice makes perfect. Su Weiwei prepared her dress early in the morning and went to the same place to take photos. She tried to compare them with the photos taken many years ago to prove that time is really enough for her. tolerant.

I revisited my old place. The last time I came here, Qingcheng was still a child. I didn’t expect that he would become the backbone of the family so quickly, and Su Weiwei began to look up to him. This kind of family feels like a handsome boy has just grown up, which is inexplicably heart-wrenching. .

Xiao Yezi even wiped her tears frantically, "Mom, I'm so stressed. Everyone compares me to my brother."

Su Weiwei looked at her silently, "You have been abused for so many years and you are still not used to it? Anyway, I have already gotten used to it. Don't worry, my good daughter. After a few more abuses, you will probably be able to recognize the reality."

Little Ye Zi cried and held her tight, saying she wanted an explanation, "Why did you inherit such a high IQ from my brother and then pass it on to me like this?"

Cai Yun knocked her on the head, "Aren't you smart enough? You have teased all the children in the compound until they cried for their parents since they were little. Your mother and I are being looked after by other parents all day long. You are a smart kid but you don't think you are smart enough? You Do you think everyone is Einstein? Your brother is not an ordinary person, and there is no need for us to compare with him. If we are smarter than ordinary people and study hard and work hard, we are already very good."

Xiao Yezi's IQ is not as good as Qingcheng's, but it is considered adequate among ordinary people, because he has been involved in various circles with his aunts and uncles since he was a child. Xiao Zizi's emotional intelligence is very high, and he is always at home no matter what he does. He is very good at painting and playing the cello. A talented girl who is good at it. She has appeared in several variety shows recently. Everyone praises her for being beautiful, humble and hard-working. It can be said that she is also someone that ordinary people look up to.

But compared to a genius like Qingcheng, Su Weiwei also understood many years ago that many things are destined for a person from birth, such as IQ, and the physical formulas that Qingcheng can figure out in one minute, maybe she She could never understand it in her life. Many physics knowledge seemed to her like a sacred book. When reading hard science fiction novels, she basically had to skip those hard knowledge. That was the minimum respect a scumbag would have for the author.

Therefore, Su Weiwei is very calm, "In this life, people will gradually realize that they are just ordinary people."

"Then why doesn't my brother have such an opportunity?"

Su Weiwei was also worried, "Who told you that you wouldn't swim hard when you were a tadpole? If you swim harder, maybe you will have a smarter combination."

"..." Xiao Yezi was embarrassed. She suspected that her mother was driving, but she had no evidence.

This time I went to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. The protagonists were Qingcheng and Xiao Tangyuan. Xiao Yezi also received a lot of attention. Su Weiwei and He Donglin were also rejected by many people because of their previous "cheating", but these were just leftovers and everyone worshiped them. The protagonist of "Chengcheng", his achievements have been mentioned by many people in the media. As the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, girls across the country are clamoring to marry Chengcheng.

Suddenly being called mother-in-law by girls all over the country, Su Weiwei suddenly felt like Alexander.

Afterwards, the media reviewed in detail the achievements of each member of the Liang family, reviewed Liang Weidong's contribution to research, his life, and his growth process; reviewed Liang Xiaomei's debut and transformation, her film and television works, her directorial works, her The published works talked about the focus on women in her literary works; reviewed Liang Minying's contribution to the Chinese fashion industry; reviewed the status of the twins Liang Mingsu and Liang Mingzhong in the Chinese entertainment industry.

The media also satisfied the curiosity of netizens and explained in detail why the eldest son of the Liang family, He Donglin, was named He. As a result, the audience in front of the TV listened to the legend of this family as if they were listening to a book from heaven.

Not surprisingly, the small rural village where Su Weiwei's family lived has become a holy place for people across the country. The fact that a small village has so many big bosses and two Nobel Prize winners only shows that the feng shui of this village is not so good. Su Weiwei saw pictures of the countryside on TV and couldn't help but sigh. The Liang family's ancestral home was still the same as in the impression. After they became famous, they did not build the ancestral home in a luxurious style like others. On the contrary, everyone felt that it was reserved. The original appearance is the most memorable, so now that other families have built high-rise buildings, only their house is still a shabby rough tiled house.

The media also invited old neighbors such as Zhang Guihua and Shi Guiying to interview and asked them to tell what happened to the Liang family when they lived in the countryside.

Su Weiwei reasonably suspected that they must have beautified her, otherwise why did they say that she became a virtuous and sacrificial traditional woman? Zhang Guihua also specifically mentioned that she sold blood to Liang Weidong to attend high school. She told how she kept her virginity for He Donglin and took her children to fight against her evil mother-in-law. In order to take her children to school, she followed Meng's mother's move and went to the city to earn money to support her. The child studied, and finally concluded that she, Su Weiwei, was a very good sister-in-law, and it was because of her that the Liang family could reach where they are today.

Although there were not too many rainbow farts, Su Weiwei still felt inexplicably guilty. "I was thinking, I didn't do anything at all, right?"

Sitting in front of the TV and hearing these words, the Liang family couldn't help but sigh. Many people slowly recalled the hard days in the past. Everyone understood that if it weren't for Su Weiwei, this family would never be what it is today.

Liang Mingsu smiled and shook his head, "If my sister-in-law hadn't given me the reality show idea and encouraged me to go to the TV station, how could I be where I am today?"

I think she was a rural girl who just came to the city and didn't know anything. If she wasn't creative, why would the TV station give her a chance

Liang Minying, who is wearing a white slim-fitting suit, also laughed and said: "If it weren't for my sister-in-law, I wouldn't be able to open the factory. Over the years, my sister-in-law has always been responsible for lw's design. If my sister-in-law hadn't set the direction for lw, we would have firmly gone high-end." Route, lw wouldn’t be where he is today.”

Nowadays, lw is already a first-line luxury brand and a benchmark for domestic brands. Its luggage brands have starting prices of several thousand dollars and are very popular. Even she never thought that lw would be what it is today.

Liang Mingzhong looked at Su Weiwei and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you are so humble. You didn't encourage me to go to Beijing to be a blind streamer and to sell songs on the street. How could I have met my future manager and entered the entertainment industry?"

Little Brother Liang also blew a rainbow fart, "Sister-in-law, please stop being modest. You were the one who introduced me to the industry. Do you know? I was a very unsure person at the time. If you insult me a few words, tell me not to be a fool." Meng, maybe I won’t have the courage to enter this business.”

Liang Xiaomei also hugged Su Weiwei, "Sister-in-law, I won't say much. For your birthday this year, I will give you a winery."

Everyone was shocked by her handiwork, "Where's the winery?"

"French!" Liang Xiaomei was very proud. She had always remembered what Su Weiwei said. She had determined to give her sister-in-law a winery since she was a child. In fact, she had already been rich, but she had been investing in movies in the past few years and did not have enough cash. She only started this at the beginning of this year. talk.

Su Weiwei was stunned. She seemed to have casually mentioned that she wanted a winery, but at that time she didn't think it would actually come true.

"No, that's too expensive."

Liang Xiaomei hugged her favorite sister-in-law and acted coquettishly, "It's not expensive, it's not expensive. My sister-in-law has worked hard all her life, so she deserves to enjoy herself. There is a beautiful house over there, which is very suitable for a farming life."

Liang Mingsu frowned, "Little sister, you are so treacherous. Why should you tell us such a thing? It seems like we can't afford it."

"That's right," Liang Minying also frowned, "for my sister-in-law's birthday this year, I originally wanted to give her a set of jadeite, but I can't get it now."

"Sister-in-law, what do you want this year? I have a nice villa in the United States. Can I give it to you?" Liang Xiaodi said with a smile.

Liang Mingzhong: "I just took a photo of an old castle in England this year. Sister-in-law, can I give it to you? I won't live there anyway."

Little Ye Zi on the side was dumbfounded. Although she had always known that Su Weiwei had a special status in this family, she never thought that these powerful aunts and uncles all rose up with the help of her mother. Thinking about it this way, the Liang family could have Today, her mother is really the hero.

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But why does Su Weiwei look nothing like the kind of person who can give to others without regrets and without asking for anything in return? Could it be that it is hidden too deep and not obvious? Xiao Yezi immediately thought that Liang Weidong was engaged in research and was poor. Why didn't her rich father say anything? Isn’t it time to express a few words at this time

Everyone looked at He Donglin. He Donglin, who has become more calm and reserved in recent years, smiled more gently, "I bought an island a few days ago. I originally planned to give it to Wei Wei as a gift, but I didn't expect that my little sister beat me to it. .”

Liang Xiaomei was so proud, but Su Weiwei listened to everyone's words and said it would be a lie to say that she was not moved. She had just traveled through time and knew that the Liang family would be prosperous in the future. In order to be able to hold the family, she stayed in the countryside and supported the family. , she is not the Virgin. She had a strong purpose for being good to them at first. She always pretended to be a virtuous person without asking for anything in return, but she knew that she was not such a good person.

It was just later that she pretended to be a good person. Even she didn't know when. She had never thought about repaying anything in return, but sincerely wished the family well.

Now that she is wealthy, she doesn't care about their gifts, but she is still touched by their intentions. When people live to this age, they will often think about the past. If time goes back, she thinks she will still make the same choice.

Su Weiwei wiped away unnecessary tears and deliberately joked, "Now netizens say that I am the woman behind the big guys. Tsk, tsk, it seems that the best investment I have made in my life is investing in you."

"Jiaojiao, what are you looking at so absorbedly?" In a factory in the south, a woman turned around. She had heavy dark circles under her eyes and looked very tired from overwork.

Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Watch the interview."

"Tsk, tsk, the Liang family is very popular recently. You can hear stories about them everywhere. How do you think this family was reincarnated, and everyone is so good? What a good life!"

Is it fate? Jiaojiao was confused for a moment. She just watched Liang Xiaomei's interview. Liang Xiaomei was wearing a valuable skirt and exquisite makeup. She was sitting under the spotlight and talked about the past calmly. I remember that when they were children, they were playmates. At that time, my sister-in-law was not good to them. They had no new clothes to wear and no one took care of them. They had to go to the fields to help work all day long. At that time, she thought that she and her little sister would be lifelong good friends, but later Su Weiwei suddenly changed. She was very good to Liang Xiaomei. She quarreled with Liu Yumei and tried to let Liang Xiaomei go to school. She bought Liang Xiaomei nice clothes and books, and tied her hair with beautiful ties.

Jiaojiao lowered her head. She thought she had forgotten those childhood things, but who knew she could still remember them so clearly. At that time, she was very envious of Liang Xiaomei and envied that Liang Xiaomei had such a sister-in-law. Later, Liang Xiaomei went to the provincial capital to study and rarely came home. At first, they exchanged letters, but then they gradually lost contact. She knew that Liang Xiaomei had a child in the city. New friends, and she is destined to become a part of Liang Xiaomei's memories like that small village.

She still lingered on their relationship, but she was left in the past.

Later, she never went to school, and she dated a man after she was a teenager, and then came to the south to work. Her man was patriarchal, and she gave birth to three children in a row before giving birth to a son. The children are now in her hometown. Living with her grandma, she went home once a year. Because she worked the night shift, she had heavy dark circles under her eyes. Although she was not very old, she seemed to be in her forties, and she looked older than Su Weiwei.

Jiaojiao touches her face. She should be the same person, but they have completely different lives. If those mysterious things are called fate, then she hopes that fate will be kind to her once and let her live this life. It has to be different.

"Jiaojiao, you work hard enough. You work the night shift and still go to school during the day. Can you tolerate this?"

Jiaojiao smiled and said, "This exam is more difficult. I just want to learn some professional knowledge."

"You are so good. Hey, why are some people's lives so good? They can win without doing anything right after they are born, live in a villa and drive a luxury car. Look at that little Ye Zi and Qingcheng, the children of the richest people since they were born. We have worked very hard. You will never reach it in your lifetime.”

Jiaojiao didn't say anything, just took the book and left. The night shift was easier, so she could be lazy and read a book. If she could pass this in-factory exam, she would be promoted to a higher level, and then she would have a chance to change her job. Although she understands that some people are like stars in the sky and you can't catch them no matter how hard you chase them, she still wants to be a person who can walk under the street lights.

As for the stars above your head, it's enough to look up occasionally.

Su Weiwei didn't expect that this matter would become so popular on the Internet, so much so that someone even picked out Liu Yumei's family.

It was only when Liang Mingsu mentioned Su Weiwei that he realized that Liu Yumei had a miserable life in her later years.

"Xie Zhenjiang and Zhuang Zhuang are really not the same thing. They forced Liu Yumei to go out to beg. One day when the money for begging was low, they beat her to death. Later, Zhuang Zhuang was caught stealing money, and Xie Zhenjiang also Being beaten because of drinking, Liu Yumei is now taking care of Xie Zhenjiang who is paralyzed in bed while begging, which can be regarded as retribution."

"By the way, how is Qi Yuanxin?" She suddenly thought of this person.

"Him? He almost drove Xie Baoyun crazy just a few years after getting married. Later, he met an eldest lady from a wealthy family. That woman gave Xie Baoyun a beating. Xie Baoyun got divorced in despair, and her life was not good. She was with him every day. Her mother hugged each other and cried."

Su Weiwei was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Qi Yuanxin would end up with that woman, but after all, these were other people's affairs. More than ten years later, those things were as distant as those in the previous life, and she didn't care.

Who would have thought that netizens would be very curious about Su Weiwei in the end. In the descriptions of the villagers and the Liang family, Su Weiwei was a simple and virtuous rural woman. Everyone imagined Su Weiwei's simple image, but as soon as the photo was exposed, netizens almost Table, the god is a simple rural woman, she is obviously a little fairy in her 20s. Although the contrast in the photo is too big, the Liang family came out to verify that the sister-in-law is indeed the hero of their family. Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder the boss I have been doting on my beloved wife for so many years. It turns out that my beloved wife is such a beautiful little fairy both inside and outside.

For a time, many people talked about finding potential stocks and making long-term investments. Some parents were discussing heatedly on the Internet whether Meng’s mother should move three times for the sake of her children’s education. Some media even wanted to interview Su Weiwei and ask her what her secret is in raising children. , otherwise why would this family be raised so well

Of course, Liang Mingsu would not give up such a good interview opportunity to anyone else. She specially arranged an exclusive interview with her brother and sister-in-law.

Su Weiwei didn't expect that He Donglin would agree to this interview, but since the bosses weren't afraid of abusing dogs on TV, why was she afraid

She made a special trip back home over the weekend, but unexpectedly she met the heroine. The heroine got divorced a few years ago. She said it was because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not harmonious, and her warm love brand has not developed very well in recent years. Well, fortunately, the heroine’s halo is not a joke. She created an Internet website a few years ago, and now it has developed into the largest gossip gathering place in the country. She is also a successful person with a lot of money. Her daughter Cheng Xin is also a very good person. A beautiful girl. This little girl has a good relationship with Xiao Zizi and often comes to play at home. Su Weiwei also likes her very much.

After so many years, the two of them had already settled their differences. Su Weiwei chatted with Cheng Ai for a few words and then returned home. The old man was sunbathing in the yard. When he saw his granddaughter returning, he shouted excitedly: "Xiaoyuan, your aunt is back."

The eldest brother Ye Chendong's child Xiaoyuan came out. Su Weiwei always loved him and immediately smiled and rubbed his head, "What are you doing upstairs? It's so mysterious."

Xiaoyuan secretly pulled Su Weiwei aside and said, "Sister-in-law, I finally know who my biological mother is."


It wasn't until Xiaoyuan opened her cell phone and handed Liang Minying's encyclopedia introduction to her that Su Weiwei was shocked, "Don't make wild guesses, how could Minying be your mother? Besides, if they were together, why didn't they make it public earlier? And Minying It’s also impossible for me to give birth to you unknowingly.”

No, Su Weiwei suddenly thought of something. When Liang Minying went abroad to develop markets, it seemed that she didn't come back for more than half a year. If she wanted to have a baby, she didn't have time. Thinking about it like this made her feel bad, but if Liang Minying was Xiaoyuan's biological mother, what were these two people doing? Why not just get married

"It's possible that my father's sultry attitude hasn't gotten over my mother yet, and my mother dislikes him and refuses to bow her head and agree to get married?"

How did Su Weiwei know the truth? Originally, the matter of Xiaoyuan's biological mother was an unsolved mystery of this century. However, Ye Chendong was not a three-year-old child. There must be a last resort reason for them to do this. Who can tell clearly what is going on in this world

On the day of the interview, Su Weiwei specially wore a new dress from LW. Everyone said that she was the little fairy who had been pestering Mr. He for twenty years. She, the little fairy, appeared on TV for the first time, so she could not disappoint the netizens.

"Sister-in-law, I am the representative of netizens today. The questions I ask are all netizens want to ask. If you are too harsh, don't hit me when you go home."

The audience laughed.

Su Weiwei, who was wearing a strapless black dress, blinked and said, "Don't worry, I won't beat you when I get home, I'll beat you here, so you have to be careful, hehehe."

Liang Mingsu laughed, "Why are you still so naughty after all these years? Let's get down to the topic. Since we are a family, I will make sure not to talk behind the scenes. Netizens are very curious as to why the relationship between you and my brother has been kept fresh for so many years. ? To be honest, I also want to know this question."

Su Weiwei muttered, "You asked so fiercely when you first came up?"

To be honest, Su Weiwei believes that the best way for a couple to stay fresh is to maintain harmony in bed. After all, a couple has been staring at each other for so many years. It would be false to say that they are not tired of it, but a harmonious life between husband and wife can always make each other tolerate it. When it stopped, I felt I could endure it a little longer. She and Mr. He have never been in love, so over the years, she always felt that she and the boss were just a pure relationship. But after being friends for so many years, their relationship has not faded, but is much better than that of ordinary couples. , which is strange.

Seeing her tilting her head and thinking, Liang Mingsu turned his attention to He Donglin who was sitting aside. He Donglin was sitting there, doing nothing, but with a breathtaking aura. The audience instantly fell silent and stared at him intently.

He Donglin smiled and rubbed Su Weiwei's head, "She is very cute."

The audience was instantly upset. This old couple is so old, and the boss actually wants to kill them by touching their heads? Who the hell can stop this!

Liang Mingsu stared and smiled, "Yes, my sister-in-law is indeed a very cute person. Even at this age, she still has a childlike innocence. The children in the family like her very much."

"Indeed, she has a pure heart. You asked me the secret of keeping things fresh. I think the reason why the relationship between husband and wife can be so good is essentially because they love each other."

Su Weiwei was stunned when she heard this. She had never doubted that the boss loved her. After all, it was impossible to say that she didn't have any feelings for things like handing over banknotes for shares, cooking and feeding after get off work, but he loved her so much, so what was he doing? Are you here to represent her? In her heart, they were clearly just friends, and it was tacky to say whether they loved each other or not.

Liang Mingsu didn't expect that He Donglin would make big moves as soon as he came on the stage. Even her younger sister couldn't help but sit upright and listen attentively.

"When did you fall in love with your sister-in-law?"

He Donglin was silent for a moment, seeming to be recalling, when did he fall in love? When they met for the first time, she was dressed very casually. At first glance, she just thought that this person was special and not an ordinary person. Later they met, and he thought she was very interesting while eating and chatting. Later, they recognized each other. After living together, her attraction to him shifted to other aspects. When a man is willing to spend time and energy on his woman and spend time to please her, he then wants to understand that there is no other explanation except love.

Especially for someone like him whose time is precious.

"A long time ago, but she was a heartless person. If you asked her, she would not be able to say anything nutritious."

Liang Mingsu didn't believe it. No matter how slow Su Weiwei was, he would never be this slow. She immediately looked at Su Weiwei and said, "Sister-in-law, do you agree with what the elder brother said? So, when did you fall in love with the elder brother?"

Su Weiwei pointed at herself in disbelief, did she love He Donglin? Love? Where did you see it? Therefore, during the live interview, the Liang family members and many viewers stared intently at the richest man's wife being stupid. The woman behind the big bosses had a face full of confusion, as if she couldn't believe that she actually fell in love with the big boss. He's so cool, and his expression changes are really wonderful.

Everyone just watched helplessly as the big man's face gradually darkened, until finally he almost lost his temper.

"Su Weiwei." The boss gritted his teeth and said these three words one by one.

Those who hear the boss's words are frightened.

Su Weiwei naturally shuddered. She understood the boss's temper very well. He seemed gentle but was actually difficult to deal with. Especially when he called her by her first and last name, it meant that he was already on the verge of going crazy. , if she knew what she was doing at this time, she should admit her mistake, otherwise she would not be able to get out of bed tonight.

After all these years, the way the male protagonist punishes people is still as primitive as ever. Su Weiwei thought about this, subconsciously held his waist and hugged his thighs very spinelessly, "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding, love. Aren't you okay? Do you have to say such disgusting words? Everyone is so familiar with each other, and the child is already so old, do you think I'm shameless? And next time, don't do it in front of so many people. Call me by your name and I sound nervous."

Everyone laughed, and netizens were almost overjoyed. They really didn’t expect that the woman behind the richest man was actually an invisible joke. No wonder she could push the Liang family to where they are now. Not to mention the Liang family, they were all very willing to get along with Ms. Su. , this kind of weird brain circuit is really fun sometimes.

The boss's expression softened a lot. He rubbed her head again and smiled: "You are always angry with me. Maybe this is the secret to keeping us married?"

Su Weiwei was stunned, so the boss is still a jerk? Yes, it seems that she is going to piss off the big boss and never come back.

The author has something to say: That’s it.

Thank you all for your support all the way. I felt very bad when I saw Shirley’s news yesterday, so I have delayed writing the update until now.

Be kinder to the people around you from now on

Everyone, keep persevering even when you find it difficult.

Even if no one loves you, I will always love my little angel~~


Next book "The whole world is waiting for us to fall off the horse"

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