I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 26


Su Weiwei looked at her son's decisive figure and felt like a mother for the first time. She lay at the gate and looked at Qingcheng walking into the campus reluctantly, as if she had been abandoned.

Your son won't be bullied at school, right? Will the teacher hit someone? Will his classmates exclude him if he can't speak? Will he miss his mother and cry? She was thinking all over the place. Tingcheng hadn't shed a single tear yet, and she was almost bursting with tears.

"Sister-in-law, go quickly! Send me to first grade!"

Su Weiwei blinked and reluctantly held Liang Xiaomei's hand.

When Liang Xiaomei wanted to join the class, the teacher didn't want to accept her. If Liang Xiaomei had no foundation, she would only drag down the class. Fortunately, Liu Yumei was afraid that her son's position as factory director would be lost, so she asked someone to find connections. Things done.

"Little sister Liang, right? Come in quickly!"

Liang Xiaomei is a nickname. Su Wei only asked when she signed up and found out that she didn't have a nickname at all. Fortunately, she was not registered in the first grade, so her name could be saved first and she could change her name later when she had the opportunity.

The head teacher was a male teacher, and he was obviously stunned when he looked at Su Weiwei.

Su Weiwei smiled and said: "My little sister has never been to kindergarten, so she is in trouble with the teacher."

Teacher Xiaozhuang blushed, "No trouble, no trouble, you are my sister's sister, right? Just leave me to me, don't worry!"

Su Weiwei pursed her lips and smiled softly. This smile was even more charming, which made Teacher Xiaozhuang blush even more.

Liang Xiaomei received unprecedented preferential treatment at school. Teacher Xiaozhuang was very kind to her. He always gently called her over to ask her how she was doing in her studies. He also told her to come to him if she had any questions. Teacher Xiaozhuang would still care about her. She asked her about her family life, asked her "sister" Su Weiwei how old she was, where she was from, and what her hobbies were. The younger sister always told Teacher Xiaozhuang everything she wanted to know.

Autumn is here, and the coolness in the morning and evening always reminds people that the short spring and long summer have passed.

In the morning, Su Weiwei sent the child to the campus and was about to leave when he saw a familiar figure leaving the campus and walking around the corner. It was Xiaodi Liang!

Just as Su Weiwei was about to follow him, he saw students who were a few years older than Liang Xiaodi chasing him until he was blocked in school uniform by the toilet behind the school wall.

"Hey! Who is this? Didn't I tell you not to come to school? What? Are my words falling on deaf ears?"

"That's right! What a coward! You said you were going to drop out but you didn't drop out. Do you think we don't dare to hit you?"

"Don't ask too much of him. This coward's mother died and his brother died. My surname is Liang. Why don't you die with him?"

Liang Xiaodi's mouth was bruised and his eyes were swollen from being beaten. He glared at them fiercely. However, since the others were weak, such a move would undoubtedly lead to even harsher treatment. Su Weiwei had encountered school violence before. Of course, she didn't know it was school violence at that time. She only knew that some small groups would deliberately cause trouble for her. At first, she thought it was her fault, but later she learned that some people's evil is deep-rooted. Of bone marrow.

Even though she became stronger later, the shadow of the original still could not be forgotten. Looking at this scene, she originally wanted to rush to help, but after thinking about it, she forced herself to stop. Obviously, this was not the first day that Liang Xiaodi was subjected to school violence. After such a long period of school violence, with such obvious injuries on her face, it is impossible for teachers and classmates not to notice it, but school violence continues to occur. If she rushes out to help now, she may be able to scare these bastards away, but next time they I will definitely repay the injustice I suffered today twice. Furthermore, who does an adolescent boy not want to see being abused? It must be a family member or someone he likes. He never wants his most undignified and humiliating moment to be seen by those around him.

Su Weiwei thought about it but stopped. Fortunately, it was the peak period for school, and students were coming and going, but those people just beat him a few times and stopped. Little Liang quickly walked to school with his head lowered. He buried his head low, as if he was afraid that others would see him. Su Weiwei knew that he was using indifference to cover up his inner fragility at the moment.

She followed the gangsters from another way to the game machine room on the street.

"Hey, judging by your school uniforms, are you from the junior high school?" Su Weiwei asked in a low voice.

When those gangsters saw that Su Weiwei was a beauty, they said, "Yes, why do you ask?"

They spoke in such a crazy tone that Su Weiwei sneered inwardly. Little brats think they are great at bullying others. From now on, society will teach you how to be a good person!

On the surface, she was sneaky, "Let me ask you, is there anyone named Liang in your school? It seems that his mother and brother died at home. I heard that he goes to the junior high school of your school."

Those people were stunned. "Isn't this little brother Liang?"

"I don't know the name, but my surname is Liang."

"Why are you asking?" Those people felt strange. Su Weiwei didn't know Little Brother Liang, so why did he suddenly ask like this? Besides, Little Brother Liang is a coward. He is not a powerful character. He looks ordinary and wears old-fashioned clothes. What ability does he have to be remembered by beautiful women

"I run a shop on this street, and I secretly sell some hardware knives and the like. That kid is very evil. He went to my place and bought several knives a few days ago. I asked him why he bought the knives, and he said he wanted to kill pigs. He killed several knives. He was a pig, and said that those pigs were too rampant and always made trouble for him, which made him very distressed! He said that those pigs were an eyesore, so he might as well kill them all." Su Weiwei crossed his arms, as if he was frightened. , "Do you think he has a mental problem? His eyes were red when he spoke, and he kept mumbling about how to tolerate them a few times. If he dared to do this again, he would be killed next time, and he also said that he must find someone. It’s not easy to find out at night. You have to trick all the pigs into one place, otherwise it will be difficult to chop the rest of the pigs. Why do you think his family wants to kill so many pigs? Isn’t he afraid of a student? "

Su Weiwei's tone was gloomy when he spoke, which inexplicably made them feel chills on their backs, as if they heard the crazy little brother Liang who was beaten up and said these words with his own eyes. Little brother Liang actually bought so many props? Are you talking about killing pigs? You must know that Xiaodi Liang's family is extremely poor. Even if they raise pigs, they can't even raise a few pigs. Besides, who would ask a student to kill pigs? And those adjectives that Little Brother Liang said seemed to describe them!

What kind of metaphor was used by the teacher

Those gangsters who had half smoked cigarettes were frightened. The tall guy who was the first to rush to hit Little Brother Liang swallowed, "Little Brother Liang doesn't have the guts!"

"I think he's very cowardly! He doesn't fight back when he's hit or scolded every day!"

"No, boss, the movie says that if a person is bullied to a certain extent, he will rebound. The harder he is bullied, the stronger the rebound will be, just like a spring. There is an honest man in my village who has been bullied by his neighbors. The neighbor beat and scolded his family members every day. The honest man was bullied so hard that he actually killed the whole neighbor's family in anger! There were 11 people in the family! No one was left alive!" said a short boy.

The tall man's back went numb when he was told that, and he was trembling with fear.

"It's not that evil, is it? It's scary what you said! Besides, we don't do anything to him, we just... teach him a lesson."

"But what if he really kills us? He bought a lot of knives. It can be seen that the crime is not committed at one time, but divided into several times. If he wants to kill someone, who should he kill first?" The short boy asked this question that tortures the soul. .

Everyone immediately looked at the tall man. The scalp of the tall man with a small parted hair was numb.

"Hey! What do you mean? Is it possible that if I am killed, you will still have a good outcome?"

I don’t know which brother said: "Maybe after the eldest brother was killed, the police arrested Little Liang, and then we were saved?"

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Tall:"… … "

Others are convinced that it’s okay! They were just accomplices. The one who bullied Little Brother Liang hated the most was their boss. If they really wanted to kill the first one, it wouldn't be their turn. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel relieved.

Su Weiwei glanced at them and said: "By the way, stay away from this guy! He is not a good person! Don't look at him for being honest, his brother is in the underworld and was arrested a few days ago for smuggling controlled knives. , it is said that he will be released soon. His brother is so bad, he must not be a good person! You should be careful!"

The tall man was very frightened. Little Brother Liang’s brother was actually a gangster? Actually got caught in the police station? How is this possible? How can there be such a powerful person in Liang Xiaodi’s family

When the tall man asked someone to inquire, people from Liang Xiaodi's village spread the news, saying that Liang Xiaodi's brother had indeed been arrested in the cell and has not been released yet.

The tall man was very frightened, and his younger brothers looked at him strangely, as if they wished he would die first. He felt even more unbalanced. Why? They were obviously bullying each other, so they knew how to push him out at this time. He was not stupid, how could he die first

In the evening, Little Brother Liang went home for dinner. He didn't say a word while eating and remained silent.

Su Weiwei glanced at him, "What's wrong with your face?"

"I fell because I didn't pay attention in gym class."

Su Weiwei didn't say anything, so he took a cotton swab and dipped it in iodine. "It may hurt a little, just bear with it."

A cold touch came, and the next second, the cotton swab was gently wiped on his face. Liang Xiaodi felt that the cotton swab was wiping back and forth on his face. It seemed that what was left was not just iodine, but also something else. He has been bullied since he was a child, and it was like a curse. The people who bullied him in elementary school told the gangsters in junior high school. The gangsters in junior high school knew that he was easy to bully and continued to bully him. As expected, he would have to endure it until the end of his senior year in high school. The following is It must be normal to be beaten these years, right? In fact, he was numb. He told the teacher, but the teacher asked him: "Why do they bully you instead of bullying others?"

When no one stands up for him, he likes to read martial arts novels. He imagines that one day he will learn some secrets and suddenly become powerful. He also imagines that there is a big brother like Qiao Feng in life who will save him from the fire and water.

There were several times that he wanted to tell his sister-in-law, but he was afraid of causing trouble to her. When he was beaten today, his face hurt a little. He didn't want to come back. He was afraid that his sister-in-law would be worried after seeing it, and he was also afraid that her sister-in-law would ask questions. But in the end, her sister-in-law said a word She didn't say anything, she just gently cleaned his wounds.

My sister-in-law is not Qiao Feng, my sister-in-law is A'Zhu, gentle and considerate.

Little Brother Liang closed his eyes. The warm tears just came out but he forced them down. He couldn't cry. He couldn't embarrass himself in front of his sister-in-law.

Early the next morning, Little Brother Liang got up late and his eyes were severely swollen. He patted his face with cold water and heard Su Weiwei say behind him:

"You're going to be late for school. I'll bring you two buns and a corn cob. Don't forget to eat them."

Little Brother Liang responded.

During class, the tall gangster kept looking at Liang Xiaodi.

That damn beauty didn’t lie to them! This little brother Liang really wants to kill them! You see there is obviously something as big as a palm hidden in his pocket. Is it a knife? He kept touching it with his hands, which showed that he was looking for an opportunity to strike. He often looked around, obviously afraid of being discovered, and his brows were furrowed, showing that he was enduring to the extreme.

He really wants to kill them! look! He reached into his pocket again! Doesn't he want to do something in class? Wait, did he glance back at him just now? The tall man's legs were shaking with fear.

Liang Xiaodi frowned tightly. He ate two steamed buns on the way, but because it was inconvenient to eat corn on the cob while running all the way, he kicked the corn on the cob in his pocket and waited to eat it after class. But when the class was over, the teacher dragged the class, and the corn was The corn cob never reached his mouth, so he could only keep it in it. He was afraid that the corn cob would get cold, but he couldn't help but put his hand into his pocket and cover it with his hands.

When does the teacher finish class? The corn on the cob will be cold if get out of class is not over.

The author has something to say: Liang Xiaodi: I just want to eat corn on the cob. Is it easy for me

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Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of yelene; 15 bottles of Glass Heart as soon as I read the novel; 10 bottles of Ruohua, Starlight Twinkle ※; 1 bottle of light medicinal fragrance, purple sleet snow, tht;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!