I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 45


Liang Mingsu picked up the money and couldn't believe it. Because she had not become a full-time employee, her salary was not as high as that of a regular worker. Her monthly salary was only a few dozen yuan, and she had no oil and water, which was barely enough for food. And the money Liang Minying gave her, After careful calculation, it turned out to be nearly 5,000 yuan, which was equivalent to her salary for four to five years.

"Sister, you made so much money in just one trip? Isn't this money so good?"

Liang Minying squinted her eyes and smiled. Indeed, she couldn't believe it before this time, but after going out once, she gained experience and broadened her horizons, and felt that this little money was nothing. When she first got that much money, she was very nervous. She transferred all the remaining balance for the clothing to the factory in Shanghai. After the remittance was successful, she came back with the remaining money. As time went by, the surprise of getting the money faded away. , what I have in my heart is endless hope for the future.

This is just the beginning. She will definitely be able to go better in the future, even if she doesn't rely on men.

She believed so.

"It's really easy to make money. Only when I went there did I realize that there is gold everywhere. Mingsu, you are also capable. If you are willing, we can go out to make money together next year. I think even if we don't make so much money every time, It’s definitely better than you being a teacher.”

Liang Mingsu frowned, a little unsure. After all, everyone said that teachers are the iron rice bowl.

She subconsciously looked at Su Weiwei.

Su Weiwei was slightly startled. The book only mentions Liang Mingsu once, and does not use as much pen and ink as Liang Mingzhong. From the heroine’s memories, we can know that Liang Mingsu has been involved in many industries, and was a host in his early years. After Liang Mingzhong sang and acted, the two became in the circle Supporting each other, leveling up and fighting monsters along the way, they eventually became the best in their respective fields. Fans of Liang Mingzhong also called Liang Mingsu sister.

However, her time travel will inevitably bring about some changes. She allows Liang Minying to leave the scumbag early and make a fortune. With the wings of butterflies fluttering, it is hard to say whether Liang Mingsu can follow the same trajectory as in the book.

"It depends on yourself, but I always feel that you are eloquent and good at giving speeches. Being an assistant in the principal's office has somewhat buried you." Su Weiwei said sincerely.

Liang Mingsu rarely received compliments from others. Even to those close to her, everyone expressed their emotions very reservedly. It was a bit unnatural to be praised in person for the first time. She coughed and said, "Sister-in-law, I don't have any talent, I just know how to speak a few words." , but my current salary is really too low. Although I am willing to support my family, it is not enough for me. Or should I take a month off during the Chinese New Year to try it out and come back if it doesn’t work?”

"Yes, no matter what decision you make, my sister-in-law will support you."

Liang Mingsu nodded seriously when he heard this.

Liang Minying ordered a thousand dollars to Su Weiwei, "Sister-in-law, if you hadn't lent me the money to do business, I wouldn't have made so much money this time. This is for you to pay off your debt."

Su Weiwei responded: "Don't you want to use the money after the new year? If you do, you can pay it back later."

"No, let's pay off the debt first, right? It's not good to borrow other people's money all the time. If our family has other debts, I'll just pay them back too. By the way, sister-in-law, we agreed to share the money earned. I'll give you half of it." Liang Minying took out two thousand yuan and handed it to Su Weiwei.

Su Weiwei was stunned and slightly surprised, "I can't help. Besides, you will need principal after making money for the first time. Just keep this money!"

"Sister-in-law, don't be polite to me! If you don't lend me money, how can I have the money to go to Shanghai? You never see me outside, wouldn't it be ungrateful for me to see you?" Liang Minying said, forcibly He put the money into Su Weiwei's hand and pretended to be angry, "Sister-in-law, you have to take it. You can pay off the family's debt and the remaining money will be kept for the family!"

Su Weiwei was really embarrassed, "The debt at home is not much, I can pay it off myself..."

Liang Minying did not give her a chance to refuse, "Sister-in-law, I will be angry if you refuse again! What does the family's debt have to do with you? Why can you only give and not ask for anything? You have paid so much for this family. So much, what does this little money mean? Look at you, it’s the Chinese New Year and you are still wearing shabby clothes. You gave me the only good cotton coat. You said you can be good to me, can’t I be good to you? ?”

Su Weiwei caught Su Yuanyuan using counterfeit coins before and got back a red cotton coat from Su Yuanyuan. The cotton coat didn't suit her very well. From the perspective of her future generations, the clothes were really tacky. I gave it to Liang Minying. The cotton clothes are not cheap and the workmanship is good. Although Liang Minying works in a garment factory, she rarely wears new clothes. When she received the clothes, she was very excited and kept praising them for how beautiful they were until she went to Shanghai a few days ago. Just put it on.

"It's nothing, it's all a trivial matter." Besides, the clothes given to Liang Minying were indeed clothes that she didn't like.

"How can it be a trivial matter? Sister-in-law, I will keep all the kindness you have done to me in my heart." She has not received much kindness since she was a child. When others see that their family is not doing well, they always avoid it for fear of them. Su Weiwei was the only one who stepped forward to borrow money. She refused to marry and took the young and old of their family regardless of their future. This sister-in-law was the one who took the lead in everything. If she hadn't been there, the family would have broken up long ago.

Even if they don't break up, they still can't get rid of Liu Yumei and Jiang Tao, who are eyeing each other next door.

Seeing this, Su Weiwei had no choice but to accept the money, but it felt a little unreal to accept two thousand yuan for no reason.

It was the winter vacation, so Su Weiwei couldn't sell the test papers to the school, so he simply bound the nearly 30 test papers that Liang Weidong brought back together with the previous ones, and bound the nearly 50 test papers into an exercise book and sold them in sets.

She printed hundreds of sets and took them to town to sell.

During the Chinese New Year, there were many people setting up stalls in the town. Most of the stall owners were selling fireworks, firecrackers, couplets and the like. Only Su Weiwei was holding a large stack of test papers to sell, let alone people shopping. The stall owners nearby couldn't help but look at her.

"Sister, what are you selling?" asked a middle-aged woman.

She sells children's toys and fireworks, which are the most profitable during the Chinese New Year. She sets up a stall during the Chinese New Year every year, and can earn thousands of dollars before and after the New Year. Several stalls next to her sell similar prices. Of all the things, only the things Su Weiwei sells are incomprehensible. Are these stacks of paper test papers? Why would anyone buy this kind of thing during Chinese New Year

Su Weiwei smiled and said, "What I sell are senior high school examination papers."

"High school exam paper? Why are you selling this?" The woman was slightly surprised.

Su Weiwei laughed, "My test paper is the test paper for the second class of the city's No. 1 middle school. The questions are all written by famous teachers. They hit the test points and the hit rate is very high. If you finish this set of test papers, you can at least improve by a few dozen points. This kind of top-secret I spent a lot of effort to get the test paper, no, I just want to benefit other candidates."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then asked: "The senior high school class in the city's No. 1 Middle School has resumed? Is it the famous teacher's college entrance examination class?"

"Yes, this is a top-secret test paper from City No. 1 Middle School, the kind that is not shared with outsiders. You also know how rare the test paper from City No. 1 Middle School is."

Today this woman came to set up a stall, and her son also came to help. Hearing this, he turned over the papers and quickly said in surprise: "This is indeed a test paper from the No. 1 Middle School in the city. We have passed two sets."

"Of course, these two sets are included, and the remaining 30 are the key points. They are papers made by the students of No. 1 Middle School during the winter vacation. Think about it, the students of No. 1 Middle School have so good grades and work so hard. They have to do two tests every day. There are three test papers. Our students' scores are not as good as others. Do we have to work harder? Buy one set and you won't suffer!" Su Weiwei started to cheat.

The woman's son was immediately shaken. His grades were not bad and he was among the top in the class. But the problem was that no one in our school was admitted to college last year. He also knew that he would not be able to go to undergraduate school based on his own strength. In the end, 10 out of 10 On August 9, he wants to go to a technical secondary school and go to a normal school to become a teacher, but his ideal is to go to an aerospace school or a military academy. If he can improve his grades, he might really be able to get into it.

The woman also frowned. Regardless of whether things like test papers are useful or not, they have to be purchased first! Who hasn’t heard people say that the test papers are good and that the tutors are good, and they wish that their own children could also enjoy it? This stack of test papers is not worth much money, but it can improve children's scores. Who wouldn't want such a good deal

The woman immediately pointed to the test paper and asked, "How much does it cost?"

"It's 5 yuan, look at the thickness... I'm sure that as long as your child thoroughly understands these test papers, he will definitely improve his college entrance examination by more than ten points!" Su Weiwei said with a smile.

Ten points? Never mind that the woman didn't hesitate: "Buy! Do you have anything else? We can buy them together."

"No more, just test papers."

The little boy took the test paper and sat on the stool and started working on it. It was indeed a test paper from the No. 1 Middle School in the city. It was very rare. There were many questions that he had never seen before. He immediately picked up the test paper and started the journey of torture.

Soon, several more girls in school uniforms came over. Seeing the boy writing a question, they gathered around and asked, "What are you writing about?"

"City No. 1 Middle School Examination Paper."

"From No. 1 Middle School?" The girls were startled and hurriedly stared at the test paper with hungry eyes, as if what he was holding was a martial arts secret book. If he looked at it more, his martial arts would improve a lot. Those difficult and strange questions made their blood excited. It was indeed a test paper from No. 1 Middle School. The questions were tricky, the questions were asked from strange angles, and the types of questions were novel. They were not comparable to the test questions in their school. They immediately said excitedly: "Where is this test paper from? Are you here? Can you tell us?"

The boy pointed at Su Weiwei's stall, "Here, it's over there. Each book costs five yuan. Go and buy it yourself!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and started to do it.

When the girls heard this, they hurried over and bought one copy for you and one for me. The New Year has just ended, and everyone has some pocket money on hand. Other parents may scold them for spending 5 yuan, but if it is used to buy books, the family will definitely not speak a word and will praise them for their studiousness.

As soon as they publicized it, more and more people came. In the end, Su Weiwei sold out all the test papers. People who came later patted their thighs and regretted it, saying that they should have come earlier.

"Sister, do you still have these test papers? I want a set too." A boy wearing glasses hurried over.


"When will that happen?"

"Tomorrow? I'll get some more tomorrow."

After Su Weiwei finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Although today's test papers sold quickly, so many test papers only cost 500 yuan. After deducting the cost, I only made more than 300 yuan in the end. And there is a big drawback to doing this. Seeing that her test papers are selling well, many people will definitely learn from her and set up a stall. After all, she can just take her test papers and copy them casually. There is no technical difficulty. Therefore, this method of making money is The money you make is only the first few days, and it won’t last long.

Su Weiwei knew this and was not greedy. She set up a stall again in the next two days. As she expected, the sales were getting worse day by day. Even though many people came to buy a set after their classmates told them about the situation, there were still people there the next day. The hawking at the entrance of the middle school seriously affected Su Weiwei's business.

After selling out all the test papers in her hand, Su Weiwei stopped selling them in the town. She planned to change places to sell them in the city.

It was not easy to transport so many papers to the city, so Su Weiwei simply waited until the city to make copies. She deliberately found a copy shop far away from the middle school, so that the copy shop would not take her test papers and sell them herself. , she can also earn more.

Su Weiwei originally thought that the sales would be better in the city, after all, there were many people in the city, but when she arrived in the city, she realized that she was wrong.

There is a very important reason why test papers sell well in the countryside. That is, in rural areas, most students live in towns, and they all know where each other lives. Therefore, when a person buys a test paper, he can tell the office She had good classmates, which brought her a steady stream of business. However, the city was a big place and the communication between students was not timely. It was not possible to send a message and come quickly like in later generations, so Su Weiwei decided to sell test papers. The other party can only be a passing high school parent or high school student.

It is conceivable that the chances of this are really pitiful, so the test papers are sold slowly.

The street was very noisy during the Chinese New Year, and Su Weiwei's hawking voice couldn't outshine others. After much thought, she decided to close the stall and go home when the hundred units on hand were sold out, and then try it at the entrance of the high school when school started.

Su Weiwei couldn't sell out all the 100 sets of test papers after selling for one day, so he simply stayed in the city for one night and continued selling early the next morning. Finally, he sold the test papers before they froze into popsicles. She took the bus bumpyly all the way home, and the bus stop happened to be in Uncle Qiu's car repair shed. It was only the second day of the Lunar New Year, and Uncle Qiu was still out stall. Seeing this, Su Weiwei smiled and took a few apples and put them aside. on the stool.

Uncle Qiu didn't expect her to be so polite, so he immediately laughed and said, "You are the one, I said I don't want your things."

"Uncle Qiu, this is not a valuable thing. It's really hard for you to have to repair your car during the Chinese New Year."

"I have nothing to work hard for, but you. During the Chinese New Year, you have to be busy with the laughing group at home, buying clothes, soy milk powder and books. As a sister-in-law, you have done a good job!" Qiu The uncle glanced at the contents of Su Weiwei's bag.

Su Weiwei smiled and said: "It's okay, we are all a family. If this family is together and cares about things every day, it will definitely not get along well."

Uncle Qiu has lived a lifetime, and he has clearly seen these things. These mothers and sisters-in-law are kind to the people below, but once the juniors below grow up and become prosperous, few can really remember the kindness, and there are many in rural areas. The mother has worked hard to raise her son all her life, but when she gets old, her son doesn't even look at her. This is true for her biological son, let alone those who are not related by blood.

"Aren't you afraid that they won't remember you at all when they grow up?"

Su Weiwei pondered for a moment. Speaking of which, her original purpose was not simple. It was to gain favor from these big bosses. It was precisely because she knew that each of the big bosses was beyond her reach that she stayed and served them diligently. Sending warmth was indeed a pretense at first, but then... she pretended to be so warm that even she seemed to have forgotten which ones were true and which ones were false.

What if those people treat her badly in the future? She probably doesn't care! Maybe she would feel relaxed in her heart, with a sense of finally being so open-minded, but she firmly believed that people are all for each other, and it would only cost a trivial amount of money to feed these children. If one day, she would treat this money as... Used for charity.

Nothing is too much to think about.

Su Weiwei smiled indifferently and left with a large bag of things.

Uncle Qiu stared at her back and couldn't help but smile and shake his head. He had just repaired a car when he saw a woman getting out of a black car. She looked in the direction of Su Weiwei with shock in her eyes.

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"Uncle, that person just now...is her name Su Weiwei?"

Uncle Qiu was stunned and said with a smile: "What? Are you Wei Wei's classmate? That is Wei Wei. If you want to find her, you can catch up with her. She has just gone not far."

Cheng Ai was shocked on the spot, and there was no reply for a long time. How could it be Su Weiwei? According to the memory of her previous life, Su Weiwei had eloped with Qi Yuanxin for more than half a year at this time. In her memory, Su Weiwei's family life was very sad after her elopement. Liang Weidong became an apprentice and missed the college entrance examination, so he could only hide in a dilapidated single room every night. She stayed in the dormitory and studied at night. After Liang Minying married Jiang Donglai, she was oppressed by her mother-in-law. Later, she couldn't get along and finally got divorced. She was depressed for a long time. As for the others... their situation is no better than theirs. Liang Mingzhong, who went to Beijing to work as a blind immigrant, almost lost his life when he was robbed because he had no money to find a house to live in. Liang Mingsu was deceived into marriage by a man and his reputation was ruined. Liang Xiaodi was violently raped on campus and later had no choice but to drop out of school. He went to hang out in the society and was later arrested for being involved in Jiang Donglai's car repair shop. The youngest Liang Xiaomei of the Liang family did not go to school for a day until she was more than 9 years old because of Liu Yumei's obstruction. Liang Heming's son Chengcheng because of Being left alone and unable to speak, he eventually developed autistic tendencies.

It can be said that the current Liang family is in a mess. It is impossible for any normal city girl to want to marry a man who has a son from his second marriage and a bunch of excellent family members. At the beginning, she just made the choice that a normal person would make, but That choice cost her too much.

It wasn't until she traveled through time that she learned that Liang Heming was one of the top bosses in the world, and she actually left such a boss behind, unwilling to sleep with a country guy like Liang Heming, cheating on her wedding, and even getting pregnant with someone else's child! She regretted it so much that she realized that what her father said was right until her death. Although Liang Heming came from the countryside, he was steady, reliable and an honest man. Only such honest people are suitable for living. And she only wanted to live quietly with him for the rest of her life. , live an ordinary life.

Of course, she had the big guy with her back so she could enjoy the cool weather, and she also had to hold him in her hands and hold him in her lap for the rest of her life.

But in her previous life, she looked down on Liang Heming's relatives and son, and she severely offended this family. In order to make up for it, she came back specifically to help Liang Heming recover his life in this life. This would definitely win his favor, and she would also have the most difficult time in this family. She acts as a savior when the time comes and makes the family grateful to her.

If you live a new life, everything can be done again, she firmly believes this.

But she never expected that Liang Heming's eloped wife Su Weiwei didn't run away! !

The author has something to say: I have been delayed by something in the third dimension recently, so please forgive me, babies.

I will update as much as possible~~

I sent out red envelopes, but I didn’t send them out for the past few days, so I made up for them today.

Then I originally planned to change the map and go to the city and enter the main line, but there are still some trivial things in the article that have not been resolved, so it should be done soon.

Before, my little sister made a mistake when she called Liu Yumei. Although she knew she should call her Liu Yumei's mother, it was easy to make mistakes when writing.

Regarding paternity testing, this technology existed in China in the 1990s, but it became more mature in the late 1990s. I didn’t expect everyone to react so strongly to this plot. Well, I will write it up later to make it reasonable to admit mistakes.

Also, thank you for speaking up for me. I’m okay with everyone providing reasonable opinions after reading the article. I’m still very grateful to everyone.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: 2 peaches don’t grow hair;

Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmine]: 2 growth; lemon flavor crunchy i, aa Wang Ran (busy 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

ID is not easy to get 90 bottles; two little turtles, croak, croak, 20 bottles; cloud, spicy pear, grass, durian, leeloo, unicorn. , 10 bottles of 1121 Yingting; 5 bottles of Feifei, Lemon Passion Fruit, and Xiaocheng Tingyue; 2 bottles of Fan~Xi and Euler; 1 bottle of Sandongnuan, yifen, and lemon-flavored wings;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!