I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 52


Cheng Ai was a little anxious, then smiled bitterly, "Zhong Xing and I broke up a long time ago, it's true."

When her father introduced He Donglin to her, she looked down on him. In order to refuse to say that she had a boyfriend, she also said that Zhong Xing was very good to her and was much better than He Donglin. At that time, she never expected that so many things would happen later. I didn't expect that I would be reborn.

If she had known now, she would never have said those words to He Donglin. She was really out of her mind at the time.

He Donglin looked at her doubtfully for a moment. Cheng Ai's father was kind to him. When he lost his memory and didn't even have an ID card, it was Cheng Ai's father who helped him and applied for his identity so that he could gain a foothold in society. Later, Cheng Ai's father Ai's father wanted to bring them together, but He Donglin didn't agree. Fortunately, Cheng Ai not only refused, but also had a quarrel with Mr. Cheng to prevent him from being a bad person.

I remember that a few months ago, Cheng Ai swore that Zhong Xing was kind and considerate, and that he was much better than him. Why did they break up in the blink of an eye

"Dong Lin, I didn't recognize people well before, I..." Cheng Ai wanted to pull him away.

He Donglin took back his hand in an evasive manner, frowning, "Sorry, I have something else to do."

Cheng Ai was stunned for a moment, with all the words stuck in his throat and unable to speak, so he could only ask blankly: "What's the matter?"


"Dong Lin, you see it's getting late. I came in a hurry and haven't eaten yet."

He Donglin raised his watch to look at the time, frowned and said, "It's quite late, so you should go back early. If you don't go back, it will get dark."


The door slammed shut. Cheng Ai looked at the closed door and was dumbfounded. What part went wrong? Why did the story develop differently than she imagined

The driver kept thinking about Qingcheng all the way back. The child looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he was old and his memory was not very good in the past few years. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out. He lay in bed and thought about it all night, but still couldn't come up with the answer. Early the next morning, he went to Ye's house to drive. The moment he opened the door, he slapped his forehead!

He remembered! The child was really similar to the young master when he was a child. More than just a resemblance, they were literally carved from the same mold.

Cai Yun was about to go out when he saw him slapping his head with his hand and jokingly said: "Lao Gu, why are you hitting yourself? I'm about to go out, please give me a ride!"

Lao Gu said: "Madam, do you have any photos of Jersey when he was a child?"

Cai Yun was startled, "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Ye Zexi was in poor health when he was a child and spent most of his time in the hospital. The Ye family lost their child. The whole family was busy looking for it, and they couldn't take care of Ye Zexi. For a long time, Cai Yun was gone. After seeing this son, Cai Yun took care of Ye Zexi's health three years later when the Ye family had no hope of recruiting anyone. Later, when Ye Zexi grew up, Cai Yun would take a photo of him every year. On one side of the photo were Ye Zexi's toys, and on the other side were girls' toys or clothes, which Cai Yun bought for himself. My daughter's. She had developed the habit of buying double portions of things since she was pregnant. Over the years, she kept all the things she bought for her daughter in a room and locked them up, thinking that she could use these things to tell her daughter when she came back one day. Daughter, they have not forgotten her.

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Cai Jun took a lot of photos of Ye Zexi and filled up the photo album. She was just surprised that Lao Gu suddenly thought of asking about this.

Lao Gu said anxiously: "Madam, don't ask! Show it to me first! It needs to be from when you were a child! Well... about three or four years old! I can tell at a glance, really!"

Cai Yun didn't ask. Lao Gu had worked in their family all his life and was honest and reliable. Since he wanted to see that she had no reason to refuse, Cai Yun took Lao Gu to Ye Zexi's room and took out a photo from the album. Black and white photo.

"Here, this is the three-year-old one," she drew another one. "This is the four-year-old one. Jersey was beautiful when she was a child. At that time, I always said that if my daughter was here, she would definitely look similar to her brother. After all, They looked alike since they were born, but there weren't so many opinions back then. Now everyone talks about identical, fraternal, etc. But at that time, the hospital didn't pay so much attention to it, and I didn't bother to get checked at that time. To this day, I still don’t know whether the siblings are identical or fraternal.”

But judging from the looks of Su Yuanyuan and Ye Zexi, they should be fraternal twins, right

Lao Gu stared at the photo, his eyes widened immediately, and he was so shocked that he didn't know what to do. If he was just doubtful just now, then the moment he saw the photo, his doubts were confirmed. Before, he only vaguely felt like, But after so many years, he was not sure. Now that he saw the photo, he dared to pat his chest and guarantee that the child was exactly the same as Ye Zexi!

Are there such coincidences in the world? People say that the nephew looks like his uncle. Could the child be a descendant of the Ye family? If you speculate like this, the child's mother is the lost daughter of the Ye family. But the problem is that the Ye family's daughter has been recognized for a long time. This is something Ye Shendong did personally, and Nayu has also confirmed that it is not false.

It was very cold outside at that time, and the little boy's mother was wearing a scarf. When he went to apply for the card, she happened to be talking to someone else, and he didn't look carefully. Looking now, the silhouette and back of the child's mother looked very similar to Ye Zexi.

They are all tall and thin, with good temperament.

Is it really possible to make a mistake

The driver was frightened by his guess. Cai Yun asked him several times but he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid of causing trouble and also afraid that he would guess wrong and hurt Su Yuanyuan. There was no reason for such a coincidence. Besides, he would watch TV dramas where something like this would happen. In the plot, the child who was brought back by mistake was also fake, and his neighbor also encountered such a thing. When he found it, he said it was true, but a few years later he said it was a mistake, it was a mistake. In short , this kind of thing is very mysterious.

He was afraid of hurting Cai Jun's heart and did not dare to tell Cai Jun directly.

When he went out, Ye Chendong happened to come back. He quickly walked up and pulled Ye Chendong aside, "Master, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not."

Ye Chendong pulled on his tie and frowned, "You tell me."

"I saw a child yesterday who looked very much like a young master. There was also a girl whose outline was similar to the young master. How could such a coincidence happen in the world? People say that nephews look so much like uncles, so I doubted it. Could that woman be the missing young lady, and could that child be the young lady’s son? But this is just my guess. I don’t know what to say, and I don’t know whether I should talk more about it. I don’t dare to tell the lady either. , I only dare to say a few more words to you." The driver was careful.

Ye Chendong frowned. This was the second time someone said they saw a child who looked like Ye Zexi when he was a child. Ye Zexi was famous for his good looks in the compound when he was a child. Everyone would praise him when he saw him. Unfortunately, his poor health prevented him from exercising, which made his already beautiful face even more feminine. He took Ye Zexi out since he was a child. , people often mistake Ye Zexi for a girl.

If the younger sister and the younger brother are identical twins, and Ye Zexi is female-looking, then it is not entirely unreasonable for others to think they look alike.

Again, it’s just one time. He might also think that Mr. Ke remembered it wrong because of his old age, but even the driver thought so. This was definitely not a coincidence.

"Uncle Gu, where did you see them?"

"The bookstore just across from Weihai had an event yesterday. Buying a book gave you a pager. Originally the event was over, but then someone complained that they couldn't buy it, so they added another day of event. Go look for it, maybe..."

Ye Chendong picked up his coat and left without looking back.

When Ye Chendong arrived, the activity of buying books and giving pagers was not over yet, but the mother and son were no longer there.

The bookstore owner was stunned, "You ask them? They seem to have gone back."

"Do you know where they went back?"

The bookstore owner secretly glanced at his Mercedes-Benz outside the door and said, "I don't know about that. I only know that she made a lot of money and asked me for a stack of high school materials and handouts. She said she was helping me." They use it for exams."

Ye Chendong's heart sank, but he didn't expect to be a step too late.

He took out a photo from his wallet and handed it to the bookstore owner. The bookstore owner glanced at it and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, this is her child. It seems to be called Qingcheng. Why do you even have a photo of that child?" "

Ye Chendong frowned even more tightly. This was Ye Zexi's photo. He heard what Mr. Ke said some time ago, so he took the photo with him so that he could find someone to use it. He didn't expect that even the bookstore owner would admit his mistake. It can be seen that The child looks very much like Ye Zexi when he was young.

There were still staff who had not vacated the door. Ye Chendong glanced at the sign at the door and asked, "Are you from the x paging station?"

When the staff saw that he was wearing a suit and leather shoes and looked very impressive, they immediately replied seriously: "Yes."

"Is there something going on at your paging station?"

"Well, but the event is over and you're late."

"Who are you cooperating with?"

Although the man was strange, he still kindly replied: "It seems to be a woman. She talked about cooperation with our station, and then she used some method. As long as she bought a book for 50 yuan, she could get an 880 mobile phone as a gift. However, The premise is to cooperate with our paging station, no, we have been busy with this for the past few days, and this is the first time I know that as long as it is cheap enough, sales will not be a problem at all."

Ye Chendong frowned, "Unite with her? Then she must have signed a contract with your paging station?"

The staff member was stunned, not understanding what he wanted to do.

"I want to see your leader." Ye Chendong said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the boss chased him out, panting: "I was scared to death. I thought you were gone. Didn't you ask her name just now? I just remembered that I signed an agreement with her and she signed it. Okay, here's the agreement, her name is..."

Ye Chendong's eyes fell on the white paper. After a long silence, he suddenly raised his lips and showed a rare smile: "Su Weiwei? Her surname is Su..."

"Yes, she said she took the train at 5pm, I must have remembered it correctly..."

Ye Chendong looked down at him and curled his lips again. The boss was stunned and lost his mind for a long time.

Ye Chendong shook hands with him and said, "Thank you. If I can find her, I will buy all the books in your bookstore."

"..." The boss got excited and chased his back and kept shouting: "Have you fallen in love with her? If you succeed, you must come back to report the good news! I wish you happiness!!!!"

Ye Chendong went to the train station and inquired about the train schedule at 5 pm. At 5 pm, there was only one train in the city, and its destination was...

Ye Chendong was sitting on a deck chair at the train station. People were coming and going at the train station. Many people were carrying sacks and bedding. Under the crowds, there was an unspeakable smell of sweat in the hall. He always didn't like to be crowded with people. But at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of security.

Inexplicably, he felt that this time was the closest he had ever been to his sister.

Su Weiwei was very tired from the journey. She was carrying the things she bought in the city and had to hold on to her. She was afraid that someone would get off the train halfway and some traffickers would abduct her family, so she was so worried that she didn't dare to go all the way. After finally arriving at the train station, she had to take a nearly two-hour bus ride back to the village. The bumpy ride made her almost vomit at the end. The child was also very tired, with dark circles under his eyes. Both mother and son were hunched over. He walked into the house listlessly, startling Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu who were doing laundry.

"sister in law?"

"Oh my god! Who did I think it was! Sister-in-law, why didn't you tell us that you were coming back? We could go to the train station to pick you up!"

Su Weiwei was about to cry from exhaustion, "I want to tell you too, but the problem is that I don't remember the phone number, and you don't have a pager."

Liang Mingsu burst into laughter, "Who told you not to remember your phone number? Look how tired you are! This trip is not easy, right? Look at how many things you bought..."

Su Weiwei really overestimated herself. She thought she could cope with it. Who knew that the train was crowded with people, and many people without seats wanted to squeeze in with her. Su Weiwei refused this one and then that one, and the last one went with Chengcheng. A little girl of about the same size was held in her mother's arms. She was always embarrassed to let the little girl stand helplessly watching her and Qingcheng sit there, right? In the end, she had no choice but to let the little girl sit next to her, and the three of them squeezed together.

So although she sat all the way, her butt actually didn't touch the seat at all, which made her even more tired!

"I'm so tired and I feel like I won't love you anymore!" Su Weiwei lay on the bed panting.

Liang Mingsu was amused by her, "Where did you learn these new words? Sister-in-law, you are back. You don't even know that without you these days, I always feel that there is something missing in this house. Even Liu Yumei is not as energetic as before. .”

Su Weiwei raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter? She feels uncomfortable if I don't quarrel with her?"

"No!" Liang Mingsu couldn't help but sigh. He always felt that with Su Weiwei's departure, the backbone of the family was gone. No matter what happened, there was no one to make decisions in the family. Moreover, Su Weiwei also took away Qingcheng, and the family was cold. It was deserted, and they always felt that something was missing. In the past, their sister-in-law was unconditionally good to them, and although they were grateful, they didn't think it was anything. Now that their sister-in-law left, they suddenly realized that if there was no sister-in-law in this family, life would be boring at all.

Liang Minying's eyes were also warm. She had lived with Su Weiwei for a long time, and she was not used to being separated for so long. More importantly, Su Weiwei had not come back for more than half a month, and there were rumors in the family. Liu Yumei went out early in the morning to chat, She said that Su Weiwei had eloped with her children. Liang Minying had called her several times. Liu Yumei's words were reasonable, saying that no matter how big the matter was, she should be back after a week.

Thinking that Su Weiwei only said she would be away for a few days when she left, Liang Minying was not sure when she would come back. At first she didn't believe it, but then more and more people came to ask her, and she couldn't help but wonder if the life at home was too much. Is it so sad that Su Weiwei can’t live any longer? She knew that she could not tie her sister-in-law to this home. Her sister-in-law was free and could pursue her own love. However, she still held on to a glimmer of hope, thinking that her sister-in-law would definitely come back.

In this way, she counted the days every day, and finally waited for her sister-in-law to come back.

Su Weiwei saw that their eyes were all red and laughed: "What's wrong with you? I haven't been back for half a month, what did you think?"

"Is half a month too short? You don't even know that life is so boring without you at home." Liang Minying muttered.

"That's right, sister-in-law, you won't be allowed to go out next time! I've already asked for leave from school, and I'm going to go out with my sister right away. We plan to go to Shanghai first, and then to the provincial capital. In short, we will Make good money, just stay at home, don't work so hard!" Liang Mingsu explained, feeling relieved that Su Weiwei was back.

Su Weiwei smiled and didn't say anything. He just took out the clothes he bought and divided them among them. Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu both loved beauty at their age. They didn't have any decent clothes when they went to Shanghai this time. When they saw Su Weiwei giving it to them, they were immediately overjoyed. Self-imprisonment.

Su Weiwei had a good eye, and the clothes she bought were fashionable and flattering. The clothes fit the two of them very well. After putting them on, they quickly took them off and put them away, saying that they would wear them again when they got to Shanghai.

"By the way, where is my little sister?"

Liang Minying chuckled and said, "Don't mention it. I miss you so much. The first thing I do when I come back every day is to visit your room."

Su Weiwei's eyes lit up, "This girl's love for her was not in vain."

Qingcheng snorted, the day of fighting for favor is coming again.

"Little sister Liang! You walk so slowly, hurry up!" a classmate shouted from the front.

Liang Xiaomei lowered her head and pulled at a piece of grass listlessly. She pulled at the leaves of the grass and soon the grass was bald.

It’s the 18th day since my sister-in-law left. I miss her!

By the way, why didn't you take your sister-in-law with you when she left? Forget it without her, she actually took Qingcheng with her. People said that her sister-in-law had eloped and didn't want her anymore, but she didn't believe it. Her sister-in-law was so good, how could she leave her alone? She doesn’t believe it, she doesn’t believe it, she doesn’t believe it!

Just thinking this way, her tears came out unsatisfactorily.

"Little sister Liang, I heard that your sister-in-law eloped?" The classmate stared at her.

Liang Xiaomei was so angry that she pushed her, "Who said that! Your sister-in-law just eloped!"

The classmate pursed his lips and said after a long while: "My sister-in-law didn't elope, my mother did. My mother ran away with someone a long time ago and doesn't want us anymore. I didn't believe it like you at first, but then I got used to it." Now, you, you have to learn to get used to it!"

Liang Xiaomei was so angry that she pushed her aside and suddenly ran back quickly. She ran for a long time and the first thing she did when she got home was to rush into Su Weiwei's room.

The empty room, the empty bed, the neatly folded quilt... It was exactly the same as when she left in the morning.

It's the 18th day since my sister-in-law left and she hasn't come back yet.

Liang Xiaomei couldn't bear it any longer, so she sat on the ground and cried. "Oh oh oh, my sister-in-law doesn't want me anymore! I don't have a sister-in-law anymore!!"

Suddenly, a piece of barbecue sausage fell in front of her eyes. The sausage was freshly baked. The fat and thin sausage was shiny with oil. Just one look at it was enough to imagine the taste of chewing it in your mouth. Su Weiwei knew how to eat. Even if her food was not good, it was at least rich. She would occasionally buy pork head meat, salted duck, and fried chicken to improve the food. But Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu were different. They made tofu and had porridge every day. , Liang Xiaomei has been eating for more than half a month, and her stomach is empty.

Smelling the aroma of the grilled sausage, she was salivating. She immediately licked her lips and looked up for the grilled sausage. When she looked up, she saw the enlarged face of Qingcheng.

The author has something to say: Cough cough cough cough

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 2 fell in the morning light; 1 is a cute little one, and there is no wind in the field;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

lolo Nana 88 bottles; w 81 bottles; enough trouble, no 28 bottles; Vivian, michelle 20 bottles; once I read the novel, I will lose my heart, 37483891 15 bottles; 38292025, Yirenpang-, Nannan, Mulan, silence, 10 bottles of Rain Forest Travel; Lemon Tea and Tea Sauce, Falling in the Morning Color, Ordinary Heart, Jinjiang is Poisonous, and a Warm Pear; 3 bottles of Dream, A Misty Rain and Ren Shengsheng; A Branch of Hair in the Village, Heart of Jinghu Lake, Lee , but the routine is popular, 1 bottle of Shitouwazi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!