I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 63


Inspired by the last incident, Liang Minying fell in love with the feeling of having nothing to lose. This time she drew the patterns herself, made autumn sample clothes, and took them to the stalls to be selected by wholesalers because of the styles of the sample clothes. It is trendy and not expensive. Many people have placed orders with her. Autumn in the provincial capital is very short, and autumn clothes only happen for a while, so Liang Minying spends more time on winter clothes, and the autumn clothes she makes are not thin. It’s about styles that can also be worn in the winter to ensure you don’t have too much stock.

After all, it's the first year, so it's important to be safe.

However, now the factory is optimistic and everything is done, but there is an important problem that has not been solved - no money!

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Liang Minying was short of money and felt embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, I decided to take out a loan."

"Loan?" Su Weiwei asked in surprise, "Does the loan require collateral?"

"I understand that the authorities now encourage buying a house. You only need to pay a small down payment to buy a house first, and then use the house as a mortgage to get some funds."

Many people do this now.

Su Weiwei frowned and subconsciously glanced at Liang Minying. He remembered that the original book said that the fortunes of the Liang family were very good, and a chosen one like Liang Minying would never lose money.

"It's not safe to get a loan to buy your house. If you fail to repay the loan and your bank credit is not good, it won't be good for you." Su Weiwei thought for a moment and muttered, "Let's do this! I'll borrow it from my relatives in the countryside and see if I can You can’t borrow money, but if you could, you wouldn’t have to go to a bank to borrow money.”

Liang Minying was surprised for a moment, then suddenly blushed, "Sister-in-law, you made it sound like I was asking you to borrow money on purpose, but I really didn't mean that. I originally planned to borrow money from the bank."

"Sister-in-law knows," Su Weiwei said with a smile, "I am your sister-in-law. If I don't help you with this kind of thing, who else can you expect? Besides, if you do things safely, my sister-in-law can also rest assured. How about this? I'll ask you questions later. Ask, see if I can borrow some money to invest in your factory."

When Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu heard this, their eyes lit up. It would be best if someone was willing to lend money. If they were lucky enough to get investment, the risk would be even smaller.

Su Weiwei squinted her eyes. She originally wanted to tell Liang Minying directly that she had money, but then she thought about it. If she said that she had money, then if He Donglin was with the heroine in the future, she would have to leave this family alone. It would be easy to be embarrassed if they were not involved and forced to be together. Furthermore, although Liang Minying and others respected her sister-in-law, this was after Liang Heming died and they had no one to rely on. If they knew about Liang Heming in the future, They are not dead, and the heroine is likely to give them more resources, so what will happen to them? People are fickle, and no matter how good a relationship is, it will become fragile in the face of interests. If one day, she just hopes to leave a way out for herself, so she did not tell them directly, but said that she would help borrow money.

In this way, Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu will remember her kindness and will not feel that her contribution is justified.

Liang Weidong also thinks it is feasible. Today's policy is to open houses, which is a good time to do business.

But he has no interest in doing business. He just wants to do research and, in the words of his sister-in-law, use the knowledge he has learned to contribute to the country and benefit the people.

Liang Weidong packed up the package and said, "I will come back to see you after the holidays. Sister-in-law, two sisters, I will leave this house to you."

Su Weiwei brought the fruits and snacks she bought to Liang Weidong. It would take a day to take the train from here to the capital, and the journey was very difficult.

"Don't worry about your family affairs. Please settle the admission letter issue before you go."

Liang Weidong agreed.

Liang Weidong refused to let them see him off, so he took the bus to the train station. Looking at Liang Weidong's back, Su Weiwei couldn't help but lament that the road to scientific research is lonely. Since Liang Weidong chose this path, his life is destined to be less lively than others. .

Everyone is lonely, and Liang Weidong understands this better than anyone else.

On the same day, Su Weiwei sent a paging message to relatives at home in front of Liang Minying, and went out to make phone calls. Three days later, just when Liang Minying contacted the landlord to sign the contract, good news came from Su Weiwei, saying that it was Relatives offered to lend her money.

But not much, only 20,000.

"That's enough!" Liang Minying said excitedly, "Sister-in-law, let's rent the house first, and rent the old machines from other people's houses for use first. When the goods are shipped here and sent to the stalls, when the money comes, we can continue Append.”

Su Weiwei smiled and said, "My relatives said that the 20,000 yuan should be regarded as their investment. Since they are far away, they won't come to sign the contract. Do you think it's OK to sign my name?"

Liang Mingsu nodded, "Sister-in-law, of course, as long as they are not afraid of us losing money."

Su Weiwei smiled, but didn't care and said, "The main reason is that my sister has now become the young lady of the Ye family. My relatives thought that I would also become rich, so they were willing to lend me money. I am not afraid of losing money. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be money." My sister-in-law is carrying it, what you have to do is to make the factory work steadily, strive to build your own brand in the future, and promote the brand to the world."

She has always been the best speaker. When she said this, Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu were very excited. They hid in the house every day to study fashion. When Su Weiwei had nothing to do, they also dragged her to draw pictures. Su Weiwei had no painting foundation. She could only simply express what she expressed. Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu modified it based on her pictures, and they could always modify some ultra-trend things into trend-setting ones. The final samples were very satisfying to them.

Liang Minying did what she said. After signing the factory lease contract, she began renting machines to produce autumn and winter clothing.

Finally, based on the investment, they gave Su Weiwei's "relatives" 30% of the shares, but the requirement was that if they wanted to invest more in the future, the "relatives" must continue to get money based on the share, otherwise the shares would be reallocated.

Su Weiwei thought this was reasonable and signed a contract with them.

Liang Minying has been running out these days, visiting all the streets and alleys of the provincial capital. She has strong business skills, and the clothing samples she sells are indeed trendy. In addition, Liang Mingsu will say that with her clever words, these local The clothes that appear on the show have become Hong Kong model patterns, popular in Europe and the United States, and trendy items in Japan and South Korea/in the current season.

The two cooperated with each other, and the factory quickly improved.

That day, Liang Minying didn't speak since she came back. Liang Mingsu asked, "Sister, what's wrong with you? I felt something was wrong with you when I came back today."

Liang Minying was startled, as if she hadn't recovered yet, "Mingsu, do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

"Ghost?" Liang Mingsu was startled, "What's wrong with you? Did you encounter something unclean?"

Liang Minying shook her head, "I saw my brother today."

Liang Mingsu was so frightened by these sudden words that he said, "Sister, don't scare me. My brother has been dead for a long time. How could he suddenly see his brother?"

Liang Minying shook her head, looking dazed. On her way to the stall today, she saw Liang Heming standing on the roadside. His body shape and facial features were the same as the brother in her impression, but his temperament was completely different. Although the brother in her impression was also gentle and elegant, But my brother was always simple when he was here, and his sister-in-law never helped him buy clothes. My brother's clothes were incomparable to those of people in the city. But today I saw that man, with a great temperament, gentle and restrained, and a completely different temperament from his brother.

But their looks were so similar that she couldn't come to her senses today, always feeling like she was a ghost.

"That's it. I wrote down the address where I met my brother. If you want to know if it's true, we can go there and have a look tomorrow."

After she said this, Liang Mingsu thought about it all night. Someone who looked the same as his brother? Could such a coincidence happen

"Do you think my brother is still alive?"

"Can't you? The person who announced the funeral said that my brother must be dead."

"But the body has never been found, only a tomb has been made. If he is really not dead, why doesn't my brother go back to find us? Even if he doesn't want us, what about my sister-in-law? My sister-in-law has been guarding him for so long, and she still takes Qingcheng alone. My sister-in-law is having such a hard time, how can my brother bear it?" Liang Minying choked.

The two discussed and decided to go to that place to guard the place the next day to see if it was Liang Heming.

Early the next morning, they went to the building at around seven o'clock. Near eight o'clock, Liang Mingsu suddenly pointed out the window and exclaimed: "That man... that man looks exactly like my brother!"

Under the morning light, the man wearing a black shirt straightened his back and stepped forward without looking away. Perhaps it was because he was approaching so close that he felt unapproachable.

Liang Minying rubbed her hands, very nervous. She was about to walk up, but she saw a woman in a red dress walking up and blocking the man's way.

Liang Minying frowned, "Who is she? Could it be her brother's new woman?"

Liang Mingsu was also upset, "My brother is not this kind of person. He is definitely not our brother. If he is, he will definitely not flirt with other women!"

Speaking of this, Liang Mingsu was also a little angry. Although this man was much better dressed than his brother and had a calmer temperament, he clearly looked exactly like his brother.

If it was really Liang Heming, why didn't Liang Heming go back? Is it to be with this woman

"How can my brother be worthy of my sister-in-law? I'll say it before. If my brother is really this kind of person, I will definitely not recognize him. From now on, we will pretend that we don't have this brother and continue to live with my sister-in-law." Liang Mingsu said angrily.

Liang Minying frowned, she was also upset by this matter.

She always thought that Liang Heming was really dead. She never thought that Liang Heming would still be alive and live well in the provincial capital with another woman by his side.

Liang Minying stepped forward, looked directly at the other person and asked, "What is your name?"

He Donglin was startled and was startled by Liang Minying. He was sure that he didn't know Liang Minying, but why did he look at him like a betrayed person? He Donglin frowned and raised his watch to check the time, "Sorry, I don't accept sales."

Liang Mingsu was startled, "Who said we were promoting?"

He Donglin raised his eyebrows, "I don't buy insurance either."

Liang Mingsu was furious. This man was definitely not her brother! My brother is gentle and good-tempered, how could he be so arrogant? Don't even listen to a word they say? They obviously have the same appearance, but their tempers are so different.

Liang Minying was a little disappointed. She originally thought it was Liang Heming, but who knew that the other person was called He Donglin, and he was not their brother at all.

Did you admit your mistake? But there are two people who look so similar in the world, it's like looking in a mirror.

Cheng Ai had not yet recovered from the shock of their sudden appearance. She squinted and looked at Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu in front of her. Are they also coming to the provincial capital? By the way, Little Brother Liang said that their whole family has moved here. Although she has not won back Liang Heming's heart yet, Liang Heming values family very much and is very responsible. In her previous life, she found such a man uninteresting and would not He said nice things to coax women, but he didn't know how to do things to make people happy. However, she only realized how rare Liang Heming was after re-living his life.

Since Liang Heming valued his family, she would start with Liang Heming's family.

She invested in Little Brother Liang, and Little Brother Liang should be grateful to her. If she continues to build a good relationship with the two of them, she will have a better chance of winning in the future.

Thinking of this, Cheng Ai pulled them to a cafe not far away and smiled, "You must be surprised why he disowns you."

Liang Mingsu was stunned, "What do you mean? His name is He Donglin, he is not..."

"Not your brother?"

Liang Minying was even more surprised. How could this woman know about their family? Wait, does this woman mean that He Donglin and Liang Heming are the same person? How is this possible! Their personalities are obviously so different.

Cheng Ai took a sip of green tea and glanced over the two people's clothes without leaving any trace. In their previous life, they were all dressed in very rough clothes. She had always looked down on them. Who would have thought that these two people would get along so well in the future

"He lost his memory. My father saved him and applied for an identity for him. He found a job with his current identity. If it weren't for my father, it would be difficult for a person like him with amnesia and no identity to gain a foothold in the world."

Liang Minying has not yet recovered, "So, you have always known about his amnesia? Then why didn't you tell him? Why didn't you let him go back to us? Do you know how our family has been living in the past few years? We have to Facing the fact that he died, my sister-in-law is even more sad. Not only does she have to digest this grief, but she also has to drag our whole family."

Speaking of Su Weiwei, Cheng Ai sneered in his heart, what kind of ecstasy soup did Su Weiwei pour into them? One sister-in-law at a time, so intimate, remembering the past life, they hated Su Weiwei so much that they were unwilling to even give her a look.

Cheng Ai sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, he was with me before the car accident, but later he lost his memory and couldn't remember me. But at that time, he told me that he and your sister-in-law, Su Weiwei, There is no emotion at all. I don’t want to see him face this disappointing marriage after losing his memory, so I conceal it without permission, but please believe that my starting point is also for his own good.”

Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu were so surprised that they were speechless. Liang Heming was actually with Cheng Ai? He betrayed his sister-in-law? Did he want to divorce his sister-in-law before he lost his memory

This surprised them even more than knowing that Liang Heming was not dead.

how can that be possible? My brother, who has always been upright and gentle, actually cheated on another woman!

The image of Liang Heming in their hearts collapsed instantly.

Liang Minying's eyes were filled with tears, "Brother is not that kind of person."

"Yes, my brother and sister-in-law have always treated each other with respect, how could they be together with you!" Liang Mingsu was very angry. He looked at Cheng Ai and said, "You are not as beautiful as my sister-in-law, your figure is not as good as my sister-in-law, and your temperament is even worse than my sister-in-law. I Brother, are you blind? Do you want to be with you?"

Cheng Ai's face suddenly darkened. She was extremely unhappy and said sullenly: "Am I not as good as her? Why am I not as good as her? I am a college graduate after all. My family is prominent. My father is your brother's benefactor. We couldn't be a better match. !”

"Nonsense! Although you graduated from college, you are ignorant. Your family has a prominent family, but no one cares about how much money you have. Your father is my brother's benefactor, so you want my brother to be your son-in-law? You are really planning this. , No matter how you have any excuse, you can't hide the news of my brother's death! You are the first woman I would look down on!" Liang Mingsu sneered.

Cheng Ai sneered coldly, trying to laugh or not. He didn't take Liang Mingsu's harsh words seriously at all.

She knows these two people very well, Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu, one is a future clothing tycoon, and the other is a future well-known host in the entertainment industry. Now one of them needs financial support, and the other needs resource support. Coincidentally, these two people She could give them both.

Do they really think Su Weiwei can make them big bosses? Beautiful thought!

Cheng Ai still smiled, "I don't blame you if you can't accept it for a while, but give me some time, believe me, you will definitely like me!"

"Minying, why are you absent-minded while eating today?" Su Weiwei asked confused.

Liang Minying was startled and said in a panic: "No, sister-in-law, I just have no appetite."

"What about you? Mingsu, you've been picking up peppers today, why do you like peppers so much?" Su Weiwei teased.

Liang Mingsu lowered his head guiltily, not daring to face her at all, "No, sister-in-law, I'm in a bad mood too."

Su Weiwei laughed. This was the first time for the two of them to do this. "No matter what happens, let's finish the meal first!"

Liang Mingsu curled his lips and nodded in response.

She didn't dare to look at her sister-in-law's face, for fear that she would find out that if she knew that Liang Heming was still alive, that he was prospering here, and that he was with Cheng Ai, she would be very disappointed, right? She had been waiting for this family all these years like a joke. She was really afraid that her sister-in-law would not be able to accept it if she was stimulated.

During this period, they all remembered their sister-in-law's kindness to them. To them, her sister-in-law's status was the same as that of their mother. Whenever she thought of what Cheng Ai said today, she couldn't help but complain for her sister-in-law.

Su Weiwei thought they had encountered problems in starting a business and didn't take it seriously. She invested in Liang Minying's factory. Although she only held 30% of the shares, if she remembered correctly, Liang Minying would list the company in a few years. By then, , she holds the original shares of the company, even if she does nothing, with these shares, the pension problem is not a big deal.

Well, thinking about it this way, it was right to stay in the first place. It took more than a year to cultivate, and now it's time to harvest.

The author has something to say: Wow! ! School starts in September. You won’t abandon me, right

Woo woo woo, act coquettishly online, please don’t abandon me~~~

-Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [Landmines]: Hanye Shang and Healthy Health 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of cocoa; 20 bottles of newtammy, memory; 9 bottles of nine-tailed fox, Jiangnan Yayun, ymsttmhs, Buyu, lemon passion fruit, Yizhu, 37062791, Tingting; 9 bottles of dream; 7 bottles of Will Titan yui ; 5 bottles of An Yi, Huakai Pinellia; 4 bottles of liquid; 2 bottles of Dayang Baini, Always Good, Lu Ranqi, Mengmengda; 1 bottle of Zhuang, Yunyuanjun, and Euler;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!