I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 69


He Donglin frowned. He had doubted that he was married, but he never thought that he might have children. After all, he was not that old in the city, and many people of the same age in the city were not married, but even if he was married, he still had children. child

He Donglin stood up straight and remained silent for a long time before saying, "Then make an appointment to meet."

Although he had no memory of his past and seemed to be listening to other people's stories from beginning to end, as the head of the family, he left his wife and children behind and disappeared for more than two years, and his wife and children were not living a good life because of this. He could not deal with it. Indifference should always be compensated.

However, if he were asked to treat his wife and children like Liang Heming, he couldn't do it. His wife and children were just strangers to him now. He even felt ridiculous, as if someone had arranged a family out of thin air.

He Donglin was in a complicated mood. During the conversation, he realized that he and his two sisters had been standing at the door/communicating, and he welcomed them in.

Liang Minying was used to living in villas. When she walked into He Donglin's room, she realized that her brother had not been doing well in the past two years. His room is very small. The old house has poor lighting, so the room is slightly dark and damp. When you enter the door, you can see a single bed with two books beside the bed. There is only one wardrobe in the room, which is used for eating. Apart from the single table, there are almost no other arrangements, but judging from his living environment, his income should not be high.

"Brother, you have had a hard time in the past few years, right?" Liang Minying felt sorry for her brother. She originally thought that Liang Heming had lived a very carefree life in the past few years, but now looking at it, what Cheng Ai said was not entirely true. What a carefree man? Will you live in such a small house? If He Donglin was really living a good life, he would at least live in a bigger house and arrange his life well instead of living in such poverty.

Liang Minying felt incredibly distressed, "Brother, why don't you come back with us? Our house is big."

He Donglin knew that they had gone astray, but he had not investigated whether the stories they told were accurate, so he did not reveal too much about his situation and only said: "No, I'm fine."

"Of course you're fine. Just forget about your amnesia. You still have a beautiful woman by your side. How about that?" Liang Mingsu snorted.

He Donglin frowned, "Beauty?"

"That's Cheng Ai. I see you two are very close. What's the matter? Do you think she is better than my sister-in-law? I think she is just that. You said you have lost your memory, but your eyesight has become so bad, right? ", don't think that you can be irresponsible because you have lost your memory. If you dare to betray your sister-in-law, I will be the first one not to allow it!" Liang Mingsu was furious.

At this moment, He Donglin felt that this sister was definitely a kiss!

If it hadn't been for her, he would have tied her up and thrown her out now, but he actually tolerated it and explained gently: "I have nothing to do with Cheng Ai. You misunderstood. The last time she came to see me was to discuss investment." thing."

Liang Mingsu didn't believe this. He Donglin's conditions were so poor. He probably didn't have much money a month. He was so poor. Why did Cheng Ai come to him to discuss investment? Why doesn't Cheng Ai find someone else? He Donglin is not a rich boss, so why would Cheng Ai like him if so many people look down on him

"Fooling! Keep fooling!" Liang Mingsu looked contemptuous.

He Donglin frowned, and Liang Minying pulled him and blamed Liang Mingsu: "Okay, you used to like to bicker at home. Brother, he has lost his memory now. Don't irritate him."

Liang Mingsu pursed his lips, excited? How can bickering with her be as exciting as chatting with Cheng Ai

Before leaving, Liang Minying asked with red eyes: "Brother, when do you plan to meet with your sister-in-law?"

He Donglin muttered: "Give me a few days, and I'll send you a page when I'm ready."

After sending them away, He Donglin found someone to go to the hometown Liang Minying mentioned for him to investigate.

Although those stories were unfamiliar, a complete story suddenly appeared in his blank mind. Even though he was an outsider, he could vaguely piece together his growth trajectory through imagination, and he gradually arranged those stories into his own. In his memory, it was as if he had never forgotten it.

But, thinking of that strange wife...

He Donglin poured himself a glass of water and stood at the window looking out.

Autumn is getting stronger, and this year’s autumn seems to be coming earlier than in previous years.

"Teacher Cai, I heard that your daughter is getting married."

"Teacher Cai, didn't your daughter just recognize her, why did she get married?"

"Teacher Cai, don't forget to send us wedding invitations."

All the old neighbors came over to ask about Su Yuanyuan's marriage. Cai Jun couldn't help but sigh, "When everything is ready, I will ask the boss to come to deliver the invitations in person."

"Shen Dong doesn't have a girlfriend yet? The daughter of an old friend of mine is a diplomat. She comes from a good family and is pretty. Do you want to introduce her to him?"

Cai Yun couldn't laugh or cry, "How can I be the boss of the boss? You think, my boss has had his own opinions since he was a child. He makes his own decisions about everything. Can he listen to me about this blind date? Why don't you just tell him directly."

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The old neighbor was pouty, and she wanted to tell Ye Chendong, but she didn't dare. Although Ye Chendong, that kid, was very polite, sometimes he only glanced at her lightly, and she didn't dare to say a word. Didn't you hear that Ye Chendong's business was doing well and he wanted to introduce someone to his old friend's daughter? Who would have thought that Cai Yun was not in charge of the family either. "You're a mother, why can't you even be the master of your son?"

"Don't tell me, in our family, my son is my family." Cai Yun smiled and shook his head.

She is usually keen on teaching and translating, and seldom cares about family affairs. Ye Shendong usually handles everything.

The two chatted for a while. Cai Jun couldn't help but sigh when he thought about Su Yuanyuan's marriage. Zhang Zhi seemed unreliable, so he might as well postpone the marriage until Su Yuanyuan saw Zhang Zhi's true face before regretting the marriage. Not too late.

Cai Jun walked home and was about to go find Su Yuanyuan when he heard a sound of vomiting coming from the bathroom. He opened the door and saw Su Yuanyuan lying on the toilet, vomiting so hard that the sky was dark. Cai Yun was not a little girl, so he frowned and asked: "You... you are pregnant?"

Su Yuanyuan was stunned. She ate too much in the past few days. Her stomach has been bad these days and she has been vomiting violently. She has been vomiting for several days. She originally thought of going to the hospital today, but who knew...

Pregnant? is it possible? After she and Zhang Zhi decided to get married, she thought that she would have to give herself to the other person in the end anyway. A month earlier would make no difference, so she had sex with Zhang Zhi half-heartedly. That night, Zhang Zhi was very enthusiastic. The two of them had been tossing for a long time. The young man was in good health and could not suppress his desires. After opening the meat industry, she went to Zhang Zhina every day. The two of them had tossing and tossing every day. During this time, Zhang Zhi was very fond of her. Well, she was happy to be a woman for the first time, but she never thought that she would get pregnant.

Is she really pregnant

Su Yuanyuan lowered her head with a livid face, "I... I don't know."

"You and Zhang Zhi are married?" Cai Jun looked unhappy.

Su Yuanyuan's eyes evaded, obviously acquiescing.

Cai Yun shook his head in disappointment. If it were his daughter who was raised by his side, she wouldn't be so confused, right? She knows that many people now advocate women's liberation and think that premarital sex is nothing. Even if she can accept having sex before marriage, she never wants her daughter to be so confused that she gets pregnant before marriage. Going to her mother-in-law's house will always make her feel inferior, even if She thinks it's nothing, but the man's mother will inevitably treat him lightly, thinking that if you marry, you are married, and if you don't marry, you must marry.

People cannot leave their choices in the hands of others and must learn to make plans for themselves. How could Su Yuanyuan be so confused

Cai Jun turned and left.

Su Yuanyuan frowned, feeling that the way Cai Jun looked at her just now made her very uncomfortable. She was pregnant, but she was already getting married to Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi said that he should be good to her, and Zhang Zhi said that their whole family would treat her well. What she holds in the palm of her hand is that she is the eldest lady of the Ye family. What is she afraid of? Cai Jun is really annoying, much more annoying than Sun Hongying.

Because of this incident, Zhang Zhi put marriage on the agenda, and Cai Yun had nothing to say.

She suddenly understood that the fate between children can be deep or shallow. The fate between her and Su Yuanyuan was probably too shallow, which was why the current situation happened.

When going to bed at night, Cai Yun tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She couldn't help pinching her husband, and Ye Xueer screamed when she pinched him.

"Take it easy."

Cai Yun was very angry. She couldn't sleep and saw her husband sleeping so soundly. She was even more angry, "Why do you sleep like a pig? Your daughter is getting married, and you didn't react at all?"

"What's the reaction?" Ye Xueer sneered coldly, "I don't think she looks like my daughter. How could my Ye Xueer's daughter be like this? Maybe... "

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe she's not our daughter at all. It's a mistake."

Cai Jun sighed, why hadn't she thought about it this way? However, the American identification showed that Su Yuanyuan was their child. This was undeniable. "Who could it be if it wasn't her?"

"Perhaps she is a beautiful, generous and temperamental girl, like you and like me," Ye Xueer mentioned his daughter, his eyes brightened, and he wanted to show his little princess's photo to his wife. His little princess was really beautiful. Excellent, although she was in adversity, she never complained about life. When her husband died, she faced life optimistically and strongly, taking care of her husband's brothers and sisters, and taking care of the children. However, she was not a rural woman with old-fashioned ideas. Her character It's very interesting that a rural person actually insists on democracy and freedom, allows his children to grow up in a relaxed and free environment, and treats his children with gentleness and firmness. How can such a daughter be compared to Su Yuanyuan? "Maybe she is better than you and me. Maybe she gave us a very smart grandson. That grandson has a high IQ and is a genius. Just like the old man expected, he will be able to play chess, calculus, physics, and have critical thinking skills since he was a child. Be strong and achieve whatever you do."

Cai Jun was still depressed at first, but after hearing what her husband said, she suddenly smiled and said, "If you really want to be so good, then what kind of virtue have I accumulated in my previous life? My daughter has been away from us for so many years, and she can still grow into such an outstanding person."

Looking back at the beginning, she did not have high expectations for her children. She only hoped that her children would grow up healthily and happily.

Ye Xueer hummed, "We have accumulated great virtues in our last life! In short, don't worry about Su Yuanyuan's affairs. It's not your turn to worry about it. She goes to her adoptive mother every day. With her adoptive mother here, why are you bothering!"

"That's not what you said. After all, I am her biological mother."

"Come on! Listen to me and let nature take its course. Didn't you realize that you are the only one in the house who is worried?"

Cai Jun was stunned, and her brows furrowed more and more tightly. No wonder she felt there was something strange. None of the people in the family were in a hurry. She was just taking care of Su Yuanyuan's affairs.

"Ye Xueer, please explain it clearly to me..."

However, Ye Xueer huddled up and turned his back to her. No matter how she pinched his ears, he ignored her.

During the meal that day, it was rare for the Liang family to gather together. Liang Minying looked around and finally said: "Sister-in-law, when my brother died, he only made a tomb. Do you think it is possible that he did not die?"

Little Brother Liang was stunned and looked at her in disbelief, "Didn't you agree not to mention our brother?"

"I just wanted to ask, if my brother's body was not found, is it possible that our brother is not dead at all, but is just living somewhere else? The world is big and anything is possible."

Su Weiwei frowned, his eyes searching, what did Liang Minying mean by asking? Does she know something

Did she meet Liang Heming

If this is the case, then it is probably not far away that Liang Heming and the Liang family will recognize each other. In fact, at the beginning of the original work, the original protagonist Su Weiwei eloped. After the heroine Cheng Ai was reborn, in order to please Liang Heming, she went to her hometown to bribe the Liang family and brought Liang into the family. The family members all moved to the city. The Liang family and Liang Heming met each other. With the help of Liang Heming and the heroine, everyone developed and became the top boss in the industry in a short period of time.

After rebirth, Cheng Ai helped the Liang family in all aspects and gained their favor. The male protagonist owed her a favor and learned that his wife had eloped. With the help of Cheng Ai's father, he was willing to try to get along with Cheng Ai.

But because of Su Weiwei's rebirth, Cheng Ai did not tell He Donglin, which delayed the time for the Liang family to become big bosses. Fortunately, everyone is now on the right track.

At this time, Liang Minying met Liang Heming. Su Weiwei was not sure whether Cheng Ai would continue to bribe them, and whether they could withstand the help in money and resources provided by Cheng Ai.

But she was never one to worry about this, so she smiled and said, "I have actually thought about this, but if he is really not dead, why didn't he come to us?"

"Maybe it's memory loss."

Now Su Weiwei was even more sure. Liang Minying had already met Liang Heming. Su Weiwei smiled at Chengcheng and said, "Actually, I don't care. I just pity that Chengcheng lost her father at such a young age."

Liang Xiaomei blinked her eyes and frowned, "Brother, are you trying to fake a dead body and bring it back to life?"

Little Brother Liang beat her, "Stop reading scary books! Stop thinking wildly every day."

Liang Xiaomei touched her head and puffed her mouth, feeling aggrieved.

Qingcheng didn't understand why they were discussing this matter, just like he didn't understand why He Donglin looked exactly like his father.

Discussions on the matter ultimately came to nothing.

The next day, the person sent by He Donglin to investigate called and it was almost certain that he was Liang Heming.

As he expected, Liang Minying and Liang Mingsu didn't lie to him, because they were mentally prepared, so he didn't feel anything special.

Now that he has recovered his memory, there is no reason to leave his wife and children alone, even if in his opinion, they are just strangers.

This is the responsibility he should bear. I heard that after his "death", his wife was considered to be the husband's, his son was often bullied, and his stepmother was very bad to his wife and children.

They have suffered so much, and he should give them some compensation both emotionally and rationally.

Although he is currently unable to compensate them emotionally, financial support is still possible.

He Donglin was thinking when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and looked down. Zhengcheng, wearing a yellow melon cap and carrying a backpack, stood at the door and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Chengcheng?" He Donglin was indescribably surprised. Did the child find it himself

Tingcheng ran forward and hugged his thigh, rubbed it, and shouted: "Dad!"

He Donglin: "..."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Landmine]: three minutes of heat. 3; Bing Xin Jade Bone 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Mingshun; 8 bottles of Qingyi and Ye Suixinluofeng; 5 bottles of Huazhi, Ransheng, Jing, Don’t Dig ~ There’s No Sugar in My Pocket; 3 bottles of Jishun; Yunyuanjun, Jueying, Langlangmen, Anran, On rainy days, zy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!