I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 9


Su Weiwei felt a little guilty. It was undeniable that she was kind to him for a certain purpose. She had always looked at the people around her from a God's perspective. Liang Xiaomei was a future film and television boss, bb was a genius painter, and Liang Weidong was a scientific research boss. , even her dead husband who she has never met is an invisible rich man... She cares about their identity, which is the label she puts on them. In order to get more benefits in the future, she keeps helping them, and in their most difficult times. Sometimes she offered help, but Liang Weidong's tears let her know that they were all living people with real feelings, and the plot was beyond her control. Just like now, she never expected that Liang Weidong would cry, and the tears were still there. A different emotion was left in her heart.

When the ink spreads on the paper, it no longer matters what you want to write.

She had never encountered a similar situation, and she didn't know what to do for a while. Fortunately, there were many people around, so Liang Weidong took care of others and quickly stopped crying.

"Weidong, I am your sister-in-law, and I should take care of you. Your brother left early. If I don't support this family, who can help you plan it?" Su Weiwei rubbed her arms and sighed: "Sister-in-law, eat it." It’s really nothing to suffer a little, you must keep the money.”

"No..." Liang Weidong refused. If he really accepted the money, wouldn't he be a bastard? What would the eldest brother think in the spirit of heaven? How could he leave all the burdens of the family on his sister-in-law

He refused to accept it all the time. Su Weiwei stuffed it several times and frowned: "You can accept it if I ask you to accept it! This money cannot be returned. If you really want to repay me, study hard and wait until you are successful and make a fortune." It’s not too late for you to repay my sister-in-law again.”

Of course, she would not refuse if a few more villas could be given to her.

Su Weiwei forced the money into Liang Weidong's hand, and before he could speak, he ordered: "There should be no deadline to register for the No. 1 Middle School in the city. Go there yourself and ask if they are willing to accept it. If they accept it, you can take the money directly." I've signed up, so don't feel sorry for me, sister-in-law. This is an investment, and the money I invest in you is not given to you in vain. When you become rich, you will have to pay me back double, you know?"

Liang Weidong choked up. He knew that his sister-in-law said this just to reassure him, but could he really get into college and become prosperous

"What? Don't you want to?" Su Weiwei raised an eyebrow.

Liang Weidong shook his head quickly, how could he be unhappy? Based on his sister-in-law's kindness in selling blood to raise money for his tuition, if he can really become a master in the future, he will repay her as soon as possible. He will buy her a big house and a car. What does her sister-in-law want? Whatever he buys, he will provide for her like an old mother.

"Sister-in-law, do you really believe that I can pass the exam?"

Su Weiwei laughed, "Why don't you believe this? I said it's not your problem that you can't pass the exam. It's because the school is really bad. If you get to No. 1 Middle School, you will definitely pass the exam. Maybe next year's top pick will be you. ."

The corners of Liang Weidong's lips raised slightly, and he secretly vowed that he would work harder and be admitted to college next year. Within three years, he would make his sister-in-law live a life like a master.

"We're going back. Do you miss home?"

As soon as Liang Xiaomei heard that she was going home, her eyes suddenly darkened. During the past few days, she had eaten well every day, and her sister-in-law would buy her popsicles to eat. These were magical days. If possible, she would rather spend time outside with her sister-in-law. , Don’t go back and look at Liu Yumei and Jiang Tao’s faces.

Liang Xiaomei kept shaking her head, lowering her head and saying nothing. BB's reaction was similar to hers.

Su Weiwei smiled and pinched their faces, one with each hand. Even though they had only been out for three days, the faces of these two children were obviously rounder. Not to mention how good they felt when pinched. She smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I still have it." As for the money, we will secretly buy delicious food when the time comes and we will be so greedy for Zhuangzhuang and Honghong."

Liang Xiaomei and bb looked at each other and were overjoyed.

Su Weiwei was thinking about how to deal with the difficult Liu Yumei when she got home. As soon as she rode her bicycle to the door of her house, she saw Liu Yumei, Liang Fugui, Xie Zhenjiang, Xie Baoyun, and Jiang Tao coming back with hoes. In just three days, No, these people are so dark that it’s hard to recognize them. Liang Fugui’s originally thick skin is not obvious, but Xie Baoyun and Jiang Tao’s faces are simply incomparable, especially Xie Baoyun’s.

Although Xie Baoyun is from the countryside, she is young and has been doted on by Liu Yumei since she was a child. After Liu Yumei took her to remarry, she never wanted her to do farm work. Therefore, although Xie Baoyun also helped the family with the grass, decent farm work was really I have never done it before. This time Su Weiwei gave up. Liu Yumei didn't have enough manpower, so she had to come back to help. She went out at 4 o'clock in the morning and came back at 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. She ate some cold noodles in the field at noon to satisfy her hunger. This was not the case. The most important thing, the most important thing for girls is this face. Because of the harsh sun, Xie Baoyun's skin was bald, red and sweaty, and her skin was in terrible pain. She originally loved beauty, and she endured hardships. Becoming ugly made her resentment swell, and now she had only one outlet to vent.

Whose fault is this? If it weren't for Su Weiwei, would she be so miserable? And she suspected that Su Weiwei did it on purpose. They had finally finished the farm work, and then she came back. She was so angry!

Xie Baoyun turned cold, threw away the hoe, and said angrily: "Su Weiwei, you are really powerful, you left the work at home and didn't care about it. It's better now. We finally worked hard to finish the work on these more than ten acres of land." , you came back, you really know how to pick up ready-made things, is there anyone like you who wants to be a daughter-in-law?"

She got angry at the right time. Liu Yumei only felt relieved, while others looked on coldly.

Su Weiwei stared at Xie Baoyun, who was black and red, and blinked, "Who are you?"

"..." Xie Baoyun loves beauty. Su Weiwei's words just poked her heart. Her skin is not white in the first place, and this sun exposure is even worse. However, Su Weiwei never uses sun protection, but she can't get a tan no matter how much she does. She and Su Weiwei were both at odds with each other, and Su Weiwei satirized her like this, poking at her sore spots. Xie Baoyun almost cried in anger: "If it weren't for you, how could I be so tanned? You are so selfish! You do all the farm work just for your own enjoyment. Throw it to me!”

After saying that, she stared at Su Weiwei with a sad face, as if Su Weiwei had killed her whole family.

Su Weiwei took BB down and couldn't help but laugh: "Leave my farm work to you? You are really joking. Everyone can eat the food harvested in this family, and everyone should have a share in the farm work. Why should this be me? Are you alive? Is it possible that all the food harvested by this family was given to me?"

Xie Baoyun hesitated. She knew that Su Weiwei was right, but she knew Liu Yumei. Although Liu Yumei was nice to her, she still loved her son. In Liu Yumei's view, Jiang Tao was one of his own, and she was her daughter who was about to get married. , if Su Weiwei doesn't work and Jiang Tao doesn't work, then all the farm work will fall on her. If she does too much farm work, her skin will become rough. She is already dark, and she is not as beautiful as Su Weiwei. If she is darker, …

Xie Baoyun shuddered and immediately said fiercely: "Isn't there a division of labor at home? Didn't we agree that you, your brother and your uncle will do the farm work?"

"Already agreed? Who did you agree with? I will do it if you ask me to do it?"

Jiang Tao became anxious when he heard this, "If you don't do it, who will? I think Baoyun is right, you are so selfish. How could you abandon so much farm work and run away? Look at how exposed we are... Besides, As we agreed before, you do the farm work and I cook at home, so don’t think that you are the only one who has the hard work, and I also have the hard work of cooking."

Su Weiwei got angry when he heard this and couldn't help but raise his lips: "You actually have the nerve to mention the division of labor! Do you cook at home? What kind of food do you cook? Gnocchi and pancakes? I didn't say that, I eat cold drinks every day Pickles, just stay at home and enjoy the cool weather. If you get a bargain, don't behave like this. Let's switch it around. Let me do the hard work of cooking, and you can go work in the fields. That's fine. Bar?"

Jiang Tao was so angry that she couldn't speak. She was not stupid, so how could she change with Su Weiwei? You must know that farm work in the fields is not only done during busy farming times. Rural people have endless farm work all year round. They have to go to the fields to weed anytime and anywhere. Her skin is so tender, but she cannot be as dark as Xie Baoyun. .

Jiang Tao hugged Zhuang Zhuang and said nothing knowingly.

Liu Yumei couldn't stand Su Weiwei's complacency. She threw her hoe away and cursed: "I don't know where to hook up with a wild man. A little bitch is a little bitch. Don't think I don't know that you are having an affair with that Qi Yuanxin! I Let me tell you, Qi Yuanxin’s family background is much better than yours. How can he fall in love with you if he is not married and has no children? Stop dreaming!"

"That's right!" Xie Baoyun said with a frown, "Brother Qi has a very good family and there are many people chasing him. He even rejected the mayor's daughter. How can he like you?"

Su Weiwei laughed. She took out the clothes she bought for BB and Liang Xiaomei at the temple fair, shook them in her hands, and said while shaking them:

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"I don't know if he likes me or not, but he definitely likes you. But don't be discouraged, Baoyun. Aren't you just a little darker and ugly and a little bit vicious at heart? It doesn't matter, Qi Yuanxin If I don’t like you, there must be other unlucky men who are unlucky enough to take over, and you will definitely be able to get married, so come on!”

Su Weiwei finished speaking with a smile, shook his clothes and left.

Xie Baoyun was so angry that she almost bled from her orifices. She liked Qi Yuanxin. Qi Yuanxin was good-looking and tall. All the girls in the village liked him, but no one could look down on him because of his high vision. However, he looked at Su Weiwei in a different light. She herself She thought she was superior to Su Weiwei, so she was naturally unconvinced. Why should a widow like Su Weiwei, who suppresses men to death, argue with her

Xie Baoyun cried in anger, pointed at Su Weiwei and scolded: "Mom, look at her, how could she say that to me..."

"That little bitch, don't be angry. Mom will help you teach her a lesson later!"

However, Jiang Tao ignored them and only stared at Su Weiwei's clothes. Where did Su Weiwei go? How could you buy such beautiful clothes? The styles are trendy and the colors are eye-catching. Jiang Tao has been to the city twice, and all the children in the city dress up like this, which is very fashionable.