I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 90


Early the next morning, when Su Weiwei got up rubbing his head after being hungover, he was stunned for a moment before he remembered that he was drunk after doing it. She will get drunk when she drinks red wine. This is something she knew in her previous life. Her friends are afraid of drinking with her. Although she won't do anything outrageous, it is common for her character to fall apart.

She turned around and saw that the bed that was supposed to be empty actually had a person sleeping today.

He Donglin didn't get up? Su Weiwei frowned. Logically speaking, He Donglin would get up at five o'clock every morning, and he would be unstoppable. Su Weiwei woke up one morning and found that he was modifying files. In the past, he only thought that although the boss was a boss, he could still live a good life. But it was easy. After that, she discovered that when she got up every day, He Donglin had already been working for several hours.

But he didn't get up today

Su Weiwei touched herself. Was she really so enthusiastic last night? So enthusiastic that he knocked down all the bosses and worked hard all night, so that the boss was exhausted and exhausted? Su Weiwei was frightened by her guess. How ferocious would she be if she really did that? But it’s not that big of a deal, the boss shouldn’t be that useless, right? How much trouble does it take to tire him out like this

"Morning." He Donglin said lazily, his arms hanging over his eyes.

Su Weiwei showed a slight guilty conscience and asked tentatively: "Did you go to bed very late last night?"

"What do you think?" The smile on He Donglin's lips made Su Weiwei feel that she was being ridiculed.

Su Weiwei touched her body to make sure there were no traces of that thing. If it was really that thing, she shouldn't feel nothing, unless the boss was so weak that she couldn't feel anything. She touched her pajamas pocket and suddenly I was stunned, pajamas? If I remember correctly, she was wearing a down jacket when she came back from Ye's house last night, but now she is wearing pajamas!

Even though she was always calm, she was also startled, "Did you help me change my clothes?"

He Donglin responded, and Su Weiwei took a breath. Even if it was true, she wouldn't be so scared. But she didn't do anything, her clothes were changed, and her body was exposed. Isn't this more scary than what she did?

"Why are you helping me change my clothes?"

He Donglin was too lazy to pay attention to her. He pushed himself up and put his arms on the bedside, looking at her with a half-smile but not a smile, which almost made Su Weiwei look introverted.

"I don't want to help you change either. I don't know who is so coquettish after drinking that she insists on pestering me to help her change her clothes."

Su Weiwei frowned and tried to think back. She suspected that He Donglin's words were true, but she couldn't remember what happened last night. In fact, she can drink some white wine and beer, and her drinking capacity is not bad, but for some reason she gets drunk easily when she drinks red wine, and her mind goes blank every time she gets drunk. But she was still skeptical about He Donglin's words. She looked at him suspiciously, "Then why don't you ask Minying to change it for me."

"Are you sure you want me to call her in in the middle of the night and tell her that nothing happened after we slept together for so long?"

Su Weiwei was irritated. She didn't want others to look at her body, no matter whether she was a man or a woman, but just helped her change her clothes. He Donglin couldn't be so tired because of his poor physical strength, right? If he was really too weak to use it, she would have to think carefully about it so that he wouldn't be able to get rid of it even if it wasn't useful in the future.

"So, you are so tired?"

He Donglin had a playful look in his eyes and a faint smile on his lips, as if he could clearly see her little thoughts.

Su Weiwei became more introverted, but heard him say again: "You didn't go to bed until 3 o'clock last night. You went from the bedroom to the bathroom, and from the bathroom to the garden. At two o'clock in the morning, you went to the garden to have barbecue and watch the stars. At three o'clock in the morning, you I want to climb over the wall and go out to eat roasted pig's trotters!"

Su Weiwei took a breath, with an "Impossible, don't bully me for my lack of knowledge" expression on her face. As she got up, she pretended to mutter as if nothing had happened: "Then I suffered a big loss last night. You watched it, but I didn't even think about it." Saw you."

"So, you want to see me?" He Donglin said with a smile in his eyes.

Su Weiwei was stunned, did she mean that

He Donglin stood up. Su Weiwei turned around and saw his straight legs. Looking up...

He Donglin didn't wear pajamas last night? No, she's going to have a nosebleed. What's with the feeling of strength near her waist? And he doesn't seem to exercise much, but his muscles are tight and smooth, and the proportions of each part are just right. He's clearly wearing clothes and is so elegant. A strange person who takes off his clothes but still has a strange sexual tension.

Before leaving, He Donglin glanced at her and raised his eyebrows, "Is it even now?"

After that, I put on my clothes and went out feeling refreshed.

During breakfast, Su Weiwei was eating seriously with his head down, when the child Qingcheng on the side asked: "Weiwei, dad and I are going to play basketball, are you going?"

Su Weiwei was stunned, "What am I doing when you play basketball?"

"Go carry things for us." Qingcheng took it for granted. After all, he had played basketball with He Donglin several times, and every time the girls on the side of the basketball court cheered for the boys to carry things. Although he was young, he also I wanted to experience that feeling, so I suggested that Su Weiwei go together.

Su Weiwei frowned, "Do you think your mother is like free labor?"

Tingcheng frowned, "But I really can't live without you, and I want you to accompany me when I play ball."

Her son never said such things, and Su Weiwei couldn't stand it when he acted coquettishly. At that moment, she rubbed Qingcheng's little face, willing to be deceived, "Okay, then mom, go change clothes!"

Hearing this, Qingcheng stretched out her fist to check with He Donglin, and said proudly: "Look! If I invite Weiwei, she will definitely go! You lose, today you have to shoot a hundred times behind my back."

Su Weiwei almost fell down and felt like she was being tricked.

After going to the basketball court, Su Weiwei found out that Zhong Ding had also brought Xiao Tangyuan. When Xiao Tangyuan saw her, he excitedly jumped into her arms and said affectionately: "Aunt Su, Xiao Tangyuan misses you so much. All."

Su Weiwei's heart almost melted. Compared with her son who always tried to trick her, look at her little glutinous rice balls. They were considerate and cute, and they were so lovable.

"Auntie misses you too. Where is your mother?"

"Mom went to the lab."

Zhong Ding is tall and plays basketball well. He Donglin also plays basketball to a good standard. He looks like he plays regularly. The relationship between the two is better than Su Weiwei imagined and they cooperate very well. After a while, Xiao Chengcheng I came over to drink water. After drinking the water cup, I was about to put it in Su Weiwei's hand when I heard Xiao Tangyuan raise her hand and say: "Brother Qingcheng, let me get the water cup for you!"

After saying that, he grabbed Qingcheng's water glass and held it in his arms.

Su Weiwei was sure. The tips of Qingcheng's ears were red when she turned around.

Tingcheng didn't know how to play yet and spent most of her time shooting the ball. He Donglin would sometimes hold him and shoot. However, Su Weiwei thought it was quite dangerous. They played for nearly two hours, during which Su Weiwei almost fell asleep. , she really doesn’t think there’s anything interesting about basketball.

When Su Weiwei went back, he was walking well, but a certain boss suddenly came over.

"What do you think of me playing ball?"

Su Weiwei frowned, what about? Although she played well, it wasn't something she could boast about, right? She raised her eyebrows in confusion, "Is it okay?"

"I'm glad Mrs. He recognized my physical ability."

Su Weiwei didn't understand how it was linked to physical fitness, but he heard He Donglin say softly: "I will train hard in the future and try not to let you doubt my ability."

Su Weiwei froze for a moment, and then thought about it this morning. She suspected that the boss was weak because of her weakness. The boss must have seen her expression clearly, so he could clearly see that she was using her. Actual actions show that his physical fitness is absolutely fine. Not only is it fine, it can also be said to be very good? Su Weiwei was almost depressed. She really wasn't that easy to see through. How did he figure it out

After returning home, Su Weiwei planned to deliver food to Ye Zexi. Although she did not cook the food, she still had to deliver food every day.

However, just as she was about to go out, her pager rang. Jiang Xin, a scientific research fanatic, excitedly told her that there were new results there and she must go there. Su Weiwei laughed, just as Liang Mingsu came in, she quickly gave the thermos box to Liang Mingsu.

"Susu, send it to me. Remember to write down his physical reaction in the notebook. Be sure to note it down carefully."

Liang Mingsu froze on the spot, "Sister-in-law, who should I give it to?"

"A man!"

"Yeah? My brother isn't jealous?"

Su Weiwei was too lazy to explain to her and rushed out. When she arrived at Jiang Xin's place, she realized that what Jiang Xin said was true. Jiang Xin had been studying yeast before. Recently, she extracted a special ingredient from the yeast. This ingredient was added to All kinds of skin care products can be used. Adding a facial mask can strongly hydrate the skin and make the skin plump immediately.

Su Weiwei was startled. Isn't it difficult to discover this ingredient? After all, a certain brand is famous for its yeast extract. It is said that no third person knows the formula of some brands. The two executives who know the secret will not fly at the same time. They have done a very good job of keeping it secret. It can be seen that the formula is very important for skin care. How important is it to a product, but Jiang Xin discovered yeast extract just like this? It also said that it is very similar to a moisturizing factor, so the hydrating effect will be very good. Is this also the heroine’s golden finger

"You're so amazing. You've made progress so quickly?"

Jiang Xin laughed, "Didn't you say you want it in a hurry? At present, this ingredient is quite stable, so adding it to the mask is not a big problem."

Su Weiwei laughed, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

On Saturday, Su Weiwei turned on the TV on time to watch Liang Mingsu's program. I have to say that Liang Mingsu was really photogenic, bright and atmospheric. In addition, this program has high ratings. Every Saturday, every household is watching it. This is a no-brainer. In the era of variety shows, unlike later generations, every platform has endless programs. People are highly selective, and the ratings of variety shows are not that good. However, in this era, this kind of program is national, so that Liang Mingsu is more popular than a star.

After Su Weiwei watched it, he also happily guessed the song names. There are also some interactive games in this show, which are generally very interesting.

Liang Mingsu was rarely at home, so he and Su Weiwei ate sunflower seeds and watched TV together.

"It's so embarrassing to watch my own show."

Su Weiwei smiled and said, "As long as I'm not embarrassed."

Liang Mingsu smiled and glanced at her again, "Sister-in-law, who is the person you asked me to deliver food to? Aren't you afraid that my brother will be jealous?"

Su Weiwei was stunned, "You didn't ask him?"

Liang Mingsu paused for a moment and then said, "I asked, and his answer was the same as yours." At that time, Ye Zexi just laughed softly: "You didn't ask her?"

These two people really have a good understanding of each other, so much so that Liang Mingsu, who has always been on Su Weiwei's side, has a tendency to switch sides. Is my sister-in-law going to climb the wall? This made people anxious, so she didn't go to the TV station tonight, but stayed at home to watch the show with her sister-in-law, just hoping to have a good talk with her.

"Sister-in-law, although I know that my brother is a bit boring and his financial situation is not good. As for that man, although he is not in good health, he is handsome and has the temperament of a noble man. More importantly, he is a local and lives in a villa. He also has money. I know he is in good condition, but you should give my brother another chance! Ah! Please, please!" Liang Mingsu clasped her hands together and begged Su Weiwei pitifully to favor He Donglin. Su Weiwei was amused by her. Smiling, she gave the boss a chance? Did Liang Mingsu misunderstand too much

She deliberately teased her and said with a sigh, "Hey, actually, your brother also knows about this."

Liang Mingsu was dumbfounded. Did her brother know? Her brother knew and was still so open-minded? Ask your sister-in-law to go find someone outside

"how can that be possible?"

"How is it impossible? You see, he cooks for me every day. He said that as long as I am willing to stay with him, he doesn't care about anything. Hey, you see your brother is so affectionate, what can I say? Mingsu, you won't blame me, right?" Su Weiwei blinked.

Liang Mingsu was confused. Her sister-in-law was so kind to her, so she wouldn't blame her. After all, she knew that cheating was sometimes difficult to control. When her brother lost his memory and her sister-in-law became a widow, it was understandable even if there were things outside. .


Su Weiwei raised her eyebrows again and asked, "How is it? He is handsome, isn't he? He has the air of a noble man? He is a nice person, right? Isn't he very charming?"

Liang Mingsu looked away. She admitted that the man was nice and it was interesting to talk to him, but he was a little weak.

"Although I often quarrel with my brother, I stand firmly on his side."

Su Weiwei sighed solemnly: "I can't help it, both of them are so good, I can't give up either one, so I can only keep them both."

"..." Liang Mingsu was shocked by Su Weiwei's openness. She had never thought that Su Weiwei had scumbag attributes. How could she say such words in a very embarrassing tone as to accept both of them? She thought Liang Mingsu had not been in love yet, but Su Wei had only been in love with each other, and He Donglin didn't object? What kind of charisma is this! She must learn from her sister-in-law.

After that, Liang Mingsu kept staring at He Donglin with strange eyes.

Several times He Donglin asked: "Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No, but there's something above your head."

He Donglin touched the top of his head, but there was nothing on it, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Liang Mingsu lowered his head to eat and never looked at him again. Isn't this obvious? Don't He Donglin feel that he is surrounded by a green cloud

For the sake of family harmony, she'd better shut up! Anyway, men can tolerate eating women outside, so is it normal for women to tolerate eating men? After all, her sister-in-law often taught her to learn to look at problems from different angles.

Cheng Ai covered herself with the quilt irritably. She had been very annoyed recently. She had obviously kicked away her scumbag boyfriend and had good conditions to be with He Donglin, but He Donglin had been avoiding her and regarded her as a scourge. , and even lived with Su Weiwei. The more she thought about the information she investigated, the more anxious she became.

No matter how she makes money in her life, she will never make more than He Donglin, and he is the richest man in the future. How about giving up so much money to Su Weiwei? Furthermore, He Donglin is so honest and upright and doesn't mess around outside. Why should such a man be left to others! Whenever she thinks about such a huge gold mine being dug away by others, she feels extremely uncomfortable.

There was a knock on the door, and Cheng Shusheng came in and said, "How are you and Donglin doing?"

Cheng Ai sighed irritably, "He doesn't pay much attention to me."

Cheng Shusheng was slightly startled, "I can trust Donglin's character. He is a very good man, upright and responsible. If you can be together, I believe he is a very good husband, but you have always said that you don't like him and that he is not outstanding." , I’m afraid he also has ideas.”

Cheng Ai also regretted it. It would have been better if he had traveled back through time earlier.

"That's it. If you are really not suitable, then I will arrange another blind date for you. I have a junior high school classmate who has a very good family background. His son is very capable and has opened many companies. He is also a very outstanding person, although he has a little vision. High, but he does have such capital, you can meet him if you want."

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Cheng Ai was a little irritated. What kind of man could be as good as He Donglin? He Donglin is the future richest man. No matter how many companies he opens, he can't be richer than He Donglin. Why should she give up the good ones to get the bad ones

The author has something to say: Have you eaten mooncakes

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: Yin Huan, I would rather break than straight, and three minutes of heat. , alien oceans 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of eianei; 10 bottles of Boji~, Beiwu, Mingshun, 22016334, alien oceans; 9 bottles of Huakai Pinellia; 7 bottles of eating melon balls; 5 bottles of Suzumiya's Cat; 3 bottles of 25700445; ac, Zhuang, Qiao Wan qwq, Erbanyue, 1 bottle of Euler;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!