I Raised a Big Boss in the ’90s

Chapter 93


Su Weiwei, who had been thinking about the alimony, didn't react until He Donglin came to her. He Donglin first picked up Qingcheng, then looked at her, "Why didn't you tell me when you came?"

Su Weiwei raised her eyebrows and said quietly: "You think I disturbed your date?"

There was a slight smile in He Donglin's eyes, "I'm talking nonsense again. Come here, let me introduce it to you."

He took Zhengcheng and Su Weiwei to the table. Cheng Ai's face was obviously not good-looking. She looked awkwardly at the child in He Donglin's arms. She could accept that He Donglin was married, but she couldn't accept that He Donglin had children. In the first life She didn't get along with this child at that time. Now that they met, she just felt very strange, but she had to work hard on her face. Cheng Ai smiled, pinched Qingcheng's face, "What's your name?"

Qingcheng frowned and took a step back, "Only Weiwei can pinch me!"

Cheng Ai was extremely embarrassed, "Auntie likes you."

Tingcheng also reached out and pinched her face. Because of his pinch, there were a few more fingerprints on Cheng Ai's face.

"No one wants to be pinched, do they?"

Cheng Ai couldn't help but look worried.

He Donglin: "Wei Wei, this is Mr. Cheng Shusheng. He helped me get my identity when I lost my memory. He is half of my teacher."

Cheng Shusheng looked at Su Weiwei, obviously surprised. Su Weiwei certainly caught his gaze and felt much better at the moment.

In fact, Cheng Shusheng came today to be a lobbyist for Cheng Ai. Cheng Ai's heart was focused on He Donglin. Although he, a father, did not agree with it, he also wanted to recruit He Donglin as his son-in-law, so he brought Cheng Ai here today, hoping to listen. Listen to He Donglin's thoughts.

Before that, Cheng Shusheng had never taken Su Weiwei seriously. He Donglin was a talented person, but he still missed his wife in the countryside. It was obviously out of responsibility. Su Weiwei was a wife. No matter how prosperous a man is, if he throws away his wife, he will be despised. He Donglin is nostalgic. His wife has paid so much for him and worked hard all year round. Such a rural woman has nothing after giving birth. If He Donglin doesn't want her, her fate will be very miserable. As a man, he can understand He Donglin, but who knows The moment he saw Su Weiwei, he realized how wrong he was. In his imagination, the rural woman who was aging due to hard work and had no knowledge or experience turned out to be such a beautiful and charming woman who looked very generous and decent.

Su Weiwei looks even better than Cheng Ai, and his temperament is not inferior at all. How can He Donglin reluctantly take responsibility for others out of responsibility? This is obviously because he is afraid that his wife will run away, so he should catch her quickly, right

His daughter was inferior to others and was rejected. Cheng Shusheng felt uncomfortable, but he still had a good demeanor.

Seeing that he was quite gentle, Su Weiwei greeted him sincerely and thanked him for helping take care of He Donglin when he lost his memory, so that Yingcheng would not be without a father.

She spoke appropriately, and Cheng Shusheng immediately sighed, I'm afraid that He Donglin's wife is not simple, and she has many tricks, but Cheng Aibi is just a matter of course.

It was a total loss.

He smiled unconsciously: "Dong Lin, your wife is very good. No wonder you have been thinking about her. I see that Chengcheng is also very smart. If I have the opportunity, I will bring my wife and children to my house for dinner."

He Donglin stared at Su Weiwei and said warmly: "Okay, I will definitely take them to play if I have the chance."

Su Weiwei smiled so hard that her face froze. During this period, she and Cheng Ai looked at each other. Cheng Ai seemed embarrassed and a little unnatural, but Su Weiwei smiled at her indifferently.

Su Weiwei almost had indigestion after eating this meal. Fortunately, Cheng Shusheng and Cheng Ai left quickly, and He Donglin ate with them again.

"You like coming here?"

Su Weiwei sneered: "Who doesn't know how to spend money to enjoy themselves? Every woman says that she is not materialistic, but who doesn't like a handsome man with diamonds in a luxury car and a bungalow? Besides, if you can come out, I can't?"

He Donglin knew her temper, so he just defended: "The teacher invited me out, maybe Cheng Aiding's place. I didn't know beforehand that you liked this kind of occasion. If I knew, I would bring you here more often."

"It's a good thing I didn't know. If I had known, I would have avoided it in advance, right? Did I delay your blind date?"

He Donglin smiled instead of being angry, "It's rare to see you like this. Do you know you're quite cute like this?"

Su Weiwei was too lazy to pay attention to him.

She glanced at him and decided to trick him. "It's quite expensive here, isn't it? Do you agree with your wallet if you bring me here?"

He Donglin stared at her with an expression of "You keep pretending to me". Although Su Weiwei didn't necessarily know what he did, Su Weiwei was so shrewd that he could decide the price of the BP machine the first time she met him. She was sure Guessing that his position is not low, naturally he still has some money.

"I can still afford to support you."

Su Weiwei choked, took a bite of steak and asked, "So I can still get some alimony when we get divorced."

He Donglin was obviously unhappy, his face darkened, and he said slightly reproachfully: "Don't talk nonsense in front of the children, or do you want to divorce me?"

"You've dated women and cuckolded me, but you still can't let me consider alimony? I've said it first, you can divorce anytime you want, and I don't care, but you have to pay alimony, and I can't I can’t let another woman sleep with my man and spend my money!”

He Donglin's smile deepened, "Well said, your man, so, can you give your man some confidence?"

"So, am I really so good that you can't bear to give up?"

He Donglin understood her routine, but he still nodded cooperatively, "It's good for you, you know it and I know it."

Su Weiwei secretly rolled her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Su Weiwei's fear of Cheng Ai is not about men. What she is really worried about is that the heroine also wants to make skin care products, and the heroine also wants to make facial masks. When the two companies compete with each other, and she does not have the halo of being a heroine, will she be compared with others? Not process Ai? In fact, it doesn't matter if she can't compare. Cheng Ai earns 100 and she earns 80, so she is satisfied. What she is afraid of is that she will be the target of being slapped in the face by the heroine. When the heroine earns 100, she will not earn a penny. If you have to lose hundreds of dollars, that will be troublesome.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Su Weiwei reads storybooks to the children every day. Liang Xiaomei can already read books with tens of thousands of words. Zhengcheng also reads a lot. Reading this kind of books is no problem. Su Weiwei feeds Liang Xiaomei a lot of storybooks. When Liang Xiaomei knew how to read and tell stories, she fed her in turn. Later, Su Weiwei became very trouble-free. Sometimes when she felt tired, she would throw a book to her little sister and ask her to tell it to Qingcheng.

In fact, Su Weiwei still had another annoying thing. Cai Jun always urged her to take He Donglin back, but she originally thought that the relationship between her and He Donglin was unstable. Now if she takes him back, if the Ye family likes He Donglin too much and is too sincere, what if they get divorced in the future? Not embarrassing? But the Chinese New Year is coming, and if He Donglin doesn't come to give gifts to his father-in-law at this time, this is simply unforgivable in the eyes of the fastidious Chinese people. After thinking about it, she thinks, why not take He Donglin to the house for a walk? Anyway, the ugly husband wants to see his mother-in-law.

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But how to mention it to He Donglin

After thinking about it, when the old man came to teach Qingcheng, Su Weiwei put her arm around the old man and said to He Donglin: "I will take you to the old man's house in a few days and ask you to wish them a happy New Year."

He Donglin didn't show it on his face, but in his heart he wanted to bring his stupid wife back. It was natural for him to go to the old man's house to pay New Year's greetings. A big man like the old man would teach Qingcheng without charging a penny, and he would come and go as soon as he was old. It was really not easy, and he would go without her telling her. But her choice of words was too inappropriate. What do you mean by taking him there? As if it were her home.

"Old man, let's make an appointment?"

"Okay, let's go on the 28th!" The old man agreed! He and He Donglin had been drinking too much recently, and their revolutionary friendship had grown to a new level. They had become friends since the New Year, "Drink a few drinks with me!"

Su Weiwei privately asked He Donglin what gifts he had prepared, fearing that he would think it was an ordinary visit and the gifts prepared were too homely. For example, if he only planned to bring a few kilograms of apples, then she would really not be able to hold her head up in her parents' home. Strictly speaking, You should be cautious when saying this is He Donglin's first visit. Fortunately, He Donglin is a reliable person. He prepared supplements such as ginseng, as well as some tobacco and alcohol. In addition, he also bought a lot of food from the import store. The three items added up were piled up like a hill, and the ginseng was also Some years, these gifts add up to a very high price, enough to go to ten father-in-laws' homes.

"They shouldn't be short of cigarettes and alcohol, right?"

"You have to bring some even if you don't have any shortage. Not all Chinese people celebrate the New Year like this. Besides, we have no interest in anything with the old man, so we don't need to avoid suspicion."

Su Weiwei felt a little guilty, "Although there is no interest-based relationship, there may be other relationships."

He Donglin didn't take these words seriously, because it became more and more difficult to buy gifts during the New Year, so he prepared the gifts early and went to the old man's house to pay New Year's greetings on the 28th.

As the new year is approaching, Cai Yun gave her nanny an early holiday. She went shopping early in the morning and prepared to cook herself.

"Professor Cai, did you buy so many vegetables today?"

Cai Jun smiled and said vaguely: "My daughter is back." She didn't say it too obviously because she had her own considerations. Su Weiwei never brought He Donglin back. It was obvious that her relationship was unstable. This marriage was arranged by Sun Hongying. If Su Weiwei was not satisfied You can definitely look for her again. In this case, it is better to hide this matter and introduce someone to Su Weiwei in the future, so as not to be discussed by the neighbors.

"Aunt, you cook so many dishes?" Cai Tiantian was a little surprised, but at the same time she was happy. When she went home today, her aunt cooked so many dishes, which was more abundant than during the Chinese New Year. She thought her aunt didn't like her anymore, but now she sees It turns out she was overthinking it.

Cai Jun didn't even raise his head and said with a smile, "Wei Wei is coming back."

Cai Tiantian's face froze and she couldn't laugh anymore, "She's coming back?"

"It's not just her, but also her man. This is the first time someone has come to our door. Our family can't lose etiquette."

Cai Tiantian's face looks ugly. Isn't Su Weiwei a widow? Where did the man come from

As soon as Cai Jun turned around, she immediately laughed, "I heard that my cousin's target is a rural person?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter whether you are a farmer or not. Aren't you also from the countryside?"

Cai Jun said it unintentionally. The point of what she said was that she and Cai Tiantian were both from the countryside. But in Cai Tiantian's opinion, it didn't mean that. She always claimed to be a city girl, and she usually celebrated New Years and holidays. Even if he doesn’t go back, he is no longer willing to admit that he is from the countryside. Is Cai Jun saying this intentionally or unintentionally

Are you knocking her? She walked out unhappy.

Su Weiwei's husband's visit was a big deal for the Ye family. Even Ye Chendong was alarmed. Ye Chendong was originally in Russia discussing business. When Cai Jun told him about it, he immediately arranged his trip and came back. Su Weiwei is his sister. As an elder brother, he has to look after her. If he finds a man with a bad temper and a bad character, then he will never let his sister suffer such injustice. If the man has a decent character, he can tolerate it even if his financial conditions are not good. , at worst, give him a hand. When he came back this time, he mainly wanted to see what this man was like.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Landmine]: I would rather break than straight, three minutes of heat. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

2 bottles of Lu Ranqi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!