I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 19: Chapter 19


Of course, Suxi's first reaction was to prefer the finely crafted silver hairpin. No girl would be resistant to beautiful jewelry! What's more, the silver hairpin has an ancient fragrance, with an extremely delicate hollow pattern, and the fragrant and white snow patterns are completely from the ancient times. In modern times, it looks like an antique!

She almost forgot that this was a game for almost an instant, she sat upright on the sofa excitedly, stretched out her fingers and began to pick it out - trying to pick out the silver hairpin.

But obviously, this subconscious action is too stupid, how can the things in the game be pulled out? !

Suxi was holding the screen, resentful.

I don't know if it's because the original artist of the game drew this silver hairpin too beautifully, or because the gift from the strange cub was too sweet to the old mother's girlish heart.

Want it, but can't get it.

She had checked before that there was no backpack system in the game interface, only a cub's harvest bar. But obviously, this gift does not belong in the harvest.

She wanted to put this gift in her backpack like other games, but she couldn't.

- Then, how can this be taken away? !

Suxi moved the silver hairpin on the bank of the table with his fingers, listening to the crisp and pleasant sound of it, his heart was itching, but there was nothing he could do with the silver hairpin for a while.

… However, even if you can’t take it away, you can’t leave this gift here and ignore it.

Otherwise, when the cub comes back and sees the gift intact, he will definitely be very disappointed, and he will sit alone in the sunset like last time, showing a sad expression...

Su Xi slapped his thigh: Yes!

It's a little reluctant, but that's all it takes.

She pressed the screen with her finger and moved the silver hairpin. The silver hairpin was picked up from the bank of the table, and was immediately illuminated by the light coming in from outside the window, making it more beautiful as the moonlight.

Suxi originally only intended to take away the silver hairpin, but he couldn't help but fall on the equally delicate man's belt on the bank of the table—

Greed is probably a human instinct**.

She couldn't hold back, picked up the belt, and then, with the excitement of picking up the treasure, switched the interface to the bamboo forest in the distance outside the firewood house—

She plans to find a place to bury these two gifts first.

In this case, for the cub, it means that she has already accepted the gift.

After exchanging from the mall, I bought a digging and filling operation. Suxi carefully put the two boxes in, and then covered it with soil.

It's a pity, but that's all for now.

Suxi looked at the gift he had buried for a while with nostalgia, and remembered a few characteristic bamboos around him. He planned to wait until the cub left Ning Wangfu, and when he changed the map, he would dig it out by himself and take him with him Go together.

Because of Krypton's sudden gift, Suxi was so excited that she couldn't put down her phone all of a sudden. She switched the interface to the house and continued to find a way to make the bows and arrows that the cubs needed.

There are naturally everything in the mall. From expensive to cheap, there are "Crescent Wolf Bone Arrow", "Oolong Iron Ridge Arrow", "Phoenix Feather Arrow", "Birch Feather Arrow", "Wooden Feather Bamboo Arrow", "Mupu Arrow". "Water Arrows", "Orion Arrows", "Ordinary Bows and Arrows", "Broken Bows and Arrows", etc.

All kinds of pictures are listed, the most expensive one looks particularly strong and powerful!

If Suxi, who didn't win the lottery before, had so little pocket money, he would have to buy ordinary bows and arrows at most.

But now she just wanted to give the best to the cub, so she moved her finger to the most expensive "Crescent Wolf Bone Arrow" of 2,000 gold coins without hesitation.

But as soon as you touch it, a message pops up below - just for the royal family.

It turned out to be engraved with royal totems.

The best thing the princes can use is the phoenix feather arrow.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to the cubs, Suxi had to give up temporarily, and first bought the best phoenix feather arrow in the range!

Soon, a phoenix feather arrow with a beautiful shape and round like an autumn moon was placed on the bank of the table.

Suxi remembered the side quest, and enthusiastically picked a bright red thin silk from the mall and tied it to the bow head seriously.

This side quest is a sub-question, which may be used to adjust the rhythm of the game. It is very simple, but it is quite laborious to tie a bow across the screen, and it still took Suxi for a long time.

After finally tying it crookedly, the system pops up the reward for completing the task:

"The first side mission has been completed, and the reward is 50 gold coins and 2 points."

The system asks: "The current point has reached 17 points, you can choose a section to unlock, where do you need to unlock?"

Every time a new section is unlocked, Suxi is a little excited, because the details of the scenery in the whole game are very delicate, the bluestone road and the eaves of the promenade are very beautiful.

Each additional section on the map lights up, as if she was exploring the entire ancient capital, even the entire Yan Kingdom, step by step.

There is a very strange feeling.

Su Xi said: "Let's see where the cub is first?"

The map pops up, and the capital outside Ningwang's mansion is very large. It is divided into four sections: the imperial palace, the inner city, the outer city, and the moat. Suxi has not looked at the specific division for the time being. Anyway, it is similar to the concept of the inner ring line and the first, second and third ring lines.

Near the moat, there is a building that looks like a temple, and the light is shining brightly.

"Where is that?" Su Xi was surprised, it was the first time she saw the cub run so far.

The system explained: "In the Yong'an Temple in the capital, the Queen Mother once came to offer incense, so the incense was very strong. However, there was a frost disaster this winter, and there were heavy snowfalls for several months. Outside the capital, people died of hunger and lost their homes. Many people are infected with the cold and have no medicine to treat, so they gathered around the Yongan Temple, hoping to meet some dignitaries and ask for an explanation."

Suxi felt that a new plot was about to be unlocked, and immediately said: "Help me unlock Yong'an Temple."

Lu Huan went to the market today. Originally, he planned to use the silver taels left over from the silver hairpin and pearl belt to buy birch wood and feathers, but these materials were not found in ordinary markets, so he left the inner city and went to the outer city hill And go.

But I never imagined that along the way, all I saw were people who were dying because of being infected with the cold and unable to find a doctor!

Where have the doctors gone

It turned out that when he contracted the cold a few days ago, the cold broke out in the capital, and it spread like a plague. More than a dozen servants in Prince Ning's mansion were fired because of this.

Naturally, all the doctors in the capital were hurriedly invited away by the dignitaries and went to get medical treatment.

And these ordinary people, if they have some savings in their hands, can still hire a boss. If they are poor and white, then they can only wait to die.

These people were unwilling to wait for death, so they gathered at Yongan Temple one after another, trying to get an explanation.

Walking all the way to the outer city, there were all people with coughs and colds. Outside Langzhong's shop, there were a few kind-hearted stalls, and a crowd of Wuyangyang was waiting for relief.

The further he walked, the more his brows became chuan.

Suxi opened the new map section of Yongan Temple, and firstly locked the cubs in the crowd.

It was the first time she saw Cub Cub dressed up when he went out. She saw that he was wearing an animal skin robe and a black cape on his head to prevent him from being recognized by the people of Ning Wangfu.

A small milk dumpling wandered among the crowd, walking forward with her hands behind her back, her face cold and solemn, a little more sassy than her usual cuteness.

Suxi was just about to find it funny, when he was suddenly startled by the seriously ill people in Wuyangyang lying all over the Yongan Temple—

There are people all over the place!

Because of the cold and no medicine to cure, I fell sick and fell in the corner, as if I would die in the next second!

There are old people with wrinkled faces, children who are still in swaddling clothes and being held by their mothers, and young and strong men, all of them are the same with this disease.

Although these people on the game screen are all just cartoon stickmen, it still makes Suxi feel shocking and unbearable!

It turns out that the plague caused by the ancient wind chill was so terrible? !

It's a disaster, and I don't know how many people will die this winter!

Although those doctors tried their best to diagnose and treat them, their medical skills were obviously limited, and they could only use herbal remedies to save some people who were still relatively mildly ill. Lang Zhong gave up.

Suxi never imagined that this kind of viral cold, which is very common to modern times, could kill so many people in the ancient times of games.

I only bought a pair of medicines that day, and the cub only drank it once, and he recovered quickly!

-Isn't that the medicine you bought from the mall can save the people all over the place? !

At the same time as this thought flashed through Suxi's mind, Lu Huan inspected the shockingly painful people all over the floor, frowning, and thinking about the same question.

His wind chill was also extremely severe that day, but he almost recovered in just one night. The wind chill medicine that person took for him was actually so effective? !

The man always seemed to have a lot of novelties, including a cold shelter that he had never seen before.

I don't know what the ingredients are in the medicine. If I can identify the ingredients, can I pick up the medicinal materials to save these women, children and children

In order to cover up the peace, the officials in the inner city had already begun to drive these people out of the capital for fear of being known by the people in the palace.

The people are bitter, crying and robbing the earth.

However, officials in the city were singing and dancing day and night.

Lu Huan turned around, and his eyes paused slightly on a dying child who was about eight years old, his hands were red with cold, and he couldn't walk.

His eyes were dark, and after a while he forced himself to look away.

At this moment, a new main quest popped up on Suxi's interface:

[Reminder, please accept the main task 4: assist the protagonist to make a miraculous medicine for the treatment of wind and cold, become an unknown genius doctor in the capital, buy the hearts of thousands of people, and earn silver taels and fifty taels within ten days from wind-cold medicine . 】

[The task reward is 500 gold coins, 6 points, and 8 stars for difficulty. 】

Wait, fifty-two—

Su Xi was startled at first, but when he saw the words "point reward", he was immediately motivated to fight!

However, even if there was no such task, she had just watched Zaizai standing there, looking at the poor child from a distance, and felt that Zaizai had already made up his mind to do this.

She didn't know what the cub was thinking.

But she had seen the scrolls piled up in Zizai's wardrobe, the one that he read the most, the one with rough edges, was a picture of He Qinghaiyan, Shi and Suifeng's peaceful world.

At the same time, in Prince Ning's mansion, Mrs. Ning Wang walked around in Lu Wenxiu's room and kept moving the beads in her hand, but she lost her head.

After being rescued from the stream earlier, Lu Wenxiu had been having a fever and coughing all the time. She thought it was just a cold. Please ask the doctor to come and take a look. Just take the medicine on time.

But I never imagined that it has been so many days, and it has not been good!

Moreover, Wenxiu even deteriorated completely three days ago, and she couldn't get out of bed at all. Wenxiu's whole person had a high fever and lost her mind.

The imperial doctor from the palace even shook his head and said, "Second Young Master is already weak, and after falling into the ice lake, the coldness has been aroused. ."

This is a vague word, but it means that there is no way to return to the sky. Even the imperial doctor can't help it, where else can I go to find a more intelligent doctor? !

Mrs. Ning Wang never imagined that she was calculating how to kill the son-in-law while hunting in Qiuyan Mountain, and her son would become terminally ill because of the self-inflicted fall into the lake a few days ago! She felt a colic in her heart and sat down on the stool.

The old lady has been practicing martial arts, her body is tough, and immediately after being rescued, there is a stove to keep warm, so it is not a problem if she doesn't get sick.

But why did that son of a bitch go in and out of Prince Ning's mansion day after day, and his health was safe? !

Mrs. Ning Wang was anxious and hated, and she felt sorry for Lu Wenxiu, almost clenching her teeth.

Lu Huan's plan to buy birch and feathers was put on hold again. This was not a top priority. He was sure to win with ordinary bows and arrows, but the lives of these people could not be delayed.

After he had a plan in his mind, he immediately went back to the city and entered a medicinal herb shop.

Lu Huan memorized all kinds of herbs. He opened the medicine bag left by the man that day. It was not ground medicine powder, but all kinds of medicinal materials that needed to be tortured in strict accordance with the dosage. Keep those herbs by heart.

At that time, just in case, he sent Si Yiniang some wind-cold medicine, and left a pack in the closet.

Now, he only needs to buy some of these herbs one by one, and then calculate the prescription of the magic medicine sent by the man by weighing them against the previous package of medicines.

It's just, I don't know if that person is willing to let himself use those medicines to save people.

After Lu Huan bought the medicinal herbs, he returned to his firewood courtyard with deep thoughts.

He strode through the bamboo forest, but when he opened the door, he hesitated a little bit.

Even though he left a note last time and the man didn't give any answer, he was a little disappointed, but this time, he still had some vague hopes rising in his heart - looking forward to getting a reply from the other party.

... But, if this time, that person still ignores him

Lu Huan clenched the medicine bag in his hand, trying his best to restrain the ridiculous expectation in his heart.

He picked up his expression and walked in.

After sorting out his thoughts, he looked at the table, and this time—

"… "

Lu Huan didn't want this, but the color in his eyes brightened for a moment.

He was standing at the window, lit by the shallow sunset outside, and there was something called ecstasy on his normally indifferent face.

This was... the first time in fourteen years that he had the look of a young man on his face.

But he seemed to be suddenly aware of his emotions... He tried his best to keep his face expressionless.

He walked quickly to the table, trying his best to pretend that there was nothing sparkling in his eyes.

On the shore of the table, the gift was taken.

Both copies were taken.

The man finally saw it, and finally, responded.

Although I don't know if that person just took the two copies because he saw through his own thoughts and didn't want to tell him his gender.

But Lu Huan's mood was still rippling.

... After all, before, I unilaterally received things from that person, but now, at least I can interact with that person on behalf of myself.

He pursed his lips.

In addition to the gift being taken away, there is one more thing on the bank of the table.

His eyes fell on the phoenix feather bow tied with a strange knot, and he was slightly stunned - the bow is very delicate, the bow body is made of precious poplar wood, the short arrow is made of phoenix feathers, and the head is large and the tail is extremely small. The sharpness is a sharp bow that only most princes can use.

In addition to the phoenix feather arrow, other better ones can only be used by the royal family.

All he wanted was a birch quilled bow, and that person seemed to have given him the best he could.

Realizing this, Lu Huan picked up the bow, and his heart trembled slightly.

And Suxi, who was off-screen, had been following the cub back from the temple, just looking forward to his expression when he saw the bow and arrow he gave him.

She happily waited for the cub to show a surprised expression, only to see—

Zaizai's face was expressionless, very indifferent, and he did not show any signs of happiness or anger.

Suxi: ? ?

No, I received the coveted bow and arrow, don't you feel happy at all? Knowing that you are not lively enough, I don't ask you to jump up and give Grandma a hug, but you should laugh anyway!

But just when Suxi had no sense of accomplishment, and when he was angry, a white bubble slowly appeared on top of Cub's head on the screen.

Inside the white bubble, a small heart.

Like shyness, that happy heart bubbling, and she quickly shrank back.

Suxi: …

Suxi's heart trembled, dropped her phone, threw herself on the sofa pillow, and covered her face. Net, net, everyone remember to collect or keep in mind, . Error chapter. Ask for books to find books. Chat with book friends: