I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 25: Chapter 25


Mrs. Ning Wang is also considered to be from a famous family.

His father is one of the Taixue Taifu, and several of his elder brothers also serve in the imperial court. Although the Ning Wangfu has fallen, Mrs. Ning has always been pampered and well-dressed.

It can be said that she has never been so humiliated since she was born!

But now, the so-called genius doctor asked her to make three bows and nine bows to get the medicine? Is this not intentional humiliation? ! Not to mention, there are rumors that the genius doctor is just a mere teenager, asking her to kowtow to a hairy boy as young as her own son? Simply ridiculous!

Also, why are the pariahs in Yong'an Temple able to drink a bowl of porridge for nothing, and some dignitaries in the capital can also buy a packet of medicine for only ten taels of silver, but when they come to their own place, they are so troubled

Could it be that the young genius doctor is the enemy of Prince Ning's mansion? Or have a relationship with her enemy

who can that be? However, Mrs. Ning Wang couldn't guess who it was—

The ladies of the dignitaries and nobles in the capital have their own circles, and if she is friends with a few of them, she is bound to have a bad relationship with others. There are many people who dislike her. On the surface, they are like sisters to her, but there may be a knife in the back at any time, and it is even more uncountable.

Therefore, where can she find any clues about who the young genius doctor is

Mrs. Ning Wang was so angry that she was shaking all over, but seeing Lu Wenxiu's face on the hospital bed getting more and more ugly, she gritted her teeth, and finally decided to do it with a humiliating expression...

She sternly ordered a group of servants and literati to keep their mouths under control. This matter must not be spread out. If you hear the slightest rumor about this matter outside, you will cut their mouths when you come back!

At this time, Mrs. Ning Wang didn't care about her gentle and generous image, she drove everyone out in a huff, and then ordered two maids to prepare for her.

However, even if this matter has not yet spread outside of Ning Wang's mansion, everyone in Ning's mansion is well aware of it.

There was a lot of discussion among the servants. On weekdays, Mrs. Ning Wang treated them harshly, and they all gloated in their hearts.

The old lady was recuperating in Mei'an Garden, and the master was dispatched to the remote Liuzhou last time. He has not returned yet, and no one dared to let the news reach the ears of the two of them.

When Lu Yu'an came back from the Imperial College, when he heard about this, his face became extremely ugly, and he quickly got up to stop Mrs. Ning Wang. The second brother is seriously ill and the matter is minor. If such a shameful incident spreads to Prince Ning's mansion, where will the mother's face be put to rest? !

Prince Ning's mansion turned into a mess.

Although Lu Huan didn't know why that person asked him to save Lu Wenxiu, but that person must have a vision for what he did, saving Lu Wenxiu was not a big deal for him, not to mention, he also thought about the autumn in five days. Yanshan is surrounded by hunting, if Prince Ning's mansion suddenly holds a funeral, then he will definitely not be able to go.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, he asked Chang Gong Wu to bring a packet of medicine, went to the forest, and hung the medicine on the treetops.

Mrs. Ning Wang put on a very inconspicuous black cloak, followed by only her confidant and mama, and set off from the most remote road, and in advance, asked the guards in Ning Wang's mansion to clear up the possible people on the road, so as not to let people Seeing her humiliating scene.

On the muddy path, every few steps she took, she had to kneel down, her knees turned purple from the cold snow, and bleeding from the hard ground.

She had barely walked a dozen paces, and she couldn't stand her pampered body.

... But, I was afraid that the genius doctor would be staring at him not far away. If he didn't act according to his requirements, I was afraid that he would not be able to get the medicine back.

Therefore, Mrs. Ning Wang gritted her teeth and moved forward step by step.

And be on the lookout for fear that someone will come along the way. Even though the palace guards had been stationed nearby, she still wished she could burrow into the hole for fear of being seen.

In this way, her heart was burning with anger, and Mrs. Ning Wang walked halfway, half kneeling, and it took several hours before she walked into the woods mentioned in the painting.

When she arrived, her hair was messy and her cloak was dirty, and she looked like a village woman, but she couldn't tell that she was usually a scheming and noble Mrs. Ning Wang.

Mrs. Ning Wang went to get the medicine, but Lu Huan was not interested in seeing her desolate scene with his own eyes, so he was busy with his own affairs.

However, Suxi outside the screen used the last point to unlock the opportunity and unlocked the wood trail. While eating the popcorn, she saw Mrs. Ning Wang knelt three times and knelt until her face was pale and she almost fell into a ditch. Inside, screaming to ask Mammy to quickly pull her out, and couldn't help laughing.

Suxi was so hearty and hearty, she finally let out a bad breath for the cub! The whip wounds on Cub's body have not been returned to Mrs. Ning Wang!

She and Zizai were able to do what they said. After Mrs. Ning went to the woods after all the hard work, she let her discover the package of medicines.

There was no one in the woods.

Mrs. Ning Wang also brought guards by her side, and she thought angrily in her heart, if that young genius doctor was waiting in the woods, she would definitely not be able to escape from her palm! Unexpectedly, there is only medicine and no one in the woods.

Mrs. Ning Wang had already expected that the person had made such a trick to Ning Wang's mansion, and naturally she would not let herself find out who he was. However, she suffered such a great humiliation, but she could not take revenge, like a fist smashed. Into the cotton, the sullen breath in my heart was blocked and I couldn't get out.

She was so furious that she hurriedly got out the sedan chair that had been waiting for her for a long time, and wanted to go home quickly.

"This revenge will be avenged." She was helped onto the sedan chair, her fingers humiliatedly clenched the package of medicine, and she gritted her teeth.

After taking the medicine back, Mrs. Ning asked the doctor in the house to see it and determined that it was a cold medicine. Her anger turned into joy, and she quickly ordered the servants to fry it and fed Lu Wenxiu to take it.

The medicine was so bitter that Lu Wenxiu was still in a coma and almost vomited it out.

Mrs. Ning Wang's temples were throbbing with blue veins, for fear that he would waste a drop of the medicine that he had worked so hard to get, so she cooperated with the servants to grab his neck and forcibly poured it in.

After drinking this medicine, Lu Wenxiu's severe cold symptoms were relieved the next day... However, after drinking this medicine, for some unknown reason, although his wind-cold symptoms gradually improved, he started to have diarrhea, which lasted for three days. Keep breaking into the hut.

In addition, his illness has been prolonged for too long, and his body has become very weak.

He almost took a few steps to catch his breath, like a waste.

Later, the imperial doctor came to see him and said that he was afraid that he would not be able to get out of bed in the next six months, so he had to take care of him slowly.

When Mrs. Ning heard this, her face suddenly turned pale. The combination of all these things made her look like she was ten years older.

Of course, these are just stories.

The next day, Chang Gong E got a letter.

In this letter, the minister of household affairs in the capital invited the young genius doctor to come to a gathering.

This servant of the household is very smart. I don't know where I heard that the young genius doctor first appeared in Yong'an Temple, and that Yong'an Temple's disaster relief porridge was Zhong Ganping. I guessed that Zhong Ganping might have some clues.

And Zhong Ganping took the letter and didn't know how to contact the unknown young genius doctor, so he had to find Chang Gong E.

Turning a few turns in the middle, the identity of the young genius doctor has never been known. Lu Huan took the letter from Chang Gong Wu, and when he unfolded it, Suxi received the fifth main quest of the system.

"Please accept the main task five (primary): please make friends with the household minister and become one of his trusted staff."

"Three stars for difficulty, 100 gold coins, and 2 points."

Seeing that this point reward is only so small, Suxi knows that this task is relatively simple.

After all, long ago, in the thirteen packets of medicine, there was the youngest daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Finance. This little daughter is the heart of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, and if he can be rescued, he is naturally grateful.

Zizai hardly needs to do anything, as long as he goes to the appointment, he can get to know the Minister of the Ministry.

Suxi clicked on the information of the servant of the account opening department, and found that the servant of the household department was actually the old enemy of Ning Wangfu.

There is no other reason. Many years ago, King Ning fell in love with the daughter of the provincial governor. The girl of the provincial governor was beautiful and famous in the capital, but then the daughter of the provincial governor became the wife of the minister of the Ministry of Justice. King Ning felt resentful in his heart. Love rivals meet, especially jealous.

And Princess Ning was not as beautiful as that female governor, so naturally she was particularly jealous because of this.

In this way, the two mansions have formed a grudge.

However, in recent years, Prince Ning's mansion has been going downhill, but the minister of the household is proud of the spring breeze. A few days ago, he was promoted to the first rank in the imperial court. Not only that, the eldest daughter he sent to the palace has become the most favored concubine of the Holy Master.

Therefore, in the imperial court, no one disrespects the Minister of the Household.

... To sum up, this minister of households is now a first-rank official, and there are five princes and noble concubines behind him. He is a very powerful figure in the capital.

In the letter, he expressed his gratitude, treated each other with respect, and attached great importance to the legendary young genius doctor.

Going to make friends, naturally it will not hurt the cubs.

Su Xi thought so, and obviously, after getting the letter, Cub Cub frowned for a moment, and then folded the letter and burned it.

He returned to the Chai Yard and instructed the guard B to move the chickens and crops in his yard to the farm outside the city at night while the house was in chaos. Then he put on a travel cloak and covered his face, intending to Go to an appointment.

In order to show his sincerity, the minister of the household department set the meeting place at Zhong Ganping's house, without a guard and servants.

Suxi saw Zaizai going to an appointment outside the screen, and was about to follow him, but the screen couldn't move—

She didn't unlock Zhong Ganping's mansion!

And there was no more chance to unlock it. In order to watch the show, she wasted the last chance to unlock it in the grove outside the city!

The system said coldly: "Who made you so naive, you have to see Mrs. Ning Wang knelt three times and nine kneels with her own eyes."

Suxi: "Shut up."

Suxi wanted to cry but had no tears, so he couldn't follow him to Zhong Ganping's mansion to see what the cub had talked about with the minister of the household, so he had to go offline first, and then go online when the cub came back in the evening.

Before going offline, she switched to the cub house.

I searched for a hollowed-out, imperceptible place in the middle of one of the table legs, and found a very small box.

Although no one has approached this Chaiyuan since the old lady gave the order, the cub is still very vigilant, worried that the communication between the two will be discovered, so I wrote a note before and agreed with her to hide the note here. There are wooden baffles on the inside and outside of the table legs, which will not be easily found.

And since Cub Cub found out last night that he could communicate with her by asking questions and putting a pen in different places, it was like opening the door to a new world, and he wanted to ask her hundreds of questions at once. But it may be necessary to remain reserved, he didn't ask that much.

There are two problems with leaving the paper in the small box at this point.

- "I rescued Lu Wenxiu as promised, although this is not what I wished in my heart, but you are happy enough.

If you are happy, you can put the brush on the left side of the inkstone. "

Suxi murmured in her heart, since when the cub started to care about her happiness and her mood, shouldn't it be? Or is it that the cub is asking for praise—

Su Xi's mind quickly emerged, that day, Zaizai rescued Si Yiniang's concubine from the stream, but he didn't get a single compliment. He didn't have any expression on his face, but returned to the Chai Yard alone with a wrinkled bun face.

... Also, from childhood to adulthood, no matter what he did, no matter what he did, he was a hundred times better than Lu Yu'an and Lu Wenxiu, but still no one ever praised him.

Suxi couldn't bear to think about it, and quickly took out all the writing on the cub's desk, bought a brush from the mall, and threw it all to the left of the paper inkstone.

There are twelve pens in total.

happy happy grandma very happy! Happy x12!

The second note question is.

- "If you feel embarrassed about this question, you don't have to answer it. But if I'm not mistaken, you can read and write, and you are willing to communicate with me, but for some reason, you can't leave text to answer me, right? "

This note was written by Zizai this morning, and it could be seen that the handwriting was very slow, as if he was considering every word, thinking about something.

Suxi's eyelids jumped when he saw this question.

... The cubs almost guessed that they were inseparable from ten! This level of artificial intelligence simulation made Suxi tremble. Net, net, everyone remember to collect or keep in mind, . Error chapter. Ask for books to find books. Chat with book friends: