I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 47


Su Xi felt that since returning from the military camp trip, the cub's mood has fluctuated inexplicably, which is a bit confusing.

She has been online in the past few days, and the cubs will still shine as always. But when she tucked the quilt on the cub like an old mother, grabbed a coat and threw it on him while he was reading a book to signal him not to catch a cold, from time to time she stole two eggs from the kitchen of the Ministry of War and threw them on the cub's table When he asked Cub to mend his body, Cub didn't seem so happy, instead his brows were complicated...

Although he still looked at her softly and thanked her.

... But when he lowered his head, his lips were pursed, as if something was blocking his heart, but it was obscure and unable to speak.

When Suxi saw that he came back from General Zhenyuan, there seemed to be a hole in the hem of the official uniform, but he didn't notice it. If it were other clothes, it would be fine. Anyway, Zizai is no longer the Zizai of the past. He already has money, so he can just change it directly, but this is the official uniform.

So Suxi took advantage of the night when he fell asleep, exchanged the sewing skills from the mall, and happily patched it up for him.

When I woke up the next day, the cub found it.

Suxi was a little proud when she went online, waiting to see the look of joy on Zaizai's bun's face. After all, she sent warmth so secretly before, and it seemed like a warm current was flowing through Zaizai's face, and her expression softened. But this time, she saw Zizai wearing a white t-shirt, holding a patched official uniform in his hand, the expression on his face was very complicated, and the color of his eyes was dark—

Suxi: ...

The cub didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't seem very happy, but he was a little lost. He touched the patched part of the official uniform with his fingers, and laughed at himself, his expression was a little awkward.

Then, this morning, after a long silence, he put on his official uniform and went to the official office.

Before saying hello to him and saying that he was online, Su Xi, who witnessed the subtle expression on his face the whole time: ... ? ?

Suxi didn't understand what happened to her game cub. If he had done this before, he would have been very happy and stared at him with bright eyes, but now—he was tired of his old mother's company? !

Could it be that before she was tired of playing this game, her game cub was already tired of such company? !

Suxi is like five thunders from the sky!

After she turned off the screen, her mind went blank, thinking over and over what she had done wrong recently—except for meddling with her own business and letting the cub go to see the daughter of the Minister of War, she did nothing extraordinary. Bar

Then why after returning from the barracks, there is always an inexplicable sense of awkwardness between the cub and her...

In the past few days, when she reminded the cub to add more clothes, the cub always froze, she thought it was just her illusion, but she was not so happy when she saw that the cub received her patched clothes After one scene, she finally realized that the uncomfortable feeling these days was not her illusion.

Suxi couldn't figure it out, and his mood was a little down.

She knew that this might be because, every time she went online, no matter what she did, the cub always waited for her with dark and bright eyes. In this way, Suxi also gave birth to a kind of needed and cared about. Feel. But for the past few days, the cub has been thinking about what he was thinking, and his emotions were strange, and his relationship with her was extremely stiff. She felt uncomfortable all over.

Why is this so? Suxi didn't understand, was it really a period of rebellion? At this age, she doesn't want to communicate with her parents, but prefers to stay with Gu Qin and Huo Jingchuan. So, is it possible that the cubs are also like this, and now they prefer to stay with friends

Outside the room, Su's mother was calling Suxi to eat. Before Suxi went offline, she switched the interface to the Taiyuan Academy, and saw that Yun Xiupang was indeed following behind the cubs.

The cubs have always been obscure and unspeakable to her these days, but they are very calm to Yun Xiupang.

The two little dumplings were sitting on the steps outside Guangye Hall and talking. Yun Xiupang kept popping up dialog boxes, and Zizai frowned. Although he was taciturn, he did not interrupt him. The two seemed to have a very good conversation. many looks.


Seeing this scene, Su Xi felt a pain in his heart, and suddenly gave birth to a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Although she hoped that Zizai would make more friends, so that she would not be left alone if she didn't show up for three days.

But she really felt that she had something on her mind and didn't tell her, but went to tell other children, and her heart was inevitably sour.

Thinking of this, Su Xi suddenly felt that she usually rushed into the room after school to do homework and play games. At school, she only played with her good friends. When she received a call from her mother, she would hang up without saying a word. It hurts her mother too much.

So she turned off her phone and went into the kitchen, tearfully saying to Su's mother, "Mom, don't play cards in the afternoon, shall I go shopping with you?"

Su's mother looked bewildered, walked to the dining room with the dishes, and waved her away impatiently: "Go, go and play with your friends. How old are you and they are still pestering me. I have an appointment to play cards in the afternoon."


Suxi was despised both inside and outside the game. Today happened to be the weekend, so she asked Gu Qin to go to the library for self-study.

On the Taiyuan Academy side, Yun Xiupang has been eager to say a little more to attract Lu Huan's attention, but Lu Huan beside him has been frowning, and there is a bit of unhappy color under his eyebrows, as if he is wandering outside. , didn't hear what he said at all.

In the past, Lu Huan felt that it would be good if ghosts and gods could accompany him forever like this for a long time.

Every time she appeared by his side, brought him anything, told him anything, he was very happy.

He was so greedy for the warmth of being with her, for her kindness and care.

But gradually, when Lu Huan realized the undeserved desire for possessiveness, jealousy, protection, and even some unbearable thoughts emerging in his heart, when he didn't know when the young man's heart was rushing, she still remained Yes…

She treated him just like a family member.

Because he treats him like a family member, he treats him well, cares about him, tells him to dress up in cold weather, and secretly sews clothes for him.

But he will never be like him, looking forward to the day when the two meet like obsessively; he will never understand the bad mood of his friends who worry about gains and losses and jealous of her world; nor will he be like him, treat him one day Seeing each other is like every three autumns.

She even sincerely hoped that one day he could meet another woman and start a family well.

There is only her in his world, but there are many other people and other things in her world.

She doesn't seem to hope that his world is only her, but hopes that he can focus on other people and not pay too much attention to her.

Loving someone is not like that.

Therefore, she doesn't like him, she just has some affection for him.

Lu Huan's heart was heavy, and his whole body had been immersed in the icy cold water, unwilling, but helpless.

Suxi ushered in the midterm exam this semester.

Before this exam, in order to avoid what happened last time, she greeted Zaizai in advance and tried to make him understand. She has a big thing to do this time, and she may not be online for several days.

Although the cub didn't say anything and told her to be careful in everything, his expression was obviously a little sad.

After Suxi told him that he was gone, before turning off the screen completely, he saw Zaizai slowly fading out of sight, sitting alone on the steps in the courtyard of the official residence, looking preoccupied.

This pair of kindergarten children eagerly watched Grandma go away. She didn't know the direction of Grandma, so she didn't know where to look. The dark eyes looked astringent, and suddenly pinched Suxi's heart. She almost couldn't control herself and ran back to pinch the cub's face.

However, the exam is only three days, and the game is only eight days, so it's not a big problem to separate the eight days.

What's more, didn't he have other children

Thinking of Yun Xiupang, Su Xi let out a sigh. Cubzai finally made friends. She should be happy, but she didn't tell herself what was on her mind when she saw Cubzai these days. Why was she so upset

Suxi shook her head and decided that business was important. For the past three days, she took the initiative to give her mobile phone to her mother and concentrated on the exam.

This mid-term exam is more difficult than last time. Suxi should have no confidence in her heart, but recently studying with Cub Zai, she has brushed more questions than before, which led to the fact that this time the exam At that time, there were actually several question types that I had seen when doing homework at night. During the exam, Suxi was a little surprised, so he hurriedly did the questions. In this way, she felt that her grades should not be too bad this time.

After taking the final exam, Su Xi took the exam bag and walked out of the exam room with the crowd, finally exhaling a suffocating breath.

After leaving the examination room, there are always the most people. Some students rushed home and kept talking about "borrowing" to squeeze forward.

When Su Xi was walking on the stairs, he was pushed by the crowd behind him. She has fallen countless times since she was a child, so when the familiar sense of weightlessness came over, her pupils suddenly widened, and she had an ominous premonition in her heart. But this time, a student just in front of her blocked her, causing her to sag and barely stand on the stairs.

Did you stand still? ! Su Xi glanced at his feet in disbelief.

She thought that, according to her unfortunate physique, she would either slap her feet or fall somewhere.

Suxi only thought that it was because his luck had gradually improved, took a breath, and hurried back to the classroom following the crowd on the corridor.

In the past eight days, Lu Huan was also very busy here. Since the barracks incident, General Zhenyuan has intentionally promoted him, and sent people several times to invite him to the General's Mansion, and the Minister of War was also by his side. General Zhenyuan and the Minister of War discussed how to prepare for the expedition to the North, let him sit in on the proceedings, and occasionally asked him for his opinions. In addition, the Second Department of the Ministry of War also has a lot of affairs, and the Taiyuan College has also left a series of courses as the Spring School is about to end.

The old lady has sent servants to invite him several times, hoping that Lu Huan can go back for a reunion. Lu Huan’s heart is cold, knowing that the old lady’s belated kindness at this time is only because he wants to control himself at all times and master his movements in the court, so he always looks for it. Excuses to shirk.

In addition, he has gradually expanded the number of farms outside the city to five. Each farm has forty workers and a dozen greenhouses and cold-proof sheds. Master Ding and Chang Gong E managed these people in an orderly manner, and bodyguard C, taking advantage of the efforts of Prince Ning's mansion to dismiss some people, completely resigned from Prince Ning's mansion after the year and became an exclusive guard for the farm. Several farms are progressing smoothly, and as the spring day is about to pass, the crops planted are gradually flowing to the market.

Lu Huan had asked about the previous communication with the ghosts and gods. The ghosts and gods helped him expand the farm, and the purpose seemed to be to hope that the total output of the farm would reach a certain number.

Two thousand kilograms.

The ghost broke his two fingers and told him the number.

Although I don't know why the ghosts and gods must let the farm's crops reach this output, this coincides with Lu Huan's idea. If the farm can produce as many crops as possible, whether it is transported to the front line in the north, or to the poor people The market is a meaningful thing that can feed the people.

Therefore, in recent days, ghosts and gods have not appeared, and Lu Huan felt lonely in his heart, so he went to the farm a few more times to inspect.

He waited bitterly until the night of the eighth day. Originally, he planned to stay in the official residence and concentrate on waiting for her to come. But today is the Yulan Festival. The streets are brightly lit and lively. It is inevitable that people will fight and fight. , something happened at the temporary government office, let him go there. Lu Huan thought of finishing it quickly, and came back quickly, he left a note on the table in the official house telling her where he was going, and then went with the official guard.

After Suxi finished the exam, he rushed home excitedly, the first thing of course was to quickly take out his mobile phone and go online.

This time, as soon as she went online, a new main quest popped up on the screen before she had time to see what note Zaizai had left for her.

[Please accept the main task nine (intermediate): Please find a nun in Changchun Guan who was sweeping in the backyard, and learn about the protagonist's life experience from her mouth. 】

[Task difficulty: 8 stars, 300 gold coins, 12 points. 】

When Suxi saw the word "life experience" on the screen, he was instantly shocked. Are you coming? finally coming? ! About the cub's life experience!

She opened the system in the upper right corner, and saw that the avatar and information about the ninth prince in the system were still blank, but obviously, because the number of points had reached 54, it was over halfway, so the main quest gradually began to involve the cub's life experience. After completing this main task 9, the information here should be able to be filled.

Suxi was a little excited. From the beginning of playing this game to the present, she was also very curious about how the cubs ended up in Ning Wangfu. There must be a very complicated story behind it.

This task seems to be finding someone, so it shouldn't be that difficult.

Suxi could not wait to grab the cub immediately and go to Changchun Temple first.

However, she suddenly thought of another question, if there is an ugly conspiracy behind the cub's life experience, he can't accept it at all—

So do you still want to know

If Suxi was just playing a game, of course she would have liked to know the truth earlier, but now she is no longer accompanying the cub with the mood of playing games, she suddenly felt a little worried in her heart, the cub will be unhappy after knowing the truth .

Suxi suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she held it back for a while and decided not to think about it.

After reading the note that Cub left on the desk, she switched the screen to the official office to look for Cub, but after turning around, she saw only a few principals and villains discussing matters in the hall, but not Cub. Thinking that the cub may have left the government office, he turned the screen to the market.

At this moment, the street market is very lively. There are some lion dancers running around in the street market. Many people around are watching, and some people throw copper plates to these lion dancers.

Suxi watched those lion dancers stepping on the tip of the knife in a thrilling manner, and couldn't help holding his breath, watching with interest for a long time.

After a while, she saw that the other end of the market seemed to be crowded, and she didn't know what was going on, and then she remembered that she was looking for cubs, so she moved the screen along the market, and found her one by one from the crowd of villains. cub.

At a glance, she saw that the cub was passing through the extra crowded crowd, his eyebrows twitched, as if he was in a hurry to come back.

The reason why this crowd is crowded is because there are hydrangea throwing on high-rise buildings.

It should be the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the capital who threw the hydrangea, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Yulan Festival market to find a quick husband.

Suxi had never seen Yan Guo throwing a hydrangea, so he first went over and tugged at the cub's sleeve, and then excitedly put his eyes on the woman in the gauze who was about to throw the hydrangea on the high-rise building.

For eight full days, Lu Huan felt as if eight years had passed. At this moment, he felt that the familiar feeling came back, he breathed a suffocation, his heart climbed with warmth, the big stone fell to the ground, he was about to speak to the person beside him, and asked her if she was done with what she was going to do, and as a result, he felt that the person beside him All attention seems to be on the woman throwing the hydrangea—

He also subconsciously and excitedly dragged him into the crowd.

Then a frivolous wind came from somewhere, as if it was about to bear it, eager to try, and excitedly blew the white veil of the lady upstairs.

The eyes of some men who could glimpse half of the woman's face under the veil lit up.

And the wind on Lu Huan's side was even more excited, as if he wanted to whistle.

Lu Huan: "..."

Suxi didn't notice that the cubs in the crowd had a bun face, so depressed that he could wring out the water.

She couldn't help but cut out the original painting and looked at the face of the woman under the veil. She only thought that the woman who threw the hydrangea was so beautiful, even more beautiful than the previous daughter of the Minister of War. I don't know which dog man will be cheaper next!

At this moment, the woman on the tall building threw the hydrangea.

Whether it's a teenager or an adult man, they all seem to be crazy, and they go crazy to grab it. After all, no matter what this woman looks like, she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman Wansanqian! Marrying her, that is, Chenglong Kuai's son-in-law, who directly became the richest man in Yan country!

The hydrangea was like a parabola, moving towards Lu Huan in the crowd—

Su Xi was also startled. He didn't know whether the hydrangea was thrown intentionally or not. After all, the cub did look the brightest among this group of people. No matter who stood upstairs, he subconsciously wanted to move towards him. throw.

Could it be that there is a subplot happening here

While Su Xi was thinking about it, he saw Cub's face gloomy, and he hid his hands quickly, and the hydrangea flew directly from his side and landed on the lame man behind him.

Still watching the lively Suxi:…

On the screen, a side quest just appeared: "Please accept the seventh side quest: take the hydrangea, and take this opportunity to get to know Wansan Qian."

"Side Mission Seven failed!!!"

Suxi: ... ? ? ? ! ! !

In the upper right corner of the screen, Suxi opened the current state and looked at it again. Sure enough, in the harem column, the daughter of the richest man who had not had time to appear was already buried.


The dead cub didn't know what he missed at all. He glanced in the direction of Su Xi who was pulling his sleeve, and strode out of the group with a cold face.

Suxi didn't understand why she just went online and didn't do anything, and he was in a bad mood again, so she pulled the screen to the cubs.

Both sides of the market were very lively, and the cub seemed to be annoyed, and the two short legs walked very fast.

Suxi decided not to care about him, and went over and tugged at his sleeve, and then the cub stopped, his chest heaved violently, and he stood there for a while, his face was not very good, and after holding back, he asked her: "Then The hydrangea is about to fall into my arms, are you just standing by and watching the fun?"

Suxi thought to himself: Cub, your mood is becoming more and more unpredictable, and you are asking strangely... If I don't stand there watching the fun, can I still sit there and watch the fun

"I haven't seen you in eight days, you—" Cub gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to ask something, but swallowed the words alive, "Are you alright these eight days?"

Suxi pulled his left hand, meaning I was okay.

But she couldn't help but look back to see what happened to the hydrangea that fell on the lame man just now, and what happened to the aftermath, so she pulled the screen a little further.

I don't know why, the cub on the screen clearly didn't know her every move off the screen, but she seemed to be able to detect that her mind was still on the hydrangea, so the sullen expression on her face became more obvious.

Suxi looked over there. Several household members of the richest man Wan Sanqian hurriedly ran downstairs and snatched the hydrangea from the lame man. The scene was chaotic, and she wanted to laugh while watching the play.

But a hard sentence popped up on the screen: "I'm fine, you can go and see, and come back to me after reading."

These words are too familiar. The last time Suxi wanted to enter the brothel, she heard the cubs say similar things, and her eyelids jumped.

The cub on the screen clenched his fists. Seeing that she hadn't responded for a long time, he suddenly seemed a little sad and a little angry, and walked straight forward.

Suxi's smile gradually stiffened.

No, cub has never dared to leave her behind like this, now her wings are hard? !

However, just as Cub Cui took a few steps indifferently from his back, a large string of white bubbles hurriedly jumped out of his head.

- She's not really leaving, is she

—Did she follow

- Do I want to look back, but when I look back, I can't see if she's following.

- She hasn't seen each other for eight days, and she is in a hurry to lift the veil of others!

These bubbles filled the screen, so that Suxi couldn't see any pictures of throwing hydrangea. She saw this cub on purpose!

The cub was in a lot of confusion, and these psychological activities finally turned into a pitiful sentence:

… am I being annoying


Her heart was suddenly stabbed.

She watched Cub Cub silently slow down and move forward a little bit, with a rainy leaf hanging on top of her head.

She just didn't seem to realize that it was only three days on her side, but eight days on the cub's side. As soon as she went online, her first attention was on others, and the cub seemed very sad... Now, throwing hydrangea is not a very important thing.

These bubbles covered all the pictures on the screen, domineering and selfish not to let Su Xi see, but he told Su Xi to understand that although he was eccentric after returning from the barracks, he should still be the first in his heart. One has not changed.

After confirming this, her previous little loss suddenly disappeared without a trace, and she couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

She went over to hold Zaizai's hand, indicating that she didn't leave.

The cub's eyelashes flickered, and the aggrieved leaf above his head obviously turned into a little sun that was finally cloudy and sunny.

But he still kept his eyes fixed, pretended not to care at all, and hummed softly: "Humph." Net, net,,... :