I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 48


Lu Huan also understands in his heart that it is not the way to be awkward. If he insists blindly, he will push people away one day.

At least, people are still by their side now.

The most urgent task at the moment is not to think wildly, but to find the expert outside the world who is said to be able to channel spirits.

But with Lu Huan's current strength, even if he heard about the existence of such a magician, it would be difficult to find out where the person was in a short time. He couldn't bear to slowly look and find it. If he wanted to find it earlier, he had to use some strength.

In General Zhenyuan's barracks, there were many soldiers who traveled north and south, and the general's mansion also had eyeliners all over the country of Yan, and he might be able to help him find it as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, after sending Su Xi away today, he went to the General's Mansion in Zhenyuan again.

In recent days, General Zhenyuan has been interested in cultivating Lu Huan, and every time he has a discussion with the Minister of War, he calls this young man with him.

And recently, General Zhenyuan had a very headache.

The conscription that took more than two months has ended, and the expedition is imminent. But in recent years, the state treasury of Yan State has been empty, and the manpower is available, but the state treasury cannot afford the food and grass of the army.

General Zhenyuan also knew the embarrassment of the emperor, the external and internal troubles, if the food and grass had to be taken out of the treasury, it was inevitable that this year he would have to increase the field and corvee service.

Yan's taxation is not light, and even the salt tax has been levied since last winter.

If further decrees are promulgated to continue to intensify, I am afraid it will intensify the violence/unrest, and the people will be miserable.

And if these grains are taken from the pockets of those rich officials, it will inevitably move a group of capital forces.

What decision to make is to affect the whole body, it is really a dilemma.

He rubbed his brows and said to the Minister of War, Lu Huan, and several other counselors in the military camp: "Today, when the court went to court, there was a quarrel in the Golden Palace, and the Prime Minister's group was afraid of affecting their interests, so they resolutely disagreed with the collection of donations by hundreds of officials. Now that the Prime Minister's family is the only one in the dynasty, the emperor will inevitably favor the prince. The old man is not afraid of continuing to argue with him, but he is afraid that if the time drags on for a long time, the northern border will really not be able to stop it, and the consequences will be unimaginable at that time!"

Several counselors were also worried.

Lu Huan pondered for a while and asked, "General, how long will the army have enough food for now? Is March enough?"

There is a long-term war on the north side. Since ancient times, the war has not ended in three months. If you want to completely attack the neighboring countries that are eyeing them, the army will be stationed for at least a year and a half. Therefore, General Zhenyuan waited. Talent is such a headache for food and grass.

The Minister of War replied: "At present, there are still some folk righteous people who have sent food and grass, plus the original ones, it will probably last for four months without any problem."

That is to say, within four months, at least the next four months of food and forage must be raised.

This is not a simple matter.

Although there are many wealthy businessmen in the country of Yan, these wealthy businessmen also communicate with neighboring countries and will not easily do any kind deeds.

Moreover, many wealthy businessmen made money from wars and chaos, and they wished that the Yan Kingdom would be dazzled by wars.

Lu Huan estimated in his heart the farms he and the ghosts and gods had. It is now June, and by the fall of this year, the total output must have already exceeded 2,000 kilograms. These farms can feed a group of people in a short period of time, but For the army's food and grass subsidies during the war, it was still a drop in the ocean.

If you want to solve the current predicament of the army in the northern border of the Yan Kingdom, you must find a wealthy businessman who can afford these grains and grass, and barter with them.

But those rich businessmen are already rich enough to rival the country, what do they need

After the discussion in the General's House that day, the others turned around and left first. Lu Huan stayed for a while longer. He told General Zhenyuan that he wanted to try to see if there was a way to get food and grass, but wanted to exchange with the General, please take care of the General for him Find someone.

General Zhenyuan now has an admiration for this young man, thinking that he is indeed resourceful, but he was too prejudiced before.

But even so, he still felt that it was impossible for Lu Huan to do such a fantastic thing by himself.

But young people, it is a good thing to have ambition.

Instead, he added a bit of admiration in his heart, patted Lu Huan on the shoulder, and said, "What you ask for, the old man will send someone to do it, but if there is a problem in the army, you can do your best."

Although General Zhenyuan had the stubborn temper of a military officer, he was still a man of his own words. After agreeing to Lu Huan's matter, he even sent someone to find the Taoist priest Lu Huan said that he heard that he could bring spirits back to life.

It's just that he and Lu Huan have no clue whether they can find it or not.

Suxi found that the cub was suddenly busy, as if hiding something, and eagerly wanted to do it, several times more diligent and diligent than before.

Before, he used to walk back and forth between the government office, the Imperial College and the official residence all day long on short legs, but now he is so busy that he has no time to drink water and eat. More than half of the time when Suxi was online, he was either in the farm or in the office. Official Ya.

Often when Suxi went offline, he was still flipping through the case file, but when Suxi went online, it was already the second day, he hadn't slept yet, and there was no sign that the bed had been unfolded.

Suxi didn't know what his fundamental purpose was, he thought he was busy raising food and grass, and sighed that the cub was really a good boy who served the country and the people.

Su Xi felt that it was a good thing for him to have ambitions and ideals, and he didn't bother him, but he felt a little distressed by the blue and black eyes and the red blood in his eyes.

And once Suxi found that the cub was busy for two days without sleep, and some green stubble appeared on his chin—


Su Xi was frightened.

Wait, isn't it cartoon style, do you want to be so realistic? !

But soon the cub put on the official uniform and went out, shaved off the green stubble, and returned to the soft and cute bun cub again, and Suxi was relieved.

She didn't realize until this time that she had spent most of the semester here, and it had been almost a year in the game.

I spent the 15th birthday with Cub Cub that night in Prince Ning's mansion, and in a few months, Cub Cub will celebrate his 16th birthday again in the blink of an eye... I don't know what this second birthday will be, Cub Cub thinks What a surprise.

However, the good news is that in the days after returning from the barracks, the awkwardness between the cub and her finally disappeared.

Suxi couldn't figure out why the cub's mood was unpredictable and unpredictable in those few days, he could only explain it as a few days every month when he was in a bad mood.

She is like this, so is the cub, it's normal.

Fortunately, after just a few days, the cub returned to normal.

Suxi enthusiastically began to sew and mend the quilt for the cub, and changed the quilt from the spring to the summer mat for the cub. When the autumn came, he changed the quilt to a thicker quilt for the cub. Let the cubs catch a cold.

The cub was still happy in his heart, looking at her, his eyes were dark and translucent, but occasionally there were some complicated and dark meanings in his eyes, which made Su Xi a little bit incomprehensible.

The time on Suxi's side didn't pass as fast as in the game. For her, it was just another month of raising cubs.

The first thing she does after school every day is to go online to say hello to the cubs, and then one person and one cub, across the screen, one is studying hard and the other is diligent.

Suxi got tired of studying, so he took Cubzai to go shopping in the market. Although Cubzai had a lot of things to deal with in the government office, she put her first in everything, and whenever she wanted to play, Cubzai would throw everything away. Behind him, in this way, the cub is not a completely good official.

Suxi felt that she was accompanied by the cubs, and she was more serious when studying. Before the end of the semester, she had already finished the workbook for several subjects this semester. When she turned to the last page, Su Xi was a little stunned.

Only the main quests in the game are a bit confusing.

Unlocking the cub's life experience and finding the mission of the nun in Changchun Temple, I don't know if the time has not come or what. Suxi took the cub to the Changchun Temple twice, and turned over every bluestone floor tile inside and out of the Changchun Temple. I've searched all over, but I can't find the nun who might be an NPC.

The system's explanation for this is that there are other main quests ahead that have not been completed, and task 9 will not show its eyes until after quest 2 and 6 are completed.

So Suxi had to give up first.

The second task of 2,000 kilograms of grain has been achieved this year since last year. It is a long-term cumulative task, and there is no rush to rush. Suxi estimates that the farms that continue to expand should be able to achieve this goal after the autumn harvest this year. .

As for making ten thousand three money—

She was thinking about how to get to know this Yan country's richest man and number one through other channels.

Originally, according to the route planned in the game, when the hydrangea was thrown in the market that day, the cub could get in touch with Wansan money in that side quest.

But god damn it! That side quest was killed by the cub!

As a result, until now, Wansan Qian has not appeared in the field of vision of her and the cubs.

Suxi is a little messy in the wind. I don't know why Zaizai is so reluctant to approach his harem. Since he is going to become emperor in the end, he must have taken Long Aotian's script, but Zaizai has made Long Aotian a meditation. Abstinent teenage monk.

This matter couldn't be rushed, so Suxi calmed down and accompanies the cubs in the three places of the farm official's college.

On this day, Lu Huan came back from the government office and waited for a long time under the eaves as always. When the familiar wind wrapped around his fingertips, a softness appeared on his face that had been reduced a lot in recent days. The side person said: "I want to discuss something with you."

Su Xi tugged at his left sleeve, indicating that it would be okay for him to say it straight. Could it be that he was thinking about this year's birthday gift a few months in advance? Children, Suxi thought so.

But the cub had to say something more important.

Over the past few months, the cub has continued to expand the business of the farm. After he took up the post of the second member of the Ministry of War, he began to have a salary, and he had previously received a reward from the emperor, and he took a lot of silver taels from the old lady. He was not short of silver taels, but the farm was a little short of manpower, so he was able to turn around like this. Busy.

The farm gradually expanded to eight. In addition to the capital, he also set up a farm in Ningxian, Fengzhou and Shandu.

Suxi followed him to unlock all three places, and watched Zaizai go to those three places in person, and chose to hire people to take care of those farms.

In each farm, he used the convenience of greenhouses and cold-proof sheds to let the workers plough in the spring and harvest in the autumn. Now that the end of autumn has arrived, the grain output has naturally far exceeded 2,000 kilograms.

And these grains far exceeded the output of other farms and plantations. He ordered the workers to give alms to the poor people all over the country in an anonymous way.

Since the frost disaster last winter, many people of Yan country have been displaced, unable to eat a bite of hot food, and many people starved to death.

Although these grains are not enough to solve the plight of too many people, they are enough to let some of them endure.

This is also a piece of good deeds accumulated.

And because of this, rumors of an "unknown wealthy businessman with good intentions" gradually began to spread, and he was grateful to this wealthy businessman who helped the people but did not show off.

This word has not yet reached the emperor's ears, but most officials in the capital have heard about it. It is similar to the faceless genius doctor who saved thousands of people in Yong'an Temple last winter. , it is inevitable that people associate two things together.

But the cubs have been busy with these in the past few months, and the purpose is definitely more than that.

Under the circumstance that the price of food in the whole Yan country is soaring and the output of all the farms that grow crops is extremely poor, the output of the farms managed by him and Suxi can be as usual, even higher than the record of the highest yield per mu in previous years—

Naturally, it will attract some people's attention.

Wan Sanqian, Zhong Ganping, and some other wealthy businessmen in the capital have tried their best to inquire about it, and there are even those with bad intentions who sneak into the farms outside the city, trying to figure out what the cold-proof shed and greenhouse are.

However, only Suxi and Lu Huan have the blueprints. Even if these wealthy businessmen find skilled carpenters, they will not be able to distinguish the kerosene lamps that have already condensed into powder, the thickness of kraft paper, the amount of wood, etc., or they will be self-defeating.

In other words, the cold-proof shed and the greenhouse, these two things advanced in the Yan Dynasty, brought great convenience to crop planting. But it is equivalent to a patented technology, only Suxi and Zaizai have it here.

If you want to expand the scale of farms, carry out mass production, and feed more people, you will need more manpower and external resources.

So, the cub planned to recruit a striker.

As soon as he said Suxi, he understood. In fact, he wanted to chain the farms with greenhouses and cold shelters, and find a partner who would not betray.

The candidate that Zaizai considered was Zhong Ganping.

Zhong Ganping is a self-made man. Judging from his contacts on the day, he is not a cunning and treacherous person. What's more, after the Yongan Temple incident, his youngest son was saved by Zaizai, and Zaizai still saved his family's life, so he should never repay kindness with resentment. Therefore, this person can still be trusted.

Suxi immediately pulled the cub's left sleeve, expressing his approval with both hands.

Zaizai's eyesight is very accurate, and his decision-making has never been wrong. Suxi is very relieved of him. In addition, in the system, Zhong Ganping is completely sincere in the column of "friend heroes". If you submit to the cub, it means that there will be no problem.

In fact, over the past year, the cub has grown rapidly, and Suxi, the cub-raiser, the more he goes to the back, the less he can help the cub.

All problems can be solved by yourself.

Despite this, every time there is a problem, Zizai still has to take her to discuss it, probably to make sure that she has always been by his side.

Thinking of this, Suxi looked at the much thinner cub standing under the eaves, a warm feeling flowed in his heart, and he couldn't help reaching out and grabbed the cub's face.

Baozi's face lost a lot of weight, and he didn't have any Q bombs before, Suxi felt resentment in his heart.

The cub was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he rubbed his face, and his ears were a little red.

But after a while, he seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, facing the void, and said word by word: "I'm about to turn sixteen, I'm no longer a child, you—"

He seemed a little annoyed and a little helpless, gritted his teeth, and said, "Don't treat me like a child."

Seeing him with a huge bun face and saying such words, Su Xi outside the screen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But the cub on the screen seemed to notice that she was amused by him, frowning into the void, but did not speak.

He pursed his lips, and his dark eyes were fixed, reflecting the dim candlelight under the eaves, with complicated, dark, stubborn, and unspeakable meanings.

Previously, the cub avoided the hydrangea in the street market and missed the side quest, but to Suxi's surprise, after the autumn harvest, Wan Sanqian took the initiative to come to the door.

Wan San Qian was different from what Su Xi imagined. He turned out to be a little skinny person, but despite his small figure, his expression on his face was very shrewd.

He came to the door because, of course, it was about the cold shelter and the greenhouse.

Every time he goes back to the farm, his whereabouts are extremely hidden. So far, rumors have spread in the capital and even in Fengzhou, and everyone knows that there is a wealthy businessman who saved the world, but he does not know the real identity of the wealthy businessman.

After all, the cub Shenlong saw the beginning but not the end, and he explained to the master Ding several times after that, all in the form of notes.

But since this Wansanqian can become the richest man in the country of Yan, he obviously has two brushes. Although he has not found out the identity of the cub, he has found the whereabouts of the cub.

So on this day, when the cub was in the outer city house, Wan Sanqian came over in person.

In order to show sincerity, Wan Sanqian didn't bring anyone, just a close family member.

He wanted to buy Suxi and Zaizai's cold-proof shed and the blueprint technology of the greenhouse. The price he offered was 10,000 taels of gold. This price made Suxi speechless, and his eyes suddenly filled!

Worthy of being the richest man in the country!

But Suxi knew that if the blueprint technology was given to him today, after he took it away, he would definitely use this technology to earn more or even double the silver taels. At that time, the people of Yan Kingdom or even other countries would be smashed into wool.

This is the difference between him and Zhong Ganping. During the war, Zhong Ganping honestly made some money and then helped the people, while Wansan Qian took the opportunity to collect the windfall of the war.

It can't be said that the 30,000 yuan is not enough, only that he is shrewd and an ambitious businessman.

Of course, it was impossible for Zaizai to give him the blueprint, but he still planned to cooperate with him.

With the strength of Zhong Ganping and the cubs, in order to improve the current plight of the entire Yan Kingdom's lack of food, the strength is still too weak and too slow.

In the whole country of Yan, only Wansan Qian has such financial and material resources.

What's more, the cubs still need to support the 30,000 stone grains of grain and grass for the war in the north.

So Zizai negotiated with Wan Sanqian and asked Zhong Ganping to operate the cold-proof shed and greenhouse, and Wan Sanqian invested in the farm, labor, crops, chickens, ducks, and raw materials. This model is equivalent to the investment of Wansan Qian, and after the profit comes out, dividends are distributed according to the profit point.

Wansan Qian is in a passive state at the moment.

Because I heard that Zhong Ganping has the most advanced technology in operation and the output far exceeds that of other farms, the wealthy businessmen in the capital and even the entire Yan Kingdom are rushing to invest in it and get a piece of the pie. If you don't do this vote, the cub does not lack his vote.

While doing homework on the screen, Suxi watched the profit negotiation between the cub and Wansan Qian that kept popping up on the screen, and couldn't help but smile knowingly, thinking that this cub is a business expert even in modern times. ability to leverage.

The cooperation was soon reached. Although Wan San Qian failed to get what he wanted, he also understood the truth that people are not enough to swallow elephants.

The technology of this person and Zhong Ganping is about to bring a new generation to the cultivation of all farms in Yan.

Even though the fundamental purpose of this person seems to be for the people of the Yan country, he can expect that this person will soon become the upstart among the wealthy merchants of the Yan country.

At this moment, his participation in this capital is absolutely profitable without any loss.

After Wan San Qian left, the message of completing the task popped up on Suxi's screen.

[Congratulations on completing the second task: the grain output reached 2,000 kilograms, and I met the richest man Wan Sanqian. 】

【Congratulations on getting 8 points! 】

This task is the most protracted one, but planting and harvesting will take a year, so Suxi feels that it is progressing very smoothly.

She looked at the current score of 62, and felt a little excited in her heart.

But soon, the sixth task will be completed.

The sixth task is to control the famine, move the capital, and obtain the title of "unknown businessman", which initially attracted the attention of the emperor.

This task itself is parallel to the second task.

Over the past few months, Zaizai has been expanding the farm day and night. Although the purpose is to raise food and grass for the army in the north, it just happened to be on the way of the main line.

As the entry threshold for investment injection and playing this ticket, the next day, Wan Sanqian took the initiative to hire a security guard and escort food and grass to the northern front line according to the requirements of the cubs.

After making General Zhenyuan and others anxious for several months, the food and forage that had been pending for four months was resolved like this. The next day at the Golden Palace, the matter exploded.

The emperor was in high spirits, Long Yan was very happy, and said to General Zhenyuan: "The general is really the pillar of the country. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to do this battle!"

The prime minister, the prince, and several other officials did not look very good. Obviously, they did not expect that General Zhenyuan would actually solve this matter.

General Zhenyuan was also shocked. Before March, Lu Huan told him that there was a way to convince Wan Sanqian to automatically bring food and grass to his door. He thought that this young man was boasting about the sea, and he didn't know how high the sky was!

Unexpectedly, in the past three months, when he led other soldiers and tried every means to raise only a few thousand stone of food and grass, Lu Huan really persuaded Wan San Qian to send food and grass to the front line. The return is tens of thousands of stone, and the food and grass for the whole year of this year have no worries!

General Zhenyuan was simply overjoyed, and he was even more sure of the recommendation from the Minister of War that day.

Thinking of this, he planned to ask for a position for Lu Huan's child.

"Your Majesty, the old minister was able to solve the food and forage dilemma smoothly this time, thanks to the person under the account, the old minister wants to seek a promotion for him."

If it is above the court, it is said that Lu Huan did all this. I am afraid that Lu Huan will make countless enemies. It is better to let him be under his command for the time being, until his wings are completely full, and then he will seek other things.

The emperor was very relaxed and happy at this time. He heard General Zhenyuan say that some of his subordinates had meritorious deeds. He thought it was due to the merits of lobbying Wansan Qian, so he naturally gave the reward without hesitation.

When he heard that General Zhenyuan said it was Lu Huan, he couldn't help but smile and compliment: "I have some impressions of this young man, and the captain has also praised in front of me before. Appreciation, should really be a virtuous person, I want to see you someday."

Of course, even though he said that, how could the emperor remember the name of a small official in his heart at this time.

That night, the officials of the Second Department of the Ministry of War immediately came to the imperial decree, and made Lu Huan a cavalry captain with a partial post, supervising the Yulin cavalry, from the fourth rank.

The principals of the second department were all stunned. I saw their foreigners often run to General Zhenyuan’s mansion before, thinking that they were just doing chores for General Zhenyuan. After all, General Zhenyuan didn’t look down on them in the Ministry of War and dealt with them. But all of them are some intriguing literati.

But I never expected that Lu Huan would be promoted again after only a few months!

At the age of sixteen, he has already passed the fourth grade!

The chiefs of the second department were envious. Even the second department chief was jealous. Seeing that Lu Huan had been promoted to two positions in a row, he was now even higher in rank than him.

In General Zhenyuan's mansion, General Zhenyuan was rarely happy. He set up a banquet for Lu Huan, and toasted his friends such as Captain Yun one by one, and asked them to take care of and support Lu Huan one or two.

General Zhenyuan had no children, so he was planning to adopt a son of Ning Wangfu like this

The old lady of Prince Ning’s mansion was considered a distant relative of General Zhenyuan. If he were to adopt, this young man who was somewhat distant from him would indeed be the best candidate—

However, in the past, General Zhenyuan was the one who despised Prince Ning's mansion the most!

Everyone looked at the nose and nose and looked at the heart, and they couldn't help but take a high look at this young man who had been emerging in the capital for the past year.

So, they all went over to make a toast.

The previous boss and the boss had to call Master Lu.

At the same time, Prince Ning's mansion also exploded. Lu Huan has moved away from Prince Ning's mansion for more than a few months, but in just a few months, he has been favored by General Zhenyuan and promoted to the fourth rank of the Ministry of War? !

The old lady was so excited that she wanted her servants to hurry up and ask Lu Huan to come back, but she tried her best to suppress her excitement when she thought that Lu Huan was entertaining in General Zhenyuan's mansion.

At this time, she didn't realize that Lu Huan had decided to make a clear relationship with Ning Wang's mansion, and thought it was her wise decision to send this son to the court, otherwise this son would have today!

And Mrs. Ning Wang, who had been helpless since her family's downfall, heard the news, and she was naturally resentful.

Leaving aside these words, a message quickly popped up on Suxi's screen:

[Congratulations on completing the sixth task: control the famine, move the capital, and obtain the title of "unknown businessman", which initially attracted the attention of the emperor. 】

【Congratulations for getting 10 points reward! 】

Suxi is lying in his heart, the cub has been dizzy in the past few months, and lost so much weight. These two parallel tasks have been completed together at once, and now the points are—

She counted, and her eyes suddenly lit up with excitement. There were a total of 72 points!

The cavalry commander has a side job. From the fourth rank, he is in charge of the Yulin cavalry. The official uniform is crimson, with lions embroidered on it. Suxi also likes it very much. So far, the cubs have accumulated three official uniforms. , she looked very accomplished.

This evening, Zaizai was supposed to be entertaining at the Zhenyuan General's Mansion, but for some unknown reason, he suddenly came back in the middle, followed by a person from the Zhenyuan General's Mansion, who seemed to have just told him something, which made him extremely excited.

He wasn't sure if Suxi was there, but he rushed back from the General's Mansion immediately.

Suxi didn't know what happened to make the cub so happy, so happy that the corners of his brows and eyes lit up, faintly ecstatic - he has been busy around the clock for the past few months, and has lost a lot of weight, as if just for the sake of this moment.

Is it because of promotion

Suxi was a little funny in her heart, she thought that the cubs should be calm about getting promoted and getting rich.

It wasn't easy for Zizai to go from the small Chai Yard in Prince Ning's mansion to today. She was so happy for Zizai every time that she exploded, but Zizai herself always looked like she was not afraid of honor or shame.

Today it's the other way around. Grandma sees him being promoted as if she saw him get good grades again, and she's used to it, but he himself is walking fast, like running towards the moon.

When Suxi saw him coming in, he closed the door and stopped the guards outside, so he knew that he should be looking for him.

So he grabbed a pear flower and stuffed it in his palm.

The sixteen-year-old boy ran through the market and ran back, with a thin layer of sweat covering his fair forehead.

Out of breath, he looked down at the snow-white pear flower in his hand, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously brought a smile.

Immediately, he looked into the void, with ecstasy shining in his eyes, as if he was going crazy with joy.

In Suxi's eyes, Zizaibaozi's face was filled with unprecedented excitement, and there were several rows of little suns lying on top of his head - what happened

Su Xi was overwhelmed by his excitement and excitement, he couldn't help but grinned, and tugged at his hair, trying to figure out what happened.

Then, she tried her best to hold back her ecstasy, took a deep breath, and said to her, "I found someone who can help you stay safe!"

It seemed that he was too excited, and his voice trembled a little.

His eyes were full of hope: "Let's go see that person tonight, okay?"


She breathed for a second.

She never imagined that in the past few months, the cubs would croak, day and night, without even having time to eat a few more bites.

Recently, she saw that Zizai did not study those books that asked about spirituality, and thought that Zizai had finally given up, and she was relieved.

But it turned out-

The cub's obsession is far more profound than she imagined.

Suxi looked at such a cub.

She looked at the cub who didn't know what was going to happen in front of her, and her eyes were full of longing and hope, and her heart suddenly hung high.

Nothing happened yet, but her eyes were sore and her heart ached. net, net,,... :