I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 56


() Lu Huan didn't understand the mechanism of the bubbles appearing, he just guessed that it should have appeared when his inner emotions were more turbulent.

Suxi just saw bubbles appearing above his head, clapping the table and laughing wildly, not at all shocked, but he was used to it. It seems that bubbles have appeared above his head a long time ago.

… and don’t know what quirky idea pops up every time the bubbles come up.

Thinking of this, Lu Huan's face became more and more ugly.

He was simply unlovable.

Just like all the teenagers in the world who live in their sweethearts, he actually hoped that Xiaoxi could know the tossing and turning thoughts in his heart.

But at the same time he was afraid that she would know.

He was afraid that once she found out, she would never open the brick in her hand and come to him because she felt awkward and strange. His dynasty and her world spanned thousands of years, and he feared her loss more than anyone else.

Moreover, at that time, between the two, I am afraid that even the current relaxed and warm atmosphere cannot be maintained.

However, judging from the attitude that Xiaoxi still only regards himself as a cartoon villain on a screen, the bubbles popping out of his head should never say the words "like" and "heart".

Thinking of this, Lu Huan felt a little relieved even though he was in a complicated mood.

But every time she opened the bricks to find herself, she couldn't help but feel joy in her heart. When she didn't come to find her, she couldn't help thinking about it in her heart. When she came and went to sleep, she Although she urged her to go to sleep, she still had thousands of reluctance in her heart... There were too many emotions related to her, and it was difficult to control.

Lu Huan was afraid that one day, if he was not careful, the bubbles above his head accidentally revealed his unspoken thoughts for him.

So, when Xiaoxi came to him next time, he took a deep breath, tried his best to focus on the things in front of him and what he said to her, and tried his best to keep his inner emotions from fluctuating too much.

Suxi is not a fool, and soon found out that the cub is a little strange.

Usually, the bubbles above his head will pop up every three or five times. Even if there is no text in the bubbles, small suns, small red hearts, and desolate little leaves will pop up to express his mood, but since the last time it popped up once After the thought of "wanting to return to the capital", no bubbles appeared for a long time.

This isn't the weirdest place yet.

In the past, because he didn't know which direction he was in, when he talked to himself, he looked into the void subconsciously. But recently, the direction he looked at was very fixed, and he all looked up at the front - even if there was a table in front of him. Could it be that he thought he would stand on the table and talk to him

Not only that, but sometimes his expression will be a little different. For example, when he clapped the table and laughed wildly, he shouldn't be able to see himself, but the expression on his face was a little unrequited and stiff. .

Suxi was puzzled, and subconsciously interpreted it as something that the cub might have kept from him and didn't want him to know, so it was strange.

There is nothing to talk about between himself and him, what secrets can there be

Is there any new progress about the emperor and his life experience? He can't tell himself directly? Or was the disaster in the north worsening again, causing him to be so worried that he couldn't tell what else to think about? Or, let him be embarrassed to say puppy love to grandma? But he was in the barracks, surrounded by cartoon soldiers with long beards, where would he have the chance to fall in love early? !

... Su Xi's head hurts at the thought, so he decides not to speculate.

But in this way, after she opened the game, she couldn't help but stay on the cub for a long time.

Before, he might have looked around and looked at the other small officials walking around on the screen, but now he can't help staring at Zaizai's face to see what's wrong with Zaizai.

But after watching a lot, Su Xi actually gradually gave birth to a feeling of "the cub doesn't seem to be a cub anymore".

From Ning Wangfu to the Ministry of War, her pictures have always been cartoon pictures. In her eyes, Zizai has always been a short-handed and short-footed milk dumpling image. No matter what actions or expressions she makes, she always spit up milk.

Even if he is angry, on Suxi's side, he has a steamed bun face, and he can't see any majesty at all.

But now the cub is in front of her every day with the title of "Lu Huan, who can marry and have children in Yan country at the age of seventeen" - that's right, I don't know why, as soon as his sixteenth birthday passed, this title immediately followed. Changed, the game system is terribly smart.

In addition, he was wearing a pair of silver armor, a golden animal girdle around his waist, and bronze heart guards on both sides. A handsome young man who couldn't take his eyes away from anyone who looked at him.

In addition, he had specially emphasized his height of more than eight feet before, so that Suxi did not open the top-down view, but opened the head-up view.

As a result, every time Su Xi was taken aback by the height of his tall boy, and the cartoon villains around him who had not yet opened the original paintings were set off by him like dwarfs.

Zaizai has always maintained the original painting of a boy. His frowns, frowns and smiles occasionally are very real in Suxi's eyes. She couldn't help covering her heart and thinking. No wonder the daughter of the Minister of War came out that day and wanted to Sent.

And when he was discussing matters with General Zhenyuan and others, when he was contemplating the layout, his every move had an indescribable ancient manner.

The current seventeen-year-old boy was unparalleled and handsome, and he was completely different from the previous breast dumpling who was less than Suxi's knees.

After seeing his pattern for a long time, Su Xi almost lost his mind. Every time he called "Zaizai" in his heart, he would get stuck, and he always felt a little out of words.

But thanks to this spicy chicken game! She wants to switch to the original cartoon mode, but the game can't be switched back!

Could it be that this is a mandatory "from extravagance to thrift"? !

Su Xi felt a little depressed in her heart. It felt like the cub that she raised with her own hands suddenly grew up one day. She couldn't say the word cub at the handsome face of the boy.

Before Cub didn't have his sixteenth birthday, and when he was younger than Su Xi, Su Xi could still laugh and call out "Little Call". But now, seeing that the cub was seventeen years old, she was three months older than herself according to the time, and she couldn't even say the word "small call".

Is there such a person who is 1.8 meters tall and can still be a cub

This kind of conflicted and complicated mood was originally only a little bit. After all, she met with the cubs every day, so she would not give birth to any strangeness.

But this little bit of discomfort, but on this day, as soon as she went online, she saw the cub was taking off her armor and robe, and it reached its peak in an instant!

Before Suxi could close his eyes, he saw the naked/naked upper body of the young man in the tent!

He had just finished patrolling with the soldiers, and got off the horse from the outside, let two soldiers guard outside the tent, then stood beside the bed, turned his back to Su Xi, took off his armor, and took off half of his robe, and picked up the table. The Jinchuang medicine on the case began to be applied to the wound.

The juvenile's skin is like a layer of white glaze, smooth and graceful. After nearly a year of exercise and battle, it has thin and not exaggerated muscles, revealing a kind of youthful youth and adult men's. A sense of calm. There seemed to be an arrow wound on his shoulder, and blood oozing out, destroying the beauty like a tear, adding a sense of beauty to battle damage.

Suxi: Gan!

Suxi saw Zizai's body when he was changing his soaked clothes when he was still a milk dumpling, but at that time Baozi's body was also soft and white, and he couldn't see anything at all.

She didn't expect that the cub's figure is actually very predictable!

She was so caught off guard that she saw all the cubs!

Although Suxi has no distracting thoughts about Cubs, she usually doesn't look at the little yellow pictures, and she doesn't have the chance to watch intimacy scenes in TV dramas. Her mind is still relatively simple, and she has never pretended to be someone else's flesh/body. I thought that the first time I watched it was actually a game cub! Her face suddenly burned involuntarily.

Su Xi rubbed his face, trying his best to calm down, he was still injured.

She hurriedly exchanged the 100% effective Jinchuang medicine from the mall, tore off the cub's robe, and said anxiously, "Why are you injured again?"

Whenever Lu Huan was not on the battlefield, he would keep the curtain open. When he looked up, he saw that she had also opened the brick in her hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's just a scratch."

Suxi zoomed in on the screen and landed on his arm. Seeing that it was really just a scratch, it wasn't a big problem, so he was relieved a little.

The bruise was on the back of the arm, so it was difficult for the cub to bandage herself, but Suxi was also a little clumsy across the screen, and it was difficult to operate. She was afraid that she would cause pain to the cub, so she did not offer to help with the bandaging.

But fortunately, the cub was quick and easy to bandage, and then bowed his head and put on his robe.

As soon as he lowered his head and put on his robe, his long hair as black as a waterfall fell on his smooth and powerful shoulder blades, and Suxi didn't know where to look.

Suxi wanted to cry without tears in her heart.

Why, why can't this game change back to the original milk dumpling mode, now her face is inexplicably hot, and the interface doesn't dare to stay in the tent anymore.

She hurriedly switched the interface out, coughed at the cub, and said, "I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent, and I will come back later."

Lu Huan felt a little lost in his heart. He planned to discuss other matters with her, but he didn't expect her to leave in less than half a second, but there must be something urgent, so he couldn't stop her.

So he nodded, trying his best not to let his disappointment show, and said with a smile, "Okay, see you later."

Suxi quickly turned off the screen, and the scene where he accidentally bumped into the young man undressing was still lingering in his mind.

She shook her head, jumped off the sofa, and frantically performed a set of radio gymnastics against the air. Then she thought that she had consumed the fat and was no longer afraid. She took out two packets of potato chips from the TV cabinet and said "Kachakacha" "Eat up.

And Lu Huan, who thought she would really have something urgent to go out: "..."

Lu Huan also found that Suxi was a little strange recently, and he hurriedly closed the curtain because he had something to do, but he continued to stay at home, eating potato chips boredly, it didn't look like something happened.

Lu Huan couldn't help but start to wonder if she had done something wrong, causing her to not want to see herself as much as before.

Lu Huan wanted to take time to have a good talk with her, but the military was urgent, and the task of rescuing the more than 100 old, young, women and children was imminent. When the time comes, ask her what's wrong.

Huiyan Mountain Canyon is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you directly lead the army to approach, I am afraid that those hostages will be slaughtered immediately.

For now, there is only wisdom. General Zhenyuan decided to hand over the matter to Lu Huan, and asked him to select ten people to form a team of eleven, pretending to go to spy, accidentally caught, and captured by the enemy.

Only in this way can they go deep into the enemy camp and rescue those hostages.

It's dangerous, but it's the only way.

The enemy already knew Lu Huan's face. After Lu Huan was captured, he would definitely receive revenge. This revenge couldn't be as simple as a flesh wound. Therefore, after they entered the enemy camp, they must take the more than 100 people away as soon as possible, otherwise the safety will be unpredictable.

This trip is extremely dangerous. Because of the danger, Lu Huan does not hope that Suxi will see the process of her injury, and she will be shocked.

He thought about it and set the time of the action to be late at night with heavy snowfall.

The northern military camp was silent, only the mourning of some people who lost their loved ones came from the city. After Lu Huan and several subordinates of General Zhenyuan disguised themselves and put on the armor of the enemy army, they bypassed the mountain forest and headed towards Huiyan Mountain Canyon.

Lu Huan ordered in a low voice: "As soon as possible, after being captured, try to burn the battalion's food and grass, no later than this time tomorrow."

The other ten people who were with him nodded solemnly.

Lu Huan calculated very clearly that she had just fallen asleep at this time, and she was going to the school tomorrow, and she would not open her curtain until she returned from the school. Then, at twice the time flow rate here, it should be exactly two nights and one day.

By this time tomorrow, late at night, I can go back to my tent.

The enemy army has retreated to Huiyan Mountain. Although exhausted at this time, it is also the moment to hold on to the last breath, and strictly control all the soldiers entering and leaving Huiyan Mountain Canyon.

The enemy was naturally worried that the Yan ** team would come around from the back of Huiyan Mountain and go straight into the hinterland, so they concentrated all the hostages into the canyon, making the canyon an impregnable wall.

When Lu Huan and others disguised and sneaked in, it was difficult not to be discovered by the enemy.

The enemy has already been discovered, but they remain silent, just wait for them to get close to the canyon and catch them all in one go.

But as everyone knows, this is the trap of the Yan ** team.

Everything went according to plan. The eleven-person team was quickly captured. Only ten people were captured in the canyon, but the enemy did not know that there were actually eleven people who set off. At this time, the attention of the leader guarding the canyon was completely focused on Lu Huan and the others. General Zhenyuan's direct subordinate, General Zhonglang and others, were on his body.

He recognized these people as all the heroic players in the previous battles, especially a cavalry captain surnamed Lu who was said to be the heir of General Zhenyuan. !

However, when Lu Huan and the others were tortured with whips for hundreds of times in the canyon, over there, the enemy's food and grass in the hinterland of the canyon suddenly burst into flames!

The enemy was caught off guard by this move, and hurriedly dispatched troops to put out the fire.

Lu Huan and the other nine people took the opportunity to loosen their ties and go to the prison to save people.

All actions must be done quickly.

After the people were rescued and the enemy could no longer threaten the Yan ** team with their lives, they rushed back to the Yanshan Mountain and rushed out a good archer. The arrows were loaded with fire, and the arrows were fired in unison, and the road was blocked with large stones. The people trapped in Huiyan Mountain will be wiped out in one fell swoop!

When Lu Huan and others escaped back to Yanshan Canyon with more than 100 women, children, and children, there were already people from General Zhenyuan outside to meet them. General Zhenyuan was overjoyed and brought people to meet them in person.

Most of these more than 100 people are relatives of the people in the city. Their relatives have long been waiting outside the city with the army. When they saw a team returning from a distance, the people could hardly control their excitement. They burst into tears and rushed over. Pick up.

However, in the end, it was impossible to rescue everyone. Some of the very weak hostages did not make it to the Zhenyuan Army to rescue them during the torture of the enemy during this period.

At this time, many people were holding their last breath. After returning to the city, they fell unconscious and fainted to the ground, so the doctors in the city rushed to take care of them.

The rest of the rescued people who were still sober knelt together and kowtowed to thank the Zhenyuan Army for their life-saving grace.

The fire outside the city is blazing into the sky, and the city is in chaos, but in any case, after today, the war in the north will be extinguished a lot, and the enemy has suffered heavy losses.

"Captain of the Cavalry!" A doctor in the military camp came to see Lu Huan's injuries with a medicine box, but at this time there was a shortage of doctors in the city, so Lu Huan asked him to see other people's injuries, not to mention Lu Huan was not used to his body. Being contacted by others, he hurriedly resigned to General Zhenyuan, and then returned to his tent, wanting to deal with the injury before she came.

Lu Huan didn't add any serious injuries, but after pretending to be captured, there were several whiplashes on his back and neck. These whiplashes were not unbearable for him, but falling into After returning to the hands of the enemy troops stationed in Yanshan, the enemy troops sprinkled salt on their wounds in order to pry open their mouths and get the topographic map of the northern border.

As a result, the wound was dripping with blood and it was a bit scary.

Before taking off the coat, he could only see the white coat was stained with blood. Before he took it off, he could see the wounds with open skin and flesh.

Lu Huan asked someone to bring water, and after skillfully rinsing the wound, he applied Jinchuang medicine. Although the skin and flesh were a little numb, Lu Huan was faintly happy. After the successful completion of this mission, there should be more than a dozen points added. getting closer.

Thinking like this, he didn't pay attention to the strength in his hands, the wound on his shoulder burst open again, and Lu Huan couldn't help frowning.

He wanted to fight quickly, but he had so many whiplashes on his body that he had to slow down a little. When the clock on the wall of Suxi's house turned to 5:30, he hurriedly put on his clothes and fastened his belt. , put away the blood-stained bandages on the ground, and ordered the people outside the tent to throw them away.

He sat down in front of the desk and began to transcribe the military situation. Except for a wound on his neck that was hard to hide, he couldn't see that he had been seriously injured.

Suxi usually takes out her mobile phone and goes online as soon as she gets home from school, but since she accidentally bumped into Lu Huan's naked body last time, she has been more cautious when she goes online again.

After she opened the game, she first covered her eyes, opened one eye quietly, revealing a slit, first to see if the cub was taking a bath again, and saw that he was sitting in front of the desk with his clothes intact. He breathed a sigh of relief and completely put down the hand covering his eyes.

The feeling in her heart was strange... The main cub suddenly became a handsome boy who "can marry and have children at the age of seventeen", which made her no longer as shy and ashamed as before. Aren't the ancients very concerned about their famous festivals? Zaizai must also be very concerned. He will marry a daughter-in-law in the future, so his innocence can't be sullied by himself.

Suxi went over and said hello to Zaizai: "What are you writing?"

She glanced at it and found the military situation in the transcription, and the words of the cub were as beautiful as ever.

Lu Huan was surprised by the way she just covered her eyes - what's wrong with her, is it because her eyes are uncomfortable? But Lu Huan was not easy to ask, so he had to stare at the curtain in front of him for a long time, making sure that her eyes were fine, and they were still as dark and bright as always, and then he was relieved.

Lu Huan smiled at her and said, "You're here, I think in a few months, the army stationed in the north will have to return to the court, and then..."

Before Lu Huan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Xi.

Su Xi suddenly pulled the interface up to his neck, and said in surprise, "Lu Huan, what's wrong with your neck?"

Lu Huan found that she seemed to finally stop blurting out that she was calling herself a cub, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. He subconsciously held his neck, but the injury could not be hidden, so he wrote lightly: "Last night we went to rescue those hostages. I suffered a little injury, but it was not serious."

It's no big deal. This is the most serious injury Suxi has ever seen since the march! Su Xi was anxious and angry. He was anxious to see that his clothes were neatly dressed and his long hair was meticulously tied. Obviously, he had just taken a shower, why should he take a shower? It must be a serious injury, and I don't want to let the blood soak through the robe and be discovered by myself. Annoyed, he had already said that if he wanted to act, he would call himself in advance, but he took advantage of his sleep to complete the task!

Suxi gritted his teeth and didn't speak, and hurriedly rummaged through the mall to find the 100% effective Jinchuang medicine.

This golden drug Lu Huan can also be bought from the mall, but every time she sees her anxiously buying from the mall, Lu Huan has a feeling of being cared about. He likes this feeling very much, so he does not I personally took Jinchuang medicine, but bought it from her every day.

He smiled and watched her choose Jinchuang medicine, and spent a lot of money.

As soon as Su Xi looked up, he saw that there was a smile on the corners of his eyes and brows, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Smile, stand up!"

Lu Huan: "..." He suddenly discovered the fierce side of Xiaoxi.

Suxi asked Lu Huan to tighten the curtain a little, and then came over. He refused to take off his clothes to let her see the injury, so she did it herself.

This time, Suxi didn't care about the nonsense of men and women, and he frantically pulled off the cub's robe. When his eyes fell on the wounds that had been sprinkled with salt, he suddenly gasped. It's just bloody, shocking.

With such a serious injury, why did he just sit there and transcribe the military intelligence report without changing his face? Still smiling at yourself like nothing happened

Suxi's eyes were red, and he really wanted to say that if we should go to General Zhenyuan to report his illness, let's go back to the capital first, but he swallowed the words again.

With a sour nose, she sighed, and carefully and lightly poured the Golden Chuang Medicine onto Lu Huan's body again. It was only after his wounds were covered with a thick powder of medicine that he asked him to wrap the bandages again and put them on. good clothes.

Suxi didn't feel very well. Not only did he feel that he didn't take good care of the cub, but he also felt that with the passage of time, the cub didn't seem to need him anymore.

He is brave and resourceful, can manage the military well, is favored by the generals, can also lead troops to fight, stabilize the morale of the army, and can easily prevent the conspiracy of assassinating the emperor.

Even if he is injured, he hides it from himself and does not let himself find out.

If he doesn't need him anymore, what else can he do? I can't really go online and chat with him every day. In that case, when he gets married and has children, he will definitely start to get bored.

Unwanted = useless person.

And he has been weird recently, the bubbles above his head no longer come out, as if he no longer opens his heart to himself.

Suxi didn't know what to do, so he rubbed his eyes, pretended that nothing happened, and said to the cub: "Next time you're injured, tell me, or I'll get angry."

Lu Huan said: "Okay."

He put on his robe and fastened his belt, and suddenly a soldier came from outside the tent: "Master Qidu, among the people who were rescued, a peasant girl claimed that she was the daughter of a former imperial physician, who was good at treating people and wanted to In return for your life-saving grace, I have brought you boiled medicine for internal use, which can help you recover sooner."

Lu Huan didn't care about any medicines. After all, Suxi's golden medicines already had miraculous effects.

However, after taking it, it would not be a bad idea to distribute it to his colleagues who went deep into the enemy camp with him that day, so he whispered to Suxi, "I'll come when I go."

Suxi: "Well."

The daughter of a former imperial physician? Suxi had been immersed in the game for so long, and suddenly had some kind of hunch, so he opened the system in the upper right corner and took a look. Sure enough, he saw the "Harem" column, which added "Liu Ruyan, the daughter of the former imperial physician". .


This broken game really hits the nail on the head, even after marching to fight, don't forget to arrange a harem for the cubs!

Suxi quickly turned the interface and moved outside the tent, and sure enough, he saw a woman standing opposite the cub.

She opened the original painting and took a look at the woman, and saw that although the woman's eyes were pale, she did not have the beauty of the daughter of the Minister of War, nor the allure of the daughter of Wansan Qian, but she did not have a gentle taste in it.

At least, after opening the original painting, it is very suitable for the cub, and the height is only the chest of the cub in the big cloak, which is very petite.

She took out the boiled medicine bag and didn't know what to say to the cub. Anyway, Su Xi didn't pay attention to the dialog box that popped up.

Seeing that Zaizai accepted the medicine bag, he handed it to the soldier behind him.

Suxi didn't know why it was a little sour in her heart - she didn't have it before. She saw Cubs dodging the hydrangea like a ghost before, and she hated that iron was not steel, thinking that Cubs and straight men were helpless.

But now Zizai is no longer a straight man, instead of driving the woman away, he accepted her medicine bag.

But Suxi was not so happy in his heart.

It may be because Cubzai used to be a milk dumpling, and Suxi, with the mentality of watching a play, looked forward to who he would like, and he looked happy.

But now, she found that the cub liked to hide everything from herself more and more, and no longer needed herself, as if she had grown up, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

And this feeling is even more uncomfortable when another person appears in the harem of the cub.

After all, the cub has indeed reached the age of marriage. He hasn't gotten married yet, and he doesn't express his thoughts to himself very much. After getting married, he will definitely not be able to return to the state of talking about everything with himself.

Su Xi raised his eyes and looked at the line above Cub Cub's head that read "At the age of seventeen, you can get married and have children in Yan Country", only to feel even more dejected.

She also didn't understand why her heart was in a mess, she shouldn't be like this, but she felt uneasy in her heart for no reason.

... Is the cub not needing himself more and more

After seeing the cub back in the account, she settled down and transferred the interface back to the account.

After Lu Huan sat back at the desk again, he asked, "Are you still there?"

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. As soon as he looked up, he saw Xiaoxi on the curtain. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he was a little embarrassed.

She was silent for a while, then said, "It's still there."

Lu Huan saw that she seemed a little down, but she didn't understand why. Could it be that something bad happened to her when she just turned off the curtain and left the tent

So Lu Huan couldn't help asking: "Why don't you talk, is there something unhappy about it?"

Suxi scratched his head and said, "No."

She couldn't help but opened the interface in the upper right corner and glanced at it again, and found that Hanyue and Wansan Qian's daughter had just appeared in this column before and disappeared directly, but the peasant girl who was rescued by the cub still remained. Staying in this column has not disappeared.

Does this mean that, compared to the first two, the cub has a little more affection for this peasant girl

Maybe when I return to the capital this time, I can bring people back directly. And then develop what kind of drama.

Although I should be happy for the cub, but when I thought that the cub was injured just now, I didn't tell myself, and I had to find out by myself. She felt sour in her heart.

Hahaha, cub, you have someone else to help you cook the soup, right? Don't need old mother anymore

Suxi was slandering like this, and Lu Huan clearly felt that her mood was a little low in the curtain, but he couldn't see why. Looking around, he only saw that her lips were a little dry and peeling, probably on their side. If things stay in the air conditioner for too long, it is easy to catch the cold.

Lu Huan recalled the last time she suffered from dysmenorrhea and rolled around, she couldn't help worrying for a while, thought about it, and urged, "Drink more water."

Suxi: "… "

Suxi was even more upset, and couldn't help but glared at the cubs on the screen.

But you still have to speak very kindly: "Hahaha, okay, I will, you rest early, I will see you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lu Huan put down the brush and asked, "Do you have anything to leave?"

There was nothing wrong with Suxi, she was just in a mess, looking at the big words "marry a wife and have children" on the top of Lu Huan's head, her eyelids jumped, and her mood became even lower.

She said, "Well, I have something to do. I'll go first, bye."

Lu Huan was lost in his heart, so he had to say, "Goodbye."

Su Xi scratched his hair and turned off the screen.

She was actually quite afraid that the cub would one day no longer need her own, because although it was just playing as a game at the beginning, but after a long time, she also had a deep affection for him.

She doesn't quite know what this kind of feeling is, whether it's a conversation accumulated from day-to-day company, or a warm feeling from him, or a little bit of mutual understanding and gradually becoming an indispensable friend of that feeling.

So she was almost a little scared that he had grown up.

But instead of being afraid of him growing up, Suxi thought, what she was more afraid of was that one day he would really marry and have children, and he would gradually forget himself if there were more people around him who could accompany him.

And here, I can only watch from a distance.

On the one hand, Suxi felt that he was thinking too much, but on the other hand, he felt a little uneasy because he had talked with the peasant girl for so long.

She stood up from the desk, put her head down on the bed, then pulled out the pillow, smashed it frantically, and kept casting spells on herself: "Don't think about it, don't think about it!!"

Lu Huan, who has been staring at the curtain, wanting to see what happened to her: "..."

What's the matter, Lu Huan thought, her sunflower water period has clearly passed.

The author has something to say: a seventeen-year-old cub who can get married and have children: she is really a straight girl, and she doesn't understand my mind at all.

Suxi: Cubs are stupid and straight! Drink more hot water, drink it yourself!

Thank you all for waiting. I went to the hospital to check it, and it was all right, just a little common cold (the whole family was scared to death qaq) and I came back and hurry up to update.

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"Wearing into the life of seventy-nine born koi [Wearing the book]" by Yuanfang Ancient Road

One sentence copy: Koi little lucky star, the more favored it is, the more prosperous it is!

Ran Yingying spent her last life almost making wedding dresses for the male and female protagonists.

Work, studies, fame, and even her parents died under the indirect conspiracy of the male protagonist.

Died with regret, but crossed into the world of immortals and became a koi immortal cultivator.

Just when she was about to become an immortal, with a "bang", she was split back into her first life, the early 1970s when she couldn't get enough food and clothing.

Only then did she know why she was so unlucky.

Her existence is just a stepping stone to the success of the male protagonist.

It is also the disaster star in his mouth.

In this life, will my mother die young

Dad will be discharged early because of disability

Dad's job as factory director will eventually be replaced by his cousin

The catastrophe of the mother and father

Not at all!


she! Yes! sky! pregnancy! Kam! carp!


Everyone found that Ran Yingying was the happiest one.

Since she was born, the Ran family has been racing day by day.

Parents pet, brother love, drink brown sugar every day, eat eggs

The Ran family became the first million-dollar household in the village.

Cars drove up, and the big guys who could only be seen on TV showed their favor.

There was even an invisible boss who actually knelt down on one knee and proposed to her.

Male/female: ? ?

Something doesn't seem right! ! !