I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Chapter 73


() After Lu Huan reviewed several recent incidents of robbery and assault in the capital, he felt that these cases were a bit strange.

If we really look at the people who have been arrested and brought to justice in Dali Temple, these cases should have nothing in common. It's just that a few rioters suddenly broke up in different places at different times. Who can predict that the next one will happen again. Where, to say what countermeasures are, it can only be to remind the people to pay attention to safety.

It seems that there is no connection, but one of the details is a bit abrupt, which caught Lu Huan's attention-the perpetrators of the two cases, according to the dossier recorded by Dali Temple, were in poverty and poverty, but the place where the crime could be committed was in the west of the inner city. city.

There are two major markets in the capital, which are divided into East and West markets.

Because the West City has a river for water transportation, it has always traded a lot with Hu merchants. Over time, almost all the things sold in the West City are some rare animals, gold and silver treasures and other high prices, only the people in the palace and the dignitaries. something you can afford.

And a street running through the East City is the place where people in the city purchase and trade, hold lantern festivals, and gather lively.

The land on the west side is also expensive, and only the residences of important officials of the imperial court can be placed here. Previously, Lu Huan was in Prince Ning's mansion. Since Prince Ning's mansion was in decline, the mansion was only in the more remote east.

In other words, most of the ordinary people buy good and cheap things in the outer city. Even if they have a little silver in their hands, they are half of the rich in the capital. At most, they only go to the East City to purchase some materials. After all, most of the people who come and go in the west are the children of noble officials. If they accidentally collide, they will not lose their lives.

Therefore, it is very strange that these two offenders are clearly family members, but they committed crimes in the West City.

What were they doing in West City on the day they committed the crime

Lu Huan asked the two people under his hand to check it secretly. It was not the words of the bosses of the liquor stores and fireworks around the West City on the day of the case. These Dali Temples should have been investigated before they can arrest the perpetrators. And these people are also very easy to be bought, and it is a waste of time to ask again. He asked people to check all the people entering and leaving the West City on the day when several cases occurred.

The West City has a large flow of people and the jurisdiction is not strict, which is extremely difficult to check and requires the cooperation of people from the Ministry of Households. Therefore, it took two days for Lu Huan to get the file. He asked his subordinates to select the people who were in the West City on the day when several cases occurred. With such a sifting, one hundred and ninety-eight people were selected from the tens of thousands of people who passed by.

Among the one hundred and ninety-eight people, several people caught Lu Huan's attention.

Among them was a businessman from the Western Regions who had transported trees and carpets to the capital two months ago, a businessman from the Western Regions who came to the capital several times with a pointed hat, a robe and a high nose.

Lu Huan went to the Office of the Minister of War. When people from the Western Regions step into the territory of Yan State, they must have a customs clearance letter, and they have to go through an evaluation by the soldiers stationed there. Therefore, Hu Shang's evaluation of the Ministry of War should have received it.

The Minister of War hurriedly took him to the warehouse, and it took two subordinates a long time to find out the evaluation record of this Hu businessman from the backlog of customs clearance documents. I saw that the assessment of the soldiers in the north was violent, but his eyes were like falcons, and his appreciation ability was extremely strong.

The Minister of War knew that Lu Huan was secretly investigating the matter recently. Seeing that he had closed the copy of the customs clearance letter, he turned around and closed the door and asked him, "How is your ninth highness?"

"I'm afraid this matter is not as simple as what Dali Temple found out." Lu Huan said.

After such an investigation, he almost had a completely different speculation about the recent crime committed by rogues in the capital.

He frowned, and said to the Minister of War, "Those two traders who have never been to the West Market before, but have defiled and killed two women in the West Market, should be just scapegoats."

The Minister of War heard it and said: "The crime under the feet of the sky is different from the crime in the state and county. The person handling the case is to carry out the case with his head in his head, not to mention that the Queen Mother was rammed a few days ago, the emperor was furious, and ordered the matter to be investigated as soon as possible and arrested. The prisoner is in prison. If someone dares to cover up, it is a crime of deceiving the king. The wind is tight, who dares to be so bold?!"

Lu Huan glanced at the Minister of War.

Although the words of the Minister of War was a question, he had already turned a corner in his heart.

There was a lot of commotion in the capital, and the Fifth Prince and Dali Temple were currently investigating. Now Dali Temple has arrested all the perpetrators and reported them to the imperial court, but in fact, they just caught a scapegoat to take the blame. The emperor thought the matter was resolved, but for the time being, Longyan Dayue felt that the Dali Temple was very efficient.

But if you investigate deeply, you will definitely find that the wrong person has been arrested, and there is someone behind Hu Shang's cover. The emperor has not been confused. Although he neglects the government, he is not a stupid person. Otherwise, he would not be able to sit in this position. It is only a matter of time before he finds out. And even if he hasn't found out after half a month, someone will definitely stab him in front of him and let him find out.

At that time, either the Dali Temple has caught the wrong person due to its fault or omission, or the Dali Temple was bribed to cover up the Hushang and framed innocent people.

The fifth prince is also to blame.

When the emperor was angry, he should resign from Dali Temple and ban the feet of the fifth prince.

But it would be strange if things were really that simple.

Lu Huan said: "I checked the name of Hu Shang, and I saw that he has not had any transactions in the capital in the past two months. The relationship is very clean, and it is almost impossible to find out who he is. It's just that when the prince was born last year, he happened to pass by. In the Prince's Mansion, he carried rare treasures in to congratulate the Prince on his birthday. If we had to investigate, it would only be the relationship between him and the Prince."

If he can find out this layer, so can the emperor.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War said: "What do you mean, is it that the prince and this Hu Shang are involved in the fifth prince? But the prince does not have so much attention. If this kind of thing is not done by the prime minister, it is more like the fifth prince's envoy. A bitter plan to design yourself in to bring down the prince."

"Your guess is not wrong, but there is a lack of evidence at present. No one can be sure who this Hushang belongs to, and who is doing things for him. It is not a bad idea to say that it is a few other people in the palace."

The Minister of War said: "The second prince has always been low-key and doesn't interact much with people. Although the third prince is flamboyant, he is also incomprehensible. It is not impossible to say that it is these two. But now—"

The Minister of War was reminded, and suddenly he was agitated. Isn't it Lu Huan who is now the one who attracts the wind? ! If according to the speculation of the two of them, the emperor begins to investigate the matter, and Hu Shang suddenly insists that Lu Huan did it, then the matter will be big! This is really possible. Although the prince is the only one who has a direct relationship with Hu Shang, among the princes in the imperial court, only Lu Huan has a rich identity outside the palace, saying that this Hu Shang has something to do with Lu Huan in the north. Contacts can also be created out of obscurity.

At that time, no matter who it is that Hu Shang is found out—or that Hu Shang insists that he is who he is, then that prince will become someone who murdered with a knife, framed the prince, and pushed the fifth prince.

At that time, I don't know who the emperor will believe.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War thought about this, and he broke into a cold sweat and said, "I have never thought that a mere rogue in the capital could lead to so many crimes. There is not much evidence now, and it is impossible to find out who set up this scheme."

After thinking about it carefully, I felt that the prince, the second prince, the third prince, and the fifth prince were all possible. And if it wasn't for him and General Zhenyuan to understand Lu Huan's temperament, I am afraid that Lu Huan would be the most suspicious. After all, he dragged the prince and the fifth prince into the water with one stone, and the rest of him was the most famous person in the capital. In this way, he will be the most benefited.

He will think so, I am afraid that the emperor will think so too.

Although there is no evidence to show that this incident was brought about by Lu Huan, Lu Huan calculated it, and it has been more than April since he returned to Beijing. In addition to the prince and the queen who tried to use the concubine to install people around him, the other princes may have tried to arrange eyeliners into his mansion, but his mansion was guarded by a group of Yulin troops who returned from the north. , the eyeliner can't squeeze in at all. Four months have passed, and the people hiding in the dark didn't dare to act rashly at first, but now, no matter what, they can't help themselves.

Lu Huan had exhausted his appetite for these struggles, and felt that it was boring, but since the soldiers came, they would naturally have to block them.

He said to the Minister of War: "For now, don't care who set this plan, just break the game."

When he asked the Minister of War to go to court the next day, he proposed several measures on the Golden Throne Hall - dividing the East and West markets into clearer areas to facilitate management, and implementing a curfew. Patrol in the capital. If a suspect is caught during the curfew, they will be beaten, or killed.

Apart from the previous crime committed by rogues, there are quite a few occasional crimes in the capital, which can reduce the crime rate to a certain extent.

If this move is found to be feasible after trial in the capital, it can also be implemented in various states.

After the minister of the Ministry of War in the Jinluan Palace proposed this move, some officials agreed, believing that this move would greatly maintain public order, while some officials strongly reprimanded, believing that the curfew would affect people's livelihood, and there has been no debate for the time being.

Ignoring this for the time being, Lu Huan asked Tai Lieutenant Yun the next day to bring a few officials to the West City to talk about things—or rather, pretend to talk about things.

Taiwei Yun and the prime minister are political enemies. Once Taiwei Yun goes, the Prime Minister will definitely try to find out what he is conspiring with those officials.

The important task of breaking the game fell on the only prime minister who was still sober in the prince's party.

After Lu Huan arranged some things, he waited for things to develop.

In addition to this matter, the previous task 16, to promote the law of frivolous and low pay, is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two, but also needs an opportunity. Lu Huan wanted to reach 300 o'clock earlier, so he became more and more sloppy in government affairs.

However, Suxi is on summer vacation. After a while, she will go to school after the third year of high school, so there will not be many opportunities for the two to date.

So Lu Huan would go directly to Suxi after finishing his government affairs quickly every day.

At the end of summer, the long summer vacation is about to end, and the last few days are extremely hot. I know that the community in Suxi and Lu Huan's mansion are all screaming with the same tone. Huo Jingchuan begged Suxi for a long time, but Suxi couldn't resist his soft and hard bubbles, so he called Lu Huan to play basketball with them.

The basketball court is in the school. After the holiday, the teaching building cannot be entered, but the school can still enter.

Huo Jingchuan's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Huan, and went over to say hello: "Brother Lu, I miss you so much!"

Some time ago, a member of their team suffered a sprained foot, and there has been a shortage of people. As a result, several boys in the class couldn't play basketball for more than half a month. I have wanted to call people from other teams for a long time, but they are not familiar with each other and are prone to conflicts.

And Lu Huan is simply the most suitable candidate. He is tall and can intimidate the opponents on the team, but he is a novice in basketball and will not overshadow himself—

Huo Jingchuan thought so secretly, and while looking at the girls who were gradually gathering around the playground, the small abacus in his heart rattled.

The handsome guy Lu Huan has a handsome face, which can attract a lot of beautiful girls, but when he starts playing basketball, those girls will find that although this guy is handsome, he is a complete rookie in basketball. Huo Jingchuan, who is second only to him in appearance, but his basketball skills are much more beautiful than him.

In this way, the eyes of those girls must be all focused on themselves.

Huo Jingchuan was so smugly immersed in his own dream, and his eyes looking at Lu Huan became more enthusiastic.

Lu Huan tied up his long black hair, wore a peaked cap, and wore the crayon Xiaoxin short-sleeved sleeves that Suxi picked for him.

Although the dress was a little childish, the expression on his face was cold and cool, which immediately attracted many girls near the playground who went back to school to pick up things.

Many people gathered around the basketball court and sent text messages to their friends to scream.

Although Huo Jingchuan is the same age as Lu Huan, growing up in a greenhouse can't compare to a little fox like Lu Huan who grew up in political struggles.

Lu Huan could roughly guess Huo Jingchuan's thoughts, and felt a little funny in his heart. However, Huo Jingchuan usually took care of Su Xi a lot, and after Lu Huan determined that he was not someone who could threaten him, he also had a bit of goodwill towards him.

He nodded to Huo Jingchuan and said, "Brother Huo, please explain the rules to me, trouble."

Huo Jingchuan has become accustomed to his elegant way of speaking, explaining to him about three-pointers, shooting, and fouls. The other team members all looked at him with the eyes of the new continent.

Su Xi was wearing a short-sleeved skirt, holding his jacket in front of him, and standing beside the playground guarding a box of mineral water. Gu Qin stood beside her.

Suxi was a little nervous. After seeing someone wearing a couple's sweater in the mall last time, Lu Huan asked her to swipe his card and buy two pieces.

After a long time of soft grinding and hard soaking, Suxi bought two pieces of crayons, and she had Mei Ya on her body.

Although Lu Huan didn't know these two cartoon characters, his eyes were bright and he was obviously very happy. Seeing him so happy, Su Xi went with him and wore a couple's shirt with him.

But I never imagined that there were so many people in the playground today. Su Xi was guilty of being a thief, his cheeks were hot, and he used his coat to block the pattern in front of him.

Those girls stared at Lu Huan, their eyes lit up, and there were many discussions, but Gu Qin had seen Lu Huan several times, and his immunity had improved, so he couldn't look away.

She whispered to Suxi about the gossip before the holiday: "I heard that the day after the school grass handed you the movie ticket, I did the same trick and asked the girl from the next school to watch a movie."

"Really?" Su Xi stared at the court while he was a little nervous because of the clothes he was wearing. He was afraid that Lu Huan would play basketball for the first time and he would not listen to Gu Qin's words when he bumped into it.

Gu Qin was more indignant than him, flipping through the gossip in the school and saying, "Why are boys like this now, I don't think they like it at all, it's just a pastime, fortunately, Xixi, you didn't go to the movies with him that day, or else you'll be successful. A laughing stock."

While talking, Gu Qin's eyes suddenly fell on a girl in a knitted sweater and a long skirt on the edge of the playground, and suddenly grabbed Suxi's arm: "Look at Suxi, that girl is so beautiful."

Compared with the topic just now, Su Xi was obviously more interested in this. Her nervous attention was slightly diverted, and her eyes suddenly lit up with a "swoosh". She held Gu Qin's hand back and asked, "Where is it?"

"There." Gu Qin stretched out his finger and said, "I don't know where she bought her skirt, she looks good, I guess she can't wear it, Xixi, you can try this style, don't be casual all day. already."

Suxi stared at the girl intently, and said with admiration, "It's really beautiful, and the black long straight is so good-looking. Why haven't I seen it in our school before? Is it from the school next door... Go and ask... "

Before she could finish her words, she felt a chilly air on her body for some reason.

She looked at the cooling source subconsciously, and saw that the basketball court had not yet started, and everyone else was warming up. Lu Huan warmed up, turned his arms, and looked at himself faintly.


She suddenly remembered that Lu Huan was marching to fight, and his eyesight and ears were very good. He could hear him even at such a distance of ten meters.

Suxi's words came to his lips, and suddenly turned into a crazy rainbow fart: "No! The figure is good, but not as good as Lu Huan! He looks good, but I don't think Lu Huan is as good-looking!"

Gu Qin: ...

Lu Huan's expression relaxed, but in the following warm-up, he kept blocking Suxi's line of sight to that young lady, intentionally or not.


The author has something to say: Su Xi: I am too difficult.

Lu Huan: It's too difficult for me to guard against men and women.

88 red packets in the front row.