I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 100: famous


In the ring, two boxers with bruised noses and faces are holding drinks...

"Great! Very good!" The director said loudly: "Cheng, great job!"

Seeing Cheng Hao like this, the director was not as scared as he was at the beginning, and happily continued to direct.

"Come on, you stand side by side, hold the drink high together, do the same action as before, and then smile!"

"That's right, that's it!"

"Andy, you have to act happy."

Andy: "..."

Andy Maltz's eyes were about to burst into flames, but now that he's been beaten, this ad was managed by OC, and he can't just clap his hands and leave.

Thinking of this, he raised the corners of his mouth aggrievedly.

The "match" is over, and the agent who "wrestles" in the corner also ends the wrestling.

The corners of Old George's mouth were swollen, but he was in a very good mood: "Asshole, don't let me see you next time!"

Andy's manager didn't say anything cruel. He glanced at old George and then at Cheng Hao, with a particularly sinister expression.

"I told you a long time ago, my boxer is the best!" Old George looked at Andy's manager proudly.

Andy's agent is a tall white man, he was also a boxer before, so he didn't suffer in the fight with old George, but his clothes were messed up.

At this moment, he looked at Old George coldly: "Don't be too happy."

As he said, he grabbed the injured Andy's arm as soon as he stepped onto the stage, and dragged Andy outside: "You idiot, you can't even beat such a boxer!"

His actions towards Andy were really rude, Old George frowned when he saw this scene: "He did this to his boxer!"

Boxing agents depend on boxers for a living, and under normal circumstances, agents treat boxers well.

Old George will be very fierce to Claude, but when facing Cheng Hao, he will restrain his temper.

Cheng Hao was also a little surprised to see Andy being dragged out. After all, Andy's viciousness just now was not fake: "OC company is not good to boxers?"

"I haven't heard of it." Old George said: "They have been advocating how good they are to boxers."

It's because no one said that OC company was not good to boxers, and Andy became the boxing champion later, and he didn't leave OC company.

Now... Is he not famous yet, so the manager doesn't take him seriously

After thinking for a while, Cheng Hao put the matter aside. He asked Galen to take out the disinfectant, and then asked Galen to disinfect him while chatting with the director.

"Cheng, you're very talented in filming!" The director said to Cheng Hao: "The effect of this advertisement will be very good!"

"It was directed by the director... I'm sorry, there was an accident just now." Cheng Hao said.

"It's okay, I've figured it out, competitive spirit... You all respect the sport of boxing very much," the director said.

Cheng Hao: "..." In the situation just now, it wasn't that he and Andy respected boxing at all, they just had a grudge, so they fought.

But it's not bad for the director to think so... Cheng Hao offered to invite the director and the staff present to dinner.

It was quite troublesome for them to make such a fuss just now, and it is already time for dinner... I just invite them to dinner as an apology.

The director happily agreed. As for Old George, although he has a bad temper, he still does things very neatly, and soon contacted a good restaurant.

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and Cheng Hao also learned some inside information from the director. For example, the reason why the beverage company asked him to shoot commercials was because they wanted to enter the Asian market, so they immediately took a fancy to him.

As for Andy, it was stuffed in by OC Company for free.

Cheng Hao found out that Andy was cruel to him during the filming, so he already knew that the beverage company must have nothing to do with OC Company - the beverage company also has business, and they definitely don't want the people they invite to shoot commercials to be in the middle of the filming. accident.

So, that Andy came here specifically to fight him? Why

Cheng Hao was a little puzzled.

On the other hand, Andy went into a clinic to treat the wounds on his body, and his agent was on the phone.

"That violent kid is really strong, and Andy can't beat him."

"They clearly have a problem with our company."

"You need to plan ahead."

After the phone call, Andy's manager looked at Andy: "You have trained for ten years, but you can't even beat someone who has only trained for three years!"

Andy looked cold and didn't say a word.

Cheng Hao didn't know about Andy and his agent. At this time, he had already checked into the hotel arranged by the beverage company and was calling Danny.

Before the cochlear implant was installed, Danny had already learned a lot of words and sentences, and learning to speak was relatively simple, at least he could speak some simple words now.

However, it is still difficult for him to communicate with others. He can't understand others who speak fast or in a soft voice.

For example, when Cheng Hao called him, he often couldn't understand what Cheng Hao meant.

But he still likes to call Cheng Hao, very much.

At this moment, Cheng Hao prolonged his tone and spoke to him slowly: "Danny, I shot an advertisement, and you can see me on TV in the future."

"Very good!" Andy said.

Cheng Hao laughed.

Cheng Hao talked with Danny for a while, and was about to hang up the phone when Lin Yuxun's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Cheng Hao."

"Yuxun? Is there something wrong?" Cheng Hao asked.

"It's okay..." Lin Yuxun said.

"I'll hang up if it's okay." Cheng Hao said and hung up the phone, and he was a little embarrassed after hanging up.

It has been a long time since Lin Yuxun confessed to him, and he has not responded, but it has to be said that since then, he has often thought of Lin Yuxun, and the more he thinks about it, the more complicated his mood becomes.

Before Christmas, seeing Monica and Lin Yuxun getting close, I was a little unhappy.

When he realized this, Cheng Hao was stunned.

He didn't even know that he liked men before, even if he liked men, but he was attracted to such a child, how beastly

No, he may not be tempted, it's simply that he has never been in love before, and it is rare for someone to confess to him, so he got into it.

Maybe he should find a partner... but he has no contact with anyone now, and he is not liked by everyone... Where can I find a partner

Cheng Hao was a little irritable. At this time, the old George who lived with him in the standard room asked, "You and your brother...I mean Tony, did you quarrel?"

"No." Cheng Hao said.

"I don't think you guys talk much," said Old George.

"No, we still talk a lot! But now he has his own things to do and has grown up, so I don't need me to explain this and that to him all day long." Cheng Hao said.

The relationship between Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun is really not obvious on the surface, and old George has no doubts. Embarrassment appeared on his face, and he suddenly said, "I have something I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Hao asked.

"It's about Monica. She seems to like your brother." Old George looked at Cheng Hao: "The two of them, do you have a chance?"

Cheng Hao was taken aback for a while, and then said after a while: "Old George, too many relationships are involved, which is not conducive to our cooperation."

Old George said: "It's okay to change your agent... But I know, Tony definitely doesn't like Monica. Monica is too stupid, she shouldn't have children. If she doesn't have children, those boys will like her of!"

Cheng Hao said: "Yes, she is very beautiful."

"That's it." Old George said, without continuing the topic, he didn't like to hear people comment on his daughter.

Cheng Hao returned to the company after filming the advertisement.

George Sr. arranged a few more games for him, and through these games, he had some fans, and some people even bought gifts for him after he participated in the games.

Cheng Hao likes these gifts quite a bit. I don’t know if it’s because he likes to eat, but his fans give them all food!

It is still all kinds of vacuum packaging, absolutely no food with hands and feet.

Cheng Hao accepted it very happily every time, and I have to say that these foods saved him a lot of money.

Now the clothes that Cheng Hao usually wears are all given by the company, and the travel expenses for participating in the event will be reimbursed by the event party. In the end, he doesn't need to spend any money.

His boss, Mr. Carter, learned of this, and even came to see him specially, and said that he was different.

In April of this year, Cheng Hao, who participated in many competitions outside, and finally did not let the competition sponsors lose money, returned to the city where he lived.

He is going to participate in a game here, and then he will start preparing for the next WBA professional boxing match.

The company hopes that Cheng Hao can achieve something in this match, so that his career as a professional boxer can go more smoothly.

Cheng Hao himself also hopes to show himself well in this game.

His company gave him a signing bonus of US$300,000, which was actually an investment. They hoped that he could create value far beyond that, and he himself expected the same.

After all, the greater the value he created, the richer he was.

Moreover, his contract with the company is for four years. During these four years, he has developed well. Even if he can't get the signing bonus of tens of millions in the future after four years, he can still think about the signing bonus of tens of millions.

Cheng Hao plans to fight in the boxing world for more than ten years, and then deposit the money he earns separately in the bank, earn interest, and then find a job that does not make much money but is stable and not dangerous, so as to live the rest of his life well.

Of course, before that, he had to buy a house.

Cheng Hao had such a goal in his previous life, and he had achieved it, but in this life, he still thinks so.

Cheng Hao is now a rising star in professional boxing, and there are many people who follow him. This time, the opponent ZYF has found for him is very strong and well-known in the professional boxing world. .

The boxer didn't want to compete with Cheng Hao, but the company and old George made some efforts before he agreed to compete.

Cheng Hao also attached great importance to this game.

The place where this match is held is the city where he lives, and it is the starting point of his boxing career. He wants to fight well in the match here.

Before the game, Cheng Hao went back to Old George.

Lin Yuxun and Danny have moved out now.

Danny is still studying in a special school, and his current grades cannot keep up with the students in ordinary schools, so Lin Yuxun did not transfer him. Of course, there is another reason why he did not transfer, that is, Arthur still stayed in that school Not only that, Arthur's father, Mr. Investor, who is also the director of the school, also hired a tutor to teach Arthur.

It was good for Danny to stay at that school and study with Arthur.

To let Danny experience normal school life, we have to wait for him to talk smoothly.

Because of this, Cheng Hao only stayed with Old George for a short while, and then drove to Danny's school to pick him up.

He planned to pick up Danny first, and then pick up Lin Yuxun. He will live with Lin Yuxun in the next few days.

Although there is something unclear between Lin Yuxun and Lin Yuxun, to Cheng Hao, he and Lin Yuxun Danny are family... The most important thing is that Danny will want to be with him.

What's more, Lin Yuxun recently moved to a two-bedroom house, where he could sleep with Danny.

The original house was a bit small, and it didn’t matter if Danny lived there when he couldn’t hear the sound—at that time Danny was asleep, and Lin Yuxun could do other things, but now Danny can hear the sound.

If Danny was sleeping, Lin Yuxun would be doing things next to him or bringing his friends back to discuss issues, which would disturb Danny.

Cheng Hao picked up Danny smoothly, and it was still early, so he took Danny to Lin Yuxun's school.

Cheng Hao didn't know where Lin Yuxun was studying, so he could only ask someone.

At the beginning, Cheng Hao thought it would be difficult to ask where Lin Yuxun was. After all, the school was too big, but the fact was just the opposite.

He didn't even take the initiative to ask someone, someone found him: "You are a violent boy! I have watched your game, and I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Hello..." Cheng Hao looked at the other party in surprise, did he have his own fans in college

"Are you here to find Tony? Do you want me to take you there?" the man asked.

"Thank you." Cheng Hao readily agreed.

Cheng Hao took Danny and chatted with this white young man while walking: "Do you like boxing very much?"

"No, it's mainly because in our school, someone has been showing your game video." That humane.

Cheng Hao was taken aback: "It's Tony?"

"No, it's Galton... But it can also be said that it's Tony. He provided many of your videos, but he's busy and usually doesn't care about these things."

Cheng Hao chatted with this white young man, only to find out that Galton was actually promoting himself in school.

As for the method of publicity, it is also quite simple.

University life at this time is relatively boring, and the student union will rent some movies and videos, and show them to students for free in some classrooms, which is quite popular.

As a result, starting last year, Galton suddenly set up a classroom, and then began to show some boxing videos, most of which were Cheng Hao's matches.

He didn't play it every day, only twice a week, but after a long time, many students still knew of Cheng Hao's existence and that Cheng Hao was Lin Yuxun's elder brother.

Now that Lin Yuxun is in school, he can be regarded as a famous figure. The teachers in the school like him very much, and many students also worship him. Knowing that Cheng Hao is Lin Yuxun's elder brother, more people start to pay attention to Cheng Hao. proud.

Today, Cheng Hao is quite well-known in this school.

Knowing this, Cheng Hao was a little proud.

After Cheng Hao walked for a while, he came to a building, and the man who brought him said: "Professor Chapman's laboratory is here, and Lin Yuxun is generally here."

"Thank you." Cheng Hao thanked, and then saw Lin Yuxun walking out.

When Cheng Hao met Lin Yuxun, the advertisement he shot a few months ago had already attracted the attention of many people.

That beverage company is quite ordinary in the United States. Recently, they have set their sights on Asia.

There is no such thing as sports drinks in Asia. If they can seize the market there, they will definitely make a lot of money.

So, the company hired an Asian like Cheng Hao to shoot the advertisement, and spent a lot of money on the advertisement. They even brought this video with them when they talked about cooperation in investing and building factories abroad.

In addition, this advertisement is always on TV, and for a while, some people who don't pay attention to boxing know Cheng Hao.

Many Chinese living in the United States have noticed Cheng Hao: "I don't know if this is Chinese or Japanese..."

"He punches really well!"

"It's a star? Looks like another kung fu star."

Some of these people just read it, but some went to find Cheng Hao's information, and when they found out that Cheng Hao was actually Chinese, they immediately felt a sense of pride.

A Chinese, won the American Golden Gloves boxing match, how amazing!